Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 1 Mr. William Buffalo with Appointment

Chapter 1 Mr. William Buffalo with Appointment

July 1991, 8, afternoon.

Outside the Vaulted Office on the eighth floor, Hogwarts Castle.

"Knock, knock, knock."

Warden of the castle, Argus Filch, knocked on the ornate oak door of the headmaster's office, adorned with brass animal heads.

"Mr. Principal, there is one here."

As he spoke, he frowned and looked at William Buffalo who was standing beside him, obviously forgetting the name that the other party had introduced himself.

"William Buffalo, from Ilvermorny."

William added to Filch in a low voice.

From New York to England by boat, and then through the tedious approval procedures of the Ministry of Magic, he felt very tired-although it was an extremely exhilarating experience to actually come to Hogwarts and experience the scenes in the movie.

Although he was no stranger to Hogwarts in the past, he was not familiar with it to this extent.


William, who has short, shattered blond hair, is a time traveler. He was a third-year student at an unknown university in the imperial capital. Due to an accident, he traveled to this world where magic became a reality and Hogwarts really existed.

But fate played a trick on him.

Unlike many "predecessors" who fought wits with the old bees at Hogwarts and even sold the school, William was born in a small town called Revere near Boston, USA.

Three years ago, he was recruited into the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and became a member of the Longhorn Academy.

"Yes. Buffalo, Buffalo."

Filch's murmur interrupted William's thoughts.

William noticed that the manager of the castle muttered awkwardly and repeated it twice before he cleared his throat and said:
"Mr. William Buffalo from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he said that he has an appointment with you and wants to discuss the matter of transferring schools."

While talking, he glanced at William suspiciously.

"Please wait."

A calm answer came from the office.

Small footsteps sounded.

After a short wait, the wooden door of the arched office was opened, and although he was old, an old wizard who was still healthy enough to slay dragons appeared at the door.He was wearing a purple-gold coat with embroidery, holding a pointed wizard hat with one hand, smiling gently.

"Thank you, Argus."

Dumbledore nodded at Filch first.

"No, no, I mean of course, Mr. Headmaster, this is what I should do. By the way, that damned Peeves, please allow me to go first."

Filch stammered his answer, he looked around in a panic, and hurriedly found an excuse to leave.

The figure quickly disappeared at the corner of the corridor.

Dumbledore turned to William, bent slightly - but even so, he still had to be a whole head taller - the white wizard stretched out his right hand and said with a smile:
"Glad we finally meet, Mr. Buffalo. I'm Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts."

"Professor Dumbledore, you can call me William."

William suppressed his excitement and nervousness, and shook hands with Dumbledore.It was hard for him to describe how he was feeling at the moment—probably as if he had met Marlon Brando, or even Vito Kryon in the past.

He really came here.

It's even possible to be a part of it.


Thinking of the reason why he had gone all the way across the sea to get here, William felt a little headache-from the bottom of his heart, he didn't have high expectations for this trip-in fact, Hogwarts Castle, it's just that he didn't grow up. The first stop on the list.

"Come in, I think there is no better hospitality than a cup of hot tea for guests coming from afar."

Dumbledore led William into the office.

Just like in the movie, there are many cabinets here, with many strange silver utensils on them, shining slightly, and many moving portraits of the principals of the past are hung on the walls.

It's noon now, and most of the people in the portraits are still snoring, or murmuring listlessly something even they themselves may not understand.

"Please sit down."

The white wizard sat behind the desk, tapped the table with his right hand, and a round tray with a white background and powder border appeared in front of him out of thin air. On it was a delicate blue teapot and several matching small porcelain cups.

"Milk, sugar?"

"No need, Professor."

William took the offered teacup.

He took a sip and put it on the table.

The quality of the tea is not high, but the people who make the tea have no self-knowledge, and pour a lot of water into the water, making the tea taste astringent and bitter, with almost no aroma at all.

Dumbledore added two spoonfuls of milk and a spoonful of sugar to himself, and hesitantly added another spoonful before drinking it satisfactorily.

William took out a bulging envelope from his handbag, took out the neatly folded parchment inside, put it on the table and said:

"Professor Dumbledore first, as stated in the letter, I hope to be able to transfer to Hogwarts. These are my transcripts from the three years I studied at Ilvermorny, as well as the professors' comments on my academic year. Commentary."

Dumbledore sat up straight, raised his glasses with his right hand, took the parchments and read them one by one.

"My grades, including elective courses, are at the top of the class. During the three years at school, I have never had any record of violating school regulations."

William explained.

He also quietly added "discovered" in his heart.

"Charms, O Transfiguration, O
Of course, there are potions and herbs.

The professors also speak highly of you as 'forward-looking', 'talented', and 'adventurous'.

I dare say that even at Hogwarts, there are very few young wizards who can achieve such excellent results as you. "

Dumbledore flipped through the report card and praised.

"Although Ilvermorny is located in the United States, I always think that your education, whether in terms of standards or content, has something we can learn from."

Wizard Bai put down the transcript that he had already read, and what he said was praise, but his expression became very serious.His upper body sat upright, and he put his hands on the table with fingers crossed and said:

"But we're not going to be sitting here just because you have a good report card, are we?
William, or do you prefer another name?
Mr. Heisenberg? "

"Sure enough. Fontana's big mouth."

William's heart sank.

"A few days ago, your principal, Professor Fontana, wrote a letter, no matter what, he hoped that I could reject your transfer application.

Letters of the same content were sent, I believe, to the principals of other schools in Europe, including Madame Maxime of Beauxbatons, and Professor Karkaroff of Durmstrang. "

Dumbledore said calmly:

"Rediscover magic, redefine wizard
Pure blood brings corruption, not order and glory
What do wizards do when Muggles can do things that magic can't?At that time, why did wizards call them Muggles?

Although I don't know exactly how you came up with these... ideas, I believe that if you are willing to apologize publicly, Professor Fontana will be willing to accept you. "

Dumbledore sat upright with his upper body upright, his slender fingers crossed in front of him, and those blue eyes reflected sharp eyes, which fell on William like knives.

The office suddenly fell silent, even the portraits stopped their movements, turned their gazes here, and looked at the two of them.

The atmosphere was suffocating.

William felt inexplicably relieved.

"Sorry, Professor, if I wanted to apologize, I would have done so in Professor Fontana's office."

Although he was moved, he still answered firmly.

 The protagonist is in the fourth grade, and the story line is in the first grade.Ilvermorny's information refers to pottermore, and some (quite) parts are reasonable and original.The content that is necessary but has little to do with the plot and can only be understood will be annotated in the chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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