Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 75. Catharsis

The entire guild hall had rapidly emptied into the back of the property. The large fenced in dirt lot of the processing area making it a choice location for duels. 

"No hard feelings Keaton." Nate said to me as he stretched, limbering himself up. 

Too fucking late for that. I thought to myself angrily. 

Humiliation and rage building inside as I glanced around at the hostile crowd. 

"This is for your own good... you're not ready for silver rank," the confident looking adventurer warning me to abandon the duel and accept my demotion. 

Playing up for the crowd the fact that he was giving me multiple opportunities to surrender. 

"That's none of your business. "

"It is my business... I know about your relationship with Tammy. Everybody does. Space mage or not, that's an abuse of authority. It took us years to get where we are, and if you think you can just show up and..." 

Stopping after seeing me materialize my armor around me, proceeding on to grab my shield and sword out of thin air using inventory. 

"I was hoping we could use practice weapons for this. No reason for anybody to get hurt."

I was through with his good guy act. Looking at the swell of adventurers around me, I knew he had picked the busiest time possible so as to humiliate me in front of them. 

Not getting any response from me as I just stared at him like I was looking at a piece of trash.

"It was just a few weeks ago that you were struggling to kill a slime... I remember training you. Just accept that you're not ready for this Keaton. Nobody needs to get hurt. I heard about what happened in the forest. That's a result of your own inexperience. Silver ranks don't make those mistakes."

"I don't want to hear another word out of your mouth."

He just shrugged. 

"Fine. Have it your way, I'll embarrass you for everyone to see. Some people need to learn the hard way." He said while putting on his leather armor, the golden colored monster material shimmering in the sun. Taking a cautious look at the lightweight armor that gave the impression he prioritized speed and maneuverability over defense. 

A party member throwing him his spear, the nasty looking spear tip glimmering blue. I'd used that spear before, so I knew just how sharp it was. 

I had some degree of confidence in my own armor, but I wasn't eager to test it out against that spear-tip. 

Nate may have battle experience, but I had the overwhelming advantage of stats. Ignoring the jeering of the crowd while I focused in on him as he got ready. 

The crowd parting eventually to form a natural ring, the two of us isolated among the sea of onlookers. Clear enough to me who they were rooting for, and who they were rooting against. 

My heart sinking into my stomach with anticipation, watching him carefully as he seemed to be casually fiddling with his gear.

My irritation rising as I saw him looking as unconcerned as he could about the match as he played to the crowd. 

Raising my small round-shield up to chin level, and sword angled off the side. Trying to keep an appropriate distance while he approached with a relaxed gait, exchanging the spear between hands playfully. Seeming to enjoy what he was doing. 

Finally taking a firm grip on his spear as he neared me, thrusting out to my midsection but the spear drifting up at the last moment. Catching me off-guard, but managing to catch it in time with my shield, stepping back as the spear sparked and screamed off to the side. The scratch it made on the metal of my shield visible enough to be immediately noticeable.

I swung at him in retaliation, but Nate had already turned back to do a lap, facing away from me and waving to the crowd as he walked back to a corner. 

The arrogance of it all making me want to not just win normally, but humiliate him completely. 

If I could get in close he was finished, getting a wicked idea in my mind.

Materializing a mirror in my hand while I switched out [swordsman] for [pathfinder], maxing out my new [quick steps] for good measure. I had been given enough time in the last week to experiment, and even at level one the instant acceleration it provided was amazing, not to mention relatively mana efficient compared to my attack skills like sword edge. I figured even at maximum level I could use the skill dozens of times consecutively. For this time I'd only need it once. 

Nate turned back after hearing the crowd's clamor, his own showmanship backfiring now that he turned around to see me wasting time with a mirror, seemingly mocking him in return. 

Laughing after seeing the anger on his face. His frustration proving to be the perfect cure for my own. 

"Seems I messed around too much." Nate said, sounding like he finally wanted to get serious. 

Retracting my mirror once I noticed him approaching. Storing even my sword, and replacing it with my simple knife. Mocking him further.

When he was a few feet outside his attack distance, I struck. Hurling the knife at his face, which he ducked away from, allowing me to activate quick steps as I exploded forward with thundering power in my legs, covering the spear's length in a single step. 

Nate's panic obvious as he tried to sweep his spear, but seeing as I was already inside his guard, it was far too late. 

Latching on with both arms to his spear. Applying a vice-like grip with my physical boosted strength, stronger by a good margin than anything he could exert. Seeing he was losing the battle over his weapon, I could see desperation creeping into his eyes.

Sending a knee into my side, which felt like nothing, but did give me a good idea. 

Cranking my head back like a spring and cracking Nate directly on the nose, a satisfying crunch resounding over my forehead. 

The impact sending Nate reeling to the ground, clutching his bloodied and broken nose while the jeering crowd was stunned into silence. Not believing their eyes. 

Admiring my new spear, I decided to take a lap like Nate had done earlier. Waving victoriously to the gloomy faces in the crowd. Looking at their horrified expression melted my heart, a warm fuzzy feeling of satisfaction working its way into the biggest smile I could muster. Feeling better now than I had for weeks.

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