After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 3 Moral Dilemmas!

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Chapter 3  Moral Dilemmas! by Harem-Fan


     When I woke up, my sister was gone as usual, so I got ready for my first day back at school after the birthday bashing.

     On my kitchen counter ledge where the stools go, sits my open laptop listening into Scott's smartphone for any calls or text he does. While I am listening in, I am making a loaded omelet full of proteins and complex carbohydrates, to give me energy for the day.

     "So how do I get even with Scott in a way that is not too far over the line? I don't think he expected me to die, but I cant rule that out completely as well. I have never killed anyone despite my knowledge of killing with weapons and my fist. Plus if I outright killed him, the Tang clan would never let me go..."

     Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle! Oh the food is done, let's dig in. I set up my plate and sat at the counter watching my surveillance of Scott and after I started, he got a call.

     [Linda, good morning. This is welcome but unusual to get a call from you in the early morning, what's up?]

     [I just found out that Lee was left in the Quick-Mart alley half-dead. He almost died in the hospital. This is the 21st attack you have done on that boy.]

     I stopped eating due to hearing Linda's voice. She is what You would classify as an ice-block, emotionless woman. She does not smile and she only gets to the point. She is the number one scorer in the school as well, showcasing her intellect. But why did she look for my matter?

     [Little Dick Rick?! Ha ha, No I think you're blowing it out of proportion. My guys are professional and know how to hold back. Plus this is character building. I am trying to make him a better man by forcing him to stand up for himself. And 21 times?! No it cannot be right, maybe 12 tops, the others might be real bullies and that had nothing to do with me, Linda.]

     [I am warning you Scott. I don't care if my family wants me to go out with you and get close, but if you keep this up, I will go against my family's wishes, that's all. Click... do do do...]

     I press the button to spy through his open microphone and webcam. The camera will only see his face when he looks into his phone, but I can hear all around his phone like a wiretap. Oh! I see a maid putting on her clothing from being naked next to him in the bed, she is hot!

     [What the fuck Linda?! What is your obsession with that little dick? Fuck did Robert and Bob go overboard? I bet he pretended to be extra injured to get sympathy, that little bitch.]

     [Young master, do you want me in the bed tonight as well?]

     [Yeah, I am getting married in a month so I wont be able to fuck you for a little while, while I break in the twins bodies. So just plan on staying for the rest of the month.]

     [Yes young master, anything else?]

     [Give Jack and Bob an extra 10000 dollars each as a bonus for doing good work. They put him in the hospital without killing him, that's impressive. Oh and make sure to get an abortion, can't have any bastards till I knock up the twins first, or my dad will kill us.]

     [It's fine master, I am still on the pill.]

     [Make sure and stop taking it when I get married, I want a child with you more than those two opportunist Ning's.]

     I smile because I have been recording all of his conversations! He did not say anything important after that, so I printed out some documents, packed up for school and thought about what I want to do.

     While I was walking to school, I was going through my old smartphone and cleaning it up from system junk. Fortunately I recovered my old SIM card from my broken phone and I can use this till I buy a better model.

     So you're wondering why I didn't go straight into stealing money from online accounts other than transferring it to the Ning girls fathers account? Because it's hard to wipe clean multiple bank computers tracing features of wire transfers, and the Government will take things like that seriously. All I did with the Ning girls was change their recent banking history by literally adding a zero.

     So what exactly did the Ning girls do? From the records, they found Scott's PIN number for his trust-fund account and have been siphoning small amounts to the Ning family businesses using his own phone while he is unaware.

(The Ning twins.)

     From what I can tell they only did it about once a month for a few months and never more than 100000 at a shot. Scott has a lot of money in there and I bet he never even monitors his account.

     But that one million may get noticed by someone soon if not fixed. That's why I printed out the records to show the twins. I don't know how or what I can blackmail the twins to do for me, but I need to think of something.

     Though I did not wire transfer money from Scott, I did however make some online purchases with his card. I see this as fair because he directly broke my shit, and he owes me for 21 beatings. So I made a shopping list and sent it to an apartment without a tenet, in my building.

     Scott bought me the following... The newest high-end smartphone, laptop, clothing, and gift cards for stores and restaurants. So this is an indirect way to move money around, and he won't notice this small purchase. Not like I bought a car, though I was tempted.


     The clouds are grey and gloomy, looks like its going to fucking rain, and I have no umbrella, sigh.

     And as I expected with my poor luck, it is lightly raining. So as I walk to the front of the school, I try to brush my wet hair out of my face.

     As I am going to step foot in the front doors three women are talking under the doorway out of the rain. Linda, Nadia, and Nichole all turn their heads to my damp face and see the evidence of my beating. The twins look nonplussed due to this being common and Linda scrunched her brows, and as I was passing I heard her indifferent voice.

     "What happened?"


     I don't even talk to the girl that started all of my hazing in the first place. She is gorgeous, her grey-eyes can suck you in, but talking to noble girls is not worth the hassle.

     Sure, I could tell she is opposed to Scott hazing me, but so what? She and I will never be friends, so pretending we are is pointless.

     So I just went to my locker to use a back up towel to dry myself.

     Thud! And my only friend in school, James Tong, blonde hair with brown eyes and 6 foot tall but skinny, leaned on the locker next to me and whistled looking at my face.

     "Damn, brother, let's stop calling you Rick and just call you beat-meat! So you got the Scott thug special again? Did your Sis flip out again?"

     I pulled out my books and smiled at this beanstalk of a nice guy.

     "It was a birthday gift, and if you think I am bad you should see the other guys!"

     James thought and said.

     "So you messed up their knuckles on your thick skull?!"

     I gently punched him in the shoulder and said.

     "Yup, plus I made him tired out, so I am improving, ha-ha, let's get in class asshole."

     As I entered the class, many students had their smartphones ready for pictures or filming to see my pitiful look. Standing in front of the teachers desk, was Scot ready to trip me like he always does.

     Flanking him are the Ning twins just watching the show. I am forced to pass this ass to get to my desk by the front window and if I go around, it will look even more shameful. But...

     Drunken Boxing Kung-Fu is the right tool for this job. In-between Scott and where I have to walk is currently an empty desk, so if I just stay closer to the desk and force him to come to me I can do this...

     I put my hand on my head like I feel a bit dizzy and gently sway to my seat, hugging the empty desk. This desk has a heavy and hard wood top and edge. As I get near it Scott moves from the teachers desk to clip me.

     Drunken-style plus my acrobatics allowed me to look as though I had 'stumbled' to my left from Scott and 'clumsily' fell over the empty desk while 'accidentally' tipping it in the direction of Scott's extended foot...

     Thud, Slam, Crack! Naturally the thud was me taking minimal damage faking my falling over the now tipping desk. The slam was the now tipping-desk landing on Scot's extended foot. And the crack was indeed one or more of Scott's toes getting justice.

     "AHHHHH! Mother fucker!"

     The filming crew who was waiting for a great bullying video instead recorded a Funniest Videos prank gone wrong. And only a Kung-Fu master can tell my actions are deliberate. So It looks like Scott was unlucky, alibi for the win.

     The teacher had walked in to see me face down on the floor with a tipped over desk on Scott's foot and was puzzled. Did this notorious young master hurt himself shoving the clearly beaten kid on the floor?!

     My Acting skills kick in, and I slowly get up in a limp.

     "Teacher, please let me go to the clinic, I am hurting badly?"

     The teacher, ignoring Scott taking off his shoe to look at his foot, just handed me the hall-pass, so I could get seen, and I limped out the door...

     Linda in the middle just watched the whole thing with wonder, and she had actually been the only person to notice me walking fine, spinning the hall-pass in a good mood as I skipped class.


     Soon I made it to a locker I knew who it belonged to. The hall was empty due to class being in session, so I leaned down next to the combination-lock and began to use my Cat Burglar skills. I listen to the tumbler turn inside the old fashioned combination tumbler, and it's relatively easy, well when you're not getting interrupted by a ninja.

     "Student Lee, what are you doing?"

     This woman should not have been able to sneak up on me like that, so she is skilled in stealth herself, but my Acting kicks in and I continue my task and say to this redhead.

     "Noble Lady Tina Feng, I have forgotten my combination, so I am just trying something I saw in a movie. I got beat up again, and forgot my combination, he-he, just ignore this simple me, good day Miss Feng."

     At that moment, the lock popped open and the locker was open to me. It really smelled of cosmetics and perfumes and had a mirror in the door and my face looked funny.

     I took the paperwork I printed this morning and put it in the locker, then locked it again and stood up, but Tina had not left and only smiled at my actions in amusement. She then spoke.

     "So are you giving Nichole Ning a love letter? I think she is marrying Scott Tang though?"

     Acting skill kicks in on a dime, and I look surprised, then tell Tina. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Crap! That was not my locker? Um, Do you know where my locker is then?"

     Tina Feng in amusement plays along and points to my locker a few down, and I go there and pick it too, just for the act, but I know she knows but a good actor is dedicated to his part!

     "So Mr Lee, it seems there is more to you than a punching-bag. Hmm, I won't tell anyone I saw you doing illegal activities, so relax. I did enjoy the show though, goodbye Mr Lee."

     Click click click click! Her high-heels tapped down the empty hall till she turned a corner and was gone.

     She wore a red-miniskirt and black-tank-top that barely contained her E-cups. I always get a strange vibe from her. It is hard to believe she is in one of the four great houses in Eurasia.

     She is not in direct line to inherit the family, but the 2nd daughter of the head of the clan. So she will probably be married off as a concubine or some nonsense like that.

     But! What my Grand Master Kung-Fu told me was... Tina Feng is a skilled fighter! I would put her at Advanced level for sure, and for her age, that's incredible. No youngster in my age range can hope to be a Master let alone a Grandmaster like me. (A/N his current-body is limiting his martial arts to the Advanced level right now. He has Grandmaster knowledge but not the physique to carry it out.)

     With my work here done, I make my way to the metal-shop so I can craft some impromptu lock-picking tools. The system said something interesting before it abandoned me for greener-pastures. What is my sister hiding in her diary? Breach of privacy, yes, but the system pointed it out, so it must be a System Quest it left, right?


     In another hall under some steps. Tina Feng with a hardened-grin, calls someone.

     [Yes boss?!]

     "Put Rick Lee on the list."

     [Yes boss! Um, What rating does he get from 1-10?]

     "For now make him number 7. He has potential, but that's it. I have 6 others I think might be better after-all."

     Click... do do do... She put her phone away and then saw a new video that is on fire, and she watched it. Her eyebrows shot up in astonishment and she called the man back.

     [Yes boss?!]

     "I changed my mind, put him at the 3rd spot and bump the rest down, I saw an interesting video, and I will show you guys later."

     Click... do do do... She put her phone away again, and then said to herself.

     "Rick Lee, you're a hidden Dragon, but you can't hide from a Phoenix, Ufufu!"

     With a sinister-grin Tina Feng went up to her class...



Permanent Skills known...


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