After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 423 Beginning of Grade 5

Different from the past, this year her father was particularly happy when he sent her off to the train. He even kept comforting her who was a little worried: "Azhu, father completely believes in you! Of course, don't take everything on your shoulders. Live a happy and comfortable life. Even if that day comes, you have to live your life as usual."

"But dad, I'm worried about you. Have you ever wondered why I want you to be the Financial Secretary, who seems immature and will be very dangerous in the future? I obviously know that a fierce battle is inevitable."

"Of course it's because you also believe in dad. If something like what you said really happens, it will be dangerous wherever you stay. As long as I am still an employee of the Ministry of Magic, as long as I am still your father." He still looked very nervous. Relaxed, "You encourage Dad to do what you want to do, and Dad also supports you. But I don't want you to be so tired. It doesn't matter even if you can't do it well. Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup and the House last semester Cup, but you Hufflepuffs are also very good, just a little bit behind, aren't they?"

"Dad, I told you, I am not disappointed because of this during this holiday. Of course I know that we have done a good enough job." Sun Zhu glanced at the alumni who were boarding the bus one after another, and a certain compartment on the bus was open. At the window, Fina and Karina were already seated.

"That's good. This semester you not only have to face the grade assessment, but also assume the responsibility of being a prefect. If you are tired, you should give yourself time to rest." Then he lowered his voice, "As for the Ministry of Magic, those photographers Ghost monsters, those outlaws who escaped from prison, don’t worry anymore.”

"I will leave myself some time to rest, but I can't guarantee that I can completely pretend to be unaware." She pulled on her robe, with a metal prefect badge pinned to her left chest, "Okay, if you repeat it, just Not much to say, let’s all take care of each other.”

Watching her board the carriage, Sun Zhengxing rubbed his face and turned to look at Arthur, who was also sending his children to school.

"Every year at this time, I have endless worries. Your bamboo is about to graduate, and I have to worry about it for a few more years." But Arthur looked very proud, "I would rather hunt down the dementors!"

"You still have worries after graduation." Sun Zhengxing glanced at him, "But my A-Zhu has always been very measured. I really don't worry too much."

"Haha!" Arthur put his hand on his back and walked out of the station, "Relax, you don't look like you are not worried at all."

"...Does your department know about the dementors this time?"

Arthur wiped his face: "As far as I know, it's a little bit, but not that much. It's completely manageable."

"How did you let them escape?" He still frowned, "I know that most of them were born into very capable families, but..."

"Haha, this is no longer a problem." Arthur looked a little eager to give it a try, "You have to know that most of them were spared their lives because of the high atonement, but how many of them were murdered more than ten years ago? Innocent? It's a good idea to escape, and there's even more reason to punish them on the spot."

"Wizard's law..." Sun Zhengxing sighed, "It seems that it is impossible to completely avoid casualties. Do you know who they are?"

"Hmph, [-]% of them are Slytherins."

"...Is that an exaggeration?"

"Of course, I'm being honest. There are also many Slytherins in the Auror team. I don't deny this, but there are more among the Death Eaters. Everyone knows this."

"It's better to resolve this matter as soon as possible. We can't let the children worry about it."

"Oh, speaking of which, I am also worried about what happened to Harry's child. I heard that he had a very bad life last semester, and the Death Eaters headed by Malfoy always targeted him. Really. I hope he can pass his third year safely this semester." Arthur looked back at the train that had just started. "Fortunately, their new professor this semester is one of his father's associates, and he is better than his godfather. A much more reliable person.”

"Stop being so gloomy, what did Professor Luping say?" As soon as Sun Zhu entered the carriage, he heard Karina's voice. Fina opposite her rubbed her brows and patted her suitcase.

"Let's continue when the full moon night in September arrives. Most of the materials we will need later are here."

Sun Zhu sat next to them and patted each on the shoulder: "I feel like things are on the right track. Let's work hard together!"

"Zhu, don't you need to go to the prefect car?" Karina came closer and asked, "Where is your cat?"

"We'll be there later. That girl has been away from home for too long. My father couldn't bear to let her go, so he won't take her with him for the time being. It's not good for her to trouble Professor Scamander all the time."

Mainly because I heard that she often fights with Uncle Long, and even covers for Bob and helps him steal the golden scales from Uncle Long.

"Oh, yes, how can we allocate time and energy for pets this semester?" Karina was frustrated for only a second, and then said: "However, I saw that your little lion Granger also brought a Here come the cats, and Bree’s Vivian, and I can still see the big cats.”

"Oh? Crookshanks?" Sun Zhu was also a little happy, "I'll take a look later."

"Hey, Fina, if your Animagus is a cat, I can do whatever I want from now on..."

"Don't even think about it!" Fina escaped from Karina's clutches, "If you have the ability, go deal with Professor McGonagall..."

"Then I don't dare!"

Sun Zhu shook his head with a smile and said, "I'll go over there first to check the situation. When you get off the bus later, remember to help me take my luggage back."

"Okay, Prefect!" Karina responded loudly.

This year's male student union president is, as expected, Percy Weasley, and the female student union president is a Slytherin. Sun Zhu only knows her surname is Burke.

"As a prefect, of course you have to lead by example. A lot of dangerous things happened in Hogwarts Castle last semester. I hope everyone can stay safe this semester. The new fifth graders..." Percy was looking at Sun Zhu, who had just pushed the door open, paused and said, "Although you have to prepare for the grade examination, the principal can select you as prefects, which naturally recognizes your abilities. Therefore, this is by no means a shirk for you in the future. reason for this responsibility."

Sun Zhu pursed his lips and stood obediently in the corner to listen to the instructions.

Theoretically, there are a total of 18 "student leaders" here, including four boys, four girls, and eight prefects from each of the fifth and sixth grades, plus two seventh-grade student council presidents.

There are only more than 200 students in the seven grades of Hogwarts, but the proportion of student leaders reaches nearly [-]%.It is enough to show that wizard students are more difficult to manage than Muggle students.

But...she is not interested in taking care of others at all.It's a pity that when she wrote to Dumbledore to "resign", he declined!

The back of her hanging hand was touched by someone. She raised her eyes and saw that someone looked a little tired, but was smiling.

The depression in her heart subsided a lot, and he whispered in her ears: "If there is anything you don't want to do this semester, just let me do it. You can do what you want to do."

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