Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 65: A Great Battle... One Vs 20

After they surrounded me, three of the swordsmen started the attack without prior notice. It seemed they were pretty confident in their ability to finish this fight rapidly, so I needed to crush this confidence and made them see the truth… I wasn't the soft rock they thought I was.

Their levels weren't that high from me, as the highest of them was only level 15, while the rest were 14, and I was 13. I didn't know if I killed them would I get any XP? If so, then those scums were worth killing.

The three swordsmen used their strongest skills from the beginning, as I felt each sword shone with blinding light that looked intimidating. I didn't hold back either, as I used one of my immune skills from the beginning. I closed my eyes as I whispered to myself:

'Dragon armor absolute defense skill.'

"System Prompt: You have been attacked by the Rolime team, so you have one hour of self defense."

That was the prompt I waited for, as now I could attack them without any punishment. The strong defensive skill I just used gave me absolute immunity for 5 seconds was what I needed here.

After I used it, I didn't bother with those swordsmen as I directed my killing intent towards those distant healers and wizards. This time, I wasn't planning to use any skill, as the distance was big and if I moved to them I might get obstructed by those defenders.

So, I intended to use the new trick I just learned, and I hoped it would be enough to kill all of them. 5 enemies, 5 seconds, which meant I needed to use my trick five times in a row without any pause even for a slice of a moment.

I didn't delay, as I didn't want to use any other immune skill again in this fight. I first threw my spear high up in the air to fall over the palm of my hand, I moved my finger tips to grab its shaft, then I let it fall horizontally over my palm, and finally I let it launch towards the distant offenders.

I didn't wait to hear the sound of my spear hitting the distant wall, as I used a hand grip to bring it back to my hand. This time, I didn't need to use the first trick, as my spear was already in the position to be used again, so I wasn't polite to send it again towards a distant healer to take his life.

"She knows the spear of death moves, stop her immediately, defenders protect the healers."

I heard this shout from behind me, but I didn't even turn to look as I just killed the second healer and then grabbed my spear to launch it again into its third kill.

"She has an immune skill, it's all on you, defenders."

I knew they wouldn't stand by doing nothing, but I needed to hurry up and kill that third healer before they got in my way. I didn't need to open my eyes to know they had already moved to stand just in front of me.

My immune skill had less than two seconds to finish, so I needed to use them in killing that distant healer. This time, I didn't intend to use only the trick my master taught me, I intended to use another trick of my own.

I just grabbed the spear to come into my hand and then I started to take the position for sending it out again. Those NPCs weren't newbies; they were veterans who saw many tricks including mine.

So, when I just moved, they knew I was going to launch my spear again, and they predicted the course of it. I didn't open my eyes to see their moves, but the sound of their gear was very distinctive which gave me a hint about their places.

Just before I let my spear go, I didn't, as I feigned the attack and stopped it abruptly, or to be specific I changed the trajectory of my spear suddenly by a sudden halt, followed by a side jump, and ending with a sharp turn.

This was one trick I learned back home, and it was used to evade incoming attacks by deceiving the attacker, but now I turned the tables and used it to trick the defenders. This move cost me one second, so I didn't stop and threw my spear towards the third healer.

Just as my feet touched the ground, I heard a sharp metallic sound coming from upfront, it was like my spear hit a solid metallic wall. I grabbed my spear fast then opened my eyes. I calculated everything except the reaction of this swordsman, the damn big brother.

He stood in between me and that remaining healer as he retreated a couple of meters backward under the effect of my spear. His sword, which he used to stop my spear, was pretty damaged and was considered worthless now. I took a deep breath as that swordsman threw his sword and took out new one while saying:

"Impressive, in just one day you learned this mighty trick, you are a worthy opponent. Maybe if you faced anyone other than me, you would have managed to kill our healer, but not under my watch. Your turn ended, now it's my turn."

He just ended his words with the passage of last immune seconds, and he moved. I didn't know if this was a coincidence or he knew the time of my skill, but I felt he knew the timing.

His sword was fast, but I had seen Shin fighting with the sword a lot already, so his attack with the sword was simply ineffective. He tried to surprise me, but he failed.

After I evaded his first strike, he followed by a second, then a third, and a fourth, which all were missed by me. I smelled something fishy, as he didn't use a single skill in his attacks, which was weird.

I felt the urge to stop him, so I moved with my spear as I evaded his fifth strike and then used my stab skill to attack him. as I expected, he defended the strike with his sword, but just as I wanted to hit him, I felt a strange heat appearing around me.

I was familiar with this type of heat; it was a spell, or a wizard skill. I didn't dare to stop at my place as I moved rapidly to the side trying to get away from the area of effect of this skill, but I was faced with two swords trying to chop me, and a skill to control my movement.

"Don't struggle, foolish player, as you are already doomed."

That big brother's words didn't affect me, as I had another card that could extract me from this difficult situation. I didn't hope to use it so soon, but now I had no other choice.

'Dragon cape fog skill.'

A fog appeared abruptly surrounding me, which I used to move immediately from my place to appear a couple of meters away. My timing was amazing as I just escaped the effect of that wizard skill after just one second of its beginning.

Just as I appeared, a big two hundred loss of my HP appeared above my head. That wizard was scary, if I stayed there I might have lost over half of my HP. My skill gave me two seconds of immunity and high mobility so I didn't waste any time as I used a series of my strongest skills.

'Penta aux skill

Strength aux skill.

Tempest of lightning skill.

Triple thrush skill.

Gravity skill.'

Their attacks didn't stop hitting me one after another, but I didn't lose a single drop of blood from their skills. I turned towards that big brother who was moving towards me steadily as I muttered:

"It's my turn now."

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