Adventure King (R-18)

Ch 70. The Knight Returns

Somehow or other we had wasted... or should I say enjoyed the entire day cooped up inside. 

Indulging myself in Tammy and Belle's presence while they reveled in mine. The two of them panting contentedly on the bed as I lay next to them, fully satisfied. Managing to tire out the both of them before succumbing to my own limits. Even for me as I was now, going at it like rabbits for an entire day was as exhausting and gratifying as you would expect. 

The three of us only stopping occasionally to eat, rest, and clean up after ourselves. Ending the day as something that could have probably been spent more productively elsewhere, but leaving none of us with any regrets. 

A satisfying daytime activity that led us all to a particularly restful night and the next morning being spent in leisure, none of us in any hurry. Tammy and I both celebrating our newfound 'freedom' by lounging around, enjoying our breakfast with nothing to hurry us, appreciating the newfound lack of responsibilities. 

The biggest issue was now trying to figure out what to do with all of our time. We had to make plans or else we'd just end up spending every moment like newly-weds. And without a clear schedule for what to do for the day, Tammy suggested checking back in on how things were going back at the mansion. 

She really wanted us to get a clear commitment or resolution from the Marcet family. The current circumstances put Marcella and I's relationship under a great deal of uncertainty, not knowing how to even respond because Jagen hadn't given any clear intentions yet. And for Tammy, as someone who was used to managing to complexities of a guild and organizing hundreds of people, having such a big relationship left up in the air was a major concern.

One that she intended for me to push to settle instead of leaving it entirely up to the Marcets. 

She didn't particularly push me in a direction. Somewhat surprising me that she didn't speak out against Marcella, given that it would be in her own interest to do so. Leaving the decision entirely up to me. 

I knew Tammy was right, but to be honest I was still conflicted about how to resolve the matter. I could understand Jagen's situation because ultimately I didn't know a good way handle Marcella either. None of the solutions were going to make both of us happy, but I did feel a degree of obligation already... not to mention the favor called in by Cal. 

Finally agreeing with some reluctance to pay them a visit.

The mansion appeared to be in an unexpectedly chaotic state. Most of the time soldiers and knights would only hang out around the outside, or were constrained to the barracks, but now the grounds seemed abuzz with them. 

"What's going on?" I asked one group of guards who were just standing around, half at-attention, despite being on mansion grounds. 

"There were survivors from yesterday's excursion, two of the knights made it back." One of them explained helpfully. Maybe trying to curry a bit of favor. 

Frowning a little bit to myself as I remembered the slight embellishments I had made in my story to Jagen. The overall story should be solid, but I might be in for a bit of embarrassment. Sighing again in resignation. 

I suppose it was a good thing that anybody survived, not being so callous that I could wish ill on them for finding their way out of that situation alive. It was commendable really. 

I was mostly just surprised that anybody could survive. From the state that the men had been in when I split from the group, they seemed almost certain to die. If I didn't have some sort of unexplained resistance to the monster's powers, something I still didn't understand, I would have been just as dead. 

As for why these survivors returning warranted having so many soldiers milling about, I had a few suspicions, with a certain knight coming to mind. I did tell Jagen that Gawn tried for my life. And if he really was alive then that complicated things well beyond what was currently happening. My word meant more than his, but again his fate was up to Jagen to decide.

I learned that Jagen had ordered the guards to bar any escape from the two, making my suspicions seem like it was on the mark. Trying to have the knights lead me in, but none of them knowing where exactly in the mansion Jagen and the rest were. Leaving us with no choice but to question every passing guard and maid we came across while wandering the mansion. Eventually being pointed to a room that was guarded by several knights at the door. One of them disappearing inside after spotting us, coming out immediately with Jagen in tow. 

I greeted him cheerfully, but he didn't seem much in the mood. Not giving me much response while I could tell he had an unusually serious look on his face. 

"Gawn came back this morning... we're getting his side of the story. And that of the other survivor."

So it was Gawn, my face sinking now that my suspicions were realized. 

"Well, that's something." I said with a bit of irritation. The situation with the Marcets suddenly getting a whole lot more complicated. 

"I assume you've taken him into custody? He did try to kill me you know" Watching his eyes for any indication of what his decision may be. 

"Keaton, you have my assurance that we've taken the appropriate measures. He'll remain under supervision until I have the full story." 

Something about the look in his eyes bothered me. Tipping me off to the probability that he'd already heard a slightly different story than what I had told him. 

Not necessarily a big problem given the alterations I had made were largely superficial. I didn't have much to hide after all. Mainly just things that would embarrass my position, like having made them stay out too long, but that was something that may have very well caused the entire unfortunate encounter in the first place. A little bit irritated that someone like Gawn had shown better judgement than me.  

I could already see in Jagen's eye this was going to be a mess. He obviously cared about his troops opinions on things, so the biggest wildcard was which side the other survivor would pick. Given that he had just went through hell together with Gawn... I could already tell that didn't bode well. 

Even so, I should have more clout. And if I didn't leverage my status in these types of situations, then what was the point of having influence?

Spotting Cal hovering in the background, I decided to leave Jagen to his devices. If he had questions for me then I'd like to at least have some time to collect myself.

"If all is well then I'll excuse myself for the time being," bidding Jagen farewell and making a hasty retreat. 

Turning away from the brewing conflict to catch up with my friend.

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