After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 480 Floo Network Administrator

Sun Zhu stood on the roadside and stopped hesitantly.

"Host, are you planning to rush to St. Mungo's now?"

"Yes, I'm definitely going, but I'd better tell Ced first."

Her patronus went to deliver a message to her father. The only way to notify Seid immediately was to go to Newt to find him in person.

Speaking of which, why is Newt looking for him at this time? He rarely looks for Seid alone, right?

"Tongzi, do you know if they have anything important to do? Will it disturb them if I go over now?"

"Host, they don't seem to be in Newt's office."

"...Never mind, let's go to St. Mungo's now."

There are theoretically multiple ways to get to St. Mungo's from Hogwarts.

The most conventional is to take various means of transportation. Sirius's flying motorcycle and the flying car he later modified are both very good choices, but I don't know where this guy is now, and I can't count on him anyway.

And Pegasus like Yeqi cannot be controlled by her alone.

Flying over on a broomstick is theoretically possible, but Sun Zhu thinks this is too silly and tiring. She doesn't like riding a broomstick very much when she's not playing Quidditch. In addition, even with the direction guidance provided by Tongzi, it is still troublesome for her to identify the accurate position in the sky.

What if instead of riding a broom, ride... a dragon? Comrade Jianguo is still in a one-sided cold war with her, but even if Uncle Long is willing to sell her the favor, she still feels that unless it is absolutely necessary, flying on a Chinese dragon over Britain is still a bit too much.

The wizarding world's own travel tools for wizards, in addition to the Knight's Public Bus for emergency use, are portkeys and Floo Network.

As a wizard who is not yet an adult and has no way to learn to apparate, there are too few options.

She had asked Senior Tonks for a door key that could lead directly to St. Mungo's, but that was a one-time thing, so it certainly wouldn't work now.

St. Mungo's is a hospital for magical illnesses and injuries that has treated many injured wizards. For safety reasons, the Department of Magical Transportation has not connected it to the fireplace floo network - it may be, but ordinary wizards do not have this authority unless there is an emergency. to apply. Otherwise, if anyone could reach St. Mungo's through the fireplace, then so could a dark wizard with ulterior motives.

"After thinking about it for a long time, all roads are unworkable." Sun Zhu laughed angrily at himself, "It is difficult to move forward in the magic world."

I blame myself for being so useless. If I were an adult, many things would be much easier to handle.

"Then host, are you going to ask the professor and principal for help?"

"After all, it's a small matter. If I have to rely on others for this, then how can I help on that trip?" Sun Zhu shook his head, "The Ministry of Magic has set up various hidden locations all over the UK. The reception point is the closest to Hogwarts, and my father has taken me there before.”

She finally summoned the broom and flew all the way from the school gate.

During this period, many students who were returning to school from various places looked up and saw her. Most of them were calm, but there were also a few junior students who exclaimed in surprise.

Sure enough, this kind of thing can be used to scare children.

When she arrived at her destination, she used a shrinking spell to turn the broom into the size of a quill and put it in her pocket.

"Good afternoon, Mr. McDougal." Sun Zhu straightened his hair and walked into the store.

On the surface, this reception desk is a small stationery shop. The owner of the shop is a slightly bald middle-aged man. His true identity is the floo network administrator of the Department of Magical Transportation. According to my father's introduction to this position, each reception point usually rotates an administrator every week, just like going out to work. They stay here for a full week and then go back to work in the Transportation Department.

Her father had already introduced her to several administrators working at the reception point closest to Hogwarts.

The Mr. McDougal in front of him has a daughter who is a Ravenclaw at the same level as Harry, and he himself is also a Ravenclaw like his father.

"Oh, you are Mr. Sun's daughter, right?" He was a little surprised, and his first reaction was to put on a felt hat.

"Yes, I heard from dad that you are not far from his office, and we used to chat often when we had time."

Dad's new job has the same office location as the Magical Transportation Department on the 6th floor.

It is said that Minister Bones originally planned to allocate a piece of land from the Sports Department on the 7th floor to the Financial Secretary, but Sirius sternly refused. I don’t know what kind of consultation they went through, but the final result is that the relatively small Department of Transportation and the Department of Finance share the sixth floor.

"Haha, Mr. Sun has been very busy lately. We haven't had time to talk about Quidditch for a long time." Mr. McDougal asked, "You came to see me today. What's the matter with Mr. Sun?"

"I need you to help me connect to the Floo network here and get to the reception point closest to St. Mungo's Hospital. I know someone there and I need to send her something."

"What is it?" McDougal smiled, but his tone was serious, and he strictly followed the rules of the process. "If you want to borrow the floo network transportation here, you must have the corresponding borrowing certificate and guarantor."

Sun Zhu was stunned. Her father had brought her here directly before, and she had never heard that it needed to be so complicated.

"It's urgent. I can't tell you what it is. I'll provide it to you after proving that there are other procedures. The guarantor is my father. Is that okay?"

McDougal hesitated: "You are a student at Hogwarts and a family member of a Ministry of Magic employee. It is not impossible to borrow it, but if you are found not to follow the procedures, you may be fined."

"If you are fined, you can pay it to Sirius Black. You know him, he works in the Department of Magical Sports downstairs." Sun Zhu was quite generous, "Please, you know, he goes to St. Mungo's It’s all about urgent matters. I’ll tell Dad that you were very helpful today.”

McDougal smiled and said: "It seems that she does have something to do. If I don't agree, Miss Sun will probably find other more troublesome and dangerous ways, right?"

Sun Zhu clasped his hands together: "Of course not, because I know you will definitely be willing to accommodate."

"Well, as you just promised, you will make up for the relevant procedures in the future. I have to make sure that you will remember this."

Sun Zhu understood. She dug into her pockets, struggled for a long time, and finally took out an exquisite badge and handed it to him.

McDoug took it and saw that it was a heavy metal prefect badge with yellow and black interlaced, engraved with the school emblem and name.

It is the identity symbol of Hufflepuff's female prefect.

"This thing is very important to me. Don't worry, I will definitely give you everything you need in exchange for it."

"Okay, that's enough." McDougal smiled, "Then, Miss Sun, I wish you good luck."

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