Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 81: The oration of silas (1)


This chapter is a long chapter and as such it will be divided in a few small chapters but will all be uploaded in the same day



The university was crowded with robe-clad scholars. Through the rushed buzz, a young man walked calmly with an unpleasant grin.

His veined hands and tanned face whispered of the labor work he had once been accustomed to.

One of the smartest students at the university, he was due to battle with one of his enemies, and the man had many enemies.

But at the university, their battles were fought with words and wit, rather than with blades.

Caitlin is his former friend, a lady from a noble house and a very jealous one. In the University there is the position of Consul.

In the university, the position of Consul was highly sought after. Being a Consul is a privilege and honour.

Its power and authority were second only to the imperator, and the position came with benefits.

The consul's education fee was free, and the elected students were given the opportunity to travel across the land with the stipend given by the ruling family of Arrandy.

The University of Acro was the largest university in the Human Continent and great minds were plentiful in it, many of whom served the Vermont family.

The young man had heard that Caitlin, a noble lady, was attempting to take the title from him as she had always been doing but this tiem she had crossed a line.

Caitlin's father was a noble deeply involved in the war, and a relation of the Angovins of Vangua.

Her mother was kin to the Vorwound house, who was related to the House of Althea.

Caitlin's lineage was illustrious, one of the oldest families in the Dukedom.

As for the young man, he was a merchant turned noble and student of the political curriculum.

He is the New Nobility that sprouted since the Vermont's took charge.

His patron was the House of Vermont and his lineage had nothing worth mentioning; his father was a pig farmer.

His family was always a farmer until the reforms that was made by the Vermont family enables even of his lineage to rise through the ranks

It had been his father's idea to have him enter the trade business to become a merchant, and later to send his son to this university for a chance at a better life.

The young man intended to seize such life.

And he had achieved many accomplishments in his time in the University.

In the University there is two factions. The Praetorians and the Senates.

After running against him for the position the previous year and failing, Caitlin was determined to win the new election by any means necessary.

The man could list many crimes that Caitlin has committed against him and the institution

She had tried to bribe the people of the university to vote for her, but it hadn't worked.

Many of the scholars hadn't come from noble families, most of them were funded or sponsored by the generous Vermont family.

Some came by scholarship, others came by begging, others by showing their talents. Of course such behavior by Caitlin is frowned upon.

They had been appalled by Caitlin's behaviour but she hadn't given up, and if there was one thing the young man admired about her, it was her tenacity.

Months later, Caitlin had tried to poison him, but this childish plot was discovered by him and the election was postponed.

When the election was finally held, Caitlin was defeated at the polls by an enormous margin. She could not endure the embarrassment.

Incensed, Caitlin had created a disturbance throughout the university.

Not only had she tried to acquire support to replace the young man as a consul, but she had also tried to denounce the imperator as biased and detrimental for the studies of the students.

She had even sent proposals to some noble families, and it was at this point that the senators that administer the university could contain themselves no longer.

Bringing outside influence into the university was taboo.

Trying to tote your horn with your influence outside the University is frowned upon and highly forbidden both by the Senates and the Praetorians.

Caitlin had even planned for the assassination of members of the administration senate, and people had started to wonder why she was willing to go so far for the title of Consul.

The power of a Consul in the University of Acro was similar to the power of a high-ranking noble in the Kingdom.

This university was responsible for supplying other universities with books and teachers and they also held fairs, handled the Kingdom's intelligence matters, researched battle tactics, and they are even tasked at times to spies on enemy nations.

They are also tasked to resaerch new ways to win wars; send proposals regarding the state, researching the best way to improve the state wealth and so on and so forth.

The influence of the University could move the ruling families to action.

That is the dark sides of the Universe but also the most profitable.

With the greatest mind in the continent congregated in one place…was there anything in the world they could not accomplish if they put their mind to it?

It is no wonder Caitlin wanted the title of Consul so bad that she even resorted to assasination

The young man had foiled the assassination attempt.

He had discovered the plan and called the administrative senate to a meeting at the Great Hall of Knowledge, an amphitheater used only in times of crisis.

The man's name is Silas Perigord, from the House of Perigord, and he was heading to the Great Hall because he had received word from one of the senate members that Caitlin was intending to show up uninvited.

The matter had become so serious that the Duchess from the Vermont family was due to attend.

It was widely known that the young lord of that house was a capable commander and the house firmly backed the King.

The Duchess's arrival was highly anticipated.

Silas believed it was this reason that had led Caitlin to plan to crash the meeting; she wanted to gain acknowledgment and influence the Duchess.

The matter of the University could not be used for the politics of the state.

When the young Vermont lord had funded the university, he had stressed that it was to be built for the pursuit of truth and knowledge, and the betterment of mankind.

Great words, Silas thought, but to what degree the lord meant it, only he would know.

Silas was aware that occasionally the ruling families would ask the university to research things for them, mostly in secret and most of the researching task are not to be spoken in good company.

But that was their business. Approaching the hall, Silas checked his appearance and pushed open the door.


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