Alien Queen

Chapter 12 - Leather Ryu Giant

(It’s the list, everyone supports it! There will be a chapter later!)


   The alien came out from the forest, Li Junshan controlled it to stop, jumped to the ground and collected the alien.

   “Hey, there is still nothing to gain.” He touched the magic crystal of the fifth-level Warcraft Red Flame Python in his arms. This is the result of today. Originally, he also wanted to conquer the red flame python, and who knows that his body was almost torn into rubber bands by four different shapes, but he still couldn’t help it. There was no way, Li Junshan had to let the special shape cut it from the abdomen, complete Peeled off the skin and took out the crystal core.

  On a stream not far from Fenghuo Town, Li Junshan has a top-secret stone cave, which hides the World of Warcraft fur and some bones that have been hunted since this time. Most of them are Level 5 Warcraft, and Level 4 is handed over to Anna to sell. It is also Anna’s idea to hide Level 5 and above.

“I don’t know how you got these things. The most famous wild wolf mercenary group in the town can’t hunt a level 5 warcraft for half a month. If these warcraft furs flow to the town, it will definitely cause an uproar. You Let’s find a place to hide.” This is Anna’s original words, Li Junshan and Fatt deeply agree.

   Walking along the wide street to Zhenxi Street, Li Junshan saw a group of people crowded in front of the gate of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Corps. The noise was very loud.

   “It’s terrible.”

   “Those dirty big men are too cruel.”

   “It’s really pitiful, half of my body is gone.”


   Hearing the sighs from the onlookers, Li Junshan became more curious. He was thin and flexibly squeezed into the crowd.

   There were more than a dozen people lying in the hall. The only priest in the town, Freny, was sweating and chanted a light therapy to heal the wounded.

With a glance, Li Junshan was horrified and horrified. Half of the dozen members of the mercenary regiment were already stiff. The remaining missing arms and legs were covered with blood. The worst soldier was cut off from the waist down. , The blood flow can’t live as if you were watching.

   “Who did it?” Li Junshan couldn’t help but whispered to Xilu around him.

Xilu was also terrified and said with a trembling: “They went to the desert in the north to find a gold mine, and they met a big man, and it was like this. This was still injured and ran back, but did not come back…” Thinking of the legends about the big man , Xilu could not continue without a cold war.

   “Big man” is what the residents of Fenghuo Town call the giants in the northern desert.

   “How did I get there?” asked a man next to it.

“I heard that it seems that the edge of the Luoyue Mountains has somehow happened recently, and you can’t even hunt only the fourth-level Warcraft. The so many people of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Corps want to eat, and they dare not go deep into the Luoyue Mountains. Go to the desert in the north to find gold mines.”

   Li Junshan shrank back subconsciously, and he naturally knew why this was. With the alien shape, he avoided many encounters with the wild wolf mercenary group who came to hunt in the forest.

The job of most mercenary groups and adventurers in Fenghuo Town is to hunt Warcraft crystal cores in exchange for gold coins. As for the protection of past merchants, others have believed that now the mercenary groups in the town themselves have stigmatized their reputation. The regular mercenary unions in the major cities of the empire hire people, and those well-equipped formal mercenary regiments are not what they can resist.

   “Ah!” The mercenary who lost his legs still didn’t hold on, yelling, his eyes wide open and his breath lost.

   “Go get me all back, there are several other mercenary regiment heads, please come over all.” The voice of the head of the wild wolf mercenary regimen Harissa came from the hall.

  Li Junshan stepped back and hurried back to the tavern. Fatt was still meditating in the house. Li Junshan ran up and down a few laps without seeing Anna.

   “Hill.” Anna hurried back from the outside, pulled Li Junshan aside, and whispered: “You have a lot of ideas, help your aunt to persuade Huck that bastard, and let him not follow those of the mercenary regiment.”

   Li Junshan wondered: “Uncle Huck is not a member of the mercenary regiment, what’s the matter with him?”

Anna’s face stiffened and sighed: “Huck’s wife had died in the hands of a big man before. He has always been cherished. Now that he listens to the trouble that those mercenaries might find the big men, he wants to follow his revenge. .”

   “It turned out to be the case.” Li Junshan nodded and said, “Aunt Anna, don’t worry, I must have a way to persuade him.” Then he ran outside the store.

   “Come back early after finishing things, today the town is too chaotic, don’t run around outside.”

Li Junshan waved to Anna to signal that he understood that he first ran to the Wild Wolf Mercenary Corps and pulled up Xilu. After a while, he arrived at Huck’s house. He heard the horrible sound of sharpening from the grocery store. .

   “Uncle Huck, what are you doing?” Li Junshan asked, squatting in front of Huck.

  Huck was holding a machete in his hand, grinding it with a hard grindstone knife, without lifting his head and said, “Small hill, you are still a child, ask what to do.”

  Li Junshan smiled slightly, turned to Xilu and said, “Your father is going to avenge your mother, will you go?”

   Xilu froze for a moment, then reacted, rushed into the backyard like a clouded leopard, and soon ran out carrying his giant axe, blushing and exclaiming: “Who doesn’t go and who is the bastard.”

   “Asshole.” Huck dropped the machete, rushed over and snatched Xilu’s axe, and cursed: “Go to death.”

   “How can I not go.” Xilu shouted with a neck around his neck: “I have been a junior warrior for a long time, and I have to advance to an intermediate warrior, why can’t I go.”

   “You can’t go even if you are a high-level fighter.” Huck raised his slap and gave Silu a slap in the face, screaming angrily: “I said you can’t go if you can’t.”

   “Uncle Huck.” Li Junshan interjected: “Silu is also a filial piety. Besides, his son’s revenge for his mother, there is no reason to stop even if God comes.”

“You know a fart.” Huck spread his anger on Li Junshan’s head, and said: “After all these years, we have two people in the Bob family, Xilu and me. Can I just watch the bloodline break in me?” In hand.”

“Wait for you.” Li Junshan said in his heart, with a serious sigh on his face, he said: “Uncle Huck, you also know that there are no back and forth to find those big men, why do you have to go? Do you want to kill one with your old life and even get revenge on the blood sea? But have you thought about it, Xilu’s temperament is straightforward, to put it bluntly is a bit reckless, doing things without brains, if you have something, do you think he will live well? ?”

   “Silu, what would you do if Uncle Hake died in the north desert?” Li Junshan asked Xilu.

   “Is it still necessary to ask?” Xilu gritted his teeth and said, “Go get revenge for a big man.”

“Uncle Huck, don’t be offended, did you hear Xilu’s words?” Li Junshan cleared his throat and continued: “After that, Aunt Anna can’t persuade you, and I can’t persuade you, but I have a way to stay Live in Xilu, but do you think his future life will be good? If you lose your mother and then lose your father, even if Aunt Anna can take care of his life in the future, do you think this is enough?”

  Li Junshan’s sentence was like a giant axe in his hand, hitting **** Huck’s head. The iron man finally couldn’t bear it, dropped the giant axe and hugged his head to cry.

   “Father.” Xilu also burst into tears and ran over to hug Huck, and the father and son cried in their heads.

“Uncle Huck, big man or human, hatred will only blind your eyes and heart. Big men and dwarves have already paid for their sins, what you have to do is to live well and bravely. Go on, remember, the power of love is the greatest.”

   Seeing Huck buried his head deeply, holding Xilu without saying a word, Li Junshan knew that he had dispelled his thoughts, and he was no longer fit to be present, so he stood up and walked out of the door.

“Actually, I came for Aunt Anna.” Li Junshan stopped slightly at the door without looking back. “Aunt Anna treats you, you should know clearly. The relatives who passed away do not want you to be like this.” Alive, being a man, come out of the courage of a man, don’t let your beloved woman worry about you in the back.”

  Finally, Li Junshan walked straight out, turned the corner and threw the grocery store behind, and he let out a long breath.

   “This job is really not easy to do.” Li Junshan just felt his throat dry.

   “What you just said is not bad.” A beautiful voice came from behind. Li Junshan froze, turned around and saw that Sally followed him somehow.

   “Sally.” Li Junshan was shocked and happy, and busy: “How did you come here?”

Sally smiled slightly, exposing a white broken tooth, and said, “I and my father were about to come over to persuade Uncle Huck, but I heard you said it well, and I didn’t go in. My father said it should be fine, just start I went back, and I listened for a while.”

   “Hate will only blind your eyes and heart, and the power of love is the greatest. You said so great.” Sally’s talking eyes were full of smiles.

   “Hehe.” Li Junshan rubbed his hands and smirked. These words were also made by him after he racked his brains halfway, and now he heard Sally complimenting himself, which made him happy.

I only felt the faint scent on Sally’s body, and U Jun read Li Junshan sighed and couldn’t help blurting out: “Missing me…” Before she finished speaking, Sally changed her face and quickly changed her mouth: “Uh… like me, just to say that if these things fall on my head, it may not be as I said.”

   “Huh?” Sally blinked, wondering: “What would you do?”

   “Make an analogy.” Li Junshan said: “My most beloved aunt Anna or you are caught by a big man, even if I climb, I have to climb to the desert to save you.”

   “Bah.” Sally’s white face was stained with red, and she said, “Who wants you to save.” She said that she stretched out her fist and gave out a blue light fist.

   “See?” Sally said proudly.

   “I saw it.” Li Junshan’s eyes widened and exclaimed: “It’s so beautiful. It has beautiful hands and delicate hands. It’s so beautiful.”

   “You…” Sally stomped her foot in furious, slammed her fist against the blue, and hurled at Li Junshan.

   Li Junshan had been prepared for a long time, haha ​​laughed and hid back, saw Andrei figure appeared not far away, hurriedly ran away.

   “Let’s count how fast you run.” Sally waved her fist with a look on her face.

   “Baby girl, how is your uncle Huck?” Andri came over and asked.

   “It’s alright, Oyama persuades him.” Sally was startled by her father.

   “Hey, why are you so red?”

“Have it?”

   “I can’t read it wrong, is it that Yamato has said those nonsense again.”


   “What blush without you?”

   “What do you ask so much?” Sally glared at her father and turned to run to the blacksmith’s shop.

   “Unexpected.” Andri scratched his hair, shook his head and chased.


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