After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 17 She Is Fast And Furious!

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Chapter 17  She Is Fast And Furious! by Harem-Fan


     Sunday morning...

     My nose, arms, and chest are greeted with Mary spooned in my embrace.

     Mary is smiling while gently rubbing my arm that's under her breasts not letting her go. She turned her head to me and gently kissed my lips with her signature grin.

     "Rick, I was so happy to wake up and realize yesterday really happened. Good morning. Do you want me to cook breakfast?"

     "Nah, it will take you an hour to get ready, so I will make it, how about omelets?"

     She pouts and says to me with frustration.

     "In one night, we confessed, got engaged, and are making babies. And yet we are like an old married couple that already knows everything about each other, sigh."

     I kiss her and just get out of bed.

     "Actually it's great! We already got love out of the way, now we can just focus on lusting after one another and multiplying like rabbits, sounds good right?"

     She looks amused now and just nodded as she got her clothing for the day. She then asked me.

     "You're not picking up Hana till 8 pm tonight, so what are your plans for the day? I still need to finish washing clothes for us."

     While I told her my plans, I removed my new Bodyguard credentials to show Mary.

     "For the morning, I am going to work out. But last night I..."

     So I explained to Mary all about my new job and contract with Tina Feng, and I only lied about the money, saying my body-armor and guns are part of my contract.

     So now we are in the living-room and Mary is looking at my two new HK P-30's on the coffee table. With complicated-eyes as she asks me.

     "Rick, this seems dangerous and are you sure this is good for you? I am worried for you."

     I put my arm around Mary's shoulder because she only cares. Then I explain.

     "What you are feeling now, is what I have felt for four years seeing you follow in fathers footsteps. Have I ever told you to quit your dangerous job because I am afraid of losing you? On the other-hand, I only have to work occasionally and make ten times more than you. I have a family I now need to save for. Trust your new husband."

     Mary for an instant was going to say she will quit, but she really loves her work. She is inwardly annoyed at my smile because I am making too much sense.

     "Just... Don't die like mother and father..."

     "Ditto! Oh, and I will marry you after next week's school testing. I have already made a reservation to get our papers signed. I only want it to be you and me. And I wonder... Would mom and dad be happy for us, or disappointed in us?"

     Mary pushed me away and walked to the bathroom for her morning shower and said cheekily.

     "They wanted us safe, happy, and in love! So mom and dad would support us. We survived their passing, and that's what they wanted for us. You and I are just a copy of mom and dad, now make my eggs my bitch, fufu!"

     So we had a cozy family breakfast, then I did a serious workout. Finally, it only took me a week to start my body tempering.

     With Grandmaster Kung-Fu and Medicine Advanced, coming up with an ideal workout is simple.

     After my shower I hacked the school's computer to assure that Scott Tang would achieve the 11th spot no matter how bad or good he does. We don't do tests on paper like in my first life, but use our school laptops, so no matter what buttons he presses, it will change when he is done.

     Actually if he failed to answer anything, he will be number 11 no matter what! As a side note, both Nichole and especially Nadia will at a minimum get spots 9 and 10. What? I can't neglect the girls that made me a man, can I?

     With that done both me and Mary washed the laundry together and just watched shows on my laptop together while we waited for clothes to finish.

     As the sun was setting, I cooked some kabobs for Mary, since I would be eating-out tonight, and she has to go to bed early due to her late shifts. I tuck her in and then get ready to pick up Hana for our supper date.

     I am wearing an outfit like I wore yesterday but in white. And I put on my shoulder-holsters and guns then cover-them with a white-jacket.

     I know that one day I don't bring them, guns will find me like my father. Now I know why I am obsessed with being armed. Definitely don't want to end like dad, caught unprepared.

     Holding my smartphone, the message was sent from me to pick her up from the condo she owns near the hospital. A reply with her address was given plus the code to get in her building, sigh.

     "Why am I feeling guilty for going out with a woman I was not even pursuing? No, I will just tell her about Mary, then feed her and drop her off then come home. I have school tomorrow, so it is a good excuse!"

     So with my game plan set, I climb into my white BMW and head over to the hospital area. Ten minutes later, I see an attractive condo complex and the security guard already knowing my plates let me in.

     I pulled up to her home on the seventh lot and saw a four-car-garage, with her home over the car-park. Basically it's a second floor home.

     I punched in the code she gave me and the gate opened for my car to enter. Parking, the alarm on my car is set, and I go up with a single rose for her. I might not be serious, but I will at least follow some dating basics.

     Knock Knock! I knock twice and wait for her to open her door for me. Soon she does and I really was amazed at how different she looks when she wears attractive clothing and does her hair and makeup.

     She got more beautiful if that was possible. Her hair is down unlike her work times, and the shocking thing was her dress and shoes.

     Her dress was a one-piece red-form fitting-dress that barely covered her panties. Yes she is wearing a shoulder-less red-miniskirt dress! Her feet are in red-stiletto heels and she screams trophy-wife or high-end-escort!

     "Rick Lee, I honestly expected you to be wearing bluejeans and sneakers. looks like I don't have to slam the door in your face, come in and stop drooling, I always dress like this."

     Acting was slow to activate, but I remembered to pull off the charming University role. I handed her the rose and said.

     "Seeing you like this, I think the single rose is cheap, should have gone with the dozen, sigh."

     She smiled, took the flower and pointed to a white-couch and told me.

     "I am normally never late to be ready, but with last night's event, all hands were on deck, and I did not get out on time. Give me about ten minutes to finish."

     Sitting down I pulled my smartphone out and told her.

     "Take your time, reservations are not for a while, also before we leave we need to talk."

     I hear her voice from her bedroom as she said to me.

     "Rick, I hope you're not going to tell me you are gay, right?"

     Fuck! I could say that and get out of this, but... That's worse than Little Dick Rick! No I can't do that, damn.

     "Next week when I graduate, I am marrying Mary. So you need to know this before we do anything together. I like to be honest."

     She was quiet for a while then she said.

     "Honest, huh? You have lied to me twice before. So then, let me ask one last time... What is an Embolism?"

     "An arterial blockage, often caused by a blood clot."

     She then asks the same kind of questions a few more times with trickier and trickier topics. I laughed at her when she came out and said she suffered a GSW in her hair. (gunshot wound)

     "My last question. If my arm was deeply cut by a kitchen knife, and you had your surgical pack, could you dress me up after stitching?"

     She walked out of her room but this time she had a half-length red-jacket covering her bare shoulders, and her gaze looking into my eyes for lies.

     "Yea, and I can even fix that stupid GSW you faked if it went through your shoulder."

     She walked in front of me and said.

     "I was always teased for being a medical genius and they called me Doogie Dowser MD. I hated that name."

     "My bullies called me Little Dick Rick!"

     She smiled wide and said.

     "You win, but there's nothing little about you?"

     I realized.

     "That's right, I was very naked last week. Wow you looked, ha-ha!"

     She does not even blush as she said.

     "Why do you think I accepted your date? Now let's go already. And about Mary, don't care. She and I are friends actually. We talked last night."

     Acting Basic failed to keep my stupid look from landing on my face! I stand and follow her out the door as she is locking up.

     The two of us walked down and as I held the door open for her, she smiled and hit a button on her keys. Then one half of her four car garage opened to see two red cars.

     The first car was the Mercedes-Benz c-class coupe she peeled off in at the grocery store, and the other...

     "Holy Shiite! That's the imported V-6 turbo Chevrolet Camaro SS, with street racing tires! Damn woman!"

     A surprised-smile fell on Hana's lips hearing me accurately nail the car's description, even able to tell what of the two engines it had in it.

     "Do you do any driving, Rick? You seem to know your cars."

     Schooling my expression I play it off.

     "Just a bit."

     She threw the keys to me and said.

     "I was going to drive and impress you, but now I want to see you drive, lets go, just leave your car."

     I did not even pretend to not want to drive it and locked my car. I opened the passenger side for her to get in before I ran like a kid at Christmas to climb in the bucket seats!

     She buckled up her five-point seat-belt for street racing, and I did the same. I ran my hands over the shifter and got used to the clutch and the display then I started this amazing machine.

     "Rick, why do you look happier with my car than me?"

     I hit the clutch and rev the car, then it moves with smooth grace like a hunting predator. I grin and say what I truly think.

     "Because this baby will do anything I want it too, and it will only say yes!"

     And before she could retort to my joke, I was off, and in the blink of an eye was smoothly waiting for the guard to open the front gate. Like a light on a race track, I shifted, and we sank back into the seat as we bolted in a blur.

     The engine's sound drowned out the city-sounds, and Hana could only watch my smiling-face as I pushed the car through the back streets. She had one hand firmly holding her bag, while the other held on the seat-belt.

     "Have you ever drifted, Hana?"

     Hana would only be at the level of Amateur driver, and maybe a bit into Basic level, so drifting is something she has never experienced. and when she heard my words over the engine she panicked, but said.

     "I have seen others do it, and in movies."

     "It is a bit rough on the tires, but do you want to fly, Hana?"

     Hana's heart started to pump at the thought of me possibly flipping us or crashing, but when she saw my smile she nodded for me to try.

     I see a perfect bend with no other cars around, or pedestrians so I will make a left turn to drift her side in the front, for her to get the most out of it.

     "Don't hold your breath, bite your tongue, or scream and trust me!"

     I then slam down on the throttle to increase our speed, faster is better, and this V-6 is perfect for drifting. The V-8 engine would be better for straightaways of course.

     As we near the corner I turn in and make sure the anti-lock brakes are off, and slam the brakes down to shift all the weight of the car to the front tires, lightening the back tires.

     At this point as we round the corner, the rear of the car in a screeching charge swings around, so the car is now traveling sideways with Hana seeing everything from her side window like she is in front of me. I adjust the wheel to keep the spin from slowing, and the look of sheer horror on Hana's face when she sees what I do here is priceless.

     "Look Hana, no hands!"

     As I shouted that, she saw me completely let go of the steering wheel as it rotated-quickly! Her heart almost stopped thinking how insane I am!

     Amateur drivers don't know that in a drift, you have to let the wheel spin, and holding it will ruin the drift. Really though you only hold your hands off of it like an inch, but I was messing with Hana for effect.

     But quickly my Driving Skill Advanced let me know when to grab the wheel and I then brought the car out of the drift and drove straight as our drift finally ended.

     The description for this maneuver seems like a lot of time would pass, but it's not that long truly. I no longer speed and bring the car back into the legal driving speeds as I ask the slightly pale, Hana.

     "So, do you regret drifting now, ha-ha?"

     "Pull over there."

     Oh? Does she have to vomit or something? So I pulled to the side and put the car in park. She unbuckled her belt and put her purse on the dash, then she leaned over to me and roughly kissed me.

     After about two minutes of Hana becoming Dentist Hana, she stopped our kiss and was breathing heavily. She bit her lip and admitted.

     "I think I got a small orgasm from that drift. I can't even describe my body right now, how are you so good at driving?!"

     She is still so smart and does not question the hard things... If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "I can stitch you up and you're not amazed, but I drift and you're a mess?"

     She blushed and buckled her belt, then held her purse.

     "Stitches is easy for me, but not driving. That's why, now let's get to dinner, I am hungry."

     Sure let's ignore the passionate kiss you threw at me. I smile wryly and then start driving to the pasta restaurant.


Permanent Skills known...


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