Academy’s Pure Love Dark Knight

Chapter 276

Gasp! Suddenly, breathing feels heavy.

Was it because I overexerted myself so much that saying “I gave it my all” feels luxurious?

On a deck drenched with no water, I felt like a flapping fish trying to breathe.

I glanced over at Pina, but she seemed to lack the power to heal me, too.

Even amidst the dust, the Magic Hat was still looking at me.

Its expression was still unreadable.

“Is there a more dangerous vow than love that you can’t even protect? Were you not just all talk?”

I reflected on myself, trembling on the remnants of the seemingly fragile Magic Hat.

This was now the familiar sight of Lee Soo-hyun, a stranger.

Five years have passed since I came here, and I’ve felt a disconnect from the me I used to know.

With deep burn scars haunting me, I looked more like a moth than a butterfly.

Only coming to life at night, I was like a tiny flame moth, hiding from the eyes of others.

The fate bestowed upon me, an outsider, probably wasn’t much different either.

Believing only that hope shines brightly, thinking there’s no need for despair, I struggled to endure the heat and pain destined to be swallowed by flames.

Within my confidence, there was still unease.

I was aware that this world had been constructed.

What if my current decisions, vows, and will were all created by someone else?

What if there was nothing I could truly call “mine” in this world?

Hence, it took too long for it to become genuine.

“I liked this world.”

It wasn’t simply because I liked the character Pina.

Feelings like admiration, envy, longing, and romance blended messily like paint on a canvas.

This world, interwoven with memories, had taken root deep within my heart.

I wished to face a conclusion that I could someday be satisfied with.

I just didn’t want to walk the same tragic path as other “protagonists” that ended horrifically.

A coward who runs away and rushes, filled with tears, stubbornness, and a lot of fear.

I’d rather die of shame than call myself a good person.


The sword slipped from my grasp.

Magic Hat was still talking to me.

“If you’ve become the protagonist, then laugh.”

Its form shattered like paper being torn apart.

I still felt its bizarre smile, still unsure of what was funny.

“If you’ve beaten me, don’t lose to anyone else.”

Even as it crumbled, Magic Hat just kept laughing.

“Even if it means losing to yourself, don’t lose.”

The lowest, most tragic laughter I had ever heard in my life.

A sound bordering on self-justification, mixed with injustice, grief, and agony.

“I haven’t lived my life just to take advice from someone like you.”

I had lived hard enough not to regret it now.

I’d solved the maze multiple times to get here.

“Even at the end, this human called you…”

Magic Hat locked eyes with me.

The eyes hidden beneath the always-covered hat were finally revealed.

“…You’re someone who won’t say a word.”

“Of course. You don’t understand the world of winners.”

Upon hearing my reply, Magic Hat tilted its head as if it had been hit.

“Well, if you’re unhappy, then be born next time as a good person who can look at the world with gentle eyes.”

“If you know there’s no next life, then just honestly tell me to die.”

There would be no chance of reincarnating with the power of a successor now.

Taking advantage of having received permission, I shot back.

“Then die.”

That was that.


Like a balloon bursting, like sand scattering, like a droplet breaking.

Sometimes, the final boss’s end can be that empty.


I had something to ask it.

“I was going to listen to your last words…”

Magic Hat decided not to leave a single word behind and vanished.

Not long after it disappeared, a warm energy touched my back.

“Su-hyun, Su-hyun, Su-hyun…!”

It was Pina, rushing towards me, filled with exhaustion.

Her hair was soaked with sweat, her armor shattered and cracked, her skin dusted everywhere.

“Are you… really okay?”

She was worried, checking to see if I had any injuries.

“Please don’t get hurt or collapse like last time…”

She was so focused on me that she didn’t even think about her own injuries.

She was the one who got her bones broken in the fight with the Demon God.

“I’m fine. It’s all over.”


She interrupted my words.

Then, she stared at me intently, not saying a word for a while.

With fear and terror mixed in her expression.

“Su-hyun… you’ve never shown that expression before…”

“What expression are you talking about?”

Pina, with a pale face, hugged me tightly.

So tight that you could see the veins in her arms.

“You look like the world has ended right now.”

After hearing that, I slowly touched my face.

Twisted, expressionless, like I was about to burst into tears.

It was a chaotic emotion that was hard to put into words.

It even felt like I was smiling in emptiness.

“Oh, it’s all coming to an end.”

By the time I became aware, my expression was already a mix of crying and smiling.

“I could stake everything for Pina Grancia.”

From the very first moment I made up my mind.

The heart that always encouraged me that I could be happy.

The blind faith that said it would be okay if we were together.

That smile that always brought me comfort, despite the pain and sting.

“I know too.”

Her battered hand, covered in bruises, endlessly stroked my hair.

As if gently caressing a vanishing soul, yet believing it wouldn’t disappear.

“…My Hero.”

My body began to shine white.

I could feel the very ‘end’ of this world softly approaching.

The sensation of my vision flashing and then fading to black.

The world began to distort unnaturally, as if time had stopped.

It would be a lie to say I didn’t expect it.

The end of this world had been predetermined from the start.

I was an unwelcome guest invited here.

Ultimately destined to return to reality, to vanish like bubbles after today.


At that moment, I felt something shatter.

It was a tremendous sound.

A powerful vibration that felt like it was breaking the world.

Crumple, crash, bang.

Light flared from everywhere.

Like the sky had collapsed, white letters floated in the gray sky that left only ruins.

“Such a kill-me emoji.”

[Notification of changes in worldview]

[Confirmed the clearing of Grand Hertz Academy.]

[Calling the ending.]

─ The ending conditions of the ‘Ariel Route’ have been achieved.

─ The ending conditions of the ‘Schartines Route’ have been achieved.

─ The ending conditions of the ‘White Lily Route’ have been achieved.

─ The ending conditions of the ‘Sophia Route’ have been achieved.

─ The ending conditions of the ‘Azmodius Route’ have been achieved.

─ The ending conditions of the ‘Grand Final Route’ have been achieved.

— There are no further playable routes.

Unexpected celebratory fireworks erupted.

System messages popped up in the air in succession.

The humor of these guys had reached an unbelievable level.

I couldn’t even think of what to say, I just stood there taking in the endless Spacial Thanks pouring down on me.

“Amidst all this, they sure have a lot…”

I tried to read a bit of the list but gave up right away.

As if I’d remember any of those gods I didn’t even know.

And finally, the moment of truth.

[Night Heart Trilogy] has been completed.

It was a true farewell.

It felt like I had become an adult, or something like that.

Somewhat dull and bittersweet, yet leaving memories and echoes behind.

From now on, I didn’t know what would happen to me.

“It’s about time to be happy.”

Hoping for such a thing in a world that seemed to stand opposite to human happiness might be tricky.

I was afraid to close my eyes again.

What if, taking a step forward, this world just resumed as a game?

I could have just been quietly stagnant in reality, and all this suffering could have ended up being a mere dream.

Something began to overlay on the collapsed world.

Images of the protagonists smiling.

A city beginning to move as if waking from a nightmare.

The warm welcome of those who had returned to life, their powers released.

That countless joy.

It was a sight of coloring the canvas named devastation with vibrant colors.

I could hear people’s laughter ringing in my ears.

Others, crying, embraced each other.

In a world changing like that, I felt an instinct that I had to return alone.

Unlike those who were here, my home was far away in another world.

Lee Soo-hyun let out a small sigh.

As he watched the game’s ending, he slowly started counting down in his mind.

About four minutes left, exactly 276 seconds.

1, 2, 3, 4…

Determined not to forget, he squinted his eyes.

Feeling light enough to walk on my own now.

I laughed and joined the crowd, slipped my arm around someone’s shoulder, hugged and cried together.

273, 274, 275…

At the last moment.

My gaze fell on Pina, who was flustered, as if looking for someone.

I shouted that I was still by her side, but she startled and sank to the ground.

I guess she can’t hear me.

When I reached the last ‘YOU’ of the Special Thanks.


After witnessing Pina surrounded by a crowd, celebrating, I closed my eyes.

It was finally time to break this illusion.

I felt the weight of the ‘me’ inside being pulled somewhere.

As if I briefly died and came back to life, the fog inside my mind thickened.

276, 277, 278, 279…

“…Wait, what’s going on?”

Even after clearing the fog and opening my eyes, I was still ‘character Lee Soo-hyun.’

No, wait, was it the other way around?

I looked around, confused.

‘I’m moving.’

Why am I moving?

The moment my panic turned into contemplation.

I saw ‘me’ in the corner of my vision, standing up from the desk.

“Oh, no way.”

Magic Hat’s last ability.

His ability, which should have vanished with the achievement of the Grand Final Route.

It changed me into someone who exists here and there.

“Ah… that dumbass Magic Hat…”

Laughter started to spill from my lips.

“I told you to be born as a good person in your next life…”

Did he fail even that and got absorbed by me, becoming like this?

A power that touches the truth and falsehood.

As he disappeared, he chose to become ‘me’ as a last-ditch effort.

In normal circumstances, the character ‘Lee Soo-hyun’ that should have been there would have vanished, and Magic Hat would have replaced the real Lee Soo-hyun.

“How could the timing be so perfect… Ha-ha-ha!!!

Just as I was about to break free from ‘here’s Lee Soo-hyun,’ Magic Hat used his ability on himself.

Not only was he kicked out into the world I thought was a game, but the very essence of ‘Magic Hat’ was overlaid with ‘Lee Soo-hyun.’

He basically donated only his physical body to me and vanished completely.

“Where have you been..!”

That’s why, right now, I’m here.

“I’m here, Pina.”

Being able to freely go back and forth between reality and this world.

I now stand beside Pina with my own choice.

My legs nearly gave way, almost causing me to drop.

Once I steadied myself, I was kneeling on one knee.

“When choice grows, it becomes obligation.”

“Obligation grows and becomes destiny.”

When the person I chose out of my own desire came to be my life’s destiny.

“It’s embarrassing to say this in words… you just want to receive the item, right?”

“Hey! How could you… until the day we’re married…!”

I could find no words to express this except love.


“Helmet! Congratulations!”

“Licht! Congratulations!!”

“Junior! You can’t make the princess cry!”

“Oh… finally, our Pina…!”

“Licht-kun, after hardship comes happiness.”

“My disciple, congratulations.”

“Children must be raised as knights!!”

“It’s fine if you don’t see the future. Be happy.”

“You must be happy. Su-hyun.”

“Pina! There won’t be any more sad things!”

“Licht-nii! Please take good care of our sister from now on!”

“Rock, can you really cry on such a joyful day?”


Cheers of people rang out.

Pina, adorned in a pure white wedding dress, smiled happily.

Had she cried tears of joy? Her eyes were slightly red as she hugged my arm tightly, as if I were precious to her.

A person as beautiful as a blue rose in full bloom.

The miracle of turning impossibility into reality, clinging to love that wouldn’t come true, she changed everything around her.

“Thank you for keeping your promise, Su-hyun.”

Her voice, unable to hide her happiness, spilled out sweetly.

Surprisingly, it was I who should be showing gratitude.

Because it was you who made me believe in love.

“I want to publish your story as a book.”

“…What title were you thinking of?”

Pina told me she wanted to write a romance novel.

She wished to share her experiences with others.

Even if life is tough and painful, if you keep trying and don’t give up,

She wanted the world to remember that someday miracles and joy would come.

“Academy’s Pure Love Black Knight.”

And the last line of that book ends like this.

Yes, just as you are seeing now.

─ Lee Soo-hyun protected all the love that exists for the happiness of Pina Grancia.

[Academy’s Pure Love Black Knight.]

─ Fin ─

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