Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 213 The Intelligence Agency and the Winter Navy

According to Cecil's description, the so-called Lost Lands are places where some dark elves who betrayed the Eternal Night Empire, abandoned their beliefs, and their race were exiled.

The dark elves living in the Lost Land are a group despised by all dark elves.

That's right!

David planned to find an opportunity to ask Raines later, maybe he could get more information about the dark elves from the missionary.

Right now, he is still chatting with Cecil non-stop, and learned from the other party how powerful the Eternal Night Empire is, and at the same time, he also knows that the black ship that Cecil was driving earlier used a kind of energy called 'dark energy' energy as an energy source.

Dark energy?

Dark energy is the greatest technology in the history of the dark elves!

Although what Cecil said was not very clear and detailed, David still roughly understood that this kind of energy called dark energy is obtained by the dark elves using special technology to transform various energies, including arcane magic. energy of.

The purpose, of course, is to facilitate your own use.

The use of this kind of energy has already involved every aspect of the Eternal Night Empire, except for ships and cars. This is why the two dark elves were not surprised to see the car transformed into a car by the Autobots, but only felt that the appearance was rather special. In the Eternal Night Empire, similar things are often seen.

David touched his chin unconsciously, feeling a little strange in his heart: According to the brothers and sisters, the Eternal Night Empire is far more civilized than these human countries in the eastern part of the Brennia continent. Not heading east?

We dark elves are a peace-loving race, and we will not start wars casually.


Seeing Cecil's peaceful remarks, and Enid's female dark elf solemnly nodding in agreement, David decided not to pursue this topic any further.

He began to ask the brothers and sisters the purpose of this trip!

When it comes to archaeology, the brothers and sisters immediately became much more energetic, especially Cecil, who has always maintained his personal image and even speaks with a steady tone and polite words.

At this time, I showed a bit of youthful vitality: I have been interested in history since I was a child. After years of study, I became an archaeologist, exploring those historical records that were lost due to various reasons. .”

According to Cecil, he became a scholar when he was an adult, and then painstakingly studied various historical texts, and almost memorized all the historical materials recorded in the Eternal Night Empire.

As a result of reaching this level, he accidentally discovered that there are conflicts in many historical records, as well as many gaps, and there are even various errors in them.

This is a normal thing for historical records, but Cecil suddenly felt that, as the best historian (self-proclaimed) of the Eternal Night Empire, he had the responsibility to perfect and restore these historical materials.

So, Cecil embarked on the road of archaeology, and he has done a good job so far, excavating a lot of lost and lost historical information, some of which lead him to the east, where he may be able to dig more much information.

So, I came here with Enid.

This is your original destination? Didn't you simply want to come to the East?

Yes, at the northern end of the eastern part of the continent, there are peaks that reach the sky. Cecil bluntly stated his destination, which is the peak in the north: The clues I have found over the years reveal that the establishment of the Eternal Night Empire part of Dark Elf history.

According to Cecil, a long, long time ago, the entire continent of Brennia was ruled by dark elves, and there were no human beings at that time.

But later, fierce conflicts broke out within the dark elves, and human beings took advantage of the situation to rise, so some dark elves retreated to the west of the mainland and established the Eternal Night Empire.

Other dark elves also scattered to various places. According to the information he found, some powerful dark elves 'traitors' retreated to the mountains in the northeast of the mainland.


For some reason, David suddenly thought of the two altars he discovered at the beginning. Could it be that they were left by the dark elves?

Continuing to chat with Cecil, Enid also started to join the chat because of getting familiar with each other, but David couldn't ask more things from the siblings.

Neither brother nor sister were sure about whether there were dark elves on the northern peak.

The two of them just followed the clues to find them. As for humans...the dark elves don't have many records about humans. They are just described as a backward, barbaric race that likes to fight among themselves. Taking advantage of the civil strife in the dark elves, they occupied the eastern part of the continent .


These are not the exact words of the brothers and sisters, but the information that David carefully condensed and sorted out. Even so, he noticed that the faces of the two dark elves were rather strange. It may be that he felt that the dark elves' evaluation of human beings said in front of a human. It was so embarrassing to come out.

After chatting for a while, seeing that the time was approaching noon, David invited the two dark elves to the restaurant for dinner.

After inquiring in advance whether the dark elves had any taboos on food, Jonah was given the arduous work of cooking.

Jonah is an excellent chef. After coming to Cold Winter Town, in order to adapt to the situation in Cold Winter Town, he learned and created new dishes after adjusting according to the tastes of everyone in Cold Winter Town.

Fortunately, the dark elves have no taboos on food, and the brother and sister also expressed their desire to try the special food here.

At the dinner table, besides David, the lord of Cold Winter Town, Laura, an archaeologist, was also there, chatting with Cecil about archaeological matters.

After lunch, I'll show you around Cold Winter Town. Because of the common topic, Laura immediately expressed that she was willing to act as a guide for the siblings and take them to visit Cold Winter Town together.

Of course, Laura also secretly winked at David, as if to say, ‘See how I can get more information for you! '.

When the lunch was over and Laura led the pair of dark elves for a stroll, Edwin Van Cleef appeared in front of David in time.

Back in the office, David, who drank tea and ate the fruit Helen sent as dessert, asked about the situation of the black ship.

My lord, there are indeed some weapons on the black ship, but most of them are self-defense weapons that are carried with you, and the number is not many.

Cold weapon or hot weapon?

It looks like a cold weapon, my lord.

Van Cleef didn't touch those weapons in order to avoid alarming others, so he didn't know if there was anything special about these normal-looking swords.

How did Reigns arrange it?

Recently, I recruited some newcomers, and one of them, Wilcox, went to approach the missionary.


At the beginning, David thought about setting up a professional intelligence department. In fact, this department has already taken shape, and it has gradually begun to operate under the command of Van Cleef recently.

It’s just that the name has not been officially decided. David thought of a few names in his spare time, such as MI9, God’s Hammer, Wolf’s Nest, etc., but he always felt that he didn’t like it. It is estimated that in the end it will be very traditional and named as the Cold Winter Intelligence Bureau. Shop sign.

Do you think I should set up an observation and guard post on the other side of the Winter River? His attention had been on the east and south before, and the vast surface of the Winter River gave him an illusion that he would not There is some threat popping up from this direction.

But the appearance of the dark elf brothers and sisters sounded the alarm for him, and he paid a little too little attention to this direction.

Yes, my lord! Van Cleef also felt that the defense of Cold Winter Town in the west was too weak. In the past, it could be said that there were no hostile forces in this direction, but the reality is that anyone and any force may come from appear here.

After all, they haven't even investigated what's on the land on the other side of the Winter River.

The navy has to do it too.

David likes to do things one by one, finish one thing and then deal with another one, but the reality is that when you want to do things one by one, more things will pop up to distract you.

Especially as a lord, he must start to learn and adapt to handling multiple things at the same time, otherwise he cannot become a qualified ruler.

After VanCleef left, David first went to James Norrington.

The former Royal Navy commodore, after coming to Cold Winter Town, didn't just dawdle around, quietly waiting for David's 'recruitment', but using all available time to enrich himself.

Ever since he came to Cold Winter Town and saw all kinds of strange things, he knew that if he wanted to gain a foothold in Cold Winter Town, he had to learn a lot of new things.

Elizabeth and Will also gave him similar advice: If you want to become an important member of Winter Town, you must learn a lot of new things, and it is absolutely not enough to rely on past skills!

So Norrington learned all kinds of new knowledge in addition to learning the Common Language of Brennia (there were no props for learning languages ​​at that time).

Just like Fording back then, in addition to reading books, Norrington also started to get in touch with video games, movies, TV, animation, etc., so that his tactical theory would not be outdated, and at the same time he would have a more intuitive understanding of advanced weapons.

Therefore, when David found the Royal Navy Commodore again, he was no longer a Royal Navy Commodore from the age of sail, but a former Royal Navy Commodore who was addicted to video games...

Fortunately, Norrington has not forgotten his original intention. He is obsessed with these things in order to gain a firm foothold in Cold Winter Town, so when David came to him, Norrington took the shortest time to sort out his personal image and replace it Put on clean and tidy clothes and prepare to meet the test from the lord.

Test? What test?

My lord, aren't you going to test my professional ability?

You are the only naval commander in the entire Cold Winter Town, and there is not even a fisherman who knows how to fish besides you. Is there anyone else besides you and me that I can use?


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