Alien Queen

Chapter 1762 - Who can you trust


“Well, I actually think this idea is good.”

The delicate and beautiful face was full of loss, Ya Qina looked very depressed, but Li Junshan didn’t notice the trace of cunning flashed in her beautiful silver eyes like stars.

“Every “Dragon Class Warship” hull has a layer of energy defensive cover on it, but it is not on the ground, not to mention that it can withstand the twelve main gods’ continuous and full-strength attacks for a long time without breaking up. The energy defense cover outside the main ship of the ship, you can’t imagine how amazing the energy defense cover can block the prying eyes and resist the soul attack, but it also perfectly hides hundreds of thousands or even more blood in the main ship. Warrior’s breath.”

Afraid of hitting Yaqina’s self-confidence, Li Junshan instead comforted her and said, “This method you said won’t work, even if the alien can feel the iron-blooded warriors by virtue of its extremely keen perception and natural enemies with the iron-blooded clan. The location, but this magical and terrible energy defense cover puts an end to what you say.”

“It doesn’t matter, this method doesn’t work, we have another method.”

Yaqina smiled slightly and then said: “The previous one was the best strategy. Let’s talk about the strategy now, but before I talk about this method, I have to figure out a little bit. Did the signal of’Black Stone Castle’ come from the family of’Mosnil Dark Iron’?”


During the spiritual communication, he responded to Yaqina. Li Junshan’s eyes glanced through the layers of greenery and looked into the air, the leaves were not moved by the wind, and the alien queen suddenly appeared like a ghost in his vision. among.

It is estimated that the alien queen felt that she had come to the “elven plane” and had not passed in such a close situation. It was estimated that it came to see what was happening. Li Junshan felt warm. Far from the spirit of the alien queen said: “It’s okay, I’m sitting here quietly to figure out something.”

Nodded slightly. The alien queen did not say much but disappeared into space.

“Since the dark iron-blooded family of’Mosnil’ responded to the signal of’Blackstone Castle’, it’s easy to handle.”

Yaqina snapped a snap finger and said: “Similar to the equipment in the “Black Stone Castle” that continuously sends out help signals, we also have the bases of the “Armoured Iron Blood” family, let Isaac they open that After the instrument is placed in the sub-ship in the base, you find a way to get the sub-ship into another plane group, as long as you keep sending signals to make the’Mosnil’ iron-blooded family think that their clan has been with them for hundreds of millions of years They came to this plane as before, I think they will definitely contact or contact the sub-ship.”

“Actually, this method makes the bases that we have now better as bait, but the bases can now fly but not space jumps, let alone the space jumps between the eccentric face groups, and you can’t get to the position of Master Mitchell. Face group. That also means that the’Mosnil’ iron-blooded tribe is fooled. The decisive battle will take place in our plane group, I think you don’t want to see this.”

Suddenly giving Li Junshan enough digestion time, Yaqina then said: “Use the sub-ship as bait, or use the base as the main ship of the “Armoured Iron Blood” family, this is up to you.”

“This is a good idea.”

Li Junshan pondered for a moment and said, “But they may not be fooled. After all, different from the past, the’Mosnil’ Jagged family must be careful to do things step by step. They know that the’Jagged’ main ship can receive our bait message. The main ship’Mosnil’ that we have can also receive it, and they may not be fooled if they know this.”

“It’s possible, and this method is related to the third method that I think is the best policy.”

Yaqina’s eyes fell to the alien army lying quietly on the thick “bacterial blanket” in the distance, but the spiritual communication suddenly diverged from the topic: “Tell me about your relationship with other gods and you Who can I trust?”

“Why suddenly ask this?”

Li Junshan was a little strange in his heart, but he responded honestly: “If it were not for the threat of the “dark iron blood” clan, the rise of aliens and me alone were enough to make the main **** world wreak havoc. The situation is very delicate now.”

As he sorted his thoughts, Li Junshan said: “The most trustworthy is the’demon pupil’ Sadez. From his front, he told me that Manacido and Helen are not far away from the’future’. There was a discussion that can be seen. ,’Dead pupil’ Sudez is worthy of my trust at least for now, and I also believe that he will be trusted in the future.

“Manacido discussed with Helen about the “future”? When? What did they discuss?”

Yaqina Yuanshan picked up her eyebrows like Qingdai.

“It was when I came back that “Demon pupil” Sudez was in the main control cabin of the main ship with Manacido and Helen. However, when they were talking about the “future”, they had put Sudzi support It’s open, so they don’t know what Sadz said.”

“Well, you go on, what about the other gods?”

Yaqina frowned habitually.

“I personally think that the relationship between Demon Eyed Sudzi and me is the most reliable. After all, he can be said to have succeeded under my shade when he became the main god, and he has only just realized the main god, if all the main gods happen In war, it is definitely not too difficult for other main gods to destroy him, so I believe that in the future we estimate that the main **** war will come true, and he will certainly stand by my side and form an alliance.”

Li Junshan is still more confident when saying this, but then his tone is not so firm.

“It should belong to the “lord of light” Manacido. I haven’t touched it before. I thought that the main **** with the title of “light” is probably just like the “Pope of Light” we once fought. Guys, but I don’t think so after contacting now. As the name suggests, Manacido is definitely the kind of person who looks the same. This is because he first achieved the main **** but did not kill the “dark main god”, “destroy the main god”, etc. The main **** can be seen. As for later, I think he can’t do anything else. The other four main gods are determined to control the number of main gods to less than five. Now.”

“You can’t hide your flaws. As you say, Manacido is a gentleman.”

After sitting for a long time, Yaqina said that she stood up and walked along the river channel where young dragons frolicked from time to time in the direction of “Dragon Valley” in Li Junshan’s “spiritual world”.

“But Manacido still has a big problem here, that is, he doesn’t like aliens very much, and he doesn’t like it very much!”

Li Junshan jumped into the woods, but with the intention to release Yaqina, at the same time he reached out and picked a blue Yingying wildflower in her hair.

People are more beautiful than flowers. When the mother-in-law Yaqina Ying’s lips rose to Li Junshan and showed a slight shy smile, Li Junshan only felt that whether it was the beautiful wild flowers in her ears or the everything in the world Have lost color.

It wasn’t Yaqina’s pretentiousness. After all, the time spent with each other was too short. Li Junshan and her child Fip had already reached the age of fathers, and Li Junshan really had too little time with her. I don’t know how long she hasn’t been intimate. But it was because a simple movement between the husband and wife caused a shy expression.

I kissed Yaqina’s forehead. The latter splayed the lips of the cherry lip playfully and pecked on Li Junshan’s face, then took his hand and stepped on the soft grass. Got up.

Holding the tender, tender and soft hand, Li Junshan said while walking: “The previous’blessing of the goddess of nature’ and the’blessing of the sea god’ experienced by thunderstorm, these are all the help of the gods under the guidance of Manacido. Me, not because he valued me very much at that time, but because he could see the future through the “God’s Prophecy”, he knew that the rise of me or aliens could not be changed, so in the process he I don’t mind generously dropping some favors to indirectly entice me.”

“But he has his bottom line.”

Looking at Yaqina’s beautiful face, Li Junshan continued: “Originally he could take me to the “Light Lord God World”, but the more I experienced and the more aliens revealed their savageness and cruelty, Manacido, who increasingly dislikes aliens, gave this opportunity to the “Dark Lord” Dret.”

“So you think in the future Manacido will do his best to protect you as he just said in Aston City, but this is just you, maybe he will still start aliens after our unknown accidents happen in the future. .”


Li Junshan nodded: “So Manacido deserves my trust, but I can’t change his point of view, so in the future he is likely to be at least an alien enemy.”

“What about other people? Helen, the lord of fate”, who can also see the future, do you think she will be your ally or alien ally?”

Yaqina tilted her head and looked at Li Her cheeks were lined with pink and delicate flowers lined with blue Yingying flowers.

“do not know.”

Li Junshan shook his head and smiled bitterly, “This woman behaves in a mysterious and unpredictable way, not to mention me, all other main gods can’t understand her mind, including the “light main god” Manacido who can see the future. You ask me now How can I answer these.”

“Intuition, just with the woman’s intuition, I think’Helen Destiny’ Helen is planning a conspiracy that is really bigger than the sky. Although everyone stands at different heights and angles, I have not been able to figure out what she has done until now. What I want to do, what I want, but I still use my instinct to think that she is a conspirator with a lot of words and words.

Yaqina said with a chuckle: “Small hill, this is my heartfelt words, not because I was jealous that she has always been good to you on the surface, I am afraid you will add another’sister’ to our family, you may want this Figure it out.” . )



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