Aegis Online

Chapter 52

As the Fear of the Endless Desert bucks and sways, trying dislodge Sionnach’s sharp vulpine teeth from one of its tails, I open my inventory, hauling out the item I’d bought back in the tavern. Marika’s Steelwing Griffon screeches, leaping into the air and dive-bombing the massive arachnid, as I heft… a large cask of specially-concentrated overproof rum. This thing is so potent, it’d knock a giant on its ass with one shot. We’re talking easily 400-proof, if not more. Only dwarves and a rare few other races can even stomach it, and it’s diluted thoroughly for human consumption.

I raise a gauntleted fist and smash in the bung. Sionnach recoils, wrinkling her muzzle as she clings stubbornly to the tail in her jaws.

I shout, “Get back! Astie, prepare your spell!”

“Aye, ready when you are!” she calls back, and Sionnach vaults off, tearing her fangs out of the Fear’s carapace with a ripping sound, landing next to my Alven girlfriend. I upend the cask, dousing the Fear in the intoxicating spirit. It lashes out wildly as the container empties, before I smash it over the Fear’s ‘head’, taking flight. “NOW!”

Asteria raises both hands, Naberius slithering along her right arm and opening his mouth, adding his power to hers. “I, Asteria Willowthorne, of the Sunlight Glade, do henceforth command the very elements to heed my call! Air and Water, I order you to freeze my target, down to the very bone, and bind them in a cage of ice, so that they may be perpetually encased in the hottest of rime! Superionic Ice Prison!”

The alcohol freezes instantly, turning glittering obsidian, the Fear’s entire body encased in a thick layer of ice, once thought nought but a scientific impossibility. However, it occurs naturally at incredible temperatures and pressures in the hearts of ice-giant planets. It’s not like ordinary ice, though. It’s incredibly dense, and hot. Steam rises, as the Fear’s imprisonment is complete. I open my hand, letting my swordspear fall, before diving to where my hammer-wielding Principality fell.

As Ferrule resurrects Graus and Bassan, I grab onto the handle of the heavenly hammer, raising it with difficulty. I don’t have proficiency with this weapon type, but I hope gravity will compensate. “Sionnach, I want you to find the spot where I hit it with my swordspear! The arrow-shot attack!”

“AYE!” she obeys instantly, pausing only to brush her tail across Marika’s hand, and I ascend, the weight of the angelic warhammer trying to pull me back down.

I finally reach the apex of the cavern’s roof, and wink at Asteria. “I’m going to have to ask you for another healing spell, babe!” I furl my wings, and plummet. At the last second, Sionnach leaps away, and my borrowed weapon makes contact with the butt of my spear. Like a giant hammering in a nail, my swordspear punches clean through, the impact shattering the frozen scorpion into chunks. Then my legs shatter on landing. “Augh, yep, I saw that coming!” I fall over.

Asteria dashes over and starts casting a healing spell as the exp. rewards roll in, everyone cheering and celebrating our victory, as Marika approaches, her new companion monster in tow.

“Wow, that was incredible, Kettrin! Are you okay, though?!” she asks, her eyes wide as Asteria heals my broken legs. Genevieve jogs over, her armour clicking and chiming softly. “Yeah, you hit the ground hard, angel girl!”

I wait until I’m able, then lever myself up and onto my feet, tugging my swordspear free of the stone. The edge is a little blunted and chipped, but that shouldn’t be a problem to get fixed.

“Yeah. I only went all-in because I knew my darling would fix me right up!” I smile and place a hand on Asteria’s arm. She blushes and looks shy. Oh my god, she’s embarrassed! Sooooo cute!

She opens her mouth, and I murmur, “I know. We’ll talk about that later, okay?” and she subsides, looking red-faced.

The Onna-bugeisha grins. “Anyway, come and get your share of the loot! The Fear’s acid doesn’t dissolve metal or stuff, so there are coins, gems, gear, and all the stuff belonging to its previous victims that isn’t made of organic materials. Like, the leather sheathes and straps are eaten away to all fuck, but the rest is good enough that you can have it repaired easily! Since you landed the killing blow, though, YOU should get first pick. Right guys?!”

She shouts over at her comrades, and Bassan roars back in agreement, Graus nodding, an easy smile on his face, as Ferrule patches up the wounded as best she can. Connla and Lobo are piling up as much loot as they can around the base of a sheared-off stalagmite.

I shake my head. “I appreciate the offer, but I really couldn’t have done this without all of you. I’ll be happy with that- wait; I got something… a title?”

I check my menu. There’s an addition to my name bar. “Kettrin the Fear-feller.” That… seems kinda lame. I disable it, but note that having that title gives me a 5% damage bonus against insect-type enemies.

“Oh, hey, I got that too!” Ferrule calls. Graus and Bassan, too. It looks like everyone who participated earned that title.

I turn to my streaming orb. “Whew! Well, guys, that was one hell of a fight. I mean, I don’t know about everyone else, but even at level 35, I still feel like I could’ve been stronger. This thing puts up way more of a challenge than I was expecting. If you guys wanna try it, I definitely recommend doing some MAJOR level-grinding, as well as having a good party with plenty of balance. Now, I’m gonna sign out so we can divvy up the loot! See you guys… in the skies!” I use my wings to rocket upwards as my streaming orb winks out.

I wait for Asteria to do the same, hovering above her, my wings beating steadily. As she finishes up her own stream, I dive down and rejoin her. She looks stricken as I take her hand and pull her to one side for a private chat.

She immediately opens her mouth. “K-Kettrin, I didn’t want to hide-!”

I hold up a finger, pressing it against her lips. “Let me just confirm. Asteria… are you also Dana?”

She nods, her eyes wide and troubled, a shy, vulnerable look on her face. I smile. “I couldn’t even tell! You hid your accent really well. And don’t worry; I’m not mad or upset with you.”

Asteria-Dana sags with obvious relief. I smile. “And… thanks for being overprotective. It was nice to see you get pissy with the scorpion!”

She splutters with a brief laugh, and I lean in. “Now, that was an awesome fight! I’m pumped, I wanna dance, or run, or do something! I have way too much energy right now!”

She smiles. “Well, if you want to dance, we could go to the Void?” her voice now carries the warm, familiar accent I’d come to love.

I blink. “The what-now?” Dana’s smile widens. “The Void. It’s a club some players have set up in Vassim’s tavern district. I happened to get a couple of entry tickets!”

I gasp in delight, “Let’s do it! Let’s go on a date!”

Dana’s eyes flick from side to side, and she murmurs, “um… your wings, Kettrin…. Or, should I call you Kylie?”

I look over my shoulder. “Gwak!” my wings are flaring up. Before my brain takes control, my voice babbles, “Dammit, angel-boner!” I furl my wings tight, and Dana’s smirk widens. Then, a thought occurs. “Oh, hell! I need a dress!”

Then, another thought, which blows the thought of dress-shopping out of the water.

“Um… Dana? We’re kinda in a relationship in-game… but… do you want to make it an out-of-game relationship, too?”

The biggest, widest, most radiant smile I’ve ever seen crosses Dana’s face. She leans in, and cups my face with her slim hands. “I thought you’d never bloody ask!” she coos, letting her Irish accent thicken a little.

I melt inside, and, like a puppy, I traipse after Dana as she takes charge of getting our cut of the loot and splitting it between Marika, her, and me. I don’t even pay attention to what my share is, more focussed on staring at my…. My first real girlfriend. Now that I’m aware of who she is in the meat-space, I can see the similarities. The same height, the same build (Those boobs, seriously!), the same smile for crying out loud. The only difference is her in-game avatar has longer hair and different eye colour. It’s definitely… Her. Then I blush. “Eeeeeeeeep….”

Dana turns to me, raising an eyebrow curiously. “Hmmmm? What’s up, cutie?”

I swallow. “W-Weeeell….. I had a crush on Asteria, but… I also had a crush on Dana. I was kind of conflicted having feelings for two different girls, but… Well, you’re BOTH of them, so now I feel kind of silly, and blagh!” I wave my arms, complainingly.

Dana leans down and kisses me on the lips. “I’m flattered you have a double-layered crush on me!”

I turn pink and lean against her, my feathers ruffling softly as my wings tremble. “Mean…” I pout, before she kisses me again and derails all brain activity.

There’s a bit of silence as we divide the loot from the Fear’s hoard, netting a tidy profit for a good afternoon’s work. I make sure to snag a pair of rings, each set with a cluster of perfectly-cut rubies, as well as a pair of full-shin sabatons with retractable blades build into both the heel and the top, allowing for piercing knee-strikes and kick-based attacks. Asteria selects a pair of gauntlets made of a pale white metal, bands of black crossing over them in concentric rings. Marika’s choice is a large golden bracelet set with a sapphire, which generates a blade of deep blue ice when magic is channelled into it. The others all select their prizes, the gold and treasure items, like ceremonial chalices, jewelled statues, scrolls, boxes of rare herbs and alchemy ingredients, split evenly between the nine of us.  I also claim a book that seems to call to me. When I flip it open, I get a quest update for ‘Ancient Knowledge’. This must be one of the books professor Jerome is looking for! Yoink!

I smile, feeling the comfortable weight of my cut of the treasure in my metaphorical pockets. While I’m not hurting for money, I’ve got a few things I’d like to save for, and I’d rather have what I need on-hand, instead of having to go and farm for more coin.

As we finish up, I stretch, groaning at the thought of having to get new armour and shield. True, this could be patched up, but I’ve levelled up since Ulged improved it, and this fight netted me a couple more. I definitely need an upgrade.

Once everyone’s settled their own shares in their inventories, Ferrule reopens the portal to let us leave. Genevieve makes sure to give everyone a high-five. “Couldn’t have done it without you, guys. Thanks for your help, seriously! We owe you one!”

I shake my head. “No worries! Let’s put the whole ‘stream-sniping’ business behind us both, yeah?”

The Onna-Bugeisha winks. “What stream-sniping?” she giggles, and I roll my eyes, good-naturedly thumping her on the shoulder. “See you round, samurai girl! Good luck out there!”

As I emerge through the portal back into the cave, I get the feeling that someone is watching me. exiting the mouth of the cave, I take a deep breath, savouring the cool evening air, the sun hanging low and red in the sky, before something slams into me, knocking me flat on my face.

“Gotcha…. No getting away this time, you pigeon bitch!”  A familiar, gruff, rasping voice grates on my ears. Bucking and squirming as hard as I can, I splutter, “Fuck off, stop being such a Discord mod!”

“That’s… not… very… nice!” Randy snarls, and I feel something digging into the base of one of my wings. “Maybe you’ll be a little easier to deal with if you CAN’T escape…”







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