After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 486: What dad is most wary of is not Voldemort

Sun Zhu sat in front of the bright floor-to-ceiling window of the library, yawning while looking at the ancient rune notes in his hand.

In the past month, even if I put all my energy into my studies, I still don't seem to have enough time. What's more, the first Quidditch match of this school year will be held this weekend.

She also needs to allocate time to deal with the prefect's night patrol once every two weeks. In addition, she also has to do various strange aftermath tasks from time to time.

For example now——

"Jade!" She whispered and looked around. Fortunately, the movement of the owl did not cause anyone's dissatisfaction. "Did Dad ask you to bring me a message?"

It turns out that Fofo's owl seems to have lost a little weight these days. His father must have given him a lot of mail delivery tasks.

Jade's voice also sounded tired and sleepy: "There are three letters. You can see which one is for you."

"...You are so busy." Sun Zhu looked at the envelopes and found that they were for her, Newt and Dumbledore.

She controlled her desire to open the other two letters and peek at them, and quickly sent Jade away.

When I opened the letter, I saw at first a greeting and greetings. The central idea was to protect yourself and take good care of your body. Although studies are important, don’t force it. The most important thing is that you are not allowed to fall in love before you are an adult.

The second paragraph is the real deal.

"Based on the location you provided, we secretly targeted several suspicious persons and found that they were carrying out different plans for Voldemort's resurrection at the same time. In my opinion, most of them are ridiculous, but they are all serious and want to do harm to them crazily. Many people, not just wizards, but Muggles as well.

Muggles are powerless against this group of lawless madmen, but fortunately most pure-blood wizards consider themselves noble and disdain to let the lowly blood of Muggles tarnish the noble Dark Lord. The undercover agents will mainly disrupt plans targeting Muggles, so you don't have to worry about that for the time being.

In addition, you are concerned about the fact that there are many wizards colluding with Death Eaters within the Ministry of Magic. According to my speculation, the Department of Mysteries is handling it, and even Minister Bones is not aware of everything. But dad will be careful. I will remember to bring the things you ask me to take with me.

Recently, my father also discovered that our Yuanbao has gained weight again. She had gone out to see Mr. Scamander before and had lost weight back to her normal size, but after she was brought to the Ministry of Magic, she regained her shape again for some unknown reason. I think Yuanbao must miss you, and can only relieve his missing by eating. Ah Zhu, your birthday is coming soon. If you want anything, you can make a wish with your father. The owl at home misses you too. "

Sun Zhu couldn't help but feel a little silent after reading everything. After a while, she asked Tongzi: "Did my dad hardly get any sleep during this period?"

The last paragraph seems to have lost its logic. As for the authenticity...

She didn't know whether Sun Yuanbao missed her or not, but Jade definitely didn't miss her very much. He just said a word and flapped his wings and flew away.

"Mr. Sun's average sleep time in the past month was 6.2 hours, which is within the average range of his peers, but his workload is 2.1 times the average workload of other Ministry of Magic employees." Tongzi quickly pulled up the table for analysis, "In my case It seems that what he said to you, he himself did not do. "

"Is there any way to give him a little more rest? Why is Minister Bones like this? A capitalist who exploits his employees!"

"Although his physical fatigue level is high, his mood happiness level is also high." Tongzi added, "This is why I haven't told you about this."

"...What's the matter with dad? Is it reasonable to love working so much?"

I was really afraid that when he got off work one day, he would be sacked by his colleagues. They would point their wands at him and ask: You little thief, was it you who brought Uchimaki into the Ministry of Magic?

Sun Zhu shook his head to get rid of the strange picture. He hesitated for a moment and instead of tearing up his father's handwritten letter, he stuffed it into a plush bag with a panda head.

As I grow older, it is no longer appropriate to carry a sniffing bag with me as before, and it is too big and eye-catching. The spatial extension that Newt had imposed on it was no longer stable, and it was no longer enough to accommodate all the secrets she wanted to stuff into it.

Yes, she is indeed a person who likes the new and hates the old.

This stuffed panda head is the "Qiankun Bag" she got in exchange for the ball of Obscurus. It can hold at least half of Hogwarts inside, and can even accommodate living creatures, including humans, for three days.

Just like her Sumeru beads, the panda bag is only bound to her. She can decide whether to enter or exit it, and it cannot be snatched.

But unlike the domineering artifact, it is impossible to force anyone in, and all conscious creatures must obtain their consent.

But if she comes in, it will depend on her wishes if she wants to come out again.

Such a thing requires at least 1 experience points to exchange for. At first, she only got 5000 experience points from the Magic Stone. Fortunately, she didn't feel any guilt in handing over Obscurus this time - or maybe she didn't care about face anymore after getting used to being poor. She not only wanted to have this appearance It's a small bag with a stuffed panda head, and it also comes with an additional 1000 experience points.

"Looks like there's some good news again." Cedric put down a book, "You can't hold back the smile on your face."

Sun Zhu subconsciously touched the corner of his mouth: "In your description, I feel that I am a bit, not very elegant."

"Is there anyone who stays elegant all the time?" He held her finger, "Would that be too tiring? In my opinion, your smile is not as important."

Sun Zhu continued to raise the corners of his mouth, but this time his face was full of seriousness: "The owl just sent me a letter from my father."

"What did Uncle Sun say to you?"

"To be honest, there is no useful information." She continued to maintain her fake smile and slowly raised her hand to his eyes. "The only thing that is certain is that the person he is most wary of right now is not Voldemort."

"Ah, who could that be?" His hand was still on the back of Sun Zhu's hand without blinking, and he didn't look guilty at all.

"In his eyes, there is someone who deserves more attention than the Dark Lord." She supported her chin with her other hand and looked at him innocently, "And now, if you don't let go, you will become Pingsi." The person whom the lady pays the most attention to.”

Ms. Pingsi walked to them silently and said solemnly: "If you have other things to do, please don't be here."

Sun Zhu immediately withdrew his hand and pushed someone aside: "Please drive him away immediately. I don't do anything except study, and I don't go anywhere except the library."

Ms. Pingsi hummed from her nasal cavity: "Please remember what you said. As a student, in such a sacred place, the best thing to do is to absorb knowledge from books."

Sun Zhu nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and Cedric had already shown off as a good student, spread out a notebook, and started sketching with his quill, already in the academic master mode.

Ms. Pince left satisfied.

The next second, a page torn from the notebook appeared in front of Sun Zhu's eyes.

"I'm applying for a privilege tonight."

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