After the World of Conan is Full of Bad Luck

Chapter 7

Chapter 6:

For Japan, a country with frequent earthquakes, the shaking of the earth and mountains is as common as eating and drinking.

Fear is like poison, permeating from the skin, spreading to the limbs little by little, making people uneasy.

For Amamiya Chiyuki, those are not the most important things, the suppressor is the first thing.

“Miss Amamiya, are you looking for this?”

Hagihara Kenji’s gentle voice rang beside her, and looking at her, she saw a pink ball-shaped device in her broad palm.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank you, thank you very much.”

When she put on the suppressor, she felt that the stone in her heart fell to the ground.

Hagihara Kenji smiled, his eyebrows and eyes were as harmonious as the spring breeze, “This is what Xiao Zhenping found, and he asked me to give it to you. Does Miss Amamiya’s injury matter?”

“It’s okay, it’s just a skin injury.”

She blinked her eyes, and then she decided to look at her current situation. The ends of her purple-gray hair had a burnt smell. His clothes were also scratched by the falling glass, except for the gunshot wound, there were scattered bloodstains.

Overall, okay?

“Miss Amamiya going there to rest? This bank is the headquarters, the police should be here soon, don’t worry too much.”

The thoughtful and reassuring words, coupled with his face and voice, make it hard to disapprove of his proposal.

But after Amamiya Qianxue looked at the women gathered there, her brows were furrowed, something was wrong, the number was wrong.

Why is there a female employee missing?

When she came in, she roughly glanced at the bank, and when the gangster asked her to work, she counted the number of people again.

There should be seven female bank employees, but now there are only six.

Will the missing person be the one who shot?

Where is she now? What do you want to do again?

“Sorry, I didn’t count the exact number, but there should be about 20 people in total.”

Matsuda Jinhei, who was not far away, looked at the two people beside him, and felt that his past was not very good, but this guy Hagi must be too good at dealing with girls.

Can there be so many topics to talk about? He thought about himself who didn’t know what to say after thanking him dryly, and felt a little helpless.

“Hey, Hagi! These guys are already tied up, didn’t you say you want to find an emergency power supply system?”

Kenji Hagihara responded: “Well, I’ll come here. Miss Amamiya said she wants to go with us.”

“Huh? What is she going to do? I can’t help you, why don’t you stay in the hall.” Matsuda Jinpei retorted without thinking.

As a friend, Ken Hagihara spreads his hands, and Xiaojinping continues to be like this, I am afraid he can’t find a girlfriend.

“Sorry, Xiao Jinping has no other intentions, he just thinks that Miss Amamiya, you are injured, it is better to rest.” He smiled and patched his friend.

Amamiya Qianxue didn’t care about this matter at all, she was now full of thoughts on the missing female employee. There is no way to hide people in this wide hall, and only the backstage can hide.

However, let her with a force value of 0 go to the backstage to find someone alone. I am afraid that if the female employee does not find it, she will have to play GG in advance.

“I know Mr. Matsuda is not malicious, but I think my observation might be of help.”

In the past 20 years, Amamiya Qianxue felt that she was just an ordinary person except for being particularly unlucky, but she felt that she could barely get by with her observation and memory.

After the three made a decision, they began to walk towards the office area in the backstage. At this time, forty minutes had passed since the start of the bank robbery, and more than ten minutes had passed since the explosion and fire of the vault .

The hall needs fresh air.


She shrugged the tip of her nose, and her brows, which had been locked, relaxed a little. The two young people were discussing the situation of this emergency circuit.

Just now they have swept the area and found no missing female employees.

It also made Matsuda a little puzzled, saying that she probably counted the wrong person.

Amamiya Qianxue did not refute, but only she knew that her observation and memory would not go wrong under such circumstances.

Where did that person hide in this large secret room?

“It’s done!” Matsuda Jinhei snapped his fingers, his face filled with a cheerful smile that solved everything.

The originally dim bank also flashed on and off, and turned on a bright light. Although it did not bring any temperature, it did dispel the anxiety in everyone’s heart.

“Mr. Matsuda is amazing.” Amamiya Chiyuki praised from the bottom of her heart.

The curly-haired youth rubbed his nose and answered as a matter of course: “Of course!”

Hagihara Kenji also smiled, “But compared to repairing things, Xiaojinping, you are best at dismantling things.”

“Cut, you’re very good at it!”

Amamiya Qianxue said stubbornly: “Since the light is on, let’s look again.”

“Do you still feel that one person is missing? But Hagi also asked other employees, and they all said that these are the only people working today.” Matsuda Jinpei sorted out the repair tools again and again. Looking a little puzzled.

Kenji Hagihara came out to round up the field, “Look for it again, maybe it was just a lighting problem, I didn’t find it.”

However, this time, before they started looking, the police and the mobile team arrived.

The search was naturally handed over to more professional police, but after a carpet-level search, nothing was found.

The Momo police department, who had not finished the morning case, listened to the report of the subordinate, and glanced at Amamiya Chiyuki who was waiting for the result.

His brows furrowed.

It seems that Miss Amamiya was too nervous at the time, so she misread it.

“Miss Amamiya, are you seriously injured?” The Mumu police department walked to the ambulance. Except for the gangsters, the most seriously injured here was the temporary detective lady in the morning.

“Mumu Police Department, it’s all right, it’s all skin trauma, and the doctor has already dealt with it.” She said, raised her arm, and let him see the bandaged area Look.

The rest of the scratches were also disinfected, and emergency gauze or OK bandages were pasted, which made her look pale and weak, and she looked a little sick.

Amamiya Qianxue asked eagerly, “Did you find any extra female employees?”

“No, Miss Amamiya, weren’t you too nervous at the time?”

“Probably, Mumu Police Department.”

She half-drooped her eyes and dealt with it.

Moreover, since that shot, she has not continued to act, and she does not need to continue to ask the truth.

The pursuit of this mysterious event is too much entanglement, but something will happen.

After all, this is how it is played in countless games and movies. Curiosity killed the cat.

She just wants to collect energy smoothly and solve her troublesome superpowers, and doesn’t want to get involved in too troublesome things.

After handling the emergency response at the scene, the police asked all relevant personnel to return to the police station for a written investigation, but this made Amamiya Qianxue very difficult to handle, she really did not want to take transportation.

“Mumu Police Department, can’t we just ask the question here at one time?” She begged the police officer she had just met in the morning, her face full of reluctance.

The middle-aged police officer wearing a hat, showing half moon eyes, “This time is a large and vicious case, you can’t just make a record at the scene. Don’t worry, just go to the police station and have a seat. , this time you are still a heroic hero, not so terrifying.”

No no no, she is not afraid of the police station, she does not want to take a car.

“Mr. Police Department! Then let me walk over by myself! The Metropolitan Police Department headquarters is not far from here, let me walk over by myself, how about it?”

“?? What?? Walk over? Are you rejecting police cars?”

Amamiya Qianxue sighed, “Almost.”

“Hey, uncle. Then we can walk with her.” Matsuda Jinping yawned, the gauze undulating with the movements on his face.

“Huh?? Why are they all?” The Mumu police department felt that they were out of touch with the young people at the moment.

Hagihara Kenji also got close to Meguro, whispered a few words with a smile, persuaded the original objection of the Meguro Police Department, not only agreed to the unreasonable request of the three people, but also gave them wireless Walkie-talkie, let them not stay too long on the road, go to the Metropolitan Police Department as soon as possible.

At the moment, at the bank vent, a woman wearing a black tights climbed out. Under her beautiful and ordinary face, she had an unexpected figure with irregular bumps.

Like a cat, she quickly jumped from the roof of the building next to her by taking advantage of the night.

Crossing a few unmonitored trails, they turn to a fork in the road.

She knocked on the window, and after a crisp sound, the door was opened. A woman in a black tights sat in, with a graceful figure and a slender waist.

“How is it? Belmod.” A low, hoarse voice came from the mouth of the person in the seat next to him.

“Well, although the things can’t be brought back, they are destroyed. What about the snow tree people?”

And the long-haired man in a black coat beside him had no expression or eyes, “Is that mouse? This is its last chance to escape. It won’t let it continue to jump. , all those who betray the organization will become undead. Vodka, drive.”

The last sentence was directed at the burly man in black in front.

“Yes, brother.”

Belmode took out a slender lady’s cigarette from his pocket, and after lighting it, white smoke lingered, making that aggressive face look a little soft at this time.

After smoking half a cigarette, the car suddenly braked suddenly and stopped on the viaduct.

“What’s the matter, vodka?”

“Sister Belmod, it should have been a car accident in the previous earthquake and blocked.” There was also a hint of impatience in the thick voice.

“Go back.” The person on the side spoke.

However, at the moment, the viaduct has been blocked, and there is no way to pass before and after.

Belmode pressed the remaining cigarette out in annoyance, with a little irritability in his eyes.

She was really unlucky today. First of all, she was disrupted by the sudden bandits, so she had to detonate the bomb, and finally she had to go into the burning vault to find what the traitors took away.

The bank was surrounded by the police, so she could only leave through the ventilation channel, and now she is forced to be blocked on the viaduct, which is really a terrible task.

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