Aka Amy

104. It’s A Miracle (Tess)

content warning: brief misgendering / transmisia; unsupportive parent

"That's amazing!" Hannah gasped as she stared wide-eyed at the candles I just lit with a wave of my hand. "It's real magic? You really can do magic?!"

I smiled, "I can. This was actually just a small demonstration of what I can do. I wanted to make sure you knew I had access to magic, so what I'm about to say next won't sound so impossible."

She frowned as she finally took her eyes off the row of tea-lights on my desk, "Why, what's going on?"

"This might sound weird and it might be hard to believe, but please hear me out ok?" I asked.

Hannah glanced at the candles again, then looked back at me and nodded quietly.

I hesitated briefly as I thought about what April told me last week and what Amy said last night. And I couldn't help thinking about Daisy, and how differently things might have turned out if someone offered her this sort of miracle.

There were some butterflies in my stomach as I finally told her, "In addition to my work here at the clinic, I'm also a cleric for a real live goddess. Her name is Amethyst. She supports LGBTQ folks, and she can help you Hannah. Through me, Amethyst can grant you a miracle."

"She can give you an instant magical transition," I stated in a calm serious voice. "Your body, your clothes, your ID, and any other documentation and records would all be changed to match your ideal form and your chosen name. The only thing she won't do is tamper with people's minds or memories, which means you'll have to tell your parents and your friends who you are afterwards. Basically you'll have to come out to them as trans."

By the time I was finished the trans teen was staring at me with her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. After a couple seconds she shook her head, "This can't be real. It's got to be some kind of joke or something."

"It's not," I replied in a quiet solemn tone. "I've done it before, and I've seen her do it too. The goddess Amethyst has helped dozens of people in the last few months, and she can help you too. Right here and now, if you want it."

Hannah took a couple deep breaths of her own, then glanced at my office door. "What about my mom? If I magically change now she won't know who I am anymore, she won't believe it."

I nodded, "I know that. I suggest we invite her to join us, so she can witness it herself. That way she'll know it's you after we're done."

"How does it work?" she asked after another pause. "I mean, um... I guess I don't know what I mean. Like what would I look like afterwards?"

After having Ada become a catgirl I was a little hesitant about this part, but I forced myself not to get distracted by my own prejudices and hang-ups.

I gave her the honest truth, "You'll look like whatever you want. The magic will do just about anything you desire, it will give you your ideal form. If that means your body becomes cisnormative as if you were AFAB then that's what you'll get. Whatever hair colour you want, eye colour, anything like that is all possible. You're not limited by the constraints of modern medicine, this is magic and it's powered by a living goddess."

"Wow," she mumbled. "So um, how does it actually happen? What do I have to do?"

I spent the next few minutes describing the process. I explained how we'd be sitting together and holding hands while she joined me in prayer to Amethyst. I told her how she'd have to believe in the goddess with all her heart, and that Amethyst would hear her prayers and grant her wish for the body she wanted. I also told her that all Amethyst wanted in return was to be remembered at the full moons, that prayer and thanks were enough to repay her for the miracle.

Hannah listened quietly, then after a few moments she asked "So um, what do we tell my mom? Like just invite her in here then start praying or something? What if she interrupts or tries to stop us?"

I hadn't actually thought of that. After a moment or two I responded, "My personal suggestion is we should tell her you're trans, and we're doing a little exercise to help you with your transition. Maybe even tell her we're going to perform magic? Except she might not believe that. And I know you've been reluctant to come out to her, but you know that's going to happen regardless if we do this?"

"Yeah," she nodded slowly as a frown settled on her expression. "She might freak out. She might kick me out of the house. She might storm off and leave me here."

There were a number of things I wanted to say, but instead I remained quiet. I didn't want to accidentally influence her decision one way or another.

After another half minute she made her decision. "You said last week I've got my whole life ahead of me, right? If I get kicked out then I'll figure something else out. I'd rather be the real me figuring out stuff like that than keep doing what I'm doing now. So yeah, I want to do this."

"All right Hannah," I gave her a supportive smile. "Do you want to fetch your mom?"

She grimaced but nodded as she got to her feet, "I'll be right back."

While she was out in the waiting room I took the opportunity to put out the candles and moved them off to the side of my desk. Then when she returned with her mother Hannah introduced us both again, even though we'd met four weeks earlier when Hannah first started seeing me.

"Tess this is my mother, Sonya Greer. And mom, this is Tess Fuller," the teen mumbled awkwardly as she sat back down on the sofa.

I greeted her mother with a polite smile, "Hello again Mrs. Greer, thank you for joining us."

The middle-aged woman nodded slightly as she glanced around my office. Then she sat in the chair next to the window and commented, "This is the first time I've been invited to sit in on one of my son's sessions. What's happening today that's different?"

"We're going to try something a little special today," I responded.

I looked at Hannah, but she seemed hesitant. After a short awkward pause I prompted her, "We can't really begin until you speak up."

"Right," she sighed. Then the closeted trans girl seemed to brace herself as she looked to her mother.

She took a deep breath then announced in a quiet uneasy voice, "Mom? I'm trans. I'm really a girl. My name is Hannah and I'd like for you and dad to start using that name for me from now on. And my pronouns are she/her, I'd appreciate if you'd start using those for me too."

Mrs. Greer frowned as she stared at her daughter for a few long uneasy seconds. "I've been bringing you here every week for the past month to get you help with your depression, not to waste time and money on this sort of nonsense."

Hannah grimaced but instead of backing down she had a little more life in her voice as she responded, "Why do you think I'm depressed? I'm a girl who's stuck in a boy's body, watching it go through the wrong puberty and develop all wrong. You have no idea how much that sucks mom. I've had to pretend to be a boy all my life, everyone calls me a boy's name and treats me like a guy. That's not who I am, but I've had to deal with that every day of my life!"

"Being excluded from doing girls stuff, being ridiculed and bullied for wanting to do girl stuff, for wanting to dress and act like a girl when that's who I really am inside sucks!" she added with a little more anger in her tone. "That's why I've been depressed for so long!"

By that point I was feeling a little anxious as we waited to see how Mrs. Greer would respond. I had no idea if the woman would react with anger or if she'd simply dismiss Hannah's feelings and ignore what she said. Fortunately it seemed like her mother wasn't quite as bad as my client feared.

Mrs. Greer sighed, "So what now? Does this mean you're going to want to start wearing dresses and make-up?"

Rather than respond to her mother Hannah looked to me and asked, "Can we do it now?"

"Of course," I nodded. Then I addressed her mother, "Like I said earlier, we're doing something special today. Think of it as a little bit of magic, to help your daughter with her dysphoria and depression."

Mrs. Greer frowned, but didn't question me yet. She watched as I got to my feet and moved from my regular spot next to my desk, over to join Hannah on the sofa.

I held out my hands for her as I told her in a soft gentle voice, "Take my hands Hannah. And like I said earlier, close your eyes and think about Amethyst."

She nodded as she held my hands, and I could tell she had some nervous excitement growing inside her as she closed her eyes. I could feel my heart rate starting to climb a bit too, although I did my best to maintain a calm professional demeanour.

Meanwhile her mother asked, "Is this some sort of hypnotherapy? Don't you need my permission to use this treatment on my son? I don't remember any mention of hypnotism on the paperwork I signed when he started seeing you."

That thought made me hesitate a moment. Hannah was only seventeen, she was legally a minor. But this wasn't hypnotism and there weren't any permission forms for performing magic or miracles on clients, regardless of their age. I knew it might get me in trouble later but for now I decided to ignore any legal issues.

"It's not hypnosis Mrs. Greer," I responded. "And Hannah asked you to use feminine pronouns for her. That means she's your daughter, not your son."

Before she could say anything else I added, "We're going to begin now, please don't interrupt."

Then I focused on Hannah again. She still had her eyes closed, and I could see the concentration in her expression. I felt confident she was focused on silent prayers to Amethyst, and thinking about the miracle she was hoping for.

I took a deep breath and thought of Amethyst as well, then I focused on Hannah and triggered the life-changing magic. Just like with Ada a couple months earlier, I felt the power flow from my heart. It ran down my arms, through my hands into Hannah's, and she was engulfed in a column of swirling gold light.

"What's happening!" Mrs. Greer gasped. "What are you doing to him?!"

When I felt Hannah's hands slip free of mine I pulled my arms back. Then I answered her mother, "I'm giving your daughter a miracle."

At that moment the light faded, and the new Hannah was revealed.

I found myself sitting beside a cute attractive teen girl. Her hair was now blonde and had grown out until it reached partway down her back in gentle waves. Her eyes had become bright blue, and her skin was a little more fair but with a light dusting of freckles on her cheeks. Her face was slightly rounded and her features were soft and delicate, but she hadn't changed so much as to be unrecognizable. Her friends and family would still know her.

Her shoulders were narrower than before, her arms were smooth and slender, and her hands smaller and more delicate-looking. Same with her legs, and her feet were probably a few sizes smaller too. Her hips were wider than before, and her chest was fully-developed. All of that was obvious because of the way her clothing had changed to match her new body.

The jeans, sneakers, and the oversized t-shirt she'd been wearing were all gone. Instead she was dressed in a cute sleeveless pink sundress and white sandals, and there was now a green canvas purse on the sofa next to her leg.

"Oh wow!" she gasped as she stared down at herself. Her voice matched her new appearance, she sounded as cute and feminine as she looked. Then she reached up and gave her chest an experimental squeeze before gasping again, "It worked! It really is a miracle!"

Mrs. Greer was still staring wide-eyed and slack-jawed, while I couldn't help smiling at the trans girl's obvious euphoria.

"I'm glad you're happy Hannah," I told her. Then I added, "If you want to see what you look like, there's a mirror in the washroom out in the waiting room."

"Yeah!" she exclaimed as she jumped to her feet. She noticed the purse that was next to her and grabbed that too, before dashing out of my office with a huge grin on her face.

Her mother and I both watched as Hannah disappeared out the door, and I noted how the teen's height had changed during her transformation. She looked to have lost a couple inches, but it wasn't a huge difference. She'd probably gone from around five-foot-ten down to five-six. Overall she looked to be average height and an average build. And there was no furry tail or fuzzy ears, which I couldn't help feeling a little relieved about.

Mrs. Greer stared at the open door for another couple seconds before she finally turned to face me. She demanded, "What the hell just happened here? What did you do to my son?!"

I braced myself as I responded, "I performed a miracle for your trans daughter. I gave her an instant magical transition, to the body that she wanted and she's comfortable with."

"That's not possible! There's no such thing as magic!" she stated angrily. She got to her feet as she demanded, "Now tell me what you've done with my son!"

Between my door being open and Mrs. Greer raising her voice I knew Rosa would probably hear what was going on. And for that matter our receptionist would have seen the happy teen girl as she ran past the front desk to check her reflection in the washroom mirror.

I tried to remain calm and kept my voice level as I said, "You saw what happened with your own eyes Mrs. Greer. You heard what Hannah told you before we started. For the past month now she's been telling me how much she wanted to transition, how much the dysphoria and depression has been affecting her life. And how much it hurt her that she didn't feel safe trying to transition the conventional way."

"Tess this is incredible!" Hannah announced as she came back into my office. If anything her smile was even wider, and there was a light in her eyes I hadn't seen before. "It's perfect and it's amazing and it's everything I could have ever dreamed of and more!"

She looked at her mother and added, "Mom I've never been so happy in my whole entire life! This really is a miracle!"

"Theresa?" my boss asked as she appeared in my open doorway. She glanced at Hannah and her mother then looked back at me again. "I heard some raised voices in here. Is everything ok? What happened to your client?"

Like I expected, there was no way I could hide this from my colleagues. Rosa was standing a few paces behind Beverly, and I was sure if Emma had been working today she'd have been out there too.

I took another deep breath then gestured to Hannah as I replied to Bev, "This is my client, Hannah Greer. I just gave her a miracle transition."

"It's true," Hannah added happily. "Tess told me about a goddess named Amethyst! We prayed to her together, and my wish was granted! It's a miracle! Thank you Tess! Thank you so much!"

Both Beverly and Rosa looked from Hannah back to me again, and both of them were staring at me with wide eyes. Meanwhile Mrs. Greer looked like she was somewhere between being angry and going into shock.

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