After Being Forced To Kiss the Boss

Chapter 24

Chapter 23 – Li Wanqiu, I Hate You

Time passed quickly, two days after returning from a business trip, it was Friday in a blink of an eye.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and the three-day long vacation is bound to make people happy. Li Wanqiu has heard from colleagues a long time ago about the holiday arrangements, going to see flowers and tasting delicious food. A new tourist attraction has recently been developed in Linshi , It is said that the scenery is good, and there are many people who want to go.

In addition, Bixia also arranged a dinner party tonight, and everyone ate and sang together to relax.

There were many departments participating, and it was warm-up during the meal, but the atmosphere was already extremely high during the singing, especially the drinkable ones like Sister Luye Li, who basically drank it with everyone in the private room.

“Tell me, they’re not drunk either.” Assistant An sighed, got a little drunk after a few drinks, and simply leaned on the sofa to eat fruit.

Looking at Li Wanqiu, he subconsciously shared the little tomato in his hand: “Ah Qiu, do you want to eat?”

“I won’t eat it.” Li Wanqiu shook her head, seeing the plump little tomato in her hand, her memory couldn’t help but go back to that day again.

Until now, she still regrets a little, she doesn’t know what she thought at that time, the action of biting off the little tomato was so natural, but at that time Ji Jinyan didn’t say anything, just curled her lips and smiled lightly.

Immediately after picking up another one, he opened his lips and asked her softly, “Do you still want to eat?”

“…” This time Li Wanqiu didn’t eat anything.

Li Wanqiu sighed, was a little absorbed in his thoughts for a while, and was silently speaking when he suddenly noticed someone sitting next to him.

Looking up, the person I thought of just now had already appeared beside me.

It’s Ji Jinyan.

It seems that there are still some tasks that have not been completed. Ji Jinyan was absent from the dinner and finally showed up until now. Tonight, Bixia has reserved a lot of private rooms, and Li Wanqiu did not expect that she would walk into this one by chance.

“President Ji.” After a pause, Li Wanqiu still greeted her, “Have you had dinner yet?”

“Eat something simple.” Ji Jinyan smiled, poured himself a glass of wine consciously, and met everyone’s gaze, “I am late, I will punish myself with a drink.”

Bixia’s working atmosphere has always been very good, there is no barrier between employees and their superiors, and the atmosphere is already lively at the moment, seeing Ji Jinyan take the initiative to drink, the others naturally follow suit.

Someone drunkenly opened his mouth, shouting respect to Mr. Ji, respect to Bi Xia, and respect to freedom. A bunch of people laughed happily, and the noise was endless.

After drinking, he started singing again.

“Will Mr. Ji sing a few songs?” Assistant An asked as he sat close to the karaoke machine.

“No.” Ji Jinyan smiled, “Everyone just sing.”

“Okay.” Assistant An nodded in response, without forcing it. It just so happened that it was Lu Ye’s turn to sing, so he deliberately turned off the original singing for him. Two seconds later, Lu Ye’s singing style was exposed like a ghost crying and wolf howling. laugh at.

Li Wanqiu also raised her lips subconsciously, and looked to the side unconsciously, and found that Ji Jinyan also slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

The light in the private room was dim, only the light from the big screen could be called bright, a few strands enveloped the whole body, and a few strands outlined the face.

Ji Jinyan’s eyelashes are very long, and it is more obvious when he tilts his head up to drink. Li Wanqiu didn’t look back for a while, and looked a little lost.

It was at this moment that the two looked at each other.

“Li Wanqiu.” Ji Jinyan finished drinking the red wine in the glass, and then poured it for himself, “Would you like to have a drink together?”

“You are not alone today.” She smiled, and lowered her voice as if remembering something, “You can have a simple drink.”

“I’m not that easy to get drunk.” Li Wanqiu knew she was talking about the time at the bar, coughed lightly to justify himself, and then picked up the glass, “Respect Mr. Ji.”

“Yeah.” Ji Jinyan clinked glasses with her in response, raised his head and continued to talk to her after drinking, “According to the calculation, you have been in Bixia for almost two months.”

“Have you had a good time?” she said, with a smile in her tone.

Li Wanqiu didn’t expect why she would suddenly ask these questions, but after a pause, she still nodded and answered seriously: “I’m very happy.”

Ji Jinyan looked sideways at her, and when he heard her answer, the smile in his eyes grew stronger: “That’s good.”

“We will work hard together in the future.”

As she spoke, she clasped the cup with her right hand, and lightly touched the one in Li Wanqiu’s hand. The voice was very soft, hidden in the noisy private room, and easily dissipated.

Li Wanqiu nodded in response, said hello in a low voice, then picked up the wine glass, and followed Ji Jinyan’s movements to drink together.

Didn’t notice much besides, didn’t even hear who was singing now.

I only noticed that Ji Jinyan’s words were wrapped in a smile, sincerity and gentleness.

After several rounds of singing, everyone was a little tired, so they just got together and played games.

There are quite a few types, some Li Wanqiu has played before, and some have not. For example, the game of irony, she has never tried it with her friends before.

Assistant An laughed, and decided to lower the difficulty for her. She could only answer with two words: hate and like, and just pay attention to the opposite of the correct answer.

Li Wanqiu nodded in response, feeling somewhat nervous for some reason, Assistant An had already started the first question, asking her opinion on Bixia.

Li Wanqiu reacted quickly: “I hate it.”

Assistant An: “Wine?”

Li Wanqiu said again: “I hate it.”

Assistant An: “Coriander?”

Li Wanqiu: “I like it.”

Assistant An laughed and raised her hand to pat her: “You are exactly like me!”

After the three questions were asked, it was time for the next round. Today Li Wanqiu was a bit unlucky and won again.

This time, the questioner was a little girl from the sales department. She seemed to be incapable of drinking. She was obviously drunk at the moment, and she was very excited. The first two questions were normal, until the third one suddenly went off the rails.

He clapped his hands and asked her cheerfully, “Where’s Mr. Ji?!”

“…?” After finishing speaking, Li Wanqiu was silent, and it took a long time before he could utter a few words: “You… hate it.”

This speed is obviously not enough, and the people around immediately booed: “Slow down, Xiao Li punished himself with three cups!”

But it was too lively.

Li Wanqiu nodded, did not shirk, and raised his hand to pour himself a drink very cooperatively. After drinking three glasses, he actually felt a little drunk.

He didn’t even see the expression on Ji Jinyan’s face clearly.

Time passed quickly, and at twelve o’clock in the blink of an eye, the dinner party was finally over. Some took taxis, some stayed and waited for the driver, and everyone went home one after another.

Ji Jinyan came here by car tonight, and he had already called a valet driver in advance, his eyes shifted, and he caught a glimpse of Li Wanqiu, who was leaning on the sofa, and walked forward slowly: “Drunk?”

“No.” Li Wanqiu shook her head in a daze, unwilling to admit it, “It’s just a few glasses of wine.”

The ending sound is floating.

Ji Jinyan smiled, didn’t expose it, and stretched out his hand to help her up: “Can I take you home?”

After finishing speaking, Li Wanqiu blinked, thought for a while and finally responded: “Okay.”

“Yeah.” Ji Jinyan nodded, took her into the car together, and before the driver arrived, Li Wanqiu had already fallen asleep.

She was very obedient and quiet when she was asleep, even when she was drunk, she was not noisy, but she was a little clingy, as if she lacked a sense of security, tightly clutching the corner of her clothes.

The force used was a bit strong, causing Ji Jinyan to get closer to her unconsciously. At first, he was forced to do it, but later it was out of his own heart.

After a few seconds of silence, he raised his hand to press her lips and rubbed them, remembering what happened in the private room, not only the gentle gesture of kissing her, even the voice was full of smiles.

Slowly said to her: “Li Wanqiu, I also…hate you.”

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