Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 623: Santiago capulet (2)

For example, if a baron tries to attack a Count without proper justification, the Duke that gives the title could join the war and bring his men to aid the Count 

But such things rarely happen. Titles of the nobility is given based on the contribution of that noble

At least that is the case for most of the history of the Human Continent. Santiago frowns not because he was hesitant to move his army

Maybe this old man is a bait? But surely this old man is a tempting bait.

Santiago pace around his tent. 

The officer inside the tent did not disturb their lord general. They know this is the habits of their general.

Even in his madness, lies a methodical strategy. Then he stops

Send this news to Great General Giovanni' the soldier saluted Santiago and quickly exited the tent.

Then he sat down on his chair. He decided to wait for Giovanni. He looks at another soldier and said

'Go bring a few local men around here'

'Ask them if they knew the High Lord of Maroth. I want to know about this person how he is regarded by the people of this land' the officer nodded and then quickly went to execute the order.

Santiago is now alone in his tent. 

On the table nearby is the basic map that they had of the area of the Three Kingdoms.

He and Giovanni had understood that the terrain of the Three Kingdoms is something that they have to find out for themselves. 

Unlike the Empire, mapmaking is forbidden for anyone other than the royal family and the nobility. 

While the Empire itself was not exactly lenient when one makes map without authorization, as long as one has the approval of certain lords or nobles, most cartographer could draw their own map.

After all, for most of the existence of the MontBlanc dynasty, the map of the Human Continent and Anvali was quite clear albeit it is not as detailed. 

Most of it is based on the old map of the First Generation

It wasn't until the formation of the Eden Empire that most map under the rule of the Empire was gathered in the Vermont Palace and combined into a detailed map of the Empire

Most map before that is not uniform in measurement or name. Some villages could be called by another name in one map and another name in some other map. 

And there are times that some duchy and some territory make up their own map to legitimize their claim upon their neighbors, borders of these places is named according to their desire.

Still, that is better than what is in this land. Other than the map the Imperial Highness had given him, there is no other map.

That is why he is very cautious in moving his army. He did not know the terrain. And he is in foreign land. 

The people here itself possess powers and magic. Their abilities shocked Santiago very much. 

There were even times that Santiago felt like he was back to the age of Gods in the past where magicians, deities and divine beings roams the world

Santiago is still young. He became the general at a young age. But still he is older than the Emperor. 

Arial Vermont is probably not the youngest emperor the Human Continent had ever had, but he was clearly the most successful.

Of course, unlike Emperor Alexander MontBlanc the First he did not have full control of the entire Human Continent

But, his achievement probably surpassed that Emperor. During the reign of the Emperor Alexander, the people are living in poverty. 

It is hardly a golden age. 

While the eventual rule of Emperor Alexander did offer the base of the foundation for the MontBlanc dynasty to thrive and even had its own golden age, when compared to the prosperity that the Human Continent is experiencing right now, it is truly hard to say who achieved more.

While he did improve the life of his people during the late age of his rule, the Emperor himself is not viewed that favorably by the people

Most people believed that he had something to do with the death of the Great Hero and even though there was never an evidence, that kind of reputation follows him until his death

There never was such a prosperous Empire as Eden other than probably during the age of the First Generation

Santiago knows the ambition of his Emperor. 

If Arial manage to rule and conquer Novus Gaia, winning the loyalty of the people here, Arial would truly surpass all of his predecessors.

The Conqueror of the New World. 

The ruler of two continents. 

At first, Santiago felt that this was not feasible. After all, the distance between the two continent is not close. 

But after he understood the culture of the people here, he believes that it could be done and the rule of the Empire could remain stable even if the distance is far away

As long as the civil officials truly thinks of a way to incorporate and integrate the people of the New World to the rule of the Empire, this is not an impossible task. 

This is a race that treated oaths as sacred. And it is for this reason that Santiago did not act like he acted during the Conquest War.

There is a limit to using force and fear. While it is good in winning battle, it is the aftermath of the battle that is more important.

'Huh' he sighed.

'I don't want to be the bad guy again. It is enough for me to bear the infamy. If this is to affect even my descendants….' He sighed again

Santiago knows it is because of his brutality in war that he is shunned by most of the civil servant of the Empire and even the people of the Empire himself

Some of the cities that he had helped the Empire conquer still pass down story demonizing him and hating him

And while it is him that fought in the battlefield for the Empire, won land for the Emperor, spread the banner of the Dragon to most of the cities in the South, most of the people of the Empire held not feeling of good will for him

It is only after the war had ended that he understood something. His name would be carved in the history of the Empire. 

Yes, his name would be glorious. But it is also stained black and dirty. He would be in infamy.

When people spoke of him, they would call him a bloodthirsty man, stripped him of any of his human nature and speak of him like he is some kind of demon.

He did what he did to win. 

It is cruel and brutal. 

But to him that was war.

He did make it personal but in the end he further the ambition of the Empire and expand the land of Eden.

The prosperity of the empire was built on the death of millions of people. But those in the capital and those who sat and did not fight in the war condemn him

They did not know that once the Empire took the cause of hegemony there was only one outcome. The Empire either succeed or they fail

If they had failed in that war, the one who would be begging on the corner of the streets of the large capital cities would be the people of the Empire

One could argue that Santiago did not have to do the thing he did to win the war. But unfortunately it is the only things he knows. 

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