Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain

Chapter 48 - Landmine for Zhong Chi (3)

Chapter 48 – Landmine for Zhong Chi (3)

“Does next Sunday work?”

“Yes, that works!”

Zhong Yuhuan said some more pleasantries like “take care” etc. before she hung up.

Everybody knew how to say pleasantries.

And their only cost was additional saliva.

After she hung up the phone, Zhong Yuhuan finally turned around and walked inside the door.

Downstairs, Xu Yushan was pale and anxiously wonder when Lang Jinzhi would be coming over.

In the past, Zhong Yuhuan’s cousin and grandpa were never engaged in any of her matters, whatever had happened …?

Then, Xu Yushan recalled her mother’s comment that someone was giving Zhong Yuhuan pointers behind her…. Who could that be? Xu Yushan was pulling her hair out but she still couldn’t figure it out.

When Xu Yunhui finally returned home, she was startled by how pale her daughter was looking.

Zhong Yuhuan told Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan about having dinner at Yue Lan Mansion.

“To see our grandfather?” This was probably the first time that word has left Huo Chengming’s mouth, he could barely enunciate the word.

“…. Is it really okay that we meet him?” Li Jinyuan pursed his lips and looked hesitant.

He didn’t want to cause her any trouble.

Having been there for a while, they now have a pretty good idea what kind of family is the Zhong’s and what kind of family is the Ding’s.

Naturally, they also understood that…. They were not welcomed in this type of family.

“Mm, of course you can,” Zhong Yuhuan turned and looked at them. “Are you worried?”

“No, not at all!” said Huo Chengming immediately.

Li Jinyuan said right after him, “Yes, I worry that we will cause you trouble.”

Huo Chengming,” …….”

Zhong Yuhuan smiled and said, “There are no troubles that I couldn’t solve here, unless….”

“Unless?” asked Huo Chengming.

“Unless one of you are in an accident one day, then that would be big trouble.”

The two boys shut their mouth and didn’t say anything else.

But, both of them blushed to different extents, especially Huo Chengming. He balled his hands into fists and tightened them.

“Okay, let’s go! It’s time to go to school!”


Xu Yushan was worried that Lang Jinzhi would come over to their house, so she had no choice but to make herself scarce every day. She did that for a whole week and finally relaxed when she didn’t see Lang Jinzhi showing up.

“What the hell, so Lang Jinzhi wasn’t going to come over after all!” Xu Yushan gritted her teeth and hated Zhong Yuhuan even more that she did before.

And then it was Sunday.

After their tutorial section and fencing classes, the three of them changed and headed toward Lan Yue Mansion.

Zhong Yuhuan brought gifts with her this time as well.

She brought with her a set of tea cups for her grandfather and ink for Lang Jinzhi’s fountain pen.

After they arrived outside of Lan Yue Mansion, Zhong Yuhuan immediately saw Lang Jinzhi coming to pick them up in his car.

“Cousin!” said Zhong Yuhuan as she waved at him.

Lang Jinzhi closed his car door and walked toward them. He eyed Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan up and down.

The two boys were also sizing him up at the same time.

“Get in, I will bring you over,” said Lang Jinzhi as he stopped looking at them and opened up his car door.

Naturally, Zhong Yuhuan would have to take the passenger seat next to the driver and let Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan sat in the back. If she sat in the back, that would turn Lang Jinzhi into their driver.

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