After I bought all the things I required from the store, I walked toward the park to take a rest there because I got tired there. Huh, it's just like the senpais said, that if there will be a discount on anything there will be many people to take advantage of it. Today also was my first day to shopping. That's why I think I should take a rest here. As I was walking around to find the seat, I heard two people talking and to my surprise, I know one of them...

"Suzune, why did you call me here?"


One person is Horikita-san and by the way she called the other person, I can say that he is her older brother. I shouldn't be hearing about this but what I heard next makes me curious...

"Suzune, if you don't have anything to say... then I--"

"I will surely get admitted to ANHS"

Oh, Horikita-san wanted to go to ANHS but she didn't get it. Well, I don't know how good she is in studies or any other things but if she told her brother with this confidence, I can guess that she did her best in the entrance exam of ANHS. So there might be other requirements also in that school except for the studies, huh?

"Hah, Suzune don't make me laugh"

"N-no I-I will..."

"Do you have any idea why did you not get accepted in there?... No, right? You are just a fool who wanted to get enrolled in ANHS"

"I will definitely make... it there"

"What an unreasonable sister you are..."

As he said this, he gripped the wrist of her left hand and forcefully put her body on the wall. Hmm... Is there something lewd gonna happen? They are real siblings.., I think.

"My sister not gets accepted to ANHS... I am the one who bears the shame of it... Don't do anything more.."

"Nii-san... I..."

"You have neither the right nor the ability to aim for something higher... You must learn --"


As I was watching them talk, I suddenly felt that he is going to punch Horikita-san on her stomach. So I called out to her.

They turned their heads toward me, and Horikita-san's brother stopped his hand to hit her. Phew, that's good.

"Horikita-san, is there some help you need? By the looks of it, is he by any chance forcing on you?"

I said this by making my natural poker face, I shouldn't let them know that I was eavesdropping on them.

As they both heard my question, her older brother released her grip from her wrist. And started to pat his school uniform he is wearing. After that, he made a genuine smile and introduced himself.

"No. I am her big brother. Horikita Manabu."

"Oh, I see. Kaneki Ren. A classmate of Horikita-san. Nice to meet you"

When I introduced myself to him, I turned my face to Horikita-san, who looks like to be still dazed. When I called out to her, she turned her head towards me and said.

" kun, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, nothing. Just buying some things."

As I said, I pointed towards the bag, I am carrying.

"Oh, I see"

"Suzune... I am genuinely surprised to see you've made a friend."

"He is not my friend. He's just a classmate."

"As usual you've mistaken isolation for independence... Then see you Kaneki"

As he said this, he left the place. Now I am with Horikita-san who looks like to be lost in her thought. Should I just leave her here? Or should I say something? Hmmm...

"Well, see you later..."



"Did you hear anything?"

"That you wanted to get enroll in ANHS"

When she asked the question, I without thinking said whatever the answer I get in my mind. And I think it's the best answer I think of because if I said no and then later on she found out that I heard her that will make things quite difficult for me if I have to conquer her. It's the best response because if I help her to get enrolled in ANHS it will give help me to gain affection points from Horikita-san and also the motivation to get the the information on that school. Especially about S-System.

"So... you heard it, huh?"

"Well yes, and I am sorry for eavesdropping on your conversation."

"Hm, I forgive you."

"Oh thank you. Then let me treat you something."

"No, thank you"

"Oh, okay"


After that day, I didn't have any interaction with Horikita-san at all. Days passed. Nothing really happened these past few days. Today is Saturday. Yes, the day on which I have an appointment with Chairman's daughter.

So I got up at my usual time, caught the bus, and reach the school before classes start. I am slowly adapting the schedule I made before school started and until now, it's going well.

As usual, the teacher comes into the class, writes the notes while explaining the content then asked the students whether they get it or not. Everyone just shouts 'Haii' then the teacher just leaves the class. I think it's normal but... there is no discipline in this school. I mean every student is doing just what they want, like for example if one is talking to another then it's the teacher's responsibility to call out to them and tell them to focus on class, right? But there is nothing like that. If a student wants to go out of the class to do anything, they can. Is it natural for school to work like this? If it is, then this is all Internet's fault to build this confusion. I came here by searching how school works and many more, to become a good student. Well, it does not look like I will become because...


During the lunch break, I, as usual, went to the cafeteria for getting lunch... But...When I bought it, I started searching for any free table I can use.

"I find your waves to be quite strange..."


As I was looking around, I noticed someone is behind me. When I turned around, I found a fair-skinned girl, with a pair of droopy purple eyes, has long, wavy black hair that goes down to her hips. She is wearing her hair in a single long braid which is laid over her shoulder. She is none other than the girl who was with Uotani senpai the other day. Is she not with her today?

And she is talking about waves...? She finds my waves, strange??

"I am quite concerned about you. From the standpoint of the wave."

What this girl is talking about...




Wave Girl?? What's with her title? What does this mean?



"Is there something on my face?"

I asked this because she is just staring at my face and saying nothing.


She said this and then started to walk towards where her seat is. I think for a moment that what just happened here. But I didn't think of any useful thing I can guess from it.

So I just went to the empty table which seems to get empty when I was talking with her.


School ended. Now I am walking towards the cafeteria because I have a meeting with Mr. Sakayanagi's daughter. I just hope that she is not one of my heroines because I don't know what will I have to do to gain her affection points. Ojou-sama, a type of girls, are very arrogant so you can't get affection points easily from them and I already have Yukinoshita sisters who are my heroines... And it's quite difficult to raise the affection bar with them... No not both of them, only the younger sister, who is my classmate. She is just too arrogant and I think she thinks everyone in her class is lower than her. And Horikita-san has the same ideology. Sometimes I think what will happen if they both become friends...

As I was thinking about my heroines, I reached there without getting caught with any new heroine...

I saw a girl sitting there alone in the cafeteria where no cafeteria member can be seen... I walked toward her but she just kept gazing at me...

When I sit in front of her, I looked at her, she is a petite girl with lilac-colored hair and violet eyes. She is wearing the standard female school uniform, with her accessories being a black beret on her head with a gray ribbon connected to it.

She has a half grinned smile on her face, but I know she is nervous... Why though? In my memories, I don't think I have ever met her...

"Kaneki Ren, we met again. I called you here because I just wanted to say 'Thank you'."


"It looks like you don't remember me, is that right?"

Oh looks like she found out because my voice that came out does not sound normal, I think. Well, it's only because I am surprised that the thing I don't want is going to be true. As there was a screen popped up on her head...




'Obsessed little genius', huh...?


".. that's why thank you."

"Oh, I see..."

It looks like she has finished telling her story but I didn't hear anything because I just got fixated on the 'obsessed' word in her title... I don't want any of my heroine to get obsessed with me because there will be --... I have already done it once and I thank God that they were not my heroines...

Well, I am not regretting it though... But these girls I met until today from the entrance ceremony, didn't do anything wrong to anyone out there or most importantly to me. So if they fight with each other, I don't find it that interesting...

"Sakayanagi-san, why are sitting next to me? There are many seats around here."

I said because while I lost in my thought, she just came and sit beside me. Then I noticed that she has been holding a stick in her hand... Is she has some kind of disease? What am I thinking, that will be the most probable case as who would like to walk around while holding a stick?

"Well, can't I get the privilege to sit beside you?"

She said while having a small grin on her face. It seems like she is enjoying herself while doing this...

"No, it's not like that"

"Oh... So what is it?"

"Hmm... Do whatever you want."

I sighed and told her to do whatever she want. After hearing it, her grin just gets bigger and she slightly chuckles.

I wanted to hit her on her head but I can't because of this system...

"You are also a subject of 'White Class', aren't you?"

When I was just sighing, she said something unbelievable.


"I said I think I saw you in that 'White Room' along with the 'False Genius' Ayanokouji Kiyotaka..."She told me that she had already seen me in that room... Is she related to that room? Is she also a part of that room? But I don't remember any lilac hair-colored girl, they were mostly blonde or black... Also, there is very less chance that they are alive because I somehow got escaped from that place, very injured...

"What are you saying??"

I will try my best to look like I don't know anything about what she is talking about... Although I have very bad memories about White Room and I am still trying to find the culprits behind that room... That room destroyed the lives of a number of children who, maybe in the future, will live great life... And at last, that 'masterpiece' of White room, who is my --

"Don't play dumb 'THE DARK CHILD' or should I call you 'REBEL WHISPERER' or 'DEMON CHILD' or 'DEADLY VIPER' ...?"

"How... What the hell do you want?"

She... knows many things about me, huh. I mean all the names I get because of my hard work and determination... Well mainly because of one incident but it's not the time to talk about the past... I quickly took out the knife, which was inside one of my socks, I am wearing and put it near her neck... I don't care if she is one of my heroine or not but if it will cause difficulty for me or people around me... I WILL KILL THEM... I mean what's the use of sparing them, huh?

"You know this, right? That you can't bring any metallic items within the school boundary."

Although I will give her full marks for her confidence even though anyone can't hide their emotions completely... Humans can act calm until the end but if they are feared by something there will be a time when their emotions might come out in full force, and it will even surprise them about that...

And the same thing happened with the girl sitting beside me, she acted confident until the end but as time passes by, she started to show some fear and some tears also came out from her eyes... Hmmm.

"Sakayanagi-san, don't worry. I will not do anything to you but if you dare to tell anyone about me... I will not guarantee your safety and most importantly your parent's safety..."

"I-I didn't even t-thought about that... So r-rest assured."

"Okay... I will take your word."

As I said I put the knife back to its original position, but I had a very painful headache when the knife was on her neck... I get the basic idea that I can't hit my heroines even if it's necessary, but now I even don't have the right to threaten them, huh..... What have I gotten into? I took a glance at the girl, she has still some tears welled up inside her eyes.

"Sakayanagi-san, which class are you in?"


"I see..."

It looks like she has still some fear toward me, well it's natural, I think. A normal person required some hours to forget about these threats but I think she will get over with it after some time... But according the affection points she has towards me is the highest, I have ever seen until now. So if that is real then it will take more time, because she will think that the one, who she loved, has put the knife around her neck... Hmm, what should I do?

As I was thinking, my mind goes straight to the ability I unlocked some days ago, [MAGICAL HANDS]. So I raised my hand and slowly reached the head of hers and patted it. She raised her head to meet her eyes with mine...

"Um, sorry about the act earlier. I thought that you might have some bad intentions."



Oh, it worked. Thank god. If it didn't help then I have to do something more... But after getting this system, my life of peace and some action has been shifted to a completely stressful one... If one of my heroines, thankfully only if she is near to me, has some problems and they are worried about that then the system didn't tell me about that but my head just start to hurt... This is not good... I need some help with this but there are no abilities for it, like detecting what difficulties my heroine has... Tch.

"Um, K-Kaneki-kun, you can stop it now"

When I was complaining about the system, I heard the heroine beside me saying something. When I look at her I realized that I am still patting her head... Good grief.

"Oh sorry..."

I said and stopped the patting. Her face is still red, she is blushing and embarrassed about this, I am sure of it.

"Well, see you later... Sakayanagi-san"

"Hmm... But first, let's exchange contacts, shall we?"

When I stood up from my seat, she stopped me by holding the sleeve hem of my shirt.

"Hmm, okay. As you wish"

I said and took my phone out of my pocket and put it in front of her, my contact is on the screen of my phone. She took a few glances at my phone and then saved it. She messaged me, so I also saved her number on my phone...

"Then, meet you later"



What a tiresome day today was. I also had to take my knife out on someone. I told myself, on the first day of school, that I will never use the knife on anyone, except on any dangerous-looking person. But I did today, mainly because of her safety. If I didn't threaten her, she might don't stop and just kept on keeping a watch on me. She is rich, so she can do whatever she wants but I have a great number of enemies so if her family gets caught by any dangerous organization, by getting the information that her family has any connection with me... They will surely get rid of them, the whole family.

But I am grateful that tomorrow is Sunday, so there will be no school, which means no interaction with heroines... I think.

Should I go to bed or should I read some novel, hmm?


What the fuck was that?? How can he just get girls by having a big p**is? Is this the reality of our society or is it just fiction?


Ntr... What's this...? No this is bad. And also I don't want anyone to cheat on their partner... But what will I do if I have a heroine who has a boyfriend or to the worst, husband... No, no. There will be some back story of it, if that will be the case, then... Yes, let's just be optimistic.


It's getting late, and even though tomorrow is Sunday, I can't disturb my routine. Now I should go to bed... So that, I can easily wake up early in the morning, to get some exercise done or maybe I can do some exercise in any gym or any other place, hmm?

As I was just going to bed, I heard some machine-type voice and a message appeared in front of me...


No freaking way...


"""Good Morning sensei"""

Everyone greeted the homeroom teacher, Chhabashira-sensei as she entered the class, wearing the same outfit she wore throughout the last week. Does she have this outfit only?? Well, she looks good, so it doesn't matter.

"Hmm, good morning"

She said in her usual tired tone. Then she started examining every student, hmm? Is there any problem with someone in our cause? Or is she just trying to...



Haa, I thought so. I made a mistake last week, so this time it's punishment. Let's see what I will have to do. Maybe I have to write a letter of apology or do the homework two times or get additional homework or worst, detention... No, I don't want the last one. Or I will become the complete NEET again... But what I heard next, I can't believe what she said..."From today onwards, you will be the class representative. Got it?"


As I can't believe what she said, I asked again. But the answer I got, didn't change.

"I am saying from today onwards, you will be the class representative of class 1-1. Is that clear?"


I said as quickly as I heard her reply. I don't want her to get angry at me as she is my heroine. I will try to keep my image good in front of these heroines because I don't know what they will do if they see the real me...

"Okay... So is there anyone who is against my decision, to become Kaneki, the class representative?"

Everyone started to see me at my side and then started to discuss. What the... What is with these girls? I may look like a carefree guy but I am the most responsible person in this class.

"Um, sensei why him though?"

Asked a girl, with whom I didn't interact. She has long hair and... And I don't know.

As I didn't interact with her, I don't know if she is one of my heroines or not. As, it is compulsory for me, to interact with them to know, whether they are my heroine or not, if they are then the system will notify me and if they are not then it will not.

"Well, nothing special. I just thought that since he is the one who got enrolled here by the chairman himself. So he might be good in some things."

After hearing this, everyone again started staring at me while I just kept my gaze on the teacher, who seems to be enjoying telling this, as the grin on her face didn't disappear from the moment she entered the class.


After I, was successfully elected as the representative, the classes resumed. Every teacher gave me an acknowledged nod, I am surprised that how I got this responsible job. I think Yukinoshita-san or Horikita-san might be a good choice as they have that type of aura around them. But who do I complain about this?

But I am grateful that I have still some luck left in my life, and that only teachers congratulated me, not all the students, if they did then I have a hunch that I will unlock more heroines, which I don't want. I want the current heroines' affection to be raised to the highest to see what will happen, will they confess to me or anything more than that...

I am also thankful to the school to give us lunch break or any type of break because everyone's gaze was on me in the entire class. I don't like the attention; I am not an attention seeker... But still, I get that.

But, I don't know why I am still getting...

When I entered the cafeteria as usual, I bought the usual lunch and then I started to search for an empty table... from there on I got dragged by the two senpais, who are always with each other in lunch break every time I see them. These two are my heroines also... So maybe this is the system's working.

"Um, well why am I here?"

"Nothing special... We saw you were looking for an empty table, so we just brought you with us, right Hanajima?"

"Hmm, that's right Uotani"


They both are good people. But I still can't be less suspicious of them as their eyes are just fixated on me and they both are exhibiting some strange aura.

I can tell the 'aura' of people just by seeing their facial expressions and some people can say I have strange power. Well, I can't deny any of them because I saved my colleagues many times because of this.

"Senpai, are you guys in your third year or second year?"

I asked them because I still can't figure out in which year they are in. In this school, there is nothing unique in school costumes for each year. I mean the same uniform is to be worn for the whole three years. I researched about it and it said some school uses different color bands, for a different year, which are to be worn on the arm...

"Oh, my bad... It looks like I still haven't introduced myself. Sorry"

Arisa Uotani senpai. Why are you apologizing? You are a delinquent, right? Then you just show your dominancy on me by not apologizing, and just introduce yourselves. Now everyone's gaze, present here, got fixated on our table...

"Oh, it's okay"

I said to her, who seems to get a reply from me before introducing herself.

"I am Uotani Arisa, a second year. And this is Hanajima Saki, also a second-year and my best friend."


Uotani senpai introduced herself, while also giving the introduction of the girl who sit beside her, Hanajima senpai. I looked at Hanajima senpai who looked like she has no interest in this. Well, I am the same.

"Okay. I am Kaneki Ren, a first year. Please take care of me from now, senpais"

I said while making a small smile on my face.





Oh... I get affection points from both of them that easily... No, it's not about my reply, it's about the charm I have. Yes, that's only the case I can think of.


After that the lunch break just ends with pure silence, no one of us tried to start a conversation. Well, it's more like I am just respecting the silence going on because I saw Komi-san sitting at the table at the corner of the cafeteria, looking at me and Shikimori-san also was there. They both were looking angry. So it's good, this silence.

And I said Komi-san and Shikimori-san sitting with each other because they have become friends last Friday. And to my surprise, Komi-san has made more than one friend because Shikimori-san's friends also became her friends... So it's good for Komi-san.Due to this, I gained some affection points from not only Komi-san but from Shikimori-san also... So it's good for me also...


As soon as I entered the class, I noticed that everyone is just doing their work... Phew, at least no more unnecessary attention.

My seatmates are also enjoying their own company, I mean Horikita-san and Yukinoshita-san, are reading just as usual.

The Komi-san's seat is surrounded by the girls from our class and from another class also. Shikimori-san is just talking with her friends.

Let's just take a nap for about 10 minutes.


I felt a needle, poking to my arm. When I woke up from my so-called 'nap', I don't know how long I have been just napping around.

When I turned my face to the right I saw Horikita-san, is using her compass needle. But her force is just increasing as she kept poking my arm. Thank god, she is doing it on the part, where my shirt sleeves are, if she did that on my naked skin, I don't know how many pieces she will make.

As she is just focusing on the blackboard, she is still doing that. So I just hold the compass and said in a low voice, only for her to listen to it.

"Thank you for waking me up, Horikita-san"

I also formed a small smile on my face while saying. When she heard my voice, she turned her face towards me. And...



I got some affection points as well from her. And thank you, Horikita-san for recognizing me as your seatmate... I don't know how happy I am now, that one of my classmates recognized me... I can't express my happiness...

"Ara, Kaneki-kun. Did you rest well?"

"Sorry, Kirisu sensei"

"No, I will not accept your apology this time. Come to the Literature club after the classes are over."


I love to sleep. I can't help it. It's just that I can't... It helps me to remain awake in the realm of this reality... It's not like I am in depression or anything but it just helps me to keep myself refreshed... As I am not fully trusting, this system, my need for rest or sleep just increased exponentially...



I think I should improve the interactions of the characters, hmm? Well, don't worry in the future chapters, I will try to.


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