After Resurrecting, I Opened a Cat Cafe

Chapter 35

Chapter 34 – Nail Wash

Your pup is petting you and making rare requests.

Option One: Agree.

Option Two: Refuse and tell his cub politely that he and Boss Pei might fight.

Reason told him that he should choose the latter one, after all, he and Pei Shiyi really choked up too easily.

But are you going to reject your pup?

Bo Jinbo’s lips moved slightly, he really didn’t know what to say, so he looked at Pei Shiyi.

Pei Shiyi didn’t expect Song Gao to say that, so he was also stunned, and raised his eyes to meet Bo Jin’s.

The two adults fell silent at the same time, and Sponge Cake reacted suddenly—his request was too much, and it might embarrass his two most beloved people.

Qu An is straightforward by nature, always saying what he has to say. Sponge cake is a rare and delicate temperament. After discovering his gaffe, he tried to break through the embarrassment just now with the method he could think of: “I just miss the director a little bit, and I also want to eat cat cafe’s supper, so that’s why…”

Pei Shiyi’s heart softened immediately, and he couldn’t harden his heart in the first place: such a young child didn’t need to be so observant.

What’s more, he and Bo Jin are both men, so there is no question of taking advantage of anyone.

“Okay,” Pei Shiyi agreed, “but there is only one bedroom on the third floor, do you recognize the bed?”

The third floor was said to be an attic, but it was actually a one-bedroom room. Pei Shiyi used a screen to divide the room into two spaces. The fluffy ones slept on one side, and he was on the other. Although some fluffy often sleepwalk to his bed when he falls asleep.

Bo Jin shook his head, he could even lean on the uncomfortable chair of the non-management bureau, so of course he didn’t have a problem with the bed.

Pei Shiyi clenched his fist to his lips and coughed: “Alright then, go upstairs, the muffin snacks are still upstairs.”

Bo Jin picked up the sponge cake and followed him upstairs.

Sponge cake seemed to be in a particularly good mood, but lying in Bo Jin’s arms, without combing or stroking, unconsciously stepped on Bo Jin’s cuffs, squinted his eyes and purred lightly.

Bo Jin lowered his gaze slightly, and the black meat pad of the sponge cake was gently pressing against his skin, stepping on it made his heart sore, and he wished that everything could be delivered to the sponge cake, to make him happy, to make him happier.

Bo Jin hadn’t been to the third floor yet. Although the third floor also belonged to the cat cafe, it was a very mysterious place for creatures other than Pei Shiyi and Maomao.

The style of the third floor is completely different from that of the downstairs business area, the carpet is laid tightly, and no wooden boards are exposed. Bo Jin looked at it objectively, and felt that there was not enough room for his tail in the living room, so there were grab boards and climbing frames in the living room.

The folding screen divides the bedroom into two spaces. Pei Shiyi’s bedroom is close to the door, and bypassing the screen is the resting place for the furry children.

When the two of them went upstairs with one cat, the other cats had already eaten snacks, and Yun Chao did not eat them as usual. He had already brushed his teeth and wiped his paws, and was stepping on the quilt on Pei Shiyi’s bed. Miss Petunia was also on the bed. The long-haired big cat spreads out its gorgeous soft fur on the black silk satin brocade quilt.

While the other fur kids were eating snacks in the back, the screen reflected a row of big tails raised high up. Bo Jin walked around the screen with the sponge cake in his arms, found a bowl with a small sponge cake’s head on it, and put him in the small bowl. Before the bowl.

Fondant was picking up chicken leg meat from Yunchao’s bowl, and found that there were more small sponge cakes around him, immediately put the chicken leg meat into the small sponge cake bowl, and licked the sponge cake like Yunchao: “Mi—” Eat it quickly .

Sponge cake with fondant.

There are nine bowls dedicated to big cats in a row, with two empty spaces in the middle. In front of the other bowls, there are cats burying their heads in the bowls to eat, which is beef jerky from the farm with a little chicken thigh. It may be too delicious. While the fur kids are engrossed in eating, the tips of their tails are still swaying happily. The big tails of different styles are twisted into various shapes.

Yinzhou is obviously the shortest of all the cats except the tortoiseshell brothers, but has the longest tail. He has never eaten this kind of cooked beef jerky before, and he tilts his head and eats very intently.

Bo Jin looked aside for a while, seeing that the little leopard with black flowers on a white background was more aggressive than him, so he reached out and touched the yolk tail closest to him.

Egg Yolk didn’t care about Director Bo’s harassment, and the director continued to caress with an expressionless face.

Pei Shiyi walked around the screen, leaned over and slapped Bo Jin’s hand away: “Don’t make trouble with him when he eats.”

Bo Jin was patted by him once, and he was no longer surprised the second time, and retracted his hand skillfully.

Pei Shiyi had never been burdened by ordering the chief, saying: “Don’t be idle, go to the bathroom and put hot water, they haven’t washed yet.”

Even cat demons don’t need to take a bath every day, but they still need to brush their teeth. For fondant and copper coins, which like to play with cat toys, it is necessary to wipe their claws. Strong self-care ability. For example, Yunchao and egg yolk will wash by herself, especially Yunchao. She is also a bit of a clean freak. She is the most active and diligent in brushing her hair every day. If she is accidentally touched by a male during the day, she must take a bath at night. Well, if Pei Shiyi coaxed her to refuse to wash, she would just sit silently in the bathtub and look up at Pei Shiyi until Boss Pei took the initiative to admit defeat.

Bo Jin had never spent the night at other people’s houses, so he was a little numb. Hearing Pei Shiyi order him, he hesitated for a while, and went to the bathroom to put hot water.

There is a basin rack at the entrance of the bathroom, with more than a dozen small basins of different colors placed from top to bottom, and a small towel just enough to wrap the cat’s claws is placed on the side of the basin. The shelf above the sink is lined with colorful mouthwash cups, and the toothbrushes are all facing in one direction. Pei Shiyi’s unobtrusive tortoise style is revealed in the warmth.

Bo Jin walked around the bathroom, completely unaware of what he was going to do, every time the sponge cake would wipe his hair and claws in the cat cafe, Bo Jin only needed to take the sponge cake to brush his teeth when he went back.

When Pei Shiyi came in, he found that Director Bo was looking at the sink with a serious face, thinking about some important family and country affairs.

Pei Shiyi couldn’t believe it, Bo Jin had been in the bathroom for two or three minutes, yet he didn’t even turn on the hot water. He pointed to a stack of brightly colored small basins used to coax furry children and said, “Are you staring at this thing in a daze, are you going to praise my childlike innocence or recall my childhood? Can I sing you a nursery rhyme?”

Bo Jin decided to change the subject: “…Do all the pots need to be filled with hot water?”

Pei Shiyi shook his head: “No, just three pots.”

The bathroom is very small, with two men of similar stature crammed into it, the bathroom becomes more and more cramped. If Pei Shiyi makes any movement, it is inevitable that he will have physical contact with Bo Jin.

Fortunately, there are only fondant copper coins and small tortoise shells to wipe their claws today, so only three basins of water were placed.

Bo Jin: “Twins use the same basin?”

Pei Shiyi tried the temperature with his hands, and it felt just right, and said, “Well, they are sticky. Well, don’t dawdle, just put the water in and go there.”

Bo Jin picked up the basin and followed him into the bedroom.

Petunia looked up and saw the two people coming in, she turned her head and yelled at the screen softly, two tortoiseshell heads came out and Mimi yelled and ran to the bed, rubbing against Petunia’s drooping big fur tail, and under Petunia’s gentle urging, they jumped up and down. He squatted in front of his small basin.

Wipe the claws!

Fondant and copper coins also came out from behind the screen. When the copper coin caught sight of Bo Jin, the hair on the nape of his neck exploded. He braked suddenly and turned his head to hug Pei Shiyi’s leg.

Pei Shiyi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Facing the eyes of the copper money asking for help, he coughed lightly: “Go and help them brush their teeth.”

Bo Jin was stunned for a moment, stood up silently and walked into the bathroom.

Pei Shiyi washed his paws with copper coins and fondant, and belatedly realized that Bo Jin didn’t reply today.

Strange, the sun set in the east? Or is Bo Jin in his bedroom… shy?

As soon as the latter thought popped up, it bounced wildly in my mind like knocking on a catnip coin.

Pei Shiyi stared at the door in amazement for a while, then held Dai Dai’s paw, and said with a low laugh, “Did you say he was shy?”

Dai Dai: “Meow?”

Pei Shiyi made a final decision: “Yes! He is just shy!”

Toi Dai opened her four claws, revealing her snow-white belly: “Meow!”

After the two little cats washed their paws, the other big cats had already lined up to brush their teeth. Yinzhou had brushed himself and threw himself on the big bed early in the morning. The light golden eyes stared straight at the two big long-haired cats, their tails were hanging down beside the bed, still flicking slightly.

It just so happened that Mao Mao had washed his claws and hadn’t wiped them dry yet. He stared at the big hairy tail by the bed and meowed anxiously. Taking advantage of Pei Shiyi to get his brother, he bravely jumped onto the bed by stepping on Pei Shiyi’s shoulder, leaving a Wet footprints.

Pei Shiyi: “…”

He looked sideways at his shoulder, and sighed melancholy – he thought back then that he would not even mess up a hair in Yushu Linfeng, but now he can still accept saliva and claw washing water.

It can be seen that the gods can’t resist the erosion of the years, and he, the dream lover of many girls, has also been honed into a vicissitudes of life.

He shook his head with emotion, stood up to pour water.

Bo Jin took the mouthwash cup and brushed the teeth of the fur children one by one.

In fact, he doesn’t need to do it, except that the tortoise shell is too small to be stared at, and other cats can brush their teeth by themselves.

When Pei Shiyi found out that Bo Jin might be shy, he became surprisingly happy. He even took out a set of pajamas that he hadn’t worn and threw it to Bo Jin, saying generously, “Let’s take a bath.”

Sure enough, Bo Jin didn’t say a word, turned his head and went into the bathroom.

Pei Shiyi went downstairs to take a shower in the reserved bathroom on the second floor, and when he came up in black pajamas, Bo Jin had just finished taking a shower and walked out of the bathroom.

Although Pei Shiyi’s appearance is unrestrained, his aesthetics are not fancy. The pajamas are all in the same style, and the color is also a dark color with low saturation, basically black. He was born white again, and he was in black pajamas, like white porcelain piled up with snow, his eyes rarely became lazy, unlike in the daytime, they seemed gentle, but there was still a sharp edge hidden in his eyes.

Pei Shiyi was about the same size as Bo Jin, and Bo Jin was only a little taller than Pei Shiyi. The pajamas were originally loose and lazy, but they fit Bo Jin quite well. Zhulong was lazy by nature, the top two buttons of his pajamas were unbuttoned, and a piece of skin leaked from his neck. Hearing the sound of Pei Shiyi going upstairs, he raised his eyes and glanced over. He was a dragon with his head full and full of food and drink, and he looked surprisingly gentle.

When Pei Shiyi threw the clothes to Bo Jin, he didn’t think about anything. They were really two big men, so he couldn’t think of anything ambiguous. However, at this moment, he suddenly saw Bo Jin standing in the doorway wearing his pajamas, and he suddenly noticed something. Subtle flavors come.

Although he didn’t wear this pajamas, he felt weird anyway.

Pei Shiyi cleared his throat, walked quickly into the bedroom and said, “There is only one bed in the bedroom, you can live with me all night.”

Sponge cake squatted on the bed, looking at the two adults with bright eyes.

Bo Jin: “…”

Sure enough, children are debts from previous lives.

He exhaled very gently, closed the bedroom door behind his back, and sat on the edge of the bed.

Pei Shiyi turned his face, and the two looked at each other for a moment, feeling suffocating embarrassment, before Pei Shiyi could think about how to break the silence, the little **** who had brushed their teeth ran over from behind the screen with their favorite toys in their mouths, Throwing it into the big bed like a dumpling by myself, and not knowing who was crushing whom, all of a sudden meowing into a ball.

Pei Shiyi: “…”

Bo Jin: “…”

Well, don’t be embarrassed anymore.

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