After Being Forced To Kiss the Boss

Chapter 30

Chapter 29 – Want A Hug?

The meal together was originally intended to fool Li’s mother, but Ji Jinyan took it seriously.

She had already opened her mouth, but Li Wanqiu had the nerve to refuse, and hurriedly said, “No, I was thinking about it.”

“Do you… want to eat something?” She coughed lightly, originally planning to order takeaway, but since she decided to eat at home with Ji Jinyan, it’s a bit unreasonable to eat takeaway.

“Anything is fine.” Ji Jinyan smiled and stepped forward, “Just eat something simple.”

“Okay.” Li Wanqiu responded, but still took a few quick steps to open the refrigerator and study what was in it.

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and she had already planned not to go home, so every time she passed by the supermarket in the past few nights, she would subconsciously stock up on ingredients and come back, and the things in the refrigerator were still full.

Li Wanqiu pondered for a while, and prepared to braise a prawn, grill a chicken wing, and stir-fry mushrooms with some cold dishes.

It should be enough for two people.

“Ji Jinyan.” She tilted her head subconsciously and asked, “Do you have anything to avoid…”

Before she finished speaking, she raised her eyes and saw that Ji Jinyan was standing on her left. The two were very close, and she seemed to look over, leaning forward slightly, revealing a small piece of fair neck, hidden under the light , even the small mole is quite conspicuous.

Li Wanqiu paused, and took a step back subconsciously, her heart beating a little faster for no reason.

Before Ji Jinyan came to her house twice, each time when she was drunk, Li Wanqiu couldn’t remember how he got along with her at that time, but now that he was sober, he felt a little embarrassed.

“Can I help you with something?” Ji Jinyan asked, staring into her eyes.

“No need.” Li Wanqiu shook her head hastily, “You’ve been driving all day, go and rest.”

“I’ll make it soon.” She said, without waiting for Ji Jinyan to say anything else, she took the ingredients and went into the kitchen, looked back at her while putting on an apron, and asked, “If you want to drink water, pour it yourself.”

Ji Jinyan nodded, and smiled, “Okay.”

“Hmm.” Li Wanqiu withdrew her gaze and began to study the ingredients on the table.

In the past, when she had nothing to do, she would study some delicious food for herself, and sometimes she would ask Yan Weiwei to come over to taste it. The two of them have been best friends for more than ten years. What, Yan Weiwei basically said “It’s so delicious!”

In fact, until now, Li Wanqiu didn’t know what kind of dishes he made, let alone whether they would suit Ji Jinyan’s taste.

After a pause, she finally decided to cheat, turned on her phone, found the tutorial and browsed it for reference.

After tossing and tossing for more than half an hour, all the preparations were finally ready. Li Wanqiu turned on the medium heat to collect the chicken wings, then turned around and came out, wanting to see what Ji Jinyan was doing.

Looking around, she was sitting in front of the balcony, flipping through her paintings.

Xu Shi realized her approach, and Ji Jinyan’s voice sounded quickly: “I have drawn a lot.”

“Yeah.” Li Wanqiu nodded, “Draw something casually.”

Ji Jinyan praised sincerely: “Very beautiful.”

“You seem to like drawing the starry sky very much now.” She said, her eyes stopped on a painting, and she looked at it for a long time, “If you have a chance in the future, can you draw me one too.”

She said this very lightly, and it was difficult to distinguish her tone for a while. Li Wanqiu couldn’t tell whether she really wanted it or was just being polite. She was silent for a few seconds, but she still responded: “Okay.”

“Thank you.” Ji Jinyan stood up in response.

“You’re welcome.” Li Wanqiu shook her head, and chatted with her a few more words, and it happened that the chicken wings were almost finished, so she went back to the kitchen to serve the dishes.

Then he said, “Would you like something to drink?”

Ji Jinyan thought for a while: “Is there any wine?”

Li Wanqiu has never been short of wine, so he quickly found a bottle: “Is white wine okay?”

After finishing speaking, she remembered that she would have to drive home in a while: “But you won’t be able to drive in a while.”

“It’s okay, I’ll just call the driver.” Ji Jinyan said, opened the wine with a tool, and poured it into the goblet Li Wanqiu handed over, “There are so many delicious dishes tonight, how can I not drink some wine? .”

Li Wanqiu was a little embarrassed for giving such a high recognition before tasting it: “Maybe it’s not that delicious.”

“No.” Ji Jinyan shook his head, “It looks delicious.”

A little too exaggerated.

“Hurry up and eat.” Li Wanqiu was a little flustered by her praise, raised her hand and gave her the chopsticks, and picked up a nearby shrimp to taste. It tasted really good.

Ji Jinyan looked up at her, his tone seemed curious: “Li Wanqiu, don’t you peel the shrimp when you eat it?”

“Yeah.” Li Wanqiu nodded, swallowed a whole shrimp, and muttered, “I’m too lazy to peel it.”

It probably hasn’t happened since grandma passed away. When she was a child, Li Wanqiu didn’t like to eat shrimps. Grandma peeled them and fed them to her. After a long time, Li Wanqiu also gradually got used to the taste of shrimps. It’s a pity that grandma was no longer there. .

Being asked by Ji Jinyan suddenly, Li Wanqiu couldn’t help but think of the past, and it was inevitable that he was a little nostalgic. After a while, he said again: “Eat quickly.”

“Yeah.” Ji Jinyan nodded, didn’t say anything, and drank the wine in the glass with his head up.

The two ate and chatted, halfway through the dinner process, Ji Jinyan seemed to be in a good mood today, drank several glasses of wine in a row, Li Wanqiu had nothing to do tomorrow, so he just drank with her.

But with the lessons from the previous two times, she didn’t dare to drink too much, she only poured a little bit into her cup each time.

When she got up to pour the wine for the fourth time, the phone rang suddenly, Li Wanqiu looked down, it was her busy brother Li Qing.

…Called me during the mid-autumn festival, and I can figure out why with my toes.

Li Wanqiu sighed, but decided to pick it up after all, picked up the phone and whispered to Ji Jinyan: “I’ll answer the call.”

“Okay.” Ji Jinyan nodded and watched her leave.

Li Wanqiu walked all the way to the bathroom window before finally stopping.

She didn’t want Ji Jinyan to know too much about her family affairs, especially most of them were bad things. Li Wanqiu felt upset. Even though she wasn’t drunk, her brain was still not sober, and her tone was inexplicably a little rushed: “Hello?”

“Oh, you want to eat people.” Li Qing on the other end of the phone was startled by her, and said after a while, “What are you doing?”

“Why not.” Li Wanqiu muttered softly, “Eat.”

“Are you alone?” Li Qing asked, laughing and teasing, “What are you eating, do you want me to order you a takeaway?”

“Whoever eats takeaway, I won’t eat it.” Li Wanqiu said, retorting, “Besides, I’m not alone.”

“There is something wrong with you.” Li Qing immediately lowered his tone, “Who is it, talk to brother?”

“Too lazy to tell you.” Li Wanqiu shook her head, “What are you doing calling?”

“I can’t stop caring about my sister.” Li Qing said, “Isn’t it almost Mid-Autumn Festival? Let me say hello to you. Your brother is so busy all day long, it’s not easy to take time out.”

“What’s more, it’s getting colder recently.” He said, his tone suddenly became serious, “Remember to add clothes on time and take care of yourself.”

I didn’t expect to just say this to her.

Li Wanqiu was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, “What else?”

“No.” Li Qing said innocently, “Otherwise, what would it be for? You still want to ask me for a red envelope, right? I have already bled profusely when I bought gifts for my parents recently, but I have no money and no you.”

His tone was full of smiles, and he deliberately opened his mouth to make her laugh.

Li Qing is too busy with work, and usually only comes back during holidays. Recently, her relationship with Li’s father and Li’s mother has become so tense, it’s impossible for Li Qing not to know.

But he didn’t mention anything, instead he told her to take good care of herself, Li Wanqiu paused, her eyes were inexplicably hot.

“Understood.” She said, not wanting to let Li Qing know the clue, she quickly said, “You also take good care of yourself, don’t get sick and catch a cold.”

After finishing speaking, she hastily hung up the phone.

Ji Jinyan was still waiting for her outside, Li Wanqiu calmed down a bit, then lifted his feet out, sat back on the chair and picked up the chopsticks again, only to find that there were several peeled shrimps in his bowl.

She couldn’t help being surprised: “This is…”

“I peeled it.” After speaking, Ji Jinyan raised his lips and smiled, “There is nothing to do when you are full, and you are idle when you are idle.”

“I wear gloves.” She said, her tone was very light, “Don’t dislike me, little friend Aqiu.”

Also called her little friend.

Li Wanqiu blinked, and originally wanted to refute, but suddenly felt a little sour in her heart, after all, she couldn’t say anything, so she simply lowered her eyes and ate shrimp quietly.

Soon, Ji Jinyan’s voice sounded again: “Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, do you have any arrangements?”

“Sleeping, drawing, watching dramas.” Li Wanqiu answered vaguely.

“It’s good, you should relax during the holiday.” Ji Jinyan said, and then added, “Haven’t you thought about participating in any competition?”

Knowing that she was talking about painting, Li Wanqiu paused before saying, “I participated in it before, but I was eliminated every time. I also sent emails to some professionals to recommend me, but I basically never got a response.”

“Everyone said they liked it, but they didn’t choose me the last time.” She smiled self-deprecatingly, with a helpless tone, “Maybe I really can’t do it.”

As soon as the words fell, Ji Jinyan suddenly fell silent.

Li Wanqiu didn’t dare to look up at her, and didn’t know what her expression was now. When talking about the past, she felt a little wronged in her heart, and her head hung down very unhappy.

After a while, she suddenly heard Ji Jinyan say something like this: “How come, in all honesty, your paintings are really outstanding, I like them very much.”

“If you have a chance in the future, let’s try again.” She said, “Li Wanqiu, you are actually very good.”

Great, it’s been a long time since anyone has praised her that much.

Li Wanqiu nodded, feeling that she should not be drunk tonight, but she couldn’t control her emotions, something that could be solved by nodding and smiling, she insisted on doing it awkwardly and lonely.

The eye sockets were inexplicably moist, but this time Li Wanqiu couldn’t hold back, there were still big tears falling down.

“This shrimp is so spicy…” she said, coughing lightly to maintain her composure, took a piece of paper to wipe her eyes, not only did not stop the tears, but more and more tears.

In the end, she had no choice but to stand up again, and said vaguely, “I’m going to wash my face.”

After finishing speaking, she was about to move forward, but she didn’t wait to move, but saw Ji Jinyan also stood up with her.

“What are you doing?” Li Wanqiu asked, muttering softly, “I’m going to the bathroom, you can go later…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the person in front of him. Ji Jinyan looked down at her with complicated eyes. Li Wanqiu couldn’t distinguish her emotions for a while, and could only hear her slowly uttering words.

Ask her: “Li Wanqiu, do you want a hug?”

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