Alien Queen

Chapter 30 - George College

Walking to a building outside the martial arts field, Fatt waited outside. Li Junshan followed the Marquis of Sweet into the building and saw a huge hall. Just like the martial arts field, the ground was all neatly paved with white stones .

   “Nicholas, let your summon beast out for me to see.” Sweet sat on the chair in the middle of the hall, staring at Li Junshan.

   Li Junshan’s thoughts moved, and a special shape came out. At the same time, he suddenly felt several invisible murders overshadow him.

   Don’t think about it, Li Junshan knows that it was sent by the hidden guards of the Marquis’ Palace.

   “Surely it is the same as Rose said.” Sweet looked like a torch, looked at the alien and nodded, “It is indeed a very strange Warcraft, Nicholas, how many such Warcraft can you call?”

   “Five.” Li Junshan didn’t want to say it all, and replied without thinking: “Originally, there were ten. Before I came to the capital, I went to the Luoyue Mountain and experienced five losses.”

   “It doesn’t matter.” Sweet comforted: “The most important thing for you now is to practice the summoning technique and expand the spiritual space and spiritual power. In the future, you can call as much Warcraft as possible, and now you don’t have to worry about the damage to the summoning beast.”

“The city of Florence is too far away, and my old bones are at another age. Although many things are known, they can’t be controlled. You can rest assured that from today on, your parents will not be treated unfairly within the family.” Sweet Sigh slowly.

“You only need to practice the summoning technique in the future. You don’t have to worry about other things. Like your current age, you can summon six Warcrafts. If you can practice meditation and make a breakthrough, the future is unlimited. The future of the family depends on you. These young people, I will ask someone to arrange it later, Nicholas, do you want to live at George College, or do you live here with me?” Sweet motioned to Li Junshan to take back the alien shape and show his amiable smile.

   “I can live in the college.” Although he knew that he was attracting people, Li Junshan was still very comfortable. He replied: “This is also more convenient to practice and saves you running and wasting time.”

  Sweet also had no politeness, and nodded and said, “Then you have to rest first, after the formalities are completed, I will let Bernie take you to George College to enroll.”

  Li Junshan stood up and said goodbye. Sweet smile appeared on Sweet’s face. He yelled, and Bernie walked in from the building immediately like a shadow.

   “Is that Crower the same as Ross said?”

   “Yes, sir.” Bernie stood down and said, “It’s a very virtuous viscount, and his wife is a bit deeper than his mind.”

   “Write a letter to Ross, well, Crower’s fields and manor will be taken care of by himself later, and no one else in the family should interfere.”


“Also, that York can be punished with a little punishment. How can he say that his son is now an intermediate magician and is the future pillar of the family. Since York has been injured by Nicholas, this is the case. Let York pay 100,000 gold coins to Crower. I heard that his chamber of commerce business is good.”

Bernie should be respectful. Sweet thought for a while, then looked up and said: “You go through Nicholas’ admission procedures first, and then go to Finney City after finishing it. I received the news last night that there was a A side-by-side family member turned out to be a 16-year-old senior magician.”

  Berny responded with a smile, and said with a smile: “Congratulations, lord, these boys will become the most powerful pillars of the family in a short time.”

“Don’t think too simple.” Sweet pressed his hand to the forehead and sighed: “After so many years of the Reims empire, the upper families do not know how many, especially the five major families living in Lyon, which one It can be weaker than us. Hey, those old guys are all concentrating on practice. My waste person has no accomplishments in grudge and magic. I can only select some elites from the next generation of the family to help out. Fortunately, the Harriman family and In the struggle of other families, add more weight.”

  Berny stood quietly, the white face was full of respect and caution, until Sweet waved his hand, then he bowed, turned and walked out of the hall slowly with a rigorous pace.


George College is located in the middle of the southern city of Auston City. This imperial college, which was built together when it was established in Orton City, has more than 400 years of history. It has remained the throne of the First Academy of the Reims Empire for hundreds of years. .

   Li Junshan and Fatt, the overage magician students, walked into the main entrance of George College hundreds of meters wide, and were shocked by the statue of about twenty meters in the bright magic fountain at the door.

   It was an old man, apparently from the delicate depiction of the master’s stone carving, perhaps because of the frequent repairs. The old man’s facial expressions were lifelike, the wrinkles cast by the sword were covered on the old man’s cheeks, and the lively eyes were lightly tired and longing.

“That was Mr. Soros, the first dean of George College.” Bernie sighed on the side: “In order to build George College as soon as possible, Mr. Soros worked hard and eventually died before the college’s upcoming first admissions ceremony. That night. At the time, His Majesty King Andrew personally ordered that the most famous master of stone carving complete the statue to comfort this great and selfless dean.”

During the speech, Bernie led them into the academy. Like Li Junshan’s previous school, three or two students took a leisurely stroll in the academy, except that they had some magic wands and long swords in addition to the teaching materials. Class of weapons.

“The entire George College is divided into four districts. The Southern District is the College of Magic and the most famous district of George College. Most of the famous magicians of the Lance Empire are from the Southern District. The Northern District is the Warrior College, which is more popular than the Magic College. There are many, but in general, the combat effectiveness is not as good as the Southern District, which is why the profession of magician is highly respected and popular in the mainland.” Bernie stepped on the stone road and talked while walking.

“Eastern district is more complicated. There are classes such as pharmacy, alchemy, summoning, etc. It is also a district with a small number of students. It is usually quieter. The western district is a dormitory area. The teachers and boarding students in the college live in the western courtyard. Of course, the living conditions are different for different identities. By the way, the dormitory I have arranged for you is room 309 on the fifth floor. Everything is ready, and you can just go and live at that time.”

  Li Junshan and Fatt watched and watched. Most of the college’s buildings are very old, but they are very neatly repaired. The walls are full of epic patterns, revealing the taste of history.

   “Master Nicholas, there is the entrance to the Eastern District, do you need me to take you to the registration office?” Bernie pointed to a large arch that appeared at the end of the road.

“Thank you, Mr. Bernie. Don’t bother, I will go on my own.” Li Junshan took the yellowish admission list from his hand and said to Bernie with a smile: “My companion has to trouble you, take him Report to the Magic Department.”

  It is Li Junshan’s own idea to let Fatt come to George College to study magic, and the tuition fee cannot naturally allow the family to come out. Li Junshan took half a bag of gold coins from the space ring.

  Berny shook his head with a smile, without speaking, he led Fatt to the Southern District.

Li Junshan also wanted to try it out. When he saw that he was not in the right mood, he put away his wallet and walked into the gate of the Eastern District. He stopped a teenager who didn’t know what to say in his mouth. He asked: “Where is the summoner going to school? “

   “Summoner?” The teenager with a few freckles on his nose raised his head and looked at Li Junshan in surprise. He pointed to the west corner of the eastern courtyard and said, “It’s over there.”

  Li Junshan politely thanked him, and stepped up to the west corner. I saw a huge stone house there, and there was a dusty table at the door. There was a broken leg on the table, and the bottom was covered with stone, and a card was carried on it, with the words “Caller’s Registration Office” written on it, and the card was broken, and Li Junshan looked at it for a long time.

   Li Junshan probed his brain for a long time, and no one appeared. He couldn’t help running to the stone house to knock on the door.

   “Boom”, nobody cares.

   “Boom” is still ignored.

  Li Junshan was a little puzzled and couldn’t help but stretch his hand. The door opened with a squeak. He stretched his head in and looked at it, couldn’t help but stunned.

   The stone room is very large, with a height of about 100 meters. Except for a few tables and chairs in the middle of the east head, the large stone room is empty.

   Sitting on the table and chairs sparsely, a dozen people didn’t know what to talk about, and they heard the sound of the door opening. There are different ages, there are juvenile youth, there are several young people, and even a half-size beard.

   “Is this the place where the summoner registers?” Li Junshan yelled room is full of his echoes.

   “Are you okay?” The bearded man greeted him politely.

   “Uh, I am here to sign up.” Li Junshan handed him the admission list.

   “Wow, there is finally a new life.”

   “Yeah, it’s so rare.”

   Others rushed over, surrounded Li Junshan in the middle, and shouted.

   “Are you a teacher?” Li Junshan bowed slightly.

   Luo cheeks blushed and said: “I…I am also a student, but… I have learned a little…some longer.”

   “Uh.” Li Junshan was suddenly speechless, and he was free to deal with the strange and strange problems of several other students. His eyes were scattered around, and there was no thing like a summoner.

   “Don’t look for it again.” Luobei saw Li Junshan’s thoughts and said, “After every morning of lecture, Mr. Randolph went away and rarely came back.”

   Li Junshan was dumbfounded. He looked at Zuoyouwang with a few glances and couldn’t help but ask: “How about the summoner students? Are these just a few?”

   “There are two more, but I don’t come often.” Luobei reached out his hand and said enthusiastically: “My name is Jeffery, how about you?”

   “Nicholas.” Li Junshan shook hands with him and introduced each other to several other enthusiastic students.

   “Is this the George College Summoner Class? The largest Summoner Class in Auston City?” Li Junshan wondered if he was wrong.

   Several other students nodded, and a teenager named Vernia said, “This is all right. Basically, other colleges have canceled the summoner course, and there is no place to learn.”

  Li Junshan only felt a little dizzy, and said that the summoner had fallen, but this is also exaggerated!


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