Aegis Online

Chapter 62

(Happy Turkey Day to all my readers who celebrate it! As a treat, have an extra chapter of Aegis Online for dessert, or as an aperitif! Enjoy!)



The next couple of weeks, whenever I’m in-game, are spent mostly cooking. The workers seem to enjoy my food; I haven’t received any complaints, at least. And, following a few sessions with Yaya, I’m picking up a prescription for T-blockers!

Finishing up my afternoon stream, I hop out of my pod and get ready to go, running into my mum and dad in the kitchen. Dad’s on the phone, and he has a rather firm tone to his voice. “No, I’m afraid YOU don’t understand. My daughter has been attending under a different name, because it wasn’t HER name. And, as her father, I believe she’d prefer to attend using her real name.”

I stay quiet, not willing to interrupt him. I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but this call seems important.

“Look, we can do this the easy way, where I get what I want for my daughter, or we can do this the hard way where you’ll end up regretting your stubbornness and I’ll STILL get what I want for my daughter.”

My mum gestures at the phone, and my dad’s expression changes to one that looks resigned. “You know what? As much as I want to be the one who takes you down a peg or three, my wife wants to do it. I’ll put her on.”

He tosses the phone to my mum, and gets up, reaching for his car keys and smiles at me. “Let’s go, Kylie. You excited to get your first meds?”

I nod, feeling a wide smile spreading across my face. “Yes!”

Dad chuckles, and we head outside to the car.



As my dad drops me off for my appointment with Yaya, he pats my hand. “Don’t worry, darling. Your mother and I are so proud of you, and we’ll support you as much as we can. You know that, right?”

I nod. “Of course, dad. I love you both, and I really appreciate it that you both let me be me. I’ll see you in a couple of hours!”

I close the door and head into Re-Spec, smiling at the receptionist. “Hello, I’m here for an appointment with Yaya Kirichenko?”

“Of course, miss. You’re clear to go through!”

As the automated gates slide open and shut behind me, I smile and wave. “Hello, Mr Kevin, hello Ms. Daisy!”

The AI and her handler return my greeting. “Yaya’s been practically glowing this week! She’s been waiting for you all day!”

I blush and giggle, “I’ve been excited all day, too!”

I push the door open and step into Yaya’s office, as the pretty therapist turns her wheelie-chair round to face me.

“Hello, Kylie! Good afternoon!” she beams, and I spot a photo frame on her desk that wasn’t there before. I examine the photo, and recognize one of the people in it as Yaya. The other is a shorter woman with blonde hair, dyed light pink at the tips, with slanted, almost elfin eyes of cornflower blue.

“You like the photo? That’s me and my wife, Katya! We got married last week!”

I stare, a huge grin breaking out. “Congratulations!” I squeal, and Yaya joins in, both of us expressing our delight, before she calms down and clears her throat. “Anyway, that’s one piece of good news. The other is your T-blockers are ready to be picked up once you’re finished with me!”

I let out another squeal, before sitting down and folding my legs beneath me. The session begins, and I talk, about anything that’s bothered me over the last couple of weeks, about things I’m looking forward to, and even a little about Aegis Online. I haven’t mentioned I’m a streamer, since I do want to try and keep my private life and my… ‘Work life’ separated by at least a few degrees.


Two hours pass, almost in the blink of an eye, and I sit back as Yaya finishes tapping on her tablet. “Well, we’ve run out of time for today’s session, but I’ll see you in two weeks for your next appointment? Same time?”

I nod, smiling. “I think I’m pretty happy about how my transition is going so far, but I don’t really have anything to compare it to.”

Yaya lets out a soft chuckle. “That’s understandable.  Dr Francois’s been asking about you. He was rather surprised when I turned down his money. He thought you’d changed your mind, but when I explained about Ms Foster and her bullshit, he told me that I should prioritise getting you the treatment you need. Hence why you’ve been fast-tracked. Sadly, it’s… pretty damn difficult to get onto HRT in anytime less than four years.”

I pause. I’d known it was difficult, but…

“I mean, I thought four years wasn’t that bad…”

“Oh, I’m talking about your FIRST appointment. It would easily take twice that before you’d even get confirmed that you’re able to get approval for the basic medications.”

I wince. Dana had done it that way. Now she’s almost in her thirties, and I’m heading for twenty-two… I’d be as old as she is if I did the same. There has to be something that can be done…

I shake my head. That can wait for another day. Standing, I thank Yaya and head downstairs to get my prescription paperwork. The pharmacy isn’t far, but, when I exit the building, dad’s car is gone. I check my bag, hunting for my phone. I’d had it on silent during my session, but a voice grabs my attention.

“Top o’ the evenin’, Kylie!”

Standing by her massive silver-and-pink bike, is my girlfriend. She’s wearing her biker boots, a leather jacket, jeans, and a t-shirt emblazoned with the logo of some long-obsolete band.

“Your da asked me to take you home, so I’m here to do just that. He told me t’ get you your prescription. I even got permission from him to take you back to my place, if’n you wanna?” she leans in, smirking, and I blush, nodding shyly. “I’d like that…”


Dana swings her leg over the chassis of her motorbike, clearly arching her back and sticking her butt out. I can tell she’s looking for my reaction since I can feel her gaze. But… seriously… My heart’s gonna explode, she knows how hot she is and she’s totally flaunting it! I fumble my phone back into my purse. I should be mad at my dad, but… Lord, thank you for the meal!


I mount the bike behind my girlfriend, and she shimmies her hips, handing me a helmet as she pulls her own on. “C’mon, scoot a bit closer, Ky!” she coos. I turn bright red and shuffle in, wrapping my arms around her waist. The engine roars, and we take off, streetlights beginning to flicker on. The pick-up is easy, and I tuck the package of pills, each one secured in its little blister of protective film. 

Dana’s body shifts and sways as she revs her bike, in total control of her vehicle, effortlessly weaving through traffic like she does it all the time. To be fair, she probably does. We head for the outskirts of the city, the well-kept suburbs or actual houses a far cry from the modular apartment complexes like the one my family lives in.

In fact, our apartment used to be two, one above and one below, but my parents converted them into a single, two-storey living space when they moved in. The house that Dana lives in is well-tended, with a small front garden surrounded by rather tall hedgerows, an equally tall fence running all the way round the side of the house. She presses a button on her bike’s handlebars, and the garage opens up automatically, revealing an immaculate workspace, tools, a frame, benches, and machinery I couldn’t even begin to describe standing ready.

Dana steers us in and the door closes as she cuts off the engine and dismounts, removing her helmet and shaking her hair out.   Placing the helmet on a bench, she rolls her hips briefly to loosen them as I take off my own helmet, placing it next to my girlfriend’s.  She strolls through another door into the house.

“Heeey, ma! I’m home, an’ I brought someone wi’ me!”

A voice that sounds just like hers, if a little huskier, calls back.

“In the kitchen, dear! Ye should’ve told me you brought a guest! Luckily, I made enough!”

A woman, shorter than Dana, but about the same height as my mum, bustles out, drying her hands on a tea-towel.

“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you, young lady. From what my daughter’s told me, you must be Kylie, yeah?”

I nod. “Th-that’s right, Mrs MacGregor. Thank you for having me, and pardon my intrusion!”

“Call me Niamh! And think nought of it, you’re welcome anytime. My Dana speaks very fondly of you!”

As I blush, a tidal wave of warm, white fur and panting tongue comes crashing down upon me. “Feff!”

I giggle, as the absolutely gigantic Feffer beats his tail into the wall with a drumming sound. I pat him on the top of his massive domed skull. “Hello to you too, Feffykins!”

Dana cackles, kneeling and rubbing her dog’s neck and face playfully as he leans into her. “Yeah, you remember Kylie, don’tcha, ye fluffy gombeen? Yes you do! Yes you do!”

I keep rubbing the top of Feffer’s enormous head, as Niamh flurries in and out of the kitchen. “Come, sit yerself down, I want to hear more about you, Kylie!”

I follow as she sets a mug of tea and some homemade biscuits before me. “I hope ye can wait a little for dinner?”

“I can wait, thank you.” I pick up the mug and take a sip. Strong, sweet tea with just the right amount of milk. Perfect.

Niamh runs her eyes up and down me, appraisingly. “so, how long have you been going’ steady with my daughter?” she asks innocently. I splutter as Dana bawls, “jeez, ma! Ye tryin’ t’ kill ‘er?!” her Gaelic accent thickening.

Once I clear my throat and compose myself, I blink at Niamh. “Um… well, about four months…” I blush, and she smiles. “Well, ye have my blessing. Just be careful, use common sense, and treat each other well.”

I blush as Dana joins me on the couch, casually putting her arm around me. I relax into her, and she nuzzles my cheek. “Sorry about me mam, Kylie. She’s a bit of a mare at times.”

“Watch it, ye cheeky wee gobshite!” Dana’s mother laughs, and I smile, before kissing Dana’s cheek. Niamh’s grin widens.

“Ye make a precious pair o’ lasses, t’be sure. Sit ye a while, I’m going t’ check on the dinner.” She stands and snaps her fingers. “Feffer, heel.”

The huge dog obediently tails her, and I smile.

“I like your mum, Dana. She’s really nice.”

“Yeah, she’s a champion, that woman. Always gone to bat for me or my brother. I actually use a fair amount o’ what I earn streaming to support her. She’s always workin’, so I want to at least take some o’ the weight off her shoulders.  Padraig does the same, even if he thinks I don’t know.”

I lean up, kissing my girlfriend on the lips briefly. “She’s raised an amazing girl, too. Don’t forget that.” I say softly. Dana’s arm tightens a little around my shoulder in an affectionate squeeze.

“You’re a wee, silver-tongued, cute li’l huair, aren’tcha?” she leans in for a longer, deeper kiss, her hand on the small of my back. I lean in, and give myself over to the moment, enjoying myself in a way I’d never even dreamed of.

As Dana breaks the kiss, I sigh, lounging in her embrace, before my phone rings. I reach blindly for my bag, and smile when my girlfriend hands it to me. Digging the receiver out, I answer and press it against my ear.



“Hey, Ky, it’s Jeffrey! Have you filled out your entry form?”

I blink, a little kiss-addled. “Entry form?”

“Wow, how did you lose your brain? The talent show at college? We have a few months until it happens, but we need to sign up. Jared and I are entering as a duo, and we thought you and Dana might want to enter as well?”


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