After Rebirth: What Should I Do if My Boyfriend Has a Boyfriend?

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

The weekend after the welcome party, Chu Chuan and Jiang Yiyou bargained on WeChat.

Chu Chuan: “Bring your clothes here.”

Chu Chuan: “Don’t wash socks and underwear.”

He held the chocolate bar in his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly, his tone was the usual arrogant command mode. It seemed that the person who was going to wash the clothes was Jiang Yiyou instead of himself.

Jiang Yiyou: “…”

Jiang Yiyou: “Brother Chuan, I can’t hold too much clothes.”

The tone looked pitiful. Chu Chuan moved for a while, raised his hand and spread his five fingers into his short hair. There was a thoughtful look on his face.

With a wolfish temper like Chu Jiari’s, he can control violence with violence. But for a person like Jiang Yiyou, although Chu Chuan was very annoying, sometimes he really didn’t know how to deal with it.

There was no reply to the opposite, Jiang Yiyou repeated the sentence he had sent in silence twice. He intended to sell miserably, but somehow, he could tell a little bit of coquetry in his own words for no reason.

Jiang Yiyou was stunned for a second, remembering that Chu Chuan had always annoyed others to act like a baby with him, shaking his mind to calm down. Send another message. When I look back, I still feel embarrassed by the tone of the subconscious.

Jiang Yiyou: “Brother Chuan, make a discussion. Come over to me and change it to three times a month, OK?”

The tone at the end of the sentence still has a strong aura of coquetry from the inside out. Chu Chuan scribbled at the end of the sentence, and finally agreed with a perfunctory attitude.

Jiang Yiyou breathed a sigh of relief.

The corridor of the foreign student apartment was quiet and empty. Chu Chuan stood outside and knocked on the door for a long time. For a long time, he wondered if Jiang Yiyou was not in the dormitory at all, but when he deliberately tricked him over, the dormitory door was finally slowed down. Tun Tun drew a slit inward.

Standing in the door of the black hole, Jiang Yiyou’s entire face was almost hidden behind the door, only a pair of eyes were faintly exposed, and he looked at Chu Chuan silently.

The latter reached out his hand and held the door frame, showing a speechless expression, “…Are you shooting a horror movie? You can’t turn on the light in the bedroom during the day.”

Hearing Chu Chuan’s familiar voice, Jiang Yi slowly recovered his senses, and then tiptoedly opened the door, pressing an index finger to his lips like a thief, and said in a breath: “Brother Chuan, you When you come in, your voice is quieter.”

Chu Chuan didn’t immediately lift his foot to walk in, but glanced past Jiang Yiyou and glanced behind him. The curtain at the end of the doorway was drawn tightly, and a lamp beside the desk emitted a faint white light.

Chu Chuan: “Where is your roommate?”

Jiang Yiyou didn’t understand the deep meaning of his words, “Are you asking Evan? He went shopping with the foreign student next door.”

Chu Chuan: “What are you doing in the dormitory with the curtains alone? Are you self-defeating?”

The other side raised his eyebrows cautiously while asking this. If Jiang Yiyou nodded, he would immediately turn around and leave without hesitation.

Jiang Yiyou: “…”

When did his image in Chu Chuan’s mind have fallen to this point? Jiang Yiyou suddenly became a little suspicious of life. But soon, he put aside all his cranky thoughts, raised his other hand, grabbed Chu Chuan and pulled it in, then slammed the door behind Chu Chuan with a “bang”.

All the actions were done in one go.

Chu Chuan: “…”

If it weren’t for Jiang Yiyou’s failure to lock the door in front of him, Chu Chuan would even wonder if Jiang Yiyou planned to save his face and give him a hard bow.

He chilled his face and fixed his eyes on the hand where Jiang Yiyou grasped his wrist, “Let go.”

Jiang Yiyou let out his hand slowly. In a place that Chu Chuan could not see, he quietly rubbed his fingertips from the surface of Chu Chuan’s skin, and then led Chu Chuan to the bathroom door.

A second before opening the door, he looked at the other person with a sincere expression: “Brother Chuan, promise me, will you continue to let me chase you after washing your clothes?”

Chu Chuan glanced at him with a faint smile, and went over Jiang Yiyou and unceremoniously pushed open the bathroom door. Seeing the two buckets of clothing and bed sheets placed side by side on the ground next to the wall, the footsteps stepping inside suddenly stopped. Chu Chuan turned his head blankly, “sheets and duvet covers are also called clothes?”

Jiang Yiyou stared in surprise and asked, “Don’t it count?”

If it weren’t for his exaggerated expression, Chu Chuan would really be fooled by him. When such thoughts passed by, Chu Chuan’s heart was slightly inexplicable.

I don’t know why, he knew the person in front of him for only half a month. Except for Jiang Yiyou himself, Chu Chuan didn’t know his family background and life experience. But he always subconsciously felt that he should have been in a wealthy family since he was a child. He never washes the clothes he changed by hand, and he doesn’t even know how much laundry detergent should be poured when the clothes are machine-washed.

Before returning to the computer, Jiang Yiyou was depressed for a second while putting on the headphones. That bucket of sheets and sheets was prepared for him by him, so it’s great to sit with their brother Chuan and wash clothes like a couple. It’s a pity that his father suddenly came and gave him a kick.

There is a video connection on the computer screen. The old Jiang on the screen raised his head and glanced at him, “Yiyou, what time is it on your side? Did your roommate come back to sleep?”

Jiang Yiyou answered calmly: “It’s early to go to bed at eight o’clock in the evening.”

Daddy Jiang, who didn’t know that his son had already returned to the country, said, “What do you have for dinner? Is there enough money? Isn’t it enough for Dad to call you?”

“Dinner will be eaten in the cafeteria. There is still a lot of living expenses, so there is no need to fight.” Jiang Yiyou paused, thinking that the time is almost up, and then said again, “Dad, or I will be there today—”

A voice that didn’t fluctuate suddenly interrupted him behind him: “Jiang Yiyou.”

Almost the next second, Father Jiang said, “Yiyou, how did I hear a Chinese speaking? Isn’t your roommate an American?”

Jiang Yi’s body stiffened.

After waiting for a long time to respond, Chu Chuan’s deep voice came again, “Jiang Yiyou, your own inside—”

Almost at the same time, Jiang Yi stood up suddenly, holding the notebook with one hand and moving to the right, while reflexively covering the mouth of the person behind him with the other hand.

The palms covered Chu Chuan’s lips in time, but the index finger grazed the gap in the opponent’s lips because of too much force, and dumbly poked it in, and it happened to be wrapped by Chu Chuan’s moist and soft inner wall of the mouth.

There was dead silence in the air.

Jiang Yi was dumbfounded.

Chu Chuan: “…”

He hooked Jiang Yiyou’s wet black underwear with a finger, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and the blue veins on his forehead faintly appeared.

Surprisingly, Jiang Yiyou quickly pulled his fingers out of the opponent’s lips, and hid the hand behind him, and grabbed the black underwear in Chu Chuan’s hand with the other hand. The elbow hit the laptop in a hurry, and the headphone cable was disconnected from the connection port of the laptop. Jiang Yiyou, who was facing the desk, didn’t notice.

Chu Chuan sullen his face and tightened his lips. When his eyes fell on the notebook behind him, he lifted the corners of his lips and sneered twice, and wanted to speak again.

Jiang Yiyou was anxious and raised his hand again to cover his mouth. Perceiving his movements, Chu Chuan squinted his eyes uncomfortably, with a line dangling on his face—Dare you try to rub my mouth with the hand that has touched the underwear?

Jiang Yi’s mind was blank for a second, and he didn’t know where the courage came from. The moment his hand fell, his lips pressed against him, and he kissed him directly.

He closed his eyes slightly, not daring to look at Chu Chuan. Without even realizing it, Chu Chuan’s expression was slightly startled, as if distracted for a second, his gaze fell on his gently shaking eyelashes.

In the video screen of the notebook behind him, Jiang’s dry voice floated out: “Yiyou…this, this, your new boyfriend?”

I promised to break my promise in the morning or in the afternoon, and I was also very desperate…

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