Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain

Chapter 59 - The Cousin’s Backstory (1)

Chapter 59 – The Cousin’s Backstory (1)

Zhong Yuhuan found out the next day what caused the rift between Lang Jinzhi and Ding Qiuyue. It wasn’t much of a secret in Hai City.

The one who told her about the incident was Yang Sen.

Yang Sen loooved gossiping so he always knew the most about anything that was going on in Hai City.

“It was a big deal at the time, how do you not know about it?” sighed Yang Sen.

Zhong Yuhuan thought about it for a second and said, “That was before I was born, maybe?”

Feeling a bit awkward, Yang Sen said, “Oh, that’s right. I learned it from my mom. Um… well, take it with a grain of salt, okay?”

Yang Sen gave her a heads up that there would be content that was not so flattering toward the Ding’s.

Naturally, Zhong Yuhuan was prepared. Nodded, she said, “Okay, go ahead.”

“Your mom, and the current CEO Ding, were a well-known pair of sisters in Hai City back in the days. But words had it that CEO Ding never liked your mom much. She thought that your mom’s personality was too weak, albeit being beautiful, she always let others walk all over her. Nevertheless, the kids who cry gets the candies. Old Ding was busy with his career and rarely went home. Every time he went home, your mom would be the first one to hug him and cried and showed him how much she had missed him. So, over time, Old Ding became closer to your mom, and CEO Ding and Old Ding’s relationship drifted some more. When CEO Ding disliked your mom even more, your mom married your father early in time….”

Zhong Yuhuan interrupted him, “I thought you were going to tell me the story between my aunt and my cousin. Why are you talking about my mom and my grandpa?”

“Aye, be patient and let me finish. This is the backdrop of the story. Everybody in Hai City know this.” Said Yang Sen.

Yang Sen took a couple sips of water before he went on, “Your mom and your dad got married early and your dad was very good at what he did. He became successful shortly thereafter so your mom was able to relax at home. At the time, CEO Ding was still working in the Ding’s Corporation. She got anxious. Finally, she took a trip overseas and met Lang Xinger’s second son and got married. During that time, it was said that wherever CEO Ding went, she’d bring a breeze with her. Your mom, on the other hand, was fragile; she even had a few spontaneous abortions. CEO Ding, however, gave birth smoothly to her first child, and that was your cousin, the now Lang Jinzhi.

“Words on the street had it that CEO Ding was being competitive – she purposefully looked for a better man, kept her career on track, and gave birth to a son first. She also wanted to raise her child to become an elite sooner.”

Zhong Yuhuan had an inkling, but she asked anyway, “Then what happened?”

“Then Mr. Lang was transferred to Dong City. CEO Ding insisted on staying in Hai City with your cousin. Later, Mr. Lang was transferred back to Hai City and took over a big role. That’s when the incident between the Ding’s and the Lang’s took place. It was said that during a family dinner between the Ding’s and the Lang’s, the Lang’s noticed something was wrong with your cousin …. He was too well-behaved. He sat there like a puppet, didn’t cry, didn’t fuss. He was courteous when he talked but distant. When they lifted up his sleeves and looked, he was covered in bruises and he wouldn’t say anything when asked.”

Yang Sen rubbed his shoulder and said, “Think about it. How awful was that? A 7-year-old sitting there, who didn’t cry, fuss, or laugh. He was like an adult under the skin of a 7-year-old. Never mind about the Lang’s, I’d freak out too. The Lang’s took him to a shrink after that and wanted a divorce. That didn’t happen, but they have been separated since…

“Everybody said that CEO Ding wanted her son to become an elite right away, so she wanted him to achieve the adult standards on everything that he does or he would get punished. I think your cousin went to a shrink for some five years before he started getting a little better.” Said Yang Sen.

“Don’t tell your cousin what I’ve told you. I’m deathly afraid of him.” Smiled Yang Sen.

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