Alchemist’s Apprentice

6. Cultivation Techniques

content warning: masturbation

"You know what ley lines are right?" Cathryn asked.

I shrugged, "Sure. They're places where mana is supposed to flow easier through the world. They form lines that criss-cross the realm. Most of our ancient roads and trails follow them."

My sister asked, "Do you know what happens in places where ley lines cross or meet?"

"Uh," I frowned. "No, not really."

"That's where people build magic schools," she said with a grin. "Seriously though, it depends. Sometimes the effect builds and magic is even easier, sometimes they cancel out and those places seem devoid of magic."

"Ok?" I shrugged again. "So what does this have to do with teaching me how to masturbate?"

Cat laughed, "I'm teaching you to cultivate, not masturbate! Silly girl."

I rolled my eyes, "So far it sounds like the same thing to me."

"Just listen up ok sis?" she said with a smile. "So every living thing has mana right? There's lines inside your body that are like ley lines in the world. We all have two main lines, plus a couple smaller ones."

"We have ley lines inside our bodies?" I asked with a frown.

Cathryn shook her head, "They're not called ley lines, I just used that as an example. One of my teachers called them medians, which is as good a word as any."

Then she got up off her bed and walked over to stand next to me, and reached out to tap me on the top of my head. I looked up and felt a little flutter in my stomach, I still wasn't quite used to how she was suddenly bigger than me again.

"The primary line starts here," she said as she tapped my head again, "At the very top of your head. It runs down your back along your spine..."

She ran her finger gently down my back till she stopped right above my behind, "Down to here, at the base of your spine. The secondary line starts here..."

Next she touched her fingertip to the middle of my forehead, then gently ran it down over my nose and lips, under my chin, then down my neck. I felt a little flutter of excitement and arousal as her finger continued down between my big boobs, and the excitement only grew as she traced over my bellybutton and further down towards my mound. I couldn't help feeling disappointed as she pulled her hand back before getting all the way down.

"And it ends down there, in your sensitive clit," she finished with a grin.

I felt my cheeks were pink as I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself down, while my sister pretended not to notice.

She carried on with the lesson, "There's a few tertiary lines, but only three are worth mentioning. In your head, a small line connects between the primary and secondary medians where they both begin. That forms the mental or intellectual node. Another line connects the two main medians in your chest, just behind those big beautiful boobs of yours. That forms the heart node, also called the soul or spiritual node. Or some people even call it the emotional node."

Her eyes drifted down to stare at my mound as she smiled again, "And you can guess where the last one is. It connects the two main medians where they end, from the base of your spine to your sensitive needy clit. And that is called the core node. Also referred to as the base or physical node."

Cathryn paused there to ask, "Any questions Valeria? Are you following this so far?"

I was blushing but I nodded then shook my head, "Following ok... Um actually I do have a question or two though?"

"Ask away little sis," she smiled.

My cheeks grew brighter as I asked, "So if the second median ends at my um, clit... Where's it end in men?"

Cat didn't bat an eye as she replied "For men the secondary median ends at the tip of their penis."

"Oh," I frowned then nodded slowly as I realized it made sense. Then I frowned again, "Where's it end for you, now that you have both?"

Once again she didn't hesitate, she wasn't even blushing as she replied "My secondary line still ends at my clit, but the tertiary line that forms my core node has extended, so it connects from the base of my spine through my clit then up to the end of my penis."

She added after a moment, "Like I said, it means now I can cultivate both ways, and it might even give me an extra boost to use both at the same time?"

"Oh right," I nodded slightly. Then another question came to me, "What about our boobs? Are there lines there too? All this sounds really sexual, so I'm assuming there must be."

Cat smiled, "You're right, there are. A tertiary line runs from one nipple to the other, passing through the secondary line. It may even be connected to the heart node, but I'm not sure about that. It does have some uses, but you don't need to worry about that until after you've mastered the basics."

"And that's what you're teaching me now?" I asked. "This is cultivation?"

"Right," Cathryn stated, "On with the lesson. Each node can form a pool or reserve of mana, but the biggest is in our base node. That's also the easiest one to grow."

She continued, "According to one of my teachers, witchcraft utilizes the base and heart nodes, because witches work with the body and nature as well as spirits. He said wizardry tends to work with the mental and base nodes, because of how it interacts with formulae and advanced language, as well as dominating and controlling demons. Finally he said sorceresses are thought to use all three nodes together. He doesn't believe that though, he suspects sorceresses somehow work with the mental node only. He says they have a direct connection to the mana in the world."

After a moment she added with a shrug, "It's all speculation anyways. Other schools of magic keep their methods and training a closely-guarded secret, like you and I will keep ours."

Some of that went over my head, but I got the gist of it. And she left one group out, so I asked "What about alchemists? What nodes do we use?"

Cat smiled, "We just use the core node sis. It's the easiest one to grow, and it's directly connected to the source of some of our most important basic ingredients. And now I'm going to teach you how to strengthen it. So lay back and get comfortable cutie."

My cheeks grew red yet again as I gulped, but I did as she said. With my head on my pillow and my heart racing slightly I looked up at my sister and nodded, "I'm ready..."

After all the smiles, suggestive looks, the innuendo, I'd been expecting her to reach out and give me a hands-on demonstration. Maybe I was even hoping that's what she was going to do. So I was both surprised and disappointed when we spent the next hour talking about meditation, visualization, muscle control, and self-restraint. I paid attention, but it was kind of boring at times.

At long last she got to the end of the lecture and wrapped it up by asking, "So you got all that? Ready to give it a try?"

"I got it," I mumbled. "I think. Basically it's visualization and muscle control while I edge myself as long as I can, till I can feel the pressure of the mana straining my core node."

"Right," she nodded. "That's the first cultivation method, learning to feel your core. Once you've mastered that, then lesson two is to start moving the mana around inside. That's for another time though."

She moved to sit on the edge of her bed again and added, "Now you've got the theory, let's see you put it into practice."

"You're going to watch?" I asked as my cheeks heated up again.

My sister nodded, "I'm going to watch, and give you pointers and correct your technique if you're doing it wrong."

I grimaced as I looked at her, "After that long boring lecture I don't really feel in the mood now, you know?"

Cathryn raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Do I have to make it an order?"

My eyes widened but I felt a little shot of nervous excitement go through me. For just a brief moment I wondered what it said about me, that the idea of her ordering to touch myself made me excited. But that was something I could worry about later.

I gulped and tried not to sound too eager as I replied, "Considering I'm not in the mood, maybe you'd better?"

The look in her eyes told me I wasn't fooling her. She knew I was excited and eager, but she went ahead and said it anyways. In a firm, commanding tone she stated, "You are very much in the mood Valeria, so quit stalling and get started. Show me how well you paid attention, show me the first cultivation method."

The excitement and anticipation I already felt reacted to her words the same way a candle flame reacts to being splashed with petrol. I felt a flush of warmth over my body, and my fat pink nipples were suddenly standing out erect while my slit dripped with need.

I took a deep shuddering breath as my hands moved over my body, and I closed my eyes and tried to focus as I started gently massaging my boobs.

The techniques Cathryn taught me didn't require any other nodes to be activated, or any other tertiary lines. It was a good way to get started though, for me at least. My boobs and nipples were sensitive enough that stimulating them sent shocks of pleasure up and down my body, and helped get me horny and excited. And it felt too damn good to not do it.

There were already soft moans escaping my lips as I massaged my boobs and rubbed my nipples, while my thighs squeezed together and my deep inner muscles flexed. My focus soon narrowed as I concentrated on my nipples. Every time I pinched them I felt a little shock of pleasure that seemed to shoot straight down to my groin as well as straight up to my mind. And giving them gentle little tugs while pinching felt even more amazing, the way it was just on the border of pain but still firmly on the side of pleasure.

I continued making quiet happy sounds as I got lost in the sensations from my beautiful nipples. I probably would have kept doing that till I came if not for my sister interrupting.

"You can play with those later Valeria, focus on the lesson."

Right. I forced myself to concentrate and visualize again. Though it honestly helped to visualize those lines of mana, the way it felt like pleasure was arcing up and down through my body every time I pinched or pulled at those fat pink cherries on my chest.

I gave them both one more little pinch before I let my hands slip down, past my chest and towards my groin. My thighs were still flexing together but I slowly relaxed them and spread my legs apart. I already felt slick and sticky as my inner thighs separated, and a few fingers of my right hand slid over my soft smooth mound to find my wet, swollen lower lips.

The light contact sent more shocks of pleasure through my body, this time arcing upwards through my nipples and into my brain. I let out a soft gasp, then half whispered "Cat... You said one of those potions made me more sensitive? How can I concentrate when it all feels so good?"

"It'll be more of a challenge for you at first cutie," she replied calmly. "But when you master it, you'll be much further ahead."

I glanced over at her and felt another surge of arousal. She'd removed her dress, now she was sitting naked on the edge of her bed. And that big thick cock of hers was standing up tall and proud, the head almost reached between her own boobs. And she had her right hand wrapped around the shaft, she'd been stroking herself while she watched me.

Cathryn smiled at me, "I'm practicing my cultivation too, little sister. Now get back to work. Focus, concentrate, and try to feel your core."

"Ok," I nodded slowly, then closed my eyes as I tried to focus once again on myself and those mana lines. At the same time I started gently moving my fingers again, up and down along my dripping wet labia.

It was almost like a kind of self torture, trying to keep my mind focused on the boring meditation and visualization while my fingers were moving over my sensitive needy flesh. Nonetheless, I managed to follow Cat's instructions for what felt like ten or fifteen minutes. Though it might have been as short as one or two minutes.

However long or short it was, I did my best to hold the focus but I never did really feel my core. Instead all I really felt was the growing need and building pressure, and at long last I gave in. I forgot all about the lesson, and instead of trying to visualize my mana pool the image that stood out in my mind was that of my beautiful sister's naked body.

I pictured her hard thick shaft reaching up from between her gorgeous legs, the tip just below her perfect breasts, while her delicate hand pumped up and down her length. My fingers focused on the sensitive nub at the top of my dripping wet pussy, and I rubbed and stroked myself in quick little circles as I pictured my sister's hand moving up and down her impressive cock.

My moans and gasps grew in volume and intensity as all the muscles in my body started to tense, starting around my groin and spreading outward. My ass clenched, my back arched, my toes curled, and my left hand clutched one of my boobs while my right stayed pressed against my mound while my fingers rubbed and circled my clit.

When I finally came the pleasure washed over my body and my mind went blank as I let out a long loud cry of joy. It seemed to last for several seconds before I slumped back onto the bed. Formerly-tense muscles were now like jelly, quivering slightly as little after-shocks of pleasure sparked back and forth between my brain, my nipples, and my pussy.

My breathing was coming in ragged gasps, and I had a wide smile on my face as I slowly came down from my orgasm.

"Not bad sis," Cathryn's voice suddenly brought me back to the moment, and reminded me that she was there watching me.

I glanced over at her to find she was still sitting naked on the edge of her bed, slowly stroking her shaft as she watched me. I bit my lower lip as I watched her, and despite having only just climaxed I found myself starting to get arroused all over again.

My sister gave me a stern look, though it was undercut by the smirk. Then in a firm commanding voice she ordered, "Do it again Valeria. This time focus more on the lesson."

Another little shock of excitement went through my body, and I lay my head back on the pillow then closed my eyes and started over.

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