After transmigrating into the cultivation world, the school topper was reborn

Chapter 70 - 70th

“Two years ago?” Su father shouted, “You were only fourteen years old!”

Su Xingchen calmed down over the phone again: “Well.”

“Then … then … now …”

“No.” She said: “I didn’t have this plan in a short time. Do you have anything else?”

After hanging up the phone, Su’s father returned to the room in a trance. It was difficult to digest this bad news for a time. Maybe it was too much thinking. At night, I was dreaming that my second daughter was in love. Obviously still a high school student With a big belly, in a blink of an eye, the baby was born, and he shouted his pants to call his grandfather.

Su Su suddenly woke up!

Su’s phone call didn’t affect Su Xingchen. He meditated all night and got up refreshed. He went downstairs with Cheng Kangyao for breakfast early in the morning.

When Cheng Kangyao went downstairs, he knocked on the door of the room next door with several people: “All up!”

They were late in the game last night. They heard Cheng Kangyao’s voice was loud. But helpless Cheng Kangyao was particularly persistent, until they had to get up.

When they got up, Cheng Kangyao ignored them, went straight to dinner with Su Xingchen and asked them to put on makeup and make styling. Only she and Cheng Kangyao and Zhou Qing went downstairs.

Because Su Xingchen now has some heat, when eating breakfast in the restaurant, many people looked back at her and took photos with her while holding her mobile phone. After seeing the green-haired teenager beside her, she was more excited. Secretly pat.

Cheng Kangyao frowned.

Both he and Su Xingchen were accustomed to being photographed, but they were indifferent. The two took the dinner plate directly for breakfast.

After Zhou Qing saw that there was a table full of food on the table in front of him, he couldn’t help but ask his nephew: “Can you eat so much?”

Great nephew Cheng Kangyao put a small bowl of white porridge in front of Su Xingchen, his eyes were surprised: “Of course, I and Xingchen eat it.”

He was used to cooking for Su Xingchen. From the second day on, the two were together for three years. This has always been the case. Although the two have broken up, this habit still remains.

Zhou Qing said nothing.

In Zhou Qing’s view, Su Xingchen has become an idol. In order to look good, she will also control her appetite. He thought her breakfast was that little bowl of white porridge, but he was wrong!

Sitting next to her was his great nephew who would feed her.

After seeing that his nephew gave Su Xingchen a bowl of white porridge, he gave her eggs and put them in her porridge. He clearly knew her habits and knew that she didn’t like to eat dry eggs. Mixed with porridge, after she finished drinking white porridge, she moved her empty bowl very neatly, put the little chaos next to her, and continued to eat.

Zhou Qing originally wanted to say, but he could not bear to say it.

When Su Xingchen finished the small bowl of ravioli, his nephew handed over two more small cakes and a cup of hot milk.

In order to control the amount of food, trainees in their own company wished to weigh each gram with a scale, and dare not eat more than one gram. Looking at Su Xingchen’s no signs of restraining the amount of food, how to eat How to eat, this amount of food is almost catching up with his big man, can’t help reminding: “Xingchen, although I know you are thin, but you should know, TV screen, it is horizontal?” He both hands Make a TV series width distance: “People will be stretched.”

Su Xingchen was talking with milk, put down the milk after hearing the words, raised his eyes and asked him: “So?”

“Did you eat too much?”

“How much?” Su Xingchen, who had never planned to stay in the entertainment industry for a long time, took a bite of cake. “I’m still growing.”

Cheng Kangyao ate more than Su Xingchen, and looked at his uncle with contempt. “It’s too much to call this? Do you have any misunderstandings about the amount of meals?”

Then he put a poached egg in Su Xingchen’s bowl.

Su Xingchen, a young ignorance who has never concealed the amount of food in front of her boyfriend: …

Su Xingchen is really a normal meal, no more than others, no less than others, junior high school students, who will cover up their meals, regardless of boys and girls, the speed of running to the canteen after class is faster than anyone else. Otherwise, the team will line up, the elders and elders, running a little slower, maybe your favorite dishes will be finished.

When Zhou Qing sent Su Xingchen to the gymnasium, Cheng Kangyao was afraid that she would be hungry after exercising in the morning, and stuffed two chocolate cupcakes in her hands.

Zhou Qing: …

Zhou Qing has no idea about his nephew, who loves his girlfriend’s madness. As netizens said, I like this thing, and I can’t hide it. Every expression, every action, every detail of him Before telling everyone, he likes her.

After they left, Su Xingchen followed them, and they all carried down the sign with curls, and a few people took a taxi to the stadium.

Because the eight episodes are all broadcast during the winter holidays, the editing time of the program group is extremely tight, and the time for recording the program is also very tight.

Su Xingchen When they started today’s game, the program team started to work overtime and edit the third period. They must work overtime to cut the third and fourth periods before the program starts next Saturday.

The material of the third phase is ready-made, that is, the women ’s 50m, 100m, and 200m sprint events in the afternoon after the last race. The material of the fourth phase is not yet available, so they have no rest time at all, they ca n’t Delay, you must play today, after the game is finished, the program must be edited immediately, because the broadcast time of the third and fourth phases is only one day, one Saturday and one Sunday.

When Su Xingchen arrived outside the gymnasium, they also arrived with curls. They hurried to the stairs outside the stadium with the lights on, standing like a welcome on Jiadao.

Su Xingchen got out of the car, and they shouted uniformly and loudly: “Sinju Lao Xian! Mana is boundless!”

“Sinju old fairy! Mana is boundless!”

“Sinju old fairy! Mana is boundless!”

Probably because of the heat of yesterday, in addition to curling them together, there were some fans holding her brand outside the stadium, and when they saw the killing of the Matter Group, they quickly ran behind them and joined in the fun: “Sinju old fairy! Mana is boundless!”

“Sinju old fairy! Mana is boundless!”

They also held two things like plastic bubbles in their hands and clapped loudly with their shouts.

Su Xingchen: …

Looking at the leading group that killed Matt Sky, she wanted to pretend not to know them?

But she walked over and stuffed the cupcake in her hands into the hands of the chubby and another girl.

Then the friends shouted louder and more excited!

The fans of other idols looked at this group of sand sculpture fans who were completely different from theirs. They all wanted to stay away from them, as if they were closer to them, they could be infected by the two strokes of their temperament. .

In the morning, it is the high jump, long jump, and archery of the men’s and women’s teams. In the afternoon, it is the javelin, discus, shot put, and archery of the women’s team.

Probably to increase the fun of the show, the men’s archery and the women’s archery were purposely separated from the unsightly high jump, long jump, javelin, discus, shot put, etc.

Otherwise, the show is too boring, and no one is expected to watch it.

And because the players are not professional athletes, there are many eye-catching events like badminton, boxing, basketball, kayaking, equestrian, fencing, etc. in the general sports games. They ca n’t be displayed at such idol sports games, only limited display. Projects, so programs like swimming, artistic gymnastics, etc., which are more interesting, are put in the back as far as possible to attract the audience to watch.

Otherwise, the good-looking projects will be finished soon, and no one will watch the boring projects.

However, because of the high face value of the idols, even if it is a boring project such as high jump and long jump, everyone still reads it with interest, especially archery, while nervous and exciting, there are still many accidents.

Su Xingchen had a high jump in the morning and a javelin in the afternoon, and he did not accidentally get the first place in the preliminary round.

So far, with the exception of the last relay, all three of her matches have been completed, and all have won the first, followed by the semifinals and finals.

Because most of the people have been eliminated in the preliminary round, including some small fresh meat and small flowers with traffic. When they signed the contract, they signed a short contract with traffic. Those who came to support the traffic with newcomers, now with traffic The role has been played, they are busy with their work, and there are many announcements. They have to go back quickly after the work is completed. The program team has started a new round of hype for its own traffic.

Anyway, now Su Xingchen has a high degree of topic. In order to maintain the high heat and topic of the show, the program team has a lot of real and fake materials about Su Xingchen on the Internet, all kinds of rhythmic curse, and then rhythm whitewashing, which caused online curse. There are many people in her, and more and more people know her, and then itinerary new traffic and enter the program.

Wang Sijia watched the photos and news that she released. Not only did she not make Su Xingchen blacker, but she seemed to make her redder.

Just as netizens scolded and more and more netizens knew the name Su Xingchen, the third episode of the program began.

As soon as the third episode was over, the Internet exploded!

Almost the entire network was discussing about the third episode of the program, and also edited several slow-motion small videos of Su Xingchen flying through the walls.

Many netizens who did not watch this program, after seeing this video, also brushed up ‘666’ online and ran to watch this program.

And they did not look at the first issue, but went directly to the third issue online.

The third phase begins with many fans standing outside the stadium waiting for the arrival of idols, and then killing Matts to appear outside the stadium.

This is not a short shot, but a long shot, from killing Matts outside the stadium, and then a quick shot, like the monster in “Journey to the West”, to the line of lights carrying away Go down the stairs, and then sit in the first row of the auditorium in the last row, the picture is very spicy!

Many viewers who came to watch this show for the first time saw such an opening, almost saliva did not spray out, and all of the barrage was brushing ‘Ha ha ha ha ha what is this sand sculpture show “ What is this group of killing Matt ghosts’ ‘This show is too LOW’!

The impression of the people on killing Matt still stayed in the “brain stump” and “LOW”. Unexpectedly, the program group gave them such an impact at the beginning, and thought that the so-called “idol” are these brain stumps. As a result, I saw the hottest green-haired boy with the biggest number of Su Xingchen in front of him, with Erlang’s legs raised high, his arms on the lights, his chin up, his expression and eyes almost straight No friends!

What’s more interesting is that when he went down the stairs, he was clearly the first one. When he was sitting on the seat, he was sitting in the middle. The group of killers behind him sat on each side of him, four on each side. This is like the four main guardians around.

The entire episode used fast-forwarding. In five seconds, the whole appeared, entered the venue, went downstairs, lined up like a triad, sat down and put the camera on, but the editor left Cheng Kangyao alone. Added lens.

It’s a close-up.

Later, the teacher added a big thick gold chain around his neck, black sunglasses with reflective lights on his eyes, a cigar in his mouth, and music with special effects.

The audience almost didn’t laugh at the pigs in front of the TV. Even Cheng Kangyao’s parents, Cheng Cheng’s mother, when they saw this, almost didn’t sip coffee.

The whole barrage is full of ‘hahahaha’ ‘hahahahaha’ ‘hahahahahahaha’.

The killing Matts almost didn’t laugh when they saw it.

None of them thought that they were like this in the eyes of others, and it was quite a pull.

Several people are very proud.

The third period was last week’s afternoon competition, which is the women’s sprint. There was no Su Xingchen’s competition ahead.

Then high energy came.

The editor gave Su Xingchen another long shot here. After seeing her seeing the killing Matts in the opposite audience, they waved towards them and walked towards them step by step.

Of course, this process only gave a two-second shot, and Su Xingchen went under the fence.

The audience who had watched the slow-motion video on the Internet all sat upright, and the barrage was already densely covered with ‘high energy in front, high energy in front, high energy in front’, but these new visitors were still excited and nervous. Seeing Su Xingchen in the show as light as a swallow, his feet lightly on the wall and swept across the wall.

then! Later, the teachers gave her a close-up slow-motion close-up here, and she took a clear picture of how Su Xingchen passed the two-meter high wall.

This video not only went crazy on the domestic Internet, but was also forwarded by some good people to a website similar to domestic Weibo played by foreigners.

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