Act Gracefully As A Villainous Lady

Chapter 9

9 Villain warrant lady, unleash the horse in question

A few days after that dining room fight.

Even snoring Julia as soon as possible made me wonder if the prince would complain, but when Ulysses, he was floating a prince smile who didn’t know what he was thinking as usual.

Now we are in the middle of a stroll through the royal palace yard together like fiancées.

Even though it’s a perfect situation to tell stories you don’t want to be heard around, Ulysses only told unusual stories about what the flowers look like here and what the birds look like over there.

Because she had no choice, Merriam Rose decided to set it up herself.

“Speaking of which, I spoke to a guy named Julia from the Rockwell family a while ago.”

As soon as Julia’s name came up, Ulysses looked back at Merriam Rose as if she was surprised to stop talking about it perfectly.

After all, when I talked about the woman in my mind, I couldn’t seem to help but eat.

Merriah Rose laughed so loudly in her heart at Ulysses’ easily understandable reaction to not knowing what she was thinking.

“Master Ulysses is close to Julia, isn’t he? I’m surprised.”

“Oh, I had a little intimacy with her before I went to school…”

Ulysses says so with a rare, badly toothed voice, with a slightly worse appearance.

After all, I guess I don’t feel comfortable telling my fiancée, Meliá Rose, about the person I really like.

“She’s… a little different, isn’t she?”

I won’t be frank. But with as much inclusion as he could deduce, Merriah Rose put it on the word as she could.

These are the basics of the aristocratic conversation.

Julia is an unusual girl, a nobleman. Therefore, Prince Ulysses is not fit to make friends.

Ulysses is the perfect prince. You can’t possibly fail to understand the sincerity of Meliá Rose.


“Don’t you? Julia is such a funny kid!

Ulysses, Merriam-Rose’s fiancée, said that with a full grin.

I also ate Melia Rose for this.

It’s a taboo behavior that even kids are likely to find out they shouldn’t do, such as praise another woman badly and happily in front of her fiancée.

And yet, I didn’t know this perfect prince would make such a mistake!

Melia Rose was too surprised to get the word out well for a while.

But think back soon.

Didn’t you say for a long time that love is blind? Ulysses can fall in love with Julia. Not really, common sense, manners, etc. so far may have blown me away.

Yes, I’m sure you are.

More than I thought, the prince seems to be letting Julia in. Perhaps this would allow us to move the operation into a further phase.

“Yeah, I couldn’t help but laugh at spreading my grand homemade lunch box in the school cafeteria.”

“But it’s surprising that Merriam Rose had a relationship with Julia. You guys are a little different.”

“When I heard that you and Ulysses were close, I wanted to see Julia, too.”

Of course, I won’t forget to keep the nail down.

Your precious Julia is already known to the Villain Lady.

Ulysses still doesn’t know what he’s thinking, he was floating the perfect prince smile.

But beneath that mask, I guess I’m in a rush, and Meliá Rose laughed inside out.

◇ ◇ ◇

Now that the Prince and Julia are approaching as we can see, it’s time to move on to the next phase of the operation.

In other words, the horse – Bertram’s outing.

“Finally. I’m tired of waiting.”

In one of the rooms in the school, telling him that at the fold of several ops meetings, he made him peel and tongue with eyes like a beast aimed at his prey.

“I’m telling you, if you’re serious about Julia, you hit her in the neck.”

“I know! I won’t let that happen. Make Julia look smart.”

Bertram said so confidently, but Merriah Rose was half-hearted.

Anyway, this man feels like he’s getting a puff of signs that he’s going to make fun of something.

“Fine, glasses. If anything happens, just stop it.”

“It’s Willem, Mr. Meliarose. Don’t worry, Julia is always on the lookout around the prince.”

Pushing so hard on Willem, the prince’s surrounding man, Meliarose exhaled loudly, Phew.

Because I’m playing the Villain Lady brilliantly, so don’t ruin it for me.

“But you do it a lot, too. The incident in the dining room, the unforgivable insult to Miss Julia, has been condemned under the water.”

“Oh, naturally. Because I’m a villain’s maid.”

Oh ho ho ho!… and Bertram laughed as impressed when he showed the fan playing a high laugh in his hand.

And in a few days, new rumors will sweep through the school.

Bertram of the Marquis Mayer family, the popular prince after the prince, was attracted to Julia and began to take an aggressive approach…

“I can’t believe you seduce Master Bertram as well as approaching the Prince inappropriately…!

“You must have used a soothing hand!!

“The country girl is busy……!

Naturally, the rumors have also reached Merriah Rose and her surroundings.

The surroundings of the villain warrant were all peppy reminders that Julia used her cowardly hands to seduce Bertram.

“Quiet, gentlemen.”

Pan, and when I closed the fan and opened my mouth like that, the surrounding men quieted down even as they looked like they were lacking.

“Master Bertram is a fine princess. You must have a good eye.”

“But Dear Merriam Rose…”

“Well, I might need to talk to you a little bit if it seems too eye-catching. For the sake of school order.”

When I told him so with a quiet grin, the surroundings that were gathering shook my spine.

Unfortunately unrelated students in the same classroom are trying to escape from Merriah Rose, shaking their bodies with pity.

The Villain Warrant Lady still doesn’t break her static agenda.

But she declared that she would move if she continued to be “out of sight”.

Poor Julia once again bought the wrath of a villain warrant…!

The good students merely prayed that innocent Julia, who knew nothing, would not hang on the poisonous teeth of the villain warrant lady.

“………… I’m tired”

After school, Meliá Rose sighed in the backyard of a school where there was no one else but away from the surroundings.

Playing the villain warrant lady is fun. But it was definitely tiring, too.

I had to keep someone from seeing me distracted like this… and I paid attention around, and someone’s footsteps approached the pretend.

The rushed Merriah Rose jumped into a nearby bush.

The authority of the prince’s fiancée, the queen villain warrant lady of the school, would fall to the ground in an instant, but fortunately no one seemed to see it.

Go quick…… Merriah Rose shrunk herself so she couldn’t find it.

And what I saw from the gap in the bush was…

“Whoa, you just made some noise. Were you even a rabbit boy?

“What, are there rabbits in this school too!?

“Hmmm…… you’re here. Here.”


“… here’s one cute little bunny”

That’s what I said, one of the two people who came – Bertram gently stroked his other hair.

The girl, whose hair was caressed by the school’s popular number 2 handsome and turned to a dialogue so sweet that she was likely to graduate – Julia swells her cheeks in disgust after being pounded.

“Nah, cats, rabbits… I’m human!

“Bad. Bad. Kitten reacts so funny.”

“Master Bertram makes fun of me like that again!

Bertram and Julia seem to stroll through the backyard looking friendly as they tap each other lightly.

Melia Rose whispered and dropped off the look.

What… wasn’t it surprising, Mary Rose was impressed.

Not less than the plethora of Merriah Rose villain warrants, Bertram seems on the board to play the long-awaited horse of defeat.

Seduce heroines with sweet dialogue, but never force them.

Bertram seemed to have a good idea of the salt plum, which successfully attacks the critical line that smells of favor.

Seeing this, it is to be expected that the Prince will also rush to approach Julia more and more forcefully.

Forced by the two beautiful princes, Julia asks herself which she truly loves.

And the answer that comes out is that the first person who saved me – I realize I love Prince Ulysses… should.

Then the rest will be easy. It would be perfect if Merriam Rose stood up as a barrier to love between the two of us, and Ulysses would declare her fiancée broken with frivolity, choosing Julia as her partner.

Meliá Rose will be farewell to this delightful and tiresome villain.

“Then we’ll have to play some more.”

Once you return to the good Duke’s Lady, you will surely not be able to behave like this to anyone else.

Then we need to enjoy plenty of Villain Lady Life while we can.

So determined, Melia Rose stood up. There were plenty of broken branches and leaves in their uniforms and even in their longitudinal rolls.

“Ahhh, lady! How the hell could this happen!?

Returning to the Duke’s mansion with it so that no one could find it, Cynthia, the samurai, shouted like she was about to graduate.

“Yes, where the hell would anyone do this……!

“It’s okay, Cynthia, because I just did it myself”

“Lady ah!!?

Oh, is Miss Villain Warrant such a painful thing, that Cynthia felt such a hardship and tears of Merriam-Rose as she helped her twigs and leaf-filled husband change.

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