Alien God System

Chapter 13 - Yin Tianxue

How come there are so many people? “

Yang Feng took Yang Yuchan, Yang Xiaoyi, Black Beard and others, looked at these dense figures, and couldn’t help but slapped his lips: It seems that the surname Ye has more than one appointment with me today! “

At this time, the surrounding crowd heard some voices.

This time, Tianfeng Academy is enrolling students in Huai’an Prefecture. It is estimated that all the children of the big families in the 36 towns and counties in the mansion have arrived, and there will be more than one or two hundred people. “

Yes, Tianfeng Academy is equivalent to the Imperial Imperial Palace. If you can enter it, you are destined to have a bright future. Who can’t compete for it! “

But I heard that there are less than ten places for enrollment this time, and we only have a one-tenth chance of being selected. It is really fierce competition! “

Yes, who would say no, but this is the charm of the first university in the empire. That’s **** that nobody disputes, hahaha…”

His ears moved slightly, and Yang Yuchan’s face gradually became gloomy: the whole family from Huai’an Mansion are here, it’s difficult to handle. “

Yes, there are so many talents in Huai’an Mansion, which is not comparable to Longhu Town. Like the brothers from the Wu family over there, they are the sons of the first family in Qingfeng Town, and their reputation is far-reaching. There is also the one in tiger skin. If I am not mistaken, it should be Tu Ganglie of the Tujia in Huolin County. I heard that his strength is close to the rank of brigadier general. The bravery is very, very well-known throughout Huai’an Mansion, Liu Shaobai’s reputation is not comparable, these are really big people! “

After a long sigh, Yang Xiaoyi’s expression became more solemn.

Yang Feng glanced at the two of them, knowing that they were worried that they would not be able to enter the Tianfeng Academy because they were no better than the children of these famous families. After all, Longhu Town was at best a small town in Huai’an Mansion. The Liu Shaobai he had just defeated was nothing compared to these people.

These masters are the elites of the younger generation in the entire Huai’an Mansion, the real stumbling block for him to enter the Empire’s No. 1 Academy.

However, he is a magnificent 200-level god, will he see the garbage that can’t get out of the novice village?

Smiling with contempt on his face, Yang Feng shrugged indifferently and said: Oh, eldest sister, second brother, don’t worry. For these little roles, I levelled it off with a little finger. “

The master is right! “

As soon as the voice fell, Black Beard immediately followed: Mistress, second master, you really don’t have to worry about your master. The master’s strength of the old man is far above these people, so put your heart in your stomach. “

He said this very solemnly, without any flattery.

After all, he is the only person here who has played against Yang Feng, knowing that Yang Feng’s strength is definitely above the strength of a general. Compared with Yang Feng, these people are really insignificant.

Yang Yuchan and Yang Yuchan heard him, and after looking at each other, they nodded slightly, their expressions relaxed.

Suddenly, a pleasant female voice rang out, but the voice was full of deep contempt and disdain: Humph, what a big tone, don’t think that you were lucky to defeat a Liu Shaobai yesterday, and you think you are invincible in the world. Up. The world is so big, you are just frogs at the bottom of the well. At the very least, first of all you can’t pass this level, this lady. “

Master Yin, Miss Yin? “

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their heads and looked, but they saw a man and a woman walking in front of him, all in white clothes Shengxue. The man is tall and straight, and the appearance is tough; the woman is charming and cute, with red lips and white teeth, and willow leaf curving eyebrows, she is a rare beauty.

Yang Feng squinted his eyes and looked at it for a long time, and finally found the memory in the depths of his mind.

The two are a pair of brothers and sisters, the male is Yin Tianyang, and the female is Yin Tianxue. They are the children of the Yin family, the head of the three major families in Longhu Town. They are both famous for their talents and tyrannical strength.

Yang Feng looked up at their foreheads and saw that they were all LV. 12 masters, that is to say, they are already the third-tier peak strength of fighters, and they are no different from the old man of the Liu family.

In Yang Feng’s eyes, although this cultivation level was still rubbish, looking at the entire young generation of Huai’an Mansion, it was a rare existence, which could be called a monster level.

It’s just a pity that they eventually encountered a more monster self.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng couldn’t help but laughed and shook his head.

After Yin Tianxue saw that he saw him, he still showed such a weird smile. There was no respect at all. On the contrary, with some contempt, he immediately became angry and said: What are you laughing at? Don’t you think I was wrong just now? “

Yes, yes, Miss Yin is right! “

Nodding his head in a hurry, Yang Feng still looked like a hippie smiling face: It’s just that Miss Yin just said that, did she specifically encourage herself? This world is so big, don’t put others down! “


With a twitch of face, Yin Tianxue heard what he meant. It was clear that he was the frog at the bottom of the well. His heart was furious, and the coldness in his hands condensed suddenly.

And as the airflow in her hand swirled, the temperature around her also dropped extremely quickly, and it quickly condensed into frost.

The people around felt this icy-cold breath, and immediately dispersed with horror.

Only Yang Feng had been standing there, unmoved, and still felt a little curious in his eyes, because this was the first time he saw someone casting a spell.

That’s right, this Yin Tianxue is different from ordinary fighters who practice combat skills. She is a warlock.

A sorcerer is equivalent to a mage. Although he is a crispy skin, the magic power of the same level is five or six times that of combat skills, or even stronger.

Therefore, warlocks are known as the strongest output among all cultivators, and because the cultivation of magic skills requires talent, so warlocks are not as popular as warriors. Generally, there is only one person who is suitable for cultivating spells among a thousand fighters, and the profession of warlocks also appears to be particularly precious, and it is the target of various schools vying to cultivate and strive for.

Enough, Tianxue, don’t mess around! “


Suddenly, a big hand tightly grasped Yin Tianxue’s jade hand that was casting spells, and the coldness in her hand disappeared without a trace.

Yin Tianxue frowned, turned her head and said angrily: Brother, what are you doing? “

Yeah, what are you doing? Let her release her skills, I think it’s new. “Yang Feng also looked expectant, with stars in his eyes, as if a child was waiting for a trick.

He himself is a master, but his first skill is the selected exploration technique, and he has not been able to see the attack power of the spell. Now he just had this opportunity, but he was stopped by this buddy, and he was immediately disappointed.

Yin Tianyang glanced at him, his eyes flashed, nodded apologetically, and smiled: Sorry, my sister was reckless just now. Please forgive me. “

After that, Yin Tianyang ignored Yang Feng and turned and left with Yin Tianxue, who was full of dissatisfaction.

After more than 20 meters away from Yang Feng and the others, Yin Tianxue said with anger: Brother, what did you do just now, why don’t you let me teach that stinky boy a good meal and kill him? “

Tianxue, this is the assessment site of Tianfeng Academy. Don’t ruin your plan because of a small matter. Moreover……”

After spitting out a long breath, Yin Tianyang looked back at the relaxed and smiling Yang Feng, his complexion suddenly sank, and he muttered: I have a feeling that even if you make a move, you can’t hurt him. ! “

Just him? That dude? “

Don’t think of him as an ordinary dude, don’t forget how the hypocrite Liu Shaobai capsized. “

Staring at Yang Feng tightly, Yin Tianyang’s face was solemn, and he said every word: Liu Shaobai’s city mansion is deep enough, but in the end, the moment before he can recommend Tianfeng Academy, he has been unknown. Yang Feng snatched everything. “

Since the death of Patriarch Yang at the age of six, this person has been able to pretend to be mad and stupid, and tolerate it until now. The secret plan to deal with the Liu family is so deep that even the old man Dad is not aware of it. It is simply breathtaking. Don’t forget Dad’s advice, don’t provoke him easily, this kid is quite terrifying! “

terrible? Why didn’t I see it?

Pursing her lips in a huff, Yin Tianxue looked at Yang Feng who was still smiling in the distance, her eyes full of curiosity.

This stinky boy, did the dude’s face be pretended before? It is totally unreasonable to lie to this lady for ten years, huh!

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