After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 43: Lavish Spending!

“Ah, what’s this…” “Sweet potatoes and potatoes together only cost 4 points? Did something go wrong?” Su Li said surprisingly.

As a modern individual, Su Li had been heavily influenced by online novels, especially those involving time travel. Taking high-yield crops like sweet potatoes and potatoes to ancient times, he couldn’t help but imagine the reactions of people from that era. It wouldn’t be surprising if they considered sweet potatoes and potatoes as precious commodities. However, the fact that they were priced at only 4 points in the system mall was unexpected to Su Li.

In the novels, sweet potatoes and potatoes are portrayed as powerful weapons. Could it be that they can’t be grown and can only be eaten? Or perhaps, in this era, sweet potatoes and potatoes don’t hold much value since they are already common crops, and there’s no significant difference between them and other food available in the system? Su Li pondered secretly but couldn’t figure out the reason.

Nevertheless, he decisively spent 4 points to buy them. After all, it was only 4 points, so he couldn’t go wrong. He planned to plant them in a large flower pot once he returned since sweet potatoes and potatoes were easy to cultivate.

Finally got some good stuff today… Su Li thought.

Su Li grouped sweet potatoes and potatoes, categorized as miscellaneous items by the system, with many seasonings such as cola, monosodium glutamate, and cumin. He glanced at the remaining three items with excitement.

Perhaps it was a guaranteed harvest after a month of no items?

Regardless, this item refresh came at the perfect time—affordable and practical!

First, there was the Attribute Points Big Gift Pack worth 88,888 points. He could randomly obtain 10-30 free attribute points upon opening it. Equivalent to ten packs of Attribute Points and a Small Gift Pack, the overall price was even cheaper by over 10,000 points.

Su Li directly purchased it without hesitation, leaving him with a balance of 759,454 points.

But now, luck played an even greater role because he could make ten draws with the ten packs of Attribute Points Small Gift Pack.

If he were to obtain 15 points or less from this Attribute Points Big Gift Pack, wouldn’t it be a loss?

Su Li rubbed his hands, feeling fortunate that he could draw 30 free attribute points this time. After some hesitation, he firmly grabbed Changle’s soft and tender hand and vigorously rubbed it for a while.

Open it for me! Su Li thought.

No wonder the gift pack of attribute points was called a big gift pack…

It even had a lottery animation…

Accompanied by colorful flashes in his mind, the system prompt appeared.

[Congratulations! Your luck is amazing! You have drawn 28 free attribute points from the gift pack!]

It’s a shame it’s not 30 points! Su Li exclaimed, a mixture of joy and regret on his face.

Nevertheless, obtaining 28 free attribute points was still a great deal. On average, Su Li had only received about 2.5 free attribute points from the small gift packs he had opened before.

He decided not to allocate the extra 28 attribute points just yet and turned his attention to the fourth item.

Photographic Memory!

Su Li was very familiar with this item because he had seen it when he was caught and forced into a marriage that day. Unfortunately, he didn’t have enough points to purchase it at that time, so he had to let it go, hoping it would be refreshed the next day.

But now, the circumstances were different. With over 700,000 points, Su Li no longer had to envy others.

Without hesitation, he made the purchase!

Points balance: 559,454

As Su Li took the photographic memory item, he instantly felt his mind becoming clearer. The previously blurred and even forgotten images began to surge and reemerge, becoming vivid in his mind once again.

Page by page, memories gradually became clear and distinct, as if a mosaic-filled image had the mosaics removed, then colored and filled, ultimately restored to its original form.

Memories… becoming clearer, going further back!

One by one, Su Li’s memories of his time in the Tang Dynasty became clear in his mind.

And then came the memories before he had crossed over…

Scenes from modern times flooded Su Li’s mind. Even images he had seen before and signs on the streets he had glanced at inadvertently resurfaced.

With the influx of memories, Su Li’s brain started to experience sharp pain. The human brain… couldn’t process such a vast amount of clear and valid data…

Fortunately, Su Li had an extraordinary physique, enabling him to endure the initial pain without uttering a sound…

It seemed that the system had imposed an unreasonable transformation. Still, Su Li survived the initial ordeal and gradually felt that everything he had experienced before was vividly present in his mind.

Now, Su Li could effortlessly recall any event he had experienced, anyone he had seen, or any knowledge he had acquired. His eyes became like cameras, capturing every scene with clarity.

“Spinning machine… steam engine… internal combustion engine… gunpowder…”

Su Li realized that he remembered everything he had ever read in books with crystal-clear clarity. Suddenly, he had gained invaluable knowledge that was beyond measure.

Furthermore, it wasn’t just about remembering past memories. Su Li could also memorize anything he read in the future and recite it back word for word. However, unfortunately, having a photographic memory didn’t directly enhance Su Li’s understanding and application abilities. In other words, although Su Li’s brain was now like an encyclopedia, he still needed time to convert that knowledge into practical use.

After all, Su Li had chosen the path of combining physical strength and cultivation, and his level of understanding was only slightly higher than that of an average person.

It seems I need to focus on improving my understanding… Otherwise, I’ll have a vast knowledge base but won’t be able to utilize it, Su Li contemplated.

For an ordinary person, categorizing and integrating a plethora of information would be challenging, even if they spent their entire life attempting to do so. Most people only grasp the facts without understanding the underlying principles. Throughout any era, 99% of individuals contribute minimally in the field of academia, only able to imitate others.

At present, Su Li felt his mind was in chaos, submerged with a flood of memories. Though there was no system crash due to the intervention of the system, it was evident that he needed time to adapt. His attention shifted to the final item,

Item Five: Overlord’s Spear Technique (enhances the body’s combat skills rapidly, the higher one’s innate attributes, the faster the body develops, resulting in greater killing power!). Value: 250,000 points!

Su Li’s physical attributes had now surpassed human limits, but he had always struggled with a lack of combat skills. The only valuable knowledge in his mind was the battle experience of a seasoned soldier on the battlefield. While this experience provided practicality, enabling Su Li to proficiently wield any weapon and employ basic maneuvers, his skills were not refined.

The true worth of the battle experience lay in capturing opponents and utilizing various covert tactics. It had given Su Li, an inexperienced combatant, the expertise to handle unexpected situations and ambushes. However, it still fell short as Su Li lacked a combat style that suited his own physical attributes.

The “Overlord Halberd Technique,” valued at 250,000 points, effectively resolved this issue for Su Li.

Without further delay… I would take it!

Points balance: 309,454

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