Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 460

Xu Guifeng's head was buzzing, and a trace of clarity returned to his heart. He lowered his head to look at himself again, and this time he finally saw clearly.

The original [Hospital Blood Heir] has long since disappeared, and every one of the bulging subcutaneous blood vessels on his body is exactly the same as that relic, or even worse than it, making it look even more ferocious and vicious.

"When you look like this." Chen Ze reminded again,
"The original blood vessel has been crushed by you yourself."

"Think about it carefully, what will happen to you?"

"Isn't it human!"

one second, two seconds
In the wordless silence, Xu Guifeng wanted to understand many things.

Why was my team besieged by many monsters along the way? Why was the [Body Bloodline] who was pursuing a special bloodline looking for me? Why was I able to use this dangerous object as soon as I saw it? Why was I able to knock off the explosion-proof monster with my bare hands? He opened the door and slaughtered all the heavily armed sentries.
He also remembered more, more distant things, details that he didn't want to face head-on.

There are so many people who can soak in that mysterious bath, why is it so effective for me?
Why was it that he was able to defeat the instructor during his first training and was always able to detect unexpected and unknown dangers on the battlefield?

Why does that tiger charm only have healing effects on myself?

Xu Guifeng has not been ignorant of all these things.

It’s just that he has been evading, even staying away from the items in the warehouse, and is not even willing to look through the files.

But fate plays tricks on people, and in the end, he seems to have become a "monster" that he despises, despises, and fears.

Having said that, Chen Ze ignored Xu Guifeng and turned around to walk in a certain direction.

Unexpectedly, heavy footsteps sounded again behind him.

"Ho ho ho!" Xu Guifeng gasped, stood up with his ferocious body that had swelled to more than four meters in height, and charged towards Chen Ze.

At this time, he was speechless, but he had already expressed his will through actions.

Even though his body mutated and turned into a monster, he still practiced the creed he was born to have as a human being.

Xu Guifeng's body swelled larger and larger during the charge, and a torrent of blood mist exploded from his body, transforming into a translucent oval light shield in front of him, with fierce flames raging into the sky.


Xu Guifeng roared, howled, and used every ounce of strength in his body to slam into Chen Ze like a moth to a flame.

And the end is like a moth flying into the fire, breaking its wings and falling.

After the impact, Xu Guifeng's huge body collapsed to the ground, losing weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Ze turned around and stared silently at Xu Guifeng who fell to the ground. Suddenly, a spark flashed in his eyes, which then grew bigger and bigger.

The earth trembled violently, the air burned, and a series of changes occurred in a matter of seconds.

The ruins under Chen Ze's feet suddenly bulged and burst, and a huge amount of fire poured out from them, completely engulfing his figure.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble!
The place was like a volcanic eruption, spewing out a pillar of fire several thousand feet high, with its front end breaking through everything like an arrow, and like a rocket rising from the ground, striking across the sky!

The remaining ruins were completely shattered and nothing remained.

Only a few hundred meters away, the doctor who was clearly in Chen Ze's hands and was completely destroyed in front of Xu Guifeng appeared again.

At this time, the doctor no longer had any human form, and the whole thing looked like a pool of flesh-colored slime monsters, with his semi-liquid body constantly supporting and falling down.

In front of him was a group of objects that looked like the solidification of sunset. It was one of the remains of the "big evil" that was also in the wooden house.

It was this orange-yellow glow that seemed to be a special effect that completely absorbed the impact of the previously launched rocket, without even a trace of power crossing the line.

Behind him was a pile of seemingly ordinary wood.

Yes, this is exactly the wooden house where all the "bad things" and even the mysterious jade seal are stored.

Such a wooden house, which was also ranked as "most dangerous", was actually demolished into piles of wood by the doctor with his bare hands!
In fact, the level of "serious" not only makes people stay away, but also means top secret.

In other words, if a valuable enough treasure is designated as a "major evil" level, it is also a protective measure in a sense.

This seemingly ordinary pile of logs was exactly such a treasure that the doctor built into a wooden house and carefully guarded.

[Building wood stacking]

"There is a tree, its shape is like an ox, its skin is like a tassel or a yellow snake. Its leaves are like Luo, but in fact it is like a luan. Its wood is like a wormwood, and its name is Jianmu." - "The Classic of Mountains and Seas, Hai Nei Nan Jing" 》

Jianmu, a sacred tree that reaches the sky worshiped by ancestors in ancient times, is considered to be the center of the world.

"Xiao Xu." The slime-like doctor struggled and squirmed twice in the direction where Xu Guifeng originally fell, and finally stopped.
"Thank you for your time."

boom! ! !
A loud noise came from high in the sky, the powerful rocket exploded like fireworks, and a figure like a god and demon was gradually revealed.

When the doctor saw this scene, he was not surprised, but silently activated the jade seal residing in the liquid body like the heart of a jellyfish to activate his final formation.

Ping Pong Pong --

A pile of clanking and fierce-smelling items were dumped beside Jianmu. It was the pile of "fierce"-level relics that the doctor had collected in the chaos.

It stands to reason that when Chen Ze was standing there and being beaten earlier, something like this "little evil" could not break through his defense.

But at this moment, as one of the building logs was thrown into the air on its own, burning into firewood and submerging into it, the aura of this pile of vicious things suddenly skyrocketed like no end!

Jianmu, according to legend, can derive souls and enlighten all things.

Dang Dang Dang Dang!
In an instant, a ferocious and bloodthirsty broken halberd was connected to the broken edge of Jianmu Xinhuo. The halberd body, as heavy as a mountain, clanged, violently tore through all obstacles and flew into the sky!
The halberd has eight sides and six blades, and it is still evolving in the firewood transformed from the building wood. The shaft lengthens and thickens, and the blades extend and become wider, bending into the shape of human limbs.

It turned out to be a "halberd man" that was flat and sharp, like a stick figure!
"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

It was obviously just a weapon, but the moment the halberd man took shape, there was an extremely ferocious roar, and the overwhelming bloody air swept across all directions, as if countless souls were being slaughtered!

After the firewood burned out, the halberd man waved his blade, driving an endless bloody and fierce light to strike into the sky!
With just one blow, the light eagle that had troubled the entire Hidden Immortal Association for a long time was split into two parts in an instant, howling and annihilated!
"it is good."

A soft sigh came out from the boundless fierce force, and then the aftermath dissipated, only to see Chen Ze standing in the air, his eyes calm, and his hair flying in the wind.

A budding lotus flower appeared in his hand. Its rhizome was slender, neither spreading nor branching, and its fragrance spread far and wide.

The lotus leaves surrounding it are green and lush, and the flower bones are blooming slowly and shyly.

Chen Ze aimed at the halberd man in the distance as if a fierce god had appeared.

The next moment, the lotus took root on the Halberd Man's body without any reason, endlessly absorbing nutrients, becoming more and more green.

The halberd man, who was so powerful just a second ago, suddenly lost his arrogance and could not move like a model.

When the petals are fully in full bloom, the original boundless bloody and fierce light has been transformed into a vast ocean like Penglai fairyland. The fairy mist is vague and the fairy mountain is not visible. Only a clear lotus stands in it.

The vast ocean slowly fell, and the Halberd Man was suppressed to one side.But this is just the beginning.

For the doctor, it is now a matter of life and death, and all the buildings have been burned and consumed in order to fight to the death.

So before Chen Ze had any time to spare, he saw an extremely beautiful fairy, dressed in light gauze and thin clothes, with an extremely provocative look in her eyes walking towards him.

The fairy looked at her appearance, with all kinds of tenderness flowing between her eyebrows. It seemed that as long as she took a look at her, she could appreciate countless beautiful scenery, but every step she took on her bare feet as white as autumn lotus roots, there was a trace of evil and evil energy. Leave.

Beauty trap?

Chen Ze stretched out his hand with great interest and was eager to try it. He moved his fingers like dragon claws and suddenly brought the fairy close to him. He then took out the wat tablet given by Cao Guojiu without hesitation and knocked it hard.


The beautiful fairy screamed and fell on the spot. The beauty's body disintegrated like smoke, revealing its body like a jade bracelet.

The wat board is the symbol of the imperial court, abiding by the rules and regulations, and clarifying the principles and ethics!
At this time, the sky suddenly became dark. Chen Ze looked up and saw thousands of evil dragons covering the sky with their teeth and claws. The demonic aura was so overwhelming that just one look at it was enough to make people's hearts tremble.

But it does not include Chen Ze.

Seeing the thick clouds of evil dragons biting each other's heads and tails, and engaging in sexual and sexual behavior while staring down with tens of thousands pairs of pupils, the rich malice almost dyed the entire world.

However, a golden beam of light immediately shot up from the sky, like a star in the night sky, tearing a hole open for all malice.

Chen Ze looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. He pulled out the sharp-edged, simple and majestic Chunyang Sword from his chest and threw it towards the sky.



Countless sword lights flew out like ox hairs, disembowelling all the evil dragons that were stuck together, and chopped them horizontally and vertically.

The sky suddenly poured down a huge amount of blood like a downpour.

The Pure Yang Sword in the center is unstoppable, destroying everything, breaking through all kinds of magic, and is nailing a yellowed scroll hidden at the back of countless evil dragons.

And the scene painted on the scroll is exactly the evil scene of countless evil dragons covering the sky!

But when the Chunyang Sword shook slightly, the whole scroll began to flutter like a rag sack. At the same time, the immeasurable golden light emitted from the sword shone on the corpse of the evil dragon in the sky, immediately making the latter look like snow meeting the blazing sun. Like melting and evaporating.

In just a few breaths, this place would see the light of day again.

However, as soon as this evil dragon scroll was executed, there was another sound of Mi Mi.

When you look up, you can't see the real thing, only the sounds of various colors of silk and bamboo are played in a colorful way, with complex strings and urgent pipes, and eight tones playing in succession.

The world seemed to have turned into a huge resonance chamber, transmitting the blood-boiling demonic sound in all directions.

click -

The earth resonated, and several nearby peaks first opened ravines, and then the birds and beasts hiding in them, regardless of their race, exploded into musical scales, adding more power to the magic sound.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ze immediately took out the cave flute given by Han Xiangzi and played it gently on his lips.

The sound of the flute seems to be able to heal all sorrow and pain, just like a pair of invisible hands closing the mountain peaks again, washing out a rootless waterfall, washing all things and cleansing the soul.

Blah blah blah blah blah--

The clear spring sky waterfall hangs high, and the turbulent current quickly washes away the bells, gongs, drums and other evil objects hidden in it. It is like flushing the toilet, pouring all these silk and bamboo objects into the previous ocean of lotus flowers.

After doing all this, the place seemed to have returned to peace, but Chen Ze's divine eyes scanned the world, and all the monsters and monsters were nowhere to be seen.

Chen Ze sacrificed Zhang Guolao's fishing drum and struck it hard with the invisible mallet in his hand.

Sky, land, smoke, vegetation.
All seemingly ordinary scenes shattered like glass, and many evil objects brought to life by the firewood fell out.

All the monsters and monsters were like ants on a hot pot. When they saw Chen Ze, they turned around and wanted to run away just like they saw a ghost.

The beasts began to get restless and fight with each other.

The vicious creatures completely lost their minds and started fighting each other.

dong dong dong dong dong dong dong!
But I saw rivers of blood flowing between heaven and earth, corpses and fragments filling almost every corner, and evil spirits running rampant.

Among them, there was only a crocodile body, a deer head, a human face, and seven arms on its belly. The evil creature, the King of Gu, was tearing apart the same kind, and was opening several skulls to drink the brains.


Hearing the sound of the drums gradually subside, the Gu King's figure was like lightning, as if it was about to tear the void apart, and he jumped in front of Chen Ze.


The speed of this Gu King was far beyond Chen Ze's expectation. He had only taken out the banana fan halfway when the opponent's seven evil claws had already been stretched out.

A palm that returned to its original nature and looked like a normal person blocked it, and then Chen Ze took the initiative to meet it without dodge, and fought with the Gu King for dozens of times.

Dang dang dang dang.
The sound of gold and iron piercing the clouds and cracking rocks made a clanging sound, causing sparks to fly and causing the sky to change several times.


The Gu King screamed and fell out, half of his body had been crushed into bloody mud.

Before it could escape, Chen Ze had already ducked behind it, grabbing its head with one hand and its feet with the other, tearing it in half.


The vitality of the two halves of the broken body was terrifyingly tenacious, and the fleshy buds were still squirming and trying to recover, but Chen Ze, who didn't want to bathe in the rain of blood, just stuffed one into his mouth like he was chewing spicy sticks.


Chen Ze burped with satisfaction, and there was a faint black air flowing out of his mouth, like paint and ink, as if it could swallow the hearts of all souls.

That is the breath overflowing from the underworld.

Chen Zeguan, the Gu King, had a destiny with him, so he had the intention to transform it into his own underworld, so that he could listen to the teachings forever and enjoy the blessings of destiny.

At this time, Chen Ze had a majestic figure and majestic appearance, as if he were a god in the dust.

All the evil creatures and evil spirits were not the same enemy in his hands, and they were all eliminated completely.

His profound gaze penetrated the confusion and stared into the distance, staring at the doctor who was hiding behind the "big evil" sunset glow and had not been harmed at all.

At this time, the pile of evil things behind the doctor was almost empty, the sunset in front of him had shrunk to less than half, and only the last few logs of the pile of building logs were left. (End of chapter)

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