Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 142

142. Blood Strip Disappearance

“The game that starts now is the Fortree Gym Challenge. Trainer Nan Feng challenges the Fortree Gym master Winona. There are three Pokémon available to both sides. There is no chance to exchange Pokémon. When one of the Trainer has no available Pokémon, the battle is over.” The referee announced the game Rules, reach out.

“The Gym Trainer sends the Pokémon first”

Winona took the Poké Ball from her waist and threw it.

The Poké Ball opens in mid-air, and a Swellow flies out of it.

This Swellow is a slightly different color, though, with a subtle golden glow on its body. Without a doubt, this is a Flash Swellow.

This brought back some memories of Nan Feng, who also has Flash Swellow in the anime Winona.

Nan Feng throws the Poké Ball backhand.


The giant fell, the Ground was shaken, and Bangira’s huge body immediately smashed shattered marks on the ground.

“Bangji!” Bangira roared wantonly, and the yellow sand rolled around, entwining its body, and at the same time covering the entire battlefield.

The Sandstorm Ability is on! Sandstorm is coming!

Seeing such a huge and tyrannical Bangira, Winona couldn’t help but be a little lost.

The referee confirmed that both Pokémons were in place and immediately announced. “The battle begins!

“Swellow, use Aerial Ace!” Winona didn’t hesitate at all. Flying was all about speed, and what he was doing was first attack. What if Rival was Bangira? In the face of absolute speed, being huge is more bulky.

“Rock Slide!” Nan Feng is no nonsense, whether Flash or not, as long as you are a Flying Pokémon, under Bangira’s Rock Slide, you will surely die.

“Sba~~” Swellow swung his wings and took off, his speed reached the limit, like a golden light passing by in mid-air, killing Bangira in the blink of an eye.

Bangerari didn’t make any sense, opened his hands to himself, and roared!


To Soaring in the sky on the battlefield, a circular space portal opened wide, the opposite was pitch black, and in the next second, countless Rock Throws flew down from Soaring in the sky.

Not a millstone-sized rock like Rock Tomb. It is a fist-sized Rock Smash, with horns and horns, and a large number of horrors, densely packed as if to cover the battlefield!

Swellow’s Aerial Ace slammed into Bangira without any effect.

Bangira is resistant to the Flying Type, which deals only half the damage, plus its terrible defense. Kwon is Tickle’s itch.

“It’s so strong.” “.” Seeing the rock rain, Winona couldn’t help but sigh in admiration. In an instant, she directly changed her strategy.

Faced with such a terrifying Rock Slide, Swellow is bound to lose his combat ability. In this case, let Swellow play the biggest role before losing his combat ability.

“Swellow, use Destruction Dying Light!

“Sba!” Swellow glanced at Rock Throw in Soaring in the sky, his eyes filled with determination immediately, he flew in mid-air motionless, with a little Stockpile, opening his mouth was a destruction light.

Dazzling white light penetrated the Rock Rain and shot straight towards Bangira.

“Rock Tomb!” Nan Feng commanded casually.

In the giant portal overhead, three giant Rocks fell in front of Bangira, blocking Swellow’s destruction and death.

Use Rock Tomb as a defensive skill, this is what Kenin used to use, but now, this trick is already owned by me Nan Feng!

After using the Swellow that destroyed the dead light, it was immediately buried by the Rock Slide. Under the double damage, its physical strength disappeared very suddenly. If this battle is viewed on the outside of the console, it should now be the “disappearance of blood bars”!

“Swellow is incapacitated, Bangira wins!

Winona frowned tightly, swiped her fingers on the Poké Ball around her waist in turn, and finally settled on one and threw it straight out.

The Poké Ball opens and a Pelipper flies out of it, level 55.

Pelipper is an evolution of Wingull, with both Flying and water systems. Although it is also restrained by the Rock-type Bangira, its water system also restrains Bangira.

It can be seen that Winona wants to confront Nan Feng head-on.

Well, this method is quite stupid!

Pelipper’s appearance immediately attracted a dark cloud, thinking that its ability should rain.

Rain: When this Pokémon debuts, the weather turns to rain.

While there will only be one weather on the battlefield, the Sandstorm in Bangira is covering the field, and you are coming to rain now.

So, this is to beat the weather with Bangira?

Nan Feng laughed, who is he looking down on?

In the next second, the dark cloud that had just arrived was torn to shreds by the rolling yellow sand, and soon even the slag was invisible.

This is not a game, to get the weather depends not only on the first hand, but also on the strength!

Obviously, this Pelipper is not qualified to compete with Bangira for the weather, even if the props Nan Feng brought to Bangira this time is not a Smooth Rock, but a Hard Stone that can provide Rock move bonuses!

Seeing that the weather couldn’t catch it, Winona hurriedly launched an attack command.

“々` Pelipper, use the Hydro Pump!99

“Bangira, use Rock Slide!” Nan Feng’s order followed, without defending, attacking directly.

A blast of water burst out from Pelipper’s largest mouth immediately, hitting Bangira, who opened his arms and called Rock Slide again.

The two sides attacked each other.

Pelipper wanted to dodge, but couldn’t dodge, the effect was outstanding, and the damage was doubled. Like Swellow, he was buried on the spot. Reappears the disappearance of blood strips.

Bangira is not interested in dodging at all. In Sandstorm weather, its special defense is increased by 1.5 times. Plus the 25% boost to the Horn of the Rock. That is to say, Bangira’s special defense is 1.875 times more than in the case of nothing attached.

(Li Qianzhao) The effect of the Hydro Pump with double restraint is close to that of no restraint.

This damage, Bangira frowned and resisted.

“Pelipper is incapacitated, Bangira wins! The referee announces.

There are only three Pokémon available for Gym battles, and Winona has only one last Pokémon after losing two games in a row.

Winona took out the Poké Ball and took Pelipper back. Rival’s powerful Bangira was a bit scary. The Hydro Pump just didn’t seem to cause enough damage.

Since there is only one last chance for a Pokémon to appear, it can only send his own Trump Card.

Winona throws the last Poké Ball.

The Poké Ball opened in mid-air, and suddenly a cloud of cotton candy fell out.

Soon, a blue head popped out of the cotton ball, it was Altaria, LV58, known as the Dragon Traitor.

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