Advanced Cultivation Civilization

Chapter 31 Epilogue; New Order

ACC Chapter 31 Epilogue; New Order

In a time before the Federation had even been thoughtfully conceived, the clans and sects had been the kings and queens of the mortal world. Deciding the trends upon their own whims, or you could say, the whims of their upper echelon.

Unless you came from a sect or clan yourself, the chances of escaping their watchful eyes, meddling and whatnot, were very low.

Most of my immediate relations thought that that era had been glorious, but I didn't agree with them. The sects and clans had been rotten cogs in the system. Ones that didn't work together unless a common enemy appeared. But who could have threatened them at the time?

Talented itinerant cultivators that had refused to capitulate to their whims had been killed or forced to join. Such cruelty had been undeserved.

But all this was beside the point. The point of the matter was simply one thing. I, Livia Pettersons, hate the fact that there is someone above me.

"Little brat. Don't think that just because we gathered here on your insubstantial evidence, that we will listen to you."

Those words dragged my attention back to my current situation, where a few old coots, relics of an old era were glaring at me with disdain, dissatisfaction, and a myriad of other emotions.

"What I possess in my hands isn't merely any piece evidence... But efforts of Ming himself over the countless years."

Yes, Ming, the old goat had been too cunning, not even trusting the elders of his own sect. Because of my penchant for having eyes everywhere, I had been the first to notice the man's apparent demise.

Which, by the way, I was sure had been faked. His body must have been a clone. Not to mention the fact that the material I had on all those here had been hidden very carelessly, as if wanting someone to come upon it.

"What do you really want? You have our lives in your hands. I heard you declared yourself a temporary President. Do you really believe that you can keep that seat without us?" Someone scoffed dismissively.

"If you wanted to rule, the shadows would have been a better place."

"No! Now that the President is otherwise occupied, I want us to rule! This is our chance!"

"Hahahahahahahahaha..." I almost twisted my intestines at the comedy playing out before me.

"Do you think us a joke?" Someone bristled, with their spiritual energy increasing a tiny sliver in the speed of its circulation.

"What? Do you believe that you can take me on?" I asked, with frigidity in my voice. The man ultimately cowered, lowering even his gaze... The useless coward.

"This is the reason why sects and clans are no longer needed. Right now, those outside of these systems outnumber us vastly. Haven't you tried to wake yourselves up?! Public opinion is the most important card right now! Didn't Ming's exposure of the Deity Maker to the public jolt your minds to the truth of the matter?"

I gazed deeply at every single bastard at the table. This was why that monster Taylor had risen! Because of these stubborn old men and women! Because they had had the most advanced array technology, far beyond that of mortals, they had rested on their laurels. I wouldn't be like them!

"What I want everyone who walks out of here to do, that will preserve their lives, is simple. You will sign an agreement to work under me. There will be no stepping out of line. Everyone will have to obey when I order."

With a thought on my part, a contract was delivered into their mindscapes.

"Do you really believe that you can take all of us on? Not to mention the fact that Qin Wentian isn't here. Do you think that man would easily fall under your thrall?"

I grinned at that question, exposing my whites. These people were still underestimating me it seems.

"Your brains must have become rotten due to long disuse..."

That earned me glares and a collective pressure of multiple auras. I could feel the spinning of my light core slowing down by a minute fraction.

"You lost the battle without even knowing that you had been on a battlefield. I have been in the shadows, watching and collecting many pieces of intelligence. Ming's data was just the icing on the cake. You have power, but what of your descendants and disciples? With a word, I can have many of them slaughtered. Do you want to try me?"

"What did you do?!"

"That's why I have been saying all along, you have become too senile and complacent for this world."

"Leave your divine sense brand on the contracts."

There was immense satisfaction when a plot, your very own plot succeeded. I was close enough to grasping true power within the palm of my hands that I could smell it. By forcing the sects and clans to capitulate, plus the adoration of the masses, my power would be unshakeable. Though, I would have to make sure that Taylor's influence is whittled down. If my deductions of the man are right, then he won't choose to wage battle against the masses... Unless he was subsumed by a Devil.


The sound of my heels hitting the tiled ground echoed through the long corridor. An entourage of secretaries and those I had called upon followed a step behind me as I moved towards my destination.

"Have you tallied the number of organisations and companies?" I asked. This was one of the reasons why I loved power. I didn't have to sift through such useless data, instead offloading it to those under me.

"Yes, madam. There are 3 mega corporations valued at over 10 trillion credits, 17 above a trillion and 1353 valued at billions, with countless in the millions and below."

"What about Mumaso Reed?" I asked because of certain contracts I had gotten a glimpse of when the AI had been transferring authority to me.

With my question, I could feel the woman's spike in brain activity as she worked. The break in her stoic professional facade with the widening of her eyes imperceptibly made a sigh escape my lips.

"He's... Niw owner of a company with a value of over 10 trillion credits!" The disbelief within the girl's voice was as thick as gloom.

Yet my thoughts had already drifted towards the upcoming interactions with the man. Those were going to be awkward moments, but I could defeat them. My emotional state shouldn't lead to the loss of sight for my goal.

With that reaffirmation of my goal, I trudged on, towards my destination.

"Invite everyone to a little summit. And make sure to imply that participation isn't negotiable."

"But madam, I don't think those within the Trillion credits would take kindly to that."

"Even if they do, they must come. And emphasize that I don't want to be looking young brats in the face. I want the true magnates in attendance."

Now that I am the new President, these people wouldn't want to cross me this early. That I was sure of because no one wanted to be the one made an example of.

My entourage was left behind as I entered a secure room...

"This is unexpected. I had thought you'd be leaping straight at me the moment I entered...well you are tied up and that's clearly impossible. But I believe you get the point."

"It would be futile. So what if I am indignant and enraged. Would that change your decision?"

"You are right about that, Mr. Miller." I spoke while taking off my jacket and placing it upon the table, after which I pulled out the chair and sat across from the man, who was chained up with just a pair of cuffs that served to hinder the circulation of his spiritual energy.

"You want to make me the scapegoat, to shoulder all the blame directed at the sects and clans. But if I am not mistaken, I won't be enough. So, you will probably add some minor characters."

"You are right on the money." I leaned back, resting my head on a cushion. The day and all the previous ones had been hectic. Becoming a President had thrust me into a pile of work. But it was good. Though public opinion could influence some of my decisions, I would still hold much of the power.

"Why do you desire such power. I know you have spoken your reasons time and again, but I felt them hollow. Can you tell me the truth, now that I am about to be sacrificed?"

"Now now Miller! Every cruel thing you did was on you. Didn't you revel in them? Don't act like the victim here. We both know the true you." For a moment I caught the expression filled with true malice that passed over his features, but ignored it. There were many like him, serial killers in the flesh. But he was the only one with strength and background that had allowed him the freedom to rampage.

"I don't like anyone above me, holding my strings."

"Hehehehehehehe... Now, that's a naive reason." The chuckle and derisive tone earned my ire, attracting my attention.

"Even if no one is above you, your emotions, feelings and impressions still puppet you. And the universe is large. What makes you think that you can escape the strings? Isn't that just childish naivety?"

There was an ember of rage that almost consumed me upon alighting with fire. But with an intention of will, I suppressed my energies plus expression.

"For now, take it that I have reached the level of snapping strings. Taylor was too soft. But I don't want any tumors like the sects and clans around, not to mention organisations that I believe could declare sovereignty once we enter the interstellar age..."

", you are going to twist everything into your control?"

"No, right now, I can't act on it, but my ultimate goal is to have everyone within the clans and sects become normal families like the original commoners, not the behemoths they now are. A new order."

"That's the same as trying to become empress. Are trying to turn the Federation into an empire, Livia? If you are, quash the thought. Once freedom of expression appears, getting back to a sole tyranny is impossible."

"What are you yapping about? Its all in human nature. The reason why I am on this side of the table, with you opposite me is simply that I managed to grasp human nature far better than you." I scoffed in disgust at the man.

"Anyway, our talk ends here. If there is a cultivator heaven somewhere in the endless cosmos, or hell. We will meet each other there when I die some time in the future. But for now, a new order is about to rise, mine."

With those words, I pushed back my chair and stood up. By the time the doors closed behind me, my thoughts had already left the insignificant man. That's ultimately how the little fish ended up. Only the big fish needed must undivided attention now. I had to work on a pitch in order to snare them.

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