After Divorce: Pursued by Cohabiting Boss

Chapter 143: Safe Diet

Chapter 143

Li Zhen took a deep breath and hit her own mouth!

How could she not learn her lesson!

She shouldn't have brought it up!

Lu Yanming grasped her slender wrist, picked her up and put her on the bed, "Time to sleep, Zhen Zhen..."

"So early, it's only ten o'clock."

"From now on we're going to sleep and get up early."

"Okay." Li Zhen turned over, wanting to keep some distance from Lu Yanming.

But the man behind her pressed close, hugging her from behind into his arms.

Lu Yanming's broad palm lay on her lower abdomen, feeling it rise and fall with her breathing.

The little life was trying hard to grow.

His heart was filled, sore and swollen.

How could he let Li Zhen know about this child after finding out and still accept it...

"President Lu..." Li Zhen called softly.


"Are you in a bad mood?"

Li Zhen couldn't say why exactly, but she just felt that the man behind her seemed to be very depressed. This intuition made her mood sink down along with him.

"No, go to sleep..." Lu Yanming lightly kissed her earlobe.

Li Zhen was stunned for a moment.

It looked like she was right.

He was clearly in a very heavy mood.

She and him were like a line of connected emotions, suddenly extremely sensitive to his mood.

And she couldn't just ignore it.

Li Zhen turned around and snuggled into his arms face to face.

The next morning, the models in the advertising department finished their busy work around eleven o'clock and were all waiting in the rest area for lunch time. Everyone had never looked forward to the company lunch like they did recently.

Meng Yuanjie shook his legs, saw the time hit 11:55, and sprang up, "Let's go, let's go five minutes early!"

This was exactly what Zhang Xiya wanted.

"Let's go, Qiao Yi, Zhen Zhen!" Zhang Xiya pulled the two along to leave.

Li Zhen walked at the back, taking out her phone to search.

In her search history that morning, she had already searched hundreds of items.

Lu Yanming was in a bad mood last night, and Li Zhen still hadn't figured out why.

So most of her searches today were about "Why do men get in a bad mood?"

After searching fruitlessly for a while, Li Zhen searched "How to safely supplement kidney function in men with poor kidney function".

Li Zhen walked while looking at the records on her phone.

Suddenly she understood!

Why else would Lu Yanming be in a bad mood!

It must be because his kidneys were not good!

Li Zhen's confusion was swept away, she immediately sent Lu Yanming a message: [President Lu, let go and look on the bright side, I'll supplement you tonight when I get home!]

Lu Yanming replied very quickly, [Isn't Miss Zhen too eager?]

Li Zhen was embarrassed and raised her eyebrows, [Not at all, I'm just thinking of you.]

Li Zhen lowered her head and followed everyone into the elevator, feeling proud that she was thoughtfully caring for and could comfort Lu Yanming's bad mood.

Suddenly, her elbow was nudged.

Li Zhen looked up in surprise and saw Zhang Xiya winking at her.

Li Zhen followed her gaze and saw Yu Sheng standing at the very front of the elevator, his back facing the four of them, but still giving off an oppressive aura. The marketing department had been under low air pressure these past two days, and Yu Sheng was filled with endless coldness.

Yu Sheng saw Li Zhen get on playing with her phone, he didn't know what she was looking at on her phone, but the corners of her lips and brows couldn't hide her smile.

The elevator arrived, Yu Sheng stepped out first.

Li Zhen and Zhang Xiya followed him out of the elevator.

All the way to the cafeteria, there was no end to the "President Yu" greetings, all greeting Yu Sheng.

Li Zhen was behind, deliberately falling back a few steps to keep some distance from him.

Zhang Xiya and the others also understood, and slowed down with Li Zhen.

Not until they were sure Yu Sheng couldn't hear them clearly did Qiao Yi ask Li Zhen quietly: "How are things between you and President Yu?"

Meng Yuanjie looked worried, "President Yu, he's a bit scary..."

Li Zhen rubbed her temples with a headache.

It wasn't that she had a headache from irritation, she really had a headache, whenever she thought too much lately, it made her mentally tense and prone to migraines.

Zhang Xiya sighed, "You guys only know this much, you didn't see that day after work, President Yu waited in our department for little Zhen Zhen, although he didn't get angry, but he looked like he wanted to eat someone."

When they got to the queueing windows, the colleagues in front saw Li Zhen behind them and quickly poked their companions.

The two hurriedly left, letting Li Zhen and the others order first.

Zhang Xiya and the others stared wide-eyed.

Meng Yuanjie was stunned, ordering food while mumbling, "What's going on? Why do they run away when they see us?"

In the queue at the windows next to them was Xiao Cai from the administration department.

Xiao Cai, holding a tray of food she had ordered, came up to Li Zhen and hesitantly said in a low voice: "Li Zhen, Qu Hu resigned today. Everyone is saying that the one who pursued you before was Qu Hu, and that President Yu found out and forced him to resign, so everyone is a little afraid of you..."

"Thank you for telling me, Xiao Cai." Li Zhen nodded, suddenly understanding.

Qu Hu had worked with Li Yanran yesterday to try to use those despicable means, clearly he was found out and didn't have the face to stay, but it was spread that Yu Sheng couldn't tolerate people.

After Xiao Cai left, Zhang Xiya complained, "Everyone really has too much free time, they can connect anything together."

After sitting down at their seats, Meng Yuanjie said, "Right, and besides, even if it was true, shouldn't they be afraid of President Yu, what does it have to do with Li Zhen."


Yu Sheng sat by the window in the cafeteria, his dark eyes glancing at Li Zhen ahead.

His phone suddenly rang and Yu Sheng looked at it before answering.

"Uncle Kong."

"Little Yu..." Kong Yi's words were hesitant, wavering between saying it and not saying it, he hesitated for two seconds, "Last time the head of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television personally asked for the female lead, and they said the actress wasn't well, she's not doing this show anymore..."

Of course Yu Sheng remembered this.

He looked at Li Zhen again, "Uncle Kong, so what you mean is, Li Zhen can do it now?"

"Well...not exactly..." Kong Yi's voice on the other end was very tangled, "I just found out from them today, that actress is little Li..."

"Li Zhen?" Yu Sheng's brows sank slightly, his gaze somewhat hesitant.

"Little Yu, I don't know the specifics of what exactly happened, don't overthink it, just communicate well with little Li first."

In the entertainment industry, the female lead of a surefire hit show was what countless people scrambled for recklessly. Being able to accurately find the top person at the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, this person was absolutely not ordinary.

The entertainment industry has always been about money and sex.

Yu Sheng's breathing fluctuated, his brows and eyes full of icy coldness.

After hanging up the phone, he abruptly stood up, footsteps heavy, and strode towards Li Zhen.

Li Zhen had been too prone to fatigue lately, after eating she was preparing to go back to the office alone to rest first, but had just gotten to the cafeteria door when her wrist was suddenly grabbed fiercely.

A violent, low roar exploded in her ear.

"Li Zhen!"

Li Zhen was forcibly pulled around.

Yu Sheng was dressed in a black suit, shrouding his whole person in a layer of undispersed gloom, his face was ashen, "Who is that person!"

The gazes of everyone in the cafeteria looked over almost at the same time.

Li Zhen's wrist was pinched painfully, her brows knitted together, "This is the company, let me go!"

Yu Sheng's eyes stared fixedly at her, the anger in them burned painfully, "Li Zhen, just what have you been hiding from me recently! Who did you use your body to get favors from!"

"What using my body for favors..." Li Zhen was baffled.

"Still unwilling to say it! That person who found the connection for you and asked for the female lead of Moon Scar! Who is it!"

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