Aim at That Star

Chapter 51

Chapter 50: The Boy I Like Is Tall And Bright

In the third year after the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the Jiang family moved abroad.

Jiang Shi thought for a long time about Shangfeng’s active retention and even pleading, but finally declined.

“A lot of judgments about the situation and the future, because of different positions, everyone will have their own conclusions, maybe even if I tell you my prediction, you will not give up the direction you insist on, so there is no need to talk anymore. In fact, it’s not good to have a deep discussion.”

He smiled lightly, “And my bottom line has always been only one, that is, the blade will never point at my compatriots.”


Shangfeng sighed and was silent for a moment, but he still didn’t insist on keeping him.

On the day Jiang Shi arranged everything and officially boarded the plane, many friends came from all over the world to say goodbye.

There are also colleagues who formed a newspaper office with Yu Kunyu, holding her hand and saying goodbye, originally made a solemn decision not to shed tears, but in the end, their eyes were all red.

Jiang Shi held his son’s young hand, and his expression was so calm and mature for the first time: “It doesn’t matter whether you think I’m tired of gunpowder smoke, or see me as a deserter. In short, we will meet again in the future. If there is no fate, I wish us the place to die.”

Someone couldn’t help but asked in a hoarse voice, “Is Mr. Jiang back?”

“Come back of course.”

The man raised his eyes and looked at the thick and vast sky above his head, with a slight smile on his lips, “When I really need me here, I will come back.”


When Jiang Shi was still an energetic young man, he had imagined countless times what he would be like in the future in ten or twenty years.

He is dressed in military uniform and fought bravely to kill the enemy on the front line, and he is unparalleled.

It was still a handful of loess, and the corpses were all submerged in the silent ground.

In his imagination, the future may be heroic, lonely, humiliated, or dead.

But he never expected that since he returned from the Northeast in his twenties, he would naturally become a scholar and expert who is deaf.

An acre of garden, a loving wife, and two annoying and lovely children.

In the second half of his long life, the whole tone was peaceful and warm.

—Yes, two children.

When Jiang Jiaxun was nine years old, his mother gave him a soft and bubbly sister.

Because her parents were busy with their jobs — dad was in the lab all day, and mom was a college professor and studio owner — the little sister grew up with him a lot of the time.

Jiang Jiaxun, who used to be obsessed with his mother to give him a sibling, never expected that raising a younger sister would be such a troublesome thing.

Although he didn’t care about feeding and changing diapers and coaxing him to sleep, he only needed to play with his sister.

However, this task is also called Jiang Jiaxun exhausted.

He felt that his sister was too crying and too stupid.

Even though she already knew how to speak, but taught her a word and pronunciation, she pinched her nose and tried her hardest to pronounce it out of standard.

In a hurry, Jiang Jiaxun wanted to beat her.

The nanny persuaded: “Chinese is too difficult to learn, she is only two years old.”

Is Chinese difficult?

He doesn’t think so.

I would have said it naturally back then. It is reasonable to say that they were born from the same pair of parents, and their brains should be about the same. Why is my sister so stupid?

– Of course, if Jiang Jiaxun asked for a beating like this, it would be impossible for Jiang Jiaxun to say that he was seeking hardship.

But when his younger sister Jiang Jiarong was three years old and still couldn’t speak a few words of Chinese, he was really anxious.

His mother told him that it was because she and her father were too busy with work. Usually, only the nanny and the neighbor’s wife took Jiarong with him. Without the language environment, Jiarong naturally couldn’t speak Chinese well.

“But I have tried very hard to talk to her.” Jiang Jiaxun felt very frustrated, “how can she be so stupid.”

“You have to go to school during the day. The only person who usually talks to her is Mrs. Tucker. Of course she learns English faster. But now she can understand most of the Chinese, and you have taught very well.”

Jiang Jiaxun lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Because of this result, he was not satisfied.

That night, when Jiang Shi accompanied him to complete a homework assignment, Jiang Jiaxun suddenly asked, “Dad, will we still go home?”

The child asked suddenly, and the words were vague, but Jiang Shi suddenly understood what the “home” in his words meant.

“I will go back.” The man rubbed his forehead, “There will be a chance soon.”

“How soon?”

Jiang Shi raised his eyebrows slightly: “Don’t you like it here?”

Jiang Jiaxun was silent for a while.

After a long while, he said, “My sister is always not good at learning Chinese. My mother said that it is because there is no language environment. I want to take her to a place with a language environment.”

“She was only three years old, and she slowly learned it.”

“But I want her to learn quickly.” He raised his head with a stubborn expression, “She speaks Chinese nicely. Besides, this is not our home, I want to go back to Jinling.”


Jiang Jiaxun often talks about this word.

He rarely said “how is China”, but often said “how is Jinling”.

Perhaps in his consciousness, he also knew that it would be difficult to go back to China, and that was the difference between countries.

But going back to Jinling is just the difference between hometown and other places.

Jiang Jiaxun thought wishful thinking that returning to his hometown was a matter of course and easy.

Just like when I was a child, I went back to my hometown Jiao’an County to visit my grandparents every year.

Jiang Shi patted his head and said nothing, just said: “Mom and dad are busy with work, and Jiarong’s Mandarin will be handed over to you.”

“Then how can we go back to Jinling?”

Jiang Jiaxun asked again very stubbornly.


The “soon” in the mouth of an adult is very different from the “soon” in the heart of a child.

It’s just that Jiang Jiaxun clearly felt that since he solemnly “talked” with his father that day, the atmosphere at home began to change.

My mother spends a lot of money, but she always buys some that don’t, and takes it out as a “gift”.

There are often Chinese-faced guests who come to the house and are invited to the study to chat for a long time.

Dad receives letters every day, and often goes to other people’s houses as “guests”.

He didn’t know if his parents were preparing to go home, but the atmosphere that seemed to run away at any time made him a little nervous.

So he quietly “leaked the secret” with his mother and asked her to persuade his father not to worry too much.

Yu Kunyu couldn’t help laughing: “Don’t worry, your father is much more careful and thoughtful than you.”


Jiang Shi was indeed very cautious.

In fact, long before Jiang Jiaxun brought him home, after he learned that the civil war was over, he took the initiative to contact the country. During this period, it took three years of communication to determine the itinerary and destination.

After all, over the years, Jiang Shi’s achievements in professional research are not too big, and the results of several papers have caused a small-scale sensation in the industry.

If it wasn’t for the mental preparation when he contacted the country three years ago, and he didn’t make too much moves, it might not have been so easy for him to go home.

How much preparation was made before returning to China, and how many obstacles were encountered when it was actually implemented. When Jiang Shi dragged his family and his family and actually stepped off the plane and stepped on the soil of his hometown, he hadn’t had time to say anything, and Jiang Jiaxun next to him was first excited. He screamed and dragged his sister over: “Jiang Jiarong, did you see it, this is Jinling! We are back in Jinling!”

Jiang Jiarong was born abroad and grew up abroad. His affection for his hometown is not as deep as his brother’s. Just seeing him so happy, he grinned and clapped his palms and shouted.

Yu Kunyu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry beside him: “Where is Jinling, this is Shanghai.”

Although Jiang Jiarong was young, he was led by his brother to memorize the map. He turned his head to think about it, and nodded seriously: “Well, it’s not far.”

People like Jiang Shi took the initiative to return to China to build, and they would naturally send someone over to respond.

In addition, several local leaders who wanted to meet Jiang Shi himself and close friends who received news all came to pick him up.

Although there were not too many people, but when he heard the little girl gesture with both hands solemnly, she couldn’t help laughing in unison, but Jiang Jiarong was stunned.

She is a bit shy, except for being more lively in front of her family, she is very well-behaved and shy when facing outsiders. At this moment, she immediately hides behind her mother and refuses to come out again.

What surprised these people was that Jiang Jiaxun and Jiang Jiarong not only spoke Chinese well, but they could speak authentic Jinling dialect.

Yu Kunyu said with a smile: “His brother grew up in Jinling when he was a child. He was very good at speaking when he went abroad. After Jiarong was born, he taught Jiarong again.”

The other party bent down, touched the little girl’s braid, and smiled gently: “It’s very good to not forget your roots at a young age.”

Jiang Jiarong immediately hid shyly.

Jiang Jiaxun asked his mother quietly, “Mom, isn’t that uncle very good?”

“Why did you ask so?”

“I saw Dad salute him.”

Yu Kunyu curled her lips: “Well, it’s very powerful. I used to be your father’s boss.”

Jiang Jiaxun thought for a while: “My dad is actually quite good. After he saluted, I heard the uncle say thank you to my dad.”

“It’s just your ears.”

“Mom, when are we going back to Jinling?”

In his more than ten years of life, Jiang Jiaxun has probably never been so excited, “I remember when I left, I buried my toys and books under the jujube tree in the yard, and I don’t know that they are being dug up now. Are you gone?”

“I’ll go back later, but don’t rush to Jinling, go back to Jiao’an County first. Tomorrow is Qingming, so I have to go back to my hometown to sweep the grave first.”

“That’s fine.” Jiang Jiaxun smiled, “I’m not in a hurry.”

Yu Kunyu was too lazy to pay attention to his proud appearance as a villain.

Holding his little daughter, he chatted with a woman beside him.

Jiang Jiaxun was still young when he left Jinling, so he only remembered the big house of his family, the jujube tree in the house, and the treasure under the jujube tree.

But for someone like Yu Kunyu who grew up in Jinling to get married and have children, there are too many memories, too many old friends and old places worth exploring.

The newspaper office that was built with great effort is no longer there, and even the residential building where the newspaper office is located has been demolished and rebuilt as a shopping mall.

Some members of the newspaper office left Jinling, some left the mainland, some left China, and some left the world.

The first person Yu Kunyu met was Qin Ci. They had also communicated with each other over the years. Due to some changes, Qin Ci’s ex-fiancé Wang Gaomiao had already married another woman, and Qin Ci also married a woman eight years ago. Revolutionary soldier, gave birth to a pair of daughters.

Although the life is not very rich now, it is fortunate that it is stable enough. Compared with the messy situation when she was young, she is very satisfied.

“Do you still remember Gu Changying?”

While drinking tea in the old yard, Qin Ci didn’t know what to think, and suddenly mentioned such a person’s name.

Yu Kunyu was slightly startled and nodded: “I remember the last time I saw her, she was making a fuss about jumping into the river, saying that she wanted to divorce her husband, but what about now?”

“Leaving, it is not considered leaving, nor is it not leaving.”

Qin Ci sighed, “In the year you left, she took advantage of the chaos and escaped from Jinling City secretly. At that time, her husband searched all over the world for her, but couldn’t find it. You also know that her husband smoked opium. After taking out a lot of addiction, Gu Changying fled. He had no source of life, so he went to gamble. Later, because he couldn’t pay the gambling debt, he was cut off on a finger, and he wandered the streets of Jinling for half a year. He got sick, and I heard that he was taken back by the Mu family, but now I don’t know if he died or was taken there by the Mu family.”

Over there, across the strait.

Yu Kunyu lowered her eyes and said softly, “The Mu family actually doesn’t have to stand in line like this. In the end, I’m still worried about Jiang Shi’s revenge.”

“Yeah. Everyone knows that if you come back in the future, you will definitely go back to Jinling and the capital. The Mu family was hurt in those few battles, so why can’t they retreat.”

Qin Ci continued to look back on Changying, “Didn’t you write to me later, asking me to go to Jiao’an County to help you donate all the books in the Jiang family’s old house, and guess what, I actually met Gu Changying in Jiao’an County. ”

“She went back to her mother’s house?”

“I don’t know, anyway, when I went to Jiao’an County, she was already married, married to a small landlord, and had a son.”

Yu Kunyu nodded: “That’s pretty good too. Jiao’an County is on the sidelines. Although it’s poorer, it’s more stable than the outside world.”

“Safety what?”

Qin Ci sighed again, “When I saw her, her husband had already run away, took away all the family’s property, and left only one house for her. Later, because she couldn’t prove it, the house She was also taken away by the government. However, it was the local village chief who saw her pitiful and gave her a piece of land. The mother and son depended on this land to live. When I saw her, she was disheveled, like a fifty or sixty-year-old. Old woman.”

“I remember her writing was pretty good…”

“You think too highly of her. She writes novels, not in Chinese. How can there be any newspapers that can publish those novels she wrote.”

Seeing Yu Kunyu bowing her head thoughtfully, Qin Ci asked in a low voice, “I went to Jiao’an County the year before last, and she should still be here now. Do you want to go back and see her?”

“I just came out of there.”

Yu Kunyu shook her head, “What does other people’s life have to do with us? Why do we have to go to see her? Is it possible that seeing her not doing well will make me feel better?”

“I know I know, you really don’t need to care about people like her now.”

Qin Ci asked with a smile, “After that, will you stay in Jinling or not?”

“I should go to the capital. After all, Jiang Shi works there.”

“That’s right, he is such a big Buddha, and he is sorry for his skills if he doesn’t go to the capital to shine.”


The two best friends who reunited after a long absence talked and laughed, enjoying the rare and stable spring in Jinling City.

A vigorous young man ran past in front of him, holding a torn book in his hand, and roared: “Jiang Jiarong, you little bastard, look I won’t take care of you!”

And the little girl he was chasing was slamming into her father’s knee in the study, jumping up with her arms raised: “Dad! Dad! My brother is going to kill me! Hide me!”

Jiang Shi looked at an abrupt scratch on the drawing, and rubbed his eyebrows helplessly: “Jiang Jiaxun, take your sister out to me! How old are you, you can’t even deal with a child, you’re still useless!”


The window of the study was opened from the outside, and the boy stepped on the branches of the jujube tree and climbed in, gnashing his teeth aggressively, his eagle-like eyes staring fiercely at Jiang Jiarong in his father’s arms.

By the way, it also brings in the bright sunlight that fills the room.

Sure enough, it was a rare ferocious and beautiful spring scene.

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