Aka Amy

22. Second Date (Tess)

"Have you had time to think about what you're going to do for work?" I asked, before having another sip of wine.

Amy made a face, "Not really. I mean, I don't have any qualifications outside of retail? And I'm not really looking to spend my entire life standing at a cash register."

In a way it felt a little like a repeat of last Saturday night. We'd both gotten more comfortable, I replaced my work clothes with some loose track pants and a t-shirt, and Amy pulled off her shoes and leggings, she was basically just in her undies and a tunic top. Part of that was due to the heat, July thirtieth was the middle of summer and it was warm outside.

We were both sipping glasses of wine now, but neither of us were hitting it too hard. I was pacing myself and I could tell Amy was doing the same.

I had one of my playlists on the sound system, and dinner arrived not long ago so we had food spread out on the coffee table before us. There'd be leftovers for tomorrow, but we had a good selection tonight. We got a large pizza, an order of wings, and a box of onion rings. It was unhealthy, but it sure was tasty.

I was also pleased to see Amy was actually eating. And she promised she'd been eating better the last few days too. Not that she was overdoing it, but I was glad to see she actually seemed to have a normal appetite tonight.

After munching on an onion ring she continued, "I've actually been thinking about going back to school, like Hailey mentioned on Tuesday? The two main problems are, I don't know yet what I'd want to take, and I have no idea how I'd pay for it."

"Would your parents help out with that?" I asked. "They're helping your sister aren't they?"

She shrugged, "No idea. I mean, yeah they're helping Hailey. And they would have helped me too if I'd gone to college after I finished high-school? But I made that choice two years ago, I don't know if the offer would still be open now. And the bigger question is, they made that offer to guy-me. After everything that's happened, I don't know if I'll even have a good relationship with them at all, never mind asking them to pay for college."

"Understood," I sighed. "I was trying to think optimistically though, right? Like assuming they get over it and accept you as well as Hailey has. But you're right, that's all up in the air right now."

We both ate and drank a little more, then Amy grimaced and said "I also haven't forgotten what Alex said. Like maybe I could take advantage of the goddess and her magic, to set me up with a nice job. Or maybe cover tuition that way and get back to college. Or maybe arrange it so I don't have to worry about work at all, though that feels kind of greedy to me."

She quickly added, "Not that I'm seriously considering any of that yet, but I guess it's something to consider. If there's no other options."

"That would be pretty significant though, right?" I asked. "I mean that's not just a demonstration, that's... I guess wishing for money to cover college? Or I don't even know really. How would that work?"

Amy shook her head, "I don't know either. That's the thing right? It's all those unknowns. It's this sort of stuff I'd like to resolve sooner rather than later."

She had a sip of her wine then confessed, "I've already taken advantage of the goddess and her magic a couple times the last two days. For little things. Well, I think they're little things. Stuff that felt safe."

"Really?" I asked as I stared at her in surprise. I didn't think she'd do something like that, not after how much she protested having to demonstrate it for her family. "So what did you do? And how did it go?"

She grimaced again as she replied, "So the last few days I've been updating all my accounts and records and things? Like online stuff, financial stuff, paperwork, that sort of thing? Some places are easy, they let you just type in whatever you want. Other places want you to send them proof of ID and some places just don't have the option at all. I um, the places that made it difficult or impossible, I just asked the goddess to fix it for me? So all my user names, all my online accounts, car ownership and insurance, everything else I could think of, is all in my new name now."

I finished the last of my wine as I thought that through. Like she said, it did sound fairly safe and harmless. Nothing was really changed except data on various computers.

We were both quiet again for a little while as we ate some more, and I topped up both our wine glasses. I was still thinking about it though, and after another sip of wine I asked, "So I know you want to learn more about the magic, and I understand you're still wary of it and there's a lot of things about it that worries you. But would you be up for experimenting with it? Maybe we could find some safe things to try?"

Amy looked thoughtful as she chewed on a mouthful of pizza. She washed it down with a sip of wine, then sighed, "I guess we can think about it, and talk about it. You know I'm reluctant, but yeah I want to know more. I still think it's worth considering the shortcut of just asking for the answers directly though..."

I'm sure she could see the worry on my face, before I had a chance to protest again Amy added "Yeah I know you think it's too dangerous, so I'm not diving in and doing that. But I think experimenting without knowing the risks might be dangerous too. It feels like six of one and half a dozen of the other."

"I understand," I replied. "We can think about it, talk about it at least. And maybe try some experiments, if we both agree it seems safe."

She seemed to agree with that, but warned "I still won't rule out just straight-up asking for the answers. But I'll think about experimenting first, if we can agree on some safe ways to do it."

"All right," I said. "Just promise me one thing? If you decide to try the shortcut, please don't do it alone? I want to be there with you, just incase."

Amy smiled, "Ok Tess. I promise."

After that, both Amy and I focused on dinner again for a little while. She had a couple more wings, then commented "Another thing I've been thinking about, along with the work slash school question, I've been wondering about maybe changing my living arrangements."

I swallowed a mouthful of pizza then with some worry in my voice I asked "Has Mike been giving you any problems?"

Amy frowned, "No. Not problems as such? But he's a guy, and to be fair he's honestly been pretty good? On the other hand I sometimes catch him looking at my legs or chest or ass. He usually tries to be subtle about it, but sometimes his eyes just wander, even when we're talking to each other. It makes me feel weird."

She blushed slightly as she continued, "And part of me is positive he'd never actually do anything? I mean, he knows I was a guy, we've been roommates and sort of friends for around two years? But part of me gets nervous. He's so much bigger than me now. I mean, I used to be his size. Or I used to be that tall anyways. Now I feel tiny in comparison. It's a weird thing to get used to, you know?"

"I'll take your word for that," I replied with a slight smile. "I've never had my height changed, apart from just the normal slow growing-up way. But I understand what you're saying Amy. And I'm sorry you're uncomfortable at home."

She shrugged, "Like I said, I don't really think Mike would take advantage. But I know if he wanted to, he could. Like I'm too small and weak to stop him."

Her face shifted to a frown and she added, "My real concern is if he ever brought his drinking buddies home. There's these two guys, I'm pretty sure he works with them or something. Anyways they creeped me out even before this happened. Now..."

She shuddered slightly, "I don't even want to think about what could happen if he brought those two back home after a night out at the bars."

That left me feeling worried for her. "Maybe we should put 'new living arrangements' on the list then? Make it a priority?"

"Without a job?" Amy asked. "I won't have much luck with rental applications without an income, and without references."

"Right," I sighed. "From the sound of it though, I think we should still make it a priority."

Amy shrugged noncommittally, then ate a little more before she changed the subject, "Have you already picked out where we're going to go for our walk tomorrow?"

I nodded, "Yeah! It's another conservation area, it's a little ways north of here? I found some maps online that outline hiking trails. If you're up for a four-kilometre walk, it's supposed to be pretty good."

After a moment I added, "Part of it's on country roads, but half of it's on trails through woods. It's probably a little more challenging than the one we did last week, and about twice as long. If that's ok?"

"Sounds good," Amy smiled. "I've got hiking shoes in the car, so I don't have to rely on my sneakers for this."

She munched on another onion ring then commented, "I could get into doing that every week, you know? Like finding interesting places to walk or hike. Make it an outing."

That brought a smile to my face, "Really? I'd love to do that. I know there's lots of places around we could go, though if we were doing it weekly we'd eventually have to start going further away if we wanted to keep finding new spots."

She smiled back, "Cool, then we should make it a regular thing!"

We'd both had just about enough to eat by that point. We still had half the pizza and ten or twelve wings left, so Amy and I put them into the fridge for later. The onion rings wouldn't really work reheated and they were almost gone anyways, so the two of us kept them out to snack on.

We were both almost done our second glasses of wine, but before rushing to refill them I hesitated. I still felt bad about last weekend, even if Amy wasn't upset about it.

She must have noticed, or guessed what I was thinking about as I was staring at the nearly-empty glasses and probably looked thoughtful or guilty.

"Hey Tess?" Her voice was sort of serious but gentle. "I'd like another glass of wine. And I'm telling you right now, before anything happens and before I get tipsy, that I'm a consenting adult. I would like some more wine, and I would like to get closer with you again. If that's ok with you. I um..."

She blushed as her confidence faltered, then admitted "I'm nervous and shy and I think I need the alcohol to loosen me up again, but yeah. I'm choosing to do this. If that's ok with you, that is."

"Thanks Amy," I replied, though I could feel my cheeks colouring slightly too. I usually wasn't this awkward about it, but after messing up last weekend I was a lot more cautious and maybe a little reluctant. I was glad though she was being proactive about it and making sure I knew what she wanted.

I refilled both our glasses, then the two of us returned to the living-room. When we sat on the sofa again we were almost ontop of each other, Amy's right thigh and shoulder were pressed against my left.

It felt good, and within a minute or two we'd both shifted our arms slightly so my left arm was around her shoulders, while her right arm was around my waist. The conversation had trailed off for a bit, the two of us were just sipping our wine in silence as we basically cuddled together on the sofa.

After a few minutes though the silence started to feel awkward, and I began wondering if I should speak up and what I should say.

Amy beat me to the punch, she grimaced and confessed "I don't actually know what to do next. I've never been with anyone before. Um, last week was my first time ever? I don't know how this all works..."

"How about like this?" I asked as I turned and kissed her.

I could almost feel her melt slightly as our lips met. I certainly didn't need to ask her if she enjoyed it, as she pressed herself against me. Her arm around my waist held me tighter, while I felt her other hand on my thigh.

When we finally came up for air after a couple minutes, my heart was racing slightly and I was eager for more. Amy looked the same, her face was slightly flushed and she was breathing quicker.

She smiled and started pulling off her top as she whispered, "It's suddenly a lot hotter in here..."

"It is," I agreed as I got out of my t-shirt.

The rest of the wine was forgotten, as the two of us got a lot more comfortable then returned to each others arms.

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