After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 24 Summer Break, Work!

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Chapter 24  Summer Break, Work! by Harem-Fan


     Did Hana and I make sweet, sweet, sweet love all night? No.

     After the four hours of lovemaking and really draining my-essence, we cleaned up and made it to Sunday Night Downhill Racing again. I can make one thousand dollars and Hana loves socializing and fun.

     Hana wore her super sexy miniskirt-dress in black this time. She really laid it on thick that we were a couple to send away all the new female fans I started to get after last week's run. But having a woman that is like a real life Barbie Doll claiming you is good for the man's pride.

     Jim and Akeno came together in her pink race car and he looked whipped. No she is a cute woman and she being so much shorter than him looks comical. And their personalities really look good together.

     There was no Chris Honda, Scott Tang, or Tina Feng to make the night annoying, so it was peaceful. And my race was an easy win with no stunts to shock the crowd.

     We had already changed the sheets from earlier and we did not have sex again, but I held her in my arms with a grin of a winner in life.

     So that brought me to the present...

     I wake to me holding Hana from behind and she is already up rubbing my arm that held her like precious gold.

     "Good morning Rick, sleep well?"

     "So good I did not even dream actually. I am just glad to wake up with you. Have I told you how amazing you are?"

     "Out of sex a couple times, during, double digits. Get up, you saw my gym room right, now let's work out."

     Hana, being a doctor and a sexy-woman, works out a lot to keep her body in top shape, and her indoor personal gym is super impressive like a miniature gym-club. She has weight benches, treadmills, stationary bikes and many many more of the highest quality training equipment. This is great for me actually!

     "I am coming here to train, dear! This is what I need."

     "Your eyes are looking at my gym like you looked at me last night, should I be jealous?"

     Running around like a kid in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory I said to her.

     "Yes, be very jealous!"

     After she was done laughing at me being childish she smiled and said.

     "Then come over for it as often as you want. We can work out as a couple then shower later. I do have to work today so let's not do anything to tire me out, my shifts are long."

     The two of us spent about two hours training and then took a quick shower together.

     Sadly good times must end and after the bacon and eggs breakfast wraps, the two of us left her home for different destinations. She works, and I go to school to pick up my diploma.

     Naturally I told Mary everything was fine, and what my plans were. She was good and brought my cooking to feed her belly.

Today I am wearing loose fitting bluejeans with a white-tee-shirt with the band Metallica on the front for decoration, and a lightweight black-jacket to hide my HK's.

     Now that school is done and I am no longer a student, I don't leave my guns in the car and lock my car to enter the Star High one last time.

     Entering the school, it is mostly quiet with a few ex students talking for the last time to their old-friends. Those that went to the graduation ceremony on Saturday already have their diplomas, but for those that missed it, you can only pick it up this week.

     My reinforced black-boots make an eerie thudding noise as I walk calmly in the mostly empty corridors. Footwear for a fighter is a tricky consideration.

     With boots, it offers the best protection for your toes, ankles, and bottoms of your feet. The downside is the fact you lose some flexibility in your ankles for precise turns and certain kicks. But the reason I ultimately wear it for everyday use is the soles of the boots have a special grip that helps even if the floor is covered with red-liquids.

     Normal leather footwear is a blend of light and heavy and is best for use in social gatherings to look classy but still give you some measure of lower foot protection.

     Sneakers offer comfort with good traction for athletics and speed. Also a good casual choice depending on the occasion.

     Light cloth footwear. No real protection other than a simple sole, but it's stealth and martial arts flexibility is second to none. This style of shoo is normally what comes with Kung-Fu uniforms and is my second choice to combat-boots. This is the footwear you put on for stealth and burglary. Second best choice for acrobatics as well.

     Who knew what you put on your feet can make or break-you!

     James is leaning on the wall by the office due to knowing I was coming and he waited for me. He does not look like he got a lot of sleep last night, but the grin on his face is unavoidable.

     "Was your night with Nurse Akeno Minamoto good?"

     "Brother thanks for introducing us, I think I am in love!"

     "Wow, that's good?"

     James put his arm around my neck and whispers due to the halls echoing.

     "Brother, Akeno is one of those submissive-women that lets you do anything~! You know what I mean, right? She even let me go all the way, cough. So I lost my V-card last night!"

     I patted his shoulder and congratulated him, then we walked in to pick up our diplomas. We need them to submit the final request for Star University. And that will be our next destination, to drop off our letters.

     As James and I left the office, I heard a wounded beast roar!

     "Rick Lee you fucking bastard!"

     We see a group of people walking to the office probably to pick up their diplomas. The man wearing the invisible green-hat yelling at me is Scott Tang.

     I smile and wave to him and reply. While taking a picture with the smartphone in my hand.

     "Damn bro, you must have been spending your whole weekend consummating and not sleeping, those bags under your eyes and your complexion look bad!"

     Yeah, that's why I took this picture looking angry and in bad shape, in fact it's going to be my new background.

     "You piece of shit, you had my Mei Xia deported as a spy!"

     The Tang twins are now walking behind some servants of the Tang, and just watching our confrontation. They have complicated looks in their eyes thinking I am judging them for sleeping with this retard. Yeah, I won't let them know I know till they tell me.

     Even if I am happy they did not sleep with this trash, they legally are his wives. Kinda, they did not technically consummate, but that's another story for the future. When I get dragged into Tang drama.

     After Scott's accusation, my Acting skill kicks in to play the role of OJ Simpson!

     "Scott, I have no idea what you're talking about? I don't even know Mei Xia. I might have beef with you but I would not go so low as to deport your woman!"

     Acting skill gives off the air of [If the glove doesn't fit, then you must acquit!] Yes everyone here knows I am guilty, but what proof does he have? Only that I knew her name.

     "Don't pretend with me Lee! You knew her name and you promised me a present, you set this all up!"

     I scanned their group with my eyes and scratched my chin, then I looked serious, like a mob gangster, and asked Scott.

     "How did it feel to almost kill me multiple times? Felt really satisfying right? Well I hope you enjoyed my gift. I really felt good doing it. So what are you going to do Scott? Do you think the Tang will protect you if you cross the line? Do you believe me when I say, I will go down with you in flames and death? Yes I am willing to vanish with you Scott Tang so come at me!"

     Scott, seeing my killing intent in my-eyes, woke up. It's the same look you would expect to see from a wounded boar. A creature that will fight beyond its limits to kill you. Like a suicide bomber smiling as his body vaporizes!

     "If you don't believe me Scott Tang, then watch how my father died fighting off 15 armed men. See how I only see you as a bank-robber!"

     The hall was quiet and the gun-smoke lingered in the air till Nichole said to Scott.

     "Your father would disapprove of things happening today. We need to get our diplomas, let's go."

      Scott, remembering his father the only person he never wants to make mad, then recollected his noble baring and ignored me as he walked into the office.

     As the twins walked by me, I smiled and winked. I could see in their eyes they looked relieved I didn't look at them like trash. Then James and I also left.

     "Hey Rick, did you seriously turn her in to get deported?!"

     "No, someone else definitely did that, but Scott does not have to know. I feel good knowing he hurts a bit, so some of my rage is diminished. I don't mind owning that thing with his maid if it bothers him."

     The two of us climb into my BMW and we pull off, then Jim wonders.

     "So I wonder who is so ruthless to kick him like that, and if someone got Akeno deported I would cry!"

     I smile at my friend knowing that Akeno's immigration is solid, due to me looking in case Scott tried that angle on Jim here.

     "Don't worry brother, your Akeno won't be going anywhere, plus I think she might find a way to stay permanently."

     "Really?! How?"

     I gave him a knowing smile and asked him.

     "Did you pull out last night?"

     The look on James's face with his eyes open wide and mouth, inviting a baseball to fly in is amazing. He did not recover until we entered the front gates of Star University campus.

     The two of us double check our paperwork in the car and make sure we have all additions.

     James did not expect to get into SU due to average grades, so when he magically hit the 9th overall his family and himself were thrilled. Sure I rigged it, but I don't want to go through four years without at least one friend.

     "So Jim, what path are you going to take in University?"

     "Don't laugh at me, but I plan to become a businessman."

     "No man, that's pretty cool and we can study together, it's a respectable job."

     "The women in that course are hot as shit! I want at least three wives Rick!"


     I think he joined it to hang with me, but it might be the women too, sigh.

     So the two of us stand in line and get our applications done and the confirmations of the applications. We are told that we will get acceptance letters if chosen by the end of the month but our results are good so it should be easy, and my letter from Mr Chi is a slam dunk for me.

     As the two of us headed to the student parking, Tina Feng and a secretary looking late-teen woman following her, came in our direction.

     "Rick the job is confirmed for Thursday and Friday, come to this address to pick me and my car up. Oh and what course did you two sign up for?"

     Just as I was going to lie and say computer-engineering, my so-called friend told her.

     "We are joining the Business Course to look for wives, he-he!"

     Facepalm! I just smacked my forehead because he said it like that is what we are doing. Tina and her secretary looked at one another in amusement.

     I will clarify. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "He is looking for wives, I am looking for the degree to start my own business legally. I already have two wonderful women in my life so just one of us is a scumbag."

     Tina put on a playful grin and said.

     "Oh, so you must have heard the new teacher for the Business department was a top-class beauty and that's why you signed up, I see, I see! Plus I heard the ratio of women to men in that course is like 4 to 1 so the eye-candy is good. Maybe I should go into business as well, ha-ha, see you Thursday Rick."

     The secretary woman bows to me in a servant fashion and follows Tina.

     "So fucking glad I followed you into business! I will work for you in the future brother!"

     "Okay but you actually have to study hard, or I will fire you before I hire you! Now let me drop you off at home."


Permanent Skills known...


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