After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 45: What? My younger brother is that unlucky son-in-law?

The attribute has been improved once again, with a one-time increase of 14 points in strength and physique. Su Li could clearly feel the significant boost this time.

I feel that in terms of strength and physique… I’m not far behind Xiang Yu, Su Li thought.

He had many images of Xiang Yu fighting and training, and he had also learned the Overlord Halberd Technique from him, allowing for a clear comparison. While he might still be slightly weaker in terms of strength, his physique, including battery life and physical recovery, should be stronger than Xiang Yu.

As for agility, it wasn’t mentioned but wasn’t a major issue. Su Li had put in a great effort, and it was a miraculous improvement. With his current strength and physical fitness, even renowned generals like Cheng Yaojin, Wei Chigong, Shan Xiongxin, and Qin Qiong would struggle after facing him.

With Su Li’s dual attributes of strength and physique, he was more than capable of mowing down enemies on the battlefield, and his agility surpassed that of ordinary individuals as well.

Physical strength should still take priority, Su Li silently contemplated.

The higher the attribute points, the greater the bonus for each point of increase. While the difference between 60 and 61 attribute points was negligible, anything above 100 was considered quite high. Su Li’s strength and physique attributes had far surpassed other attributes, reaching an astonishing 125 points each, surpassing the limits of human capability.

In this situation, the best cost-effective choice was undoubtedly to focus on the main attributes. Allocating 30 attribute points to wisdom would elevate Su Li’s perceptiveness to a first-class level. However, when it came to strength, with 150 attribute points, even the world’s renowned generals would be injured or killed with a single touch.

It’s a pity… I can’t view other people’s attributes, Su Li thought.

He rarely left his home and focused only on earning points with Princess Changle. He could gauge his true strength if he had access to others’ attribute points, he could gauge his true strength.

Lastly, a memory of Xiang Yu emerged in Su Li’s mind. Su Li believed he could match Xiang Yu in physical strength, but he remained uncertain about his standing in Tang Dynasty.

Su Li believed that he would be unbeatable throughout the Tang Dynasty with her exceptional physical attributes and techniques of the Hegemon’s Halberd. However, he was uncertain about the gap between himself and famous generals like Qin Qiong and Wei Chigong. Su Li was confident in his ability to fight in terms of pure strength. His only weakness was his lack of sharpness, but even with his strength reduced by ten times, he would still be formidable.

How many opponents could I take on? This was Su Li’s biggest question in his mind.

Unfortunately, he had no friends and didn’t know any generals, so he was unaware of the Tang Dynasty’s top combat power. Without military encounters, he couldn’t accurately gauge his own strength.

Su Li didn’t necessarily desire to engage in fights or show off his skills, but he genuinely wanted to know his own level.

Once Changle wakes up, I must witness the pinnacle of combat power in the Tang Dynasty. If they can’t even withstand a single blow, then wouldn’t I become invincible? Su Li thought.

In this era, without long spears or cannons, becoming invincible like the ancestors was a much more challenging feat compared to the modern era.

However, Su Li didn’t even know how powerful he had become once Princess Changle awakened.

It feels so satisfying to silently grow stronger, Su Li thought happily while holding Princess Changle.

He had previously imagined becoming a revered civil servant or a formidable warrior, expanding territories and leaving a mark in history after time travel. But after living as a peasant for several years, Su Li had grown to appreciate peace.

Although life in the princess’s mansion was monotonous, it was serene and comfortable without disturbances. Above all, he could personally experience his growth and daily self-improvement, acquiring more and more possessions.

You are truly my lucky star! Su Li embraced Princess Changle, her face beaming with joy.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months had passed. If Su Li hadn’t fortuitously married Princess Changle, he might still be toiling away as a peasant, far from being comparable to Xiang Yu or possessing the power to revolutionize the world with his salt-making and steel-making skills. He might have led an ordinary life, marrying a peasant woman with a big butt and toiling away until old age before falling victim to despair.

Although Su Li might have appeared pitiful to others, but for himself every day was filled with brightness and a promising future. His hardships were the catalysts for his progress.

On the other side, Su Dingfang was strolling towards the princess’s mansion accompanied by the eunuch.

This…astonishing news…, Su Dingfang thought.

As they left the palace, Su Dingfang noticed the absence of any onlookers and discreetly tugged at the eunuch’s sleeve. He retrieved a coin from his pocket and secretly slipped it into the eunuch’s sleeve, making sure not to leave a trace.

“General, Is there something on your mind?” The eunuch effortlessly pocketed the copper coin, sporting a smile that revealed his proficiency in such transactions.

Eunuchs liked him and typically had extra income, often obtained by trading in advanced knowledge. While it might not have compared to the influence of a powerful eunuch, it was a safer approach. The information they leaked was generally inconsequential.

“I have a question for you. Where is my younger brother now? It has been over a decade since we last saw each other, and I wish to know about his current circumstances… I must brace myself,” Su Dingfang inquired with concern.

Upon hearing this, the eunuch’s face took on a peculiar expression.

“This… Well, left and right, it’s not that significant… General will remain composed upon learning this,” the eunuch responded, aware that Su Dingfang’s younger brother was likely the ill-fated son-in-law ‘Su Li’.

That unfortunate soul who married Princess Changle…

Observing the genuine warmth displayed by Su Dingfang, the eunuch couldn’t help but inwardly sigh.

Truly unlucky…

Had they crossed paths earlier, with the connection between Su Dingfang and Li Jing, perhaps they could have persuaded Li Jing to avoid this tragic outcome.

But now…

Su Li was already wedded to the princess, and altering that union was out of the question…

As for the princess… he lay bedridden, his life hanging by a thread…

Even if Su Li didn’t have to meet the same fate… it seemed unlikely that he would be able to carry on the family lineage in the future…

Recognition held no value at this point…

Furthermore, Su Dingfang held only a fourth-rank position. Su Li’s impending burial was inevitable unless Li Jing was persuaded to join forces.

Truly unlucky…

Wearing a perplexed expression, the eunuch sighed and began to divulge the information.

“What…my brother is that ill-fated son-in-law!”

As Su Dingfang listened, his eyes widened, and his weathered face portrayed a mixture of shock and bitterness.

The incident involving Princess Changle’s joy had become the talk of Changan, reaching even the common people’s ears.

Su Dingfang had once remarked with empathy that the fortunate son-in-law seemed to have transformed from a humble creature into a phoenix on a tree branch. He did not know that the unlucky soul he had sympathized with was his own younger brother.

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