After Being Forced To Kiss the Boss

Chapter 14

Chapter 13 – Can Knock On My Door

When receiving the tissue, Li Wanqiu secretly glanced at Ji Jinyan.

Because of the rain, the sky outside has become completely dark. The lights in the building are on, and under the bright light, everything becomes clear. How can it be difficult to distinguish between rain and tears.

Li Wanqiu knew her intentions, from the moment he sat down here, Ji Jinyan kept staring out the window and never looked at her again.

“Thank you.” Li Wanqiu said softly, picked up a tissue and silently wiped away her tears.

When he spoke again, his emotions were almost sorted out: “Didn’t you go to City H, why…”

“There are still some things that haven’t been dealt with in the company.” Ji Jinyan said, “So come back and have a look.”

“That’s it.” Li Wanqiu nodded and said nothing.

Ji Jinyan didn’t speak either, the two of them sat side by side like this, staring at the heavy rain pouring outside, the wind was very strong, blowing in along the crack of the window, bringing in some coolness.

Li Wanqiu subconsciously gathered her clothes tightly and was in a daze when she suddenly heard the people around her speak again.

Ask her: “Is the chocolate delicious in the morning?”

“Well, it’s delicious.” Li Wanqiu paused and nodded slightly, “It’s strawberry flavored, and the taste is very good.”

“You also like to eat this type of chocolate?” She said afterwards, with sporadic curiosity in her tone.

Ji Jinyan raised his lips in response: “I bought those for my little niece, and I left two by the way.”

As she spoke, she glanced sideways and seemed to be referring to something else: “It is said that it is a flavor that children like very much.”

Li Wanqiu: “…”

She couldn’t help coughing lightly: “Really.”

“I’m getting ready to go upstairs.” Ji Jinyan smiled and didn’t continue the topic, “It’s raining so hard outside, it’s dangerous to go back rashly, why don’t you stay and help, and I’ll drive you back after work is over.”

Li Wanqiu raised his head to look at her in response, but did not speak.

Ji Jinyan slightly raised his eyebrows: “You work overtime.”

Oh well.

Li Wanqiu nodded, got up and followed her pace, the two of them got on the elevator together, and returned to the office on the top floor.

As if seeing that she was cold, Ji Jinyan poured her a cup of hot coffee, and Li Wanqiu picked up the cup and sipped it, her body gradually warmed up, and she even had the illusion that she was staying to help on paper, but Actually… the one who was really helped was like herself.

Li Wanqiu lowered her eyes and ran her fingertips across the mouth of the cup, feeling a little indescribable feeling in her heart.

It was Ji Jinyan who took her in on such a cold and rainy day and gave her a world.


Ji Jinyan looks quiet and serious when working.

After Li Wanqiu finished what she was doing, seeing that she was still busy, she didn’t bother her, and raised her eyes to quietly stare at the heavy rain outside the window.

The rain was still falling, and it didn’t seem like it was going to stop at all. It was very disturbing. Li Wanqiu didn’t want to do anything, didn’t even want to get up or leave, just lay down on the table again like in the morning.

The atmosphere was very quiet, as if not affected by her, Ji Jinyan still raised his hand and knocked on the computer.

Li Wanqiu lay on the table and looked up at her boredly, seeing the light and shadow on the screen reflected on her face, changing from bright to dark as the screen switched, because of the lecture, she was dressed more formally than usual today , the button is still fastened to the top one, which looks quite abstinent.

But the little mole on her neck made her infinitely sexy.

Although the time spent with Ji Jinyan was not too short, Li Wanqiu still didn’t know what kind of person she was, her vision became blurred, and the drowsiness gradually surged at this time, causing her to fall into a deep sleep before she had time to think about it.

When he woke up again, Ji Jinyan was no longer in the room.

Li Wanqiu opened her eyes in a daze, and looked at the time, it was almost morning, the room was quiet, only the still noisy sound of rain outside.

“Ji Jinyan?” She called out her name, but there was no response.

Li Wanqiu paused, subconsciously got up and went out to search, and saw her at a corner.

Looking up, there was a small fire flickering on her fingertips.

“?” Li Wanqiu stepped forward and smelled the faint smell of smoke in the wind. She didn’t know what brand it was, but unexpectedly it didn’t smell too bad, “What are you doing?”

Ji Jinyan looked over in response: “Are you awake?”

Li Wanqiu nodded: “Yes.”

“Why… I didn’t know you could smoke.” Then she asked slowly.

“Because I don’t smoke often.” Ji Jinyan said, raised his hand and brushed his hair to one side, and extinguished the cigarette a second before Li Wanqiu was about to get close, “Stay away.”

Li Wanqiu was taken aback: “What’s wrong?”

Ji Jinyan smiled: “It’s easy to choke, little friend Aqiu.”

Ah Qiu… kid.

To say that he was still teasing her secretly when he talked about chocolate before is simply too obvious now.

Li Wanqiu’s ears were warmed by her screams, but she didn’t like her wish, so she walked forward quickly.

Taking a deep breath, I finally asked the question that has troubled me for a long time: “Are you still angry?”

Ji Jinyan looked over: “What?”

Li Wanqiu: “I told you about your age.”


“Maybe.” After a while, Ji Jinyan said, “I still remember it clearly.”

“I’m sorry—” Li Wanqiu responded, apologizing to her again with a drawn out voice, saying this, but there was not much apology in his tone, instead, he teased her for her vengeful behavior as if revenge.

Ji Jinyan looked up at her, and smiled helplessly: “Little heartless.”

The voice was very soft, but it still came along with the wind and drifted into the eardrums. For some reason, Li Wanqiu’s ears became a little hotter.

After a pause, she subconsciously approached again: “Are you in a bad mood today?”

“What?” Ji Jinyan asked.

Li Wanqiu did not speak, staring at the cigarette she had just extinguished.

After a while, Ji Jinyan responded to her: “Fortunately, there is nothing good or bad about it.”

“Maybe I’m just a little tired.” Then she thought to herself, before Li Wanqiu could say anything else, she suddenly raised her hand and patted her on the head, “Let’s go.”

“Where are you going?” Li Wanqiu subconsciously asked.

“The rain hasn’t stopped yet, too much water has accumulated nearby.” Ji Jinyan said, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to go back tonight.”

“Want to experience Bixia’s dormitory life?”

Li Wanqiu packed her small bag and got off the elevator with Ji Jinyan.

There is a shortcut from the building to the dormitory, and five minutes later, both of them arrived.

After that, Ji Jinyan took Li Wanqiu up to the thirteenth floor.

The thirteenth floor is a private floor exclusively for Ji Jinyan. The early morning night is very quiet, everything seems to have quietly fallen asleep, only two dogs barking from a distance from time to time.

Ji Jinyan pushed open the door of 1304, pressed the switch and signaled Li Wanqiu to look at it: “Are you satisfied with this room?”

“Yes.” Li Wanqiu nodded. Although no one lived in this dormitory for a long time, the sanitation was still very clean. Even the sheets and bedding were all brand new.

“Toothbrushes and towels should be in here…” Ji Jinyan said, raised his hand to open the cabinet door, and showed Li Wanqiu the things inside, “Take what you need.”

“Okay.” Li Wanqiu nodded, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Ji Jinyan pursed his lips and lowered his eyes to look at his watch. It was getting late, so he said, “Go to bed early, tomorrow is not busy, you can go to work later.”

Li Wanqiu: “Okay.”

“Good night.” Ji Jinyan responded, raised his feet and walked out, but when he was about to go out, he stopped and turned around again.

“What’s wrong?” Li Wanqiu asked, thinking she still had something to explain.

“It’s nothing.” As soon as the voice fell, Ji Jinyan shook his head lightly, “I just want to tell you that my room is next door.”

She said, the smile hidden in her tone was quite obvious: “If you have nightmares at night, you can come and knock on my door.”

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