After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 19 The Racing Scene!

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Chapter 19  The Racing Scene! by Harem-Fan


     Although Star City is massively large and spread out, it can be generalized into common zones.

     The heart of the City and where all the skyscrapers are located, the Downtown area. Most of the Big 10 corporations have a building here as their main headquarters for all of Eurasia. City Hall and the main Government buildings are also located in the Downtown zone.

     Just south of Downtown, is the Star University Campus. This school is massive in size, scale, and also has a nickname of The Greenbelt due to the many trees and cultivation of natural decorations. Parks, a massive lake, and spread out building blends urban and nature in a seamless tranquil setting.

     South of the University is the high-end living communities where most of the major families live. The malls, restaurants, and security are some of the best Star City has to offer.

    To the east of both the Southern zone and the University is where my high-school Star High is located. Due to its proximity to both previous locations lends to why most of the major families send their children to the two learning academies.

     Just north of my high-school is where Star General and the neighborhoods I and Hana live. So we are basically South-East of Downtown center.

     On the north-side of Downtown center is the industrial-area, which also has our Azure International Airport. The airport is closer to the sea however for emergencies.

     Where I marked the Ning sisters for the first time, is the Country Harbor area that is located West of the Southern zone and next to the sea. I mentioned this before, but this area is in-charge of major tourism and many of the rich's luxury amenities like country-clubs, golfing, and horseback riding. There is also a major theme park in the South West.

     North of this area and combining the West and North-West is the shipping and merchant zones where you will find the largest selections of goods world-wide. Car dealerships, jewelry exchanges, and some of the largest shopping centers in the whole world are located here.

     Also in this West zone is the entertainment area for major events. Alex Deng, the father of Tony from the fight and the grocery store, is the owner and operator of the Star Arena. This massive complex holds multiple concerts, fighting, and sports facilities. So Tony's father is seen as kinda important at least for entertainment.

     And finally the East and North-East parts of the Star City are full of suburbs, middle and lower class communities. So basically the everyday man's world. My apartment borders this area next to my school.

     Now mind you this description is very general and it's really larger and more complex than this. For instance Star Highschool is one of ten in the whole city, and every zone has smaller independent communities like strip malls, restaurants, and malls. There are a total of 7 large indoor malls in Star City. Star General hospital is the best, but there are also 3 other major hospitals spread out in the city.

     And all of this is surrounded on all sides by rocky low-hills that give it a look of being a wall of nature. Outside this range of hilly terrain are smaller cities to the North, East, and South about a half hour highway drive from the outskirts of Star City, but I will go into that some-other day...... Phew!

     (A/N Pass the toilet-paper, I fucking hate info-dumps!)

     The reason to explain all of this is to describe where both Hana and I are currently driving too. We are going to the North-East part of town to the low-mountains to the old-highway.

     This is a popular spot for downhill racing for all car enthusiasts, because it is rarely used by the public later at night. The Police tend to not bother with this spot due to all the nobles coming here for fun. So the Police only come for wrecks or crime.

     The racing community has gone high-tech nowadays and have set up many cameras along the path and stream-live the races, plus use drones for smoother camera views.

     The App also lets others chat while watching live, and of course gambling is huge. Every racer must put in 1000$ as the pot and the winner gets his money back and this keeps every Tom, Dick and Harry from wasting the time of the crowd for a weak skilled driver. Those guys are the ones to turn off the mountain roads the most, cough!

     "Rick, have you ever been there before?"

     "My father, when he was alive, brought me through here twice when I was younger to visit my grandfather. But that was a long time ago."

     Hana hearing my unsure words asked more.

     "You had said that it was only you and Mary, so does that mean your grandfather passed?"

     "No clue, I last saw him when I was ten. He was not a friendly kind of man, and I don't think my father and he were on good terms. I never really asked but I think it had something to do with my biological mother. So there is that."

     "Why not find him again?"

     "No. He is dead to me. When my father and mother died, and Mary and I were on our toughest times, I never heard from him. His son died and he did not look for his grandchild. I want nothing to do with my family like that. So for me he died with my father and I don't even want to know if he is alive or dead, good riddance."

     "Sorry to pick at old wounds..."

     I pat Hana's soft thigh and smile.

     "No, if you're interested in someone, it is only right to know what makes them who they are. I am sure I will uncover your painful past like with your first love."

     Hana picked up my hand and kissed the back of it, then said with a grin.

     "Oh? Then you fell for my charm and are interested, Ufufu?"

     I look at this vixen and realize I am not going to escape her clutches.

     "Sigh, My plans to eat and dash are blown away and I fell for your charms."

     I had to retrieve my hand to change gears, due to driving uphill.

     "Well then Rick, it seems we will see more of each-other then, because I am interested and fell for your adorable side."

     I am still unsure about dating an older woman, and my sister does not count here, so I ask.

     "Being new to this, what do I tell others about us. do I say we are just friends, dating, a couple, or some other term I am unaware of? I never dated anyone soooo?"

     Hana puts on a trickster smile and with her finger on her chin she explains.

     "Hmm. I have seen you fully naked, met your family, gone down on you, we kissed, revealed some secrets, let you into my home, and let you drift my 80000$ car with my life on the line, so..."

     She is pretending to do calculations while looking up, then she says.

     "Let's go with a couple, or rather boyfriend and girlfriend, because we are mostly past friends. Can't go any further because you still haven't even seen me naked yet. So yup we can be a couple, if you like that."

     "Hana, are you enjoying messing with me?"

     "It is definitely making me happy, yes!"

     As we drive up the winding two-lane highway, I make mental notes of all the turns and obstacles while I talk with this hot-woman.

     "Alright, then Miss Hana Chang I want to be your boyfriend, so take good care of me. I do intend to deepen our relationship when you're ready."

     I see a well lit Rest-Stop on the side of the highway and holy fuck there are dozens of sports cars and easily two to three hundred people there just socializing.

     Hana points to a parking area and tells me happily.

     "Over there by that pink-car, those are girlfriends from work. Let's see them, and thanks for coming. Rick!"

     I smoothly pull in next to the Pink Volkswagen Golf GTI, and Hana, like a good woman is waiting for me, but also enjoying the look on her two friends' faces, seeing her in the passenger seat and not in the driver's seat.

     To not embarrass Hana, I use my Acting skill to put on a secret agent like James Bond act.

     Smoothly I get out and adjust my white-suit-jacket as I smile at the two women in shock. Soon I come to the passenger door and open it, extending my hand for the smiling Hana who can tell what I am doing.

     Hana still in her stiletto heels holds my left elbow and waves to her friends saying.

     "Kim Smith and Akeno Minamoto, I want you to meet my boyfriend Rick Lee. Kim here is from the United Kingdom of America, and Akeno is from the Japanese Empire. They moved here for school and work."

     I extend my hand to shake Kim's hand who is about 27 years old with blonde-hair and green-eyes. She is on the shorter side with short hair like Mary.

     "Well if you're friends with Hana, then consider me your friend as well, and the same for you Miss Minamoto."

     I am now shaking Akeno's hand and I think she is about 24 or so, with black-hair and brown-eyes.

     Kim with less social restraint said with a bit of accent to me in amazement.

     "Wow you are young? I had no idea my friend Hana was a Shota-con, fufu!"

     Akeno with amusement asked Hana with her own accent.

     "Wait! Is he the beat up boy I cut the clothes off of last week?!"

     Her eyes unintentionally look down at the tamed beast.

     (A/N I intentionally waited till now to point out the naming sense of the humans of this world. If you are Eurasian, you have your first name from the UK or America while your last family name comes from either the Japanese or China Empires. So Kim has her first and last from the UK, while Akeno has both first and last from Japan. This lets you know the ethnicity and background of a character as well. So Scott's maid had both a first and last Chinese name, etc!)

     I keep my cool and answer for her. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Hana saved my life, so I naturally fell for her charms. My goal in life is to make her happy to show my gratitude."

     Kim with the look of a gossip-whore asked Hana.

     "This is interesting... I was under the impression you were dating no one again? Oh does Dr Chris Honda know? I think he is still pining for you and he is coming tonight by the way."

     Hana looked irritated. Kim brought up Chris and held my arm firmly to show he meant nothing, but I already know. What do I care if an ex comes, I don't mind claiming my turf with him.

     "Chris Honda has not had anything to do with me for almost five years and never will again. He is male-filth so don't bring him up, especially in front of Rick."

     Kim shook her hands and said to her to calm Hana.

     "Calm down Hana! I was only telling you this because he found out you were coming and he dropped everything to come here. I just did not want you to be unaware."

     "Miss Smith, it is fine with me. I am not bothered by Hana's ex realizing he fucked up. As long as his hands do not touch her, I don't care."

     Hana was surprised and touched to hear me be so overprotective already, her agitation then vanished as she held my hand instead of my elbow.

     Then from behind the car we are both leaning on I hear a familiar voice to me!

     "Rick Lee! What the hell man? How is my best friend out after dark on the Mountain? And why are you dressed in that pimp-outfit, and oh-?!"

     James Tong my tall ass best friend came from behind me surprised to see me out, who is normally a night time shut in, and when he made it to my front and saw me holding the sexy Hana's hand, his brain stopped working looking at this older woman and me and thinking he might be sleeping in class.

     "James Tong, my best friend, meet my girlfriend Dr Hana Chang and her two coworkers, Kim Smith and Akeno Minamoto."

     Jim, as I like to call him, sometimes looks at Hana again and then me and points at her.

     "G-Girlfriend, you and her, um, for real?!"

     Hana finding my friend funny gave me a kiss to clear up poor Jim's confusion.

     "Brother, your years of accumulated bad luck just turned good!"

     Soon after some laughs Jim was now believing us, and was telling me about the race tonight, while the two nurses pulled Hana to their pink-car for girls talk. Oh and I see Hana is blushing now.

    Seems Jim came with a couple boys from school that wanted to watch some races to unwind for this week's tests. Then the annoying person came along.

     "What is this? Is this Little Dick Rick?!"

     All five of us turn our heads to see Scott Tang and four of his brothers from high society and a woman I assume is the maid from the sex-video I saw when she was dressing. So the Ning's are literally going to do it before the wedding, vicious!

    Remembering the twins with me yesterday, I could not hide my happy smile as I unbuttoned the front of my jacket just in case. Hana, seeing me do that, quickly came to my side and held my hand hoping I am not going to draw guns on the guy that sent me to her.

     She sees Scott, and now has animosity for his actions towards me as well. Then Akeno said something to her fellow nurse that made everything awkward.

     "Kim, why did he say Little Dick Rick? Is 8 inches small in Eurasia?" (In girls' talk Hana exposed his full size.)

     Even Jim looked at me funny as I blush because this foreign girl said it in all sincerity not knowing the full details and Hana rolled her eyes realizing her two friends were special.

     Jim being a jokester moved two inches further away from me like my dick would bite him! I like Hana, roll my eyes at my special friend. Then I say to Scott.

     "Scott Tang, congratulations ahead of time for your wedding on Saturday, I wish you a life full of happiness and joy."

     Scott is surprised I seem genuinely happy for him and he does not like this feeling. Then he sees the hand holding mine and his eyes open in shock. seeing this, I thank him for one thing in this life...

     "Ah, Scott, say hello to Dr Hana Chang. She was the one in charge of patching me up on my birthday. We hit it off and now we're a couple, so thanks for your support, ha-ha!"

     "I cut off his clothes and saw him naked!"

     What medicine does the Japan Empire feed their children?! And Scott was baffled at how he helped me grab a supermodel doctor girlfriend! This is not how bullying is supposed to work, right?

     Then like we became the popular kids at the race event, some more voices of people we knew came into our ears.

     Tony Deng looked a bit better around his face and a redhead a few feet away was coming over, and Tony seeing his friend Scott, me, and Hana looked surprised. He said to me.

     "Well seeing you two together at least makes me feel better knowing I was not being ditched on a lie, and hello Doctor Hana, you look exceptionally nice."

     Hana, happy that Tony finally got the hint, held my arm more intimately and said to him.

     "No Rick and I are very serious, so I was not trying to hurt your feelings, Mr Deng."


     Tina Feng's shocked voice made everyone look at her eyes wide-open seeing me and Hana. Then yet another fucking voice came in.


     Chris Honda, a 30 year old man with white-hair and gold-eyes near Tina, also looked at Hana holding on to a young boy and his look was of a husband catching his wife being tag teamed by the Plumber, TV Repairman, and Cable guy at one time! Seeing him, I smile and put my arm around Hana's waist and greet the man I have heard about.

     "Hello ex-boyfriend of my lover Hana, Chris Honda! It is a pleasure to meet you."

     Click! Apparently this guy took my words poorly because he ran at me startling everyone. As he was 5 feet from me, in a blur no one could keep up with, I quick-draw my HK p30 and everyone heard the click of the safety unlocking as the good doctor froze looking down the barrel of my handgun.

     "Miss Feng is this man currently threatening your life, if so I will add a hole to his forehead? Just say 'yes' and I will pull the trigger."


Permanent Skills known...


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