After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 58 – A Discussion of Fashion.

It wasn’t that they had much to pack for the trip. The capital wasn’t that far. Elana’s father had sent her various frilly dresses to present herself better. She didn’t miss how revealing they were despite all the fluffiness.

And Moira was very vocal about it. “Wow. This one would barely cover your nipples.” She took the white mess of a dress to the mirror to check how it would suit her. “He must be serious about you finding a new suitor.”

“Don’t even think about fitting into it.” Elana sat in her chair, checking the latest test answers. She had acquired both hers and Moira’s to compare them. “Your breasts will tear it apart.”

“I am not fat!” Moira spun around and pointed at Elana.

“I didn’t say you are. Your rack is just on the larger side, and the dresses are tailored for me.”

“You just have small tits,” Moira grumbled, then threw the dress where the rest of the dismissed garbs were.

Elana re-read her father's letter, committing it to her memory. “I am perfect.” She absentmindedly reminded.

“Then what am I?” Moira presented her magnificent form.

And Elana fell for it, her eyes not quite making up to Moira’s face. “Also perfect.” She licked her lips. If they hadn’t fucked around for most of the day, she would have pounced on her woman.

Unfortunately, Elana was too tired. She waved at her Toy.  “Burn those atrocious dresses.”

“Ah,” Moira watched the Toy gather the garbs. “Some of them are nice.”

“You have been poor for too long. We will get you something better.”

“Even if it is frilly?”

“Even if it is frilly.” Elana focused back on her plans. “When did you say the prince left?” She always had trouble remembering anything regarding the idiot. It was a bad habit, she knew, but…

“Yesterday morning.” Moira returned her attention to the things the Duke had sent. “You should try these dresses sometime. You would look gorgeous!”

“I like a more streamlined style.” Elana wasn’t swayed. “And you are sure he will be able to bring us the artefact?” Her eyebrow arched.

“Yes, yes.” Moira picked up a blue mess of excess. “Wow. So ugly.” She threw the dress after Toy, who was leaving the room with the dresses that had already been rejected. “There is not much fetish gear on this world as far as I know.”

“What does that have to do with anything.” Elana frowned as she tried to follow Moira’s thought process. She grimaced, failing in that endeavour.

“You know. The leather outfits. The ones dominatrixes wear.”

“No, I got that part. But what does that have to do with my sense of style?” Elana slowly tore the letter into pieces until nothing was left of it. She had sent a response already.

She had requested a clandestine meeting with her father. It would be a good chance of getting rid of the man. If it failed, she had other plans. In the worst case, the kingdom would be thrown into a civil war, with her father and the bordering kingdom as the enemies.

It was something to be avoided. Elana didn’t want to ruin the kingdom’s economy for such a measly amount of fun. It was better to attack than to defend. She could have fun instigating a war later. There was no need to rush into one.

“Don’t you like to wear those?” Moira looked at Elana in surprise. “I remember you seeing in leather a couple of times in the past.”

“Oh,” Elana recalled. “Not particularly. It had more to do with the role I took and my experimentation. I like hurting others, and dressing in leather signalled I would.” She explained with a wave of her hand.“It was easier to find submissive people while dressing as someone who would dominate.” She smirked.

“I see,” Moira tiptoed to her and sat down in Elana’s lap while wrapping her hands around Elana’s neck. “I think. A kiss?”

Elana looked into Moira’s eyes but didn’t move. After a moment of staring, Moira released a frustrated noise, then pushed her lips against Elana’s.

It took them a few minutes before Elana and Moira were satisfied. They parted their lips, a long thread of saliva extending between them. 

“So nice,” Moira mumbled, then leaned on Elana, burying her face in her nape.

“It is.” Elana agreed. The way Moira’s breath tickled the back of her neck was highly enjoyable, giving her goosebumps. “And I hate how leather feels against the skin. Especially once it gets hot.” She complained with a pout.


“The leather.” Elana reminded. “Did you lose all your brain cells while talking to the idiot? Is his stupidy contaigous?”

For her jab, Elana earned herself a bite on her neck. She pulled Moira’s hair to get her off, but it only made her woman bite harder. “Let go, you cannibal!”

Moira did. “Tasty. I do love eating you.” She unwrapped herself from Elana.

“I know. But not like this!” Elana rubbed her slobbered neck, grimacing. “There better not be any signs left.”

“Oh, there are.” Moira wiggled, changing her position slightly and pressed her breasts against Elana’s face. “Here. That will make you feel better.”

While the malleable flesh pressing against her face did make Elana feel better, that wasn’t the point. “I can’t go to the gathering covered in your ‘love’ bites.” She huffed the boobs.

“Oh, don’t be like that. I can fix it, you know.”

Elana froze, and Moira didn’t miss it. “Oh. So you did know about it.” She played with Elana’s hair. “I was wondering. But you can’t? Interesting. What can you tell me about the healing?”

“It is… Can you let go of me for a moment? It is hard to talk while your nipple is pushing inside my mouth.”

“Yes, yes. Now speak.” Moira leaned back, having a smug look on her face.

“It’s…” Elana frowned. “It’s not really healing. If I understand correctly, it is more like transformation. You can heal with it, yes. But it’s more than that.”


“Well… Two lovers had to have a way to have babies if they wanted.” Elana decided to reveal everything.


“And the bracelets are a way to do it.”

“WHAT?”“Don’t shout.” Elana reprimanded. “I don’t know how it works exactly. It is magic.”

“We can grow dicks?”

“I…” Elana narrowed her eyes. “I won’t agree to that.” She let her stance known.

“Okay, fine. You are cute as you are.” Moira didn’t push, but her mind was still running at full speed. “How about for others? What are the limits? Can I change someone entirely?”

“...” Elana was speechless. “...Maybe?” She finally answered, and Moira grinned.

Elana didn’t miss how her girl repeated the word kids.

Back. Kind of. Let's see how it goes. I feel like I have lost the feeling for the story a little. Hmm...

Stay safe,

Returning Enkiari

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