After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 78 – Realisation

Ignoring the look her father’s servants gave her, Elana moved into the Merchant’s home. She let her eyes wander, drinking in the sights of a different life than what she had been used to having in this world.

Having your house connected to the business was normal for most - even back on Earth. But here, Elana was a proper lady with memories included… 

When she bothered to recall them, which happened less and less. Now, Elana did it only when spending her time with Mary. The memories of them playing with toys added a lot of spice to their outlandish interactions.

The way the workers bowed and scurried out of Elana’s way while trying to appease their clientele was amusing. The many herbs and mixtures were less so. A couple perfumes wafting past her nose did pique her interest. 

After sending Cinthia to enquire about them, Elana headed deeper into the shop, where Leina was already waiting.

The bespectacled girl deeply bowed, her hands clasped together into a nervous knot. Leina could barely hide her fear. “G-greetings, my lady?” She sounded unsure of the etiquette.

“I hope you have prepared the gift as I asked you,” Elana extended her hand and grabbed the voluptuous girl’s waist.

The soft yelp only ignited Elana’s urges even more. She prevented Leina’s escape by holding the girl tighter. Her fingers dug deeper into the soft flesh, almost to the point of pain.

Then, Elana pushed further, actually making Leina wince when the pain became unbearable. It also made the girl meeker than usual.

Leina did try to find an escape, but she was too afraid to speak, and her pleading looks didn’t find a target as all the employees pretended the duo was not there.

“Now,” Elana pushed the girl. “Let’s head deeper. Show me your place.” She leaned closer to Leina’s ear and whispered. “Make sure my father’s spies can’t get in.”

Fearful of what Elana could do, Leina gave a small sign to the intrigued guard standing on the side. The man nodded, then went on to bump into the coachman, who had inappropriately followed inside.

Elana doubted the spy would be so audacious to follow deeper into the building. Still, it was better to make sure the eyesore was busy. She glanced back, then vanished out of sight with a beautiful flower in her hand.

Once sure they would not be overheard, Elana became more shameless. She channelled a bit of divine strength into her body, handling Leina’s body with untoward roughness. Her fingers found an opening, intruding beneath the girl’s dress.

“S-stop,” Leina shuddered, feeling the lustful digits trace over her supple skin. She squirmed, trying to get out of Elana’s grasp, only to find herself sinking deeper.

“Hmm,” Elana peered into Leian’s fearful eyes. The girl wasn’t enjoying the experience. Not that it mattered to Elana. She shrugged, pulling Leina into a hug, preparing to explore the girl’s body even further.

Only to be interrupted by Cinthia, who chased after them with the purchased perfume in her hands. “I got them.” She grumbled, “I get better reimbursed. These were worth more than a good strap - Huh.” She stopped. “Did I interrupt?”

“Yes,” Elana let go of Leina. “No matter. We can continue later.” She decided it wasn’t worth the risk of being interrupted again. This wasn’t exactly an isolated spot. “Show me your lab. I have a demand.” Her hand wandered down and squeezed her victim’s ass, earning Elana another tearful yelp.

“So about that reimbursement,” Cinthia batter her eyelashes.

“It will be done.” Elana enjoyed the sight of Leina hurrying ahead while rubbing her butt cheek. “Or we could arrange something equivalent.” She opened her mouth to suggest aphrodisiac but shut it right after. “That reminds me…”

Elana narrowed her eyes as she watched Leina open a latch leading down into the hidden tunnel system beneath. The girl’s workplace was well hidden. She stepped closer to the passage and looked down, finding a well-lit corridor.

“Curious. And useful.” Elana approved. She jumped down, curious if her knightly body could handle it.

As it turned out, Elana could. She grunted, her legs buckling under the impact, and almost fell. Her bones ached but held.

Under Leina’s surprised gaze, Elana straightened. “Leina, my Dear,” She formed a vicious smile. “I have to ask. Did my sister ask for your help?” Her tone made it clear there would be no avoiding the question.

“Wh-what do you mean?” Leina still tried. “M-my lab is this way. We are almost there.”

“Answer me.” Elana didn’t raise her voice. In fact, it was rather sweet.

Yet, for Leina, it felt like an executioner's axe. “She might or maybe not?” Her eyes swam, trying to avoid looking at Elana. “A couple times. It happens.” She supposed.

“I see. Then,” Elana licked her lips. “Has she asked for anything recently?” She walked closer, swaying her hips. “For something to help to court me?” Her smile grew only wider as Leina’s expression crumpled.

“Yes? S-she might have…” Leina still tried to stall.

It only made Elana surer of what Mary had done. “Did she try to change her fucking body fluids to becoming addictive?” Her temper finally snapped.

The outburst startled Leina, and she stumbled back, falling on the ground, her dress hem raiding high, revealing a smooth pair of legs. “Y-yes!” She yelled out.

“She did, didn’t she,” Elana chewed on her lower lip. Her sister was in for a punishment. “What exactly did she ask for?” She wanted clarity.

“F-for something that would change her d-discharge into aphrodisiac with addictive qualities.” Leina hurried to explain while hiding her salacious legs.

“How addictive?” Elana feared the answer. She still had cravings…

“I-I am not sure,” Leina struggled to answer. “It shouldn’t be that bad in small doses. Just don’t consume a lot, and it will be fine?” She tilted her head.

“Fuck!” Elana slammed her fist against the stone while channelling the divine energy, making the wall crack. “Fuck!” She realised she was fucked.

Had dentist appointment. Have to take antibiotics - they fucked me up (?). Maybe.

Anyway. I am sick. Fuck.

Stay Safe,

Sick Enkiari

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