Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat

Chapter 351

Chapter: 351

I will start with magic and end with magic. As for the others, just buy us time between the magic.

When the plan to defeat the Gluttony Witch was decided, my first thought was relief.

Deciding to settle it with magic meant I wouldn’t have to rely on my new abilities against the Gluttony Witch.

It was a thought I couldn’t help but have.

My newly awakened ability to burn magic is powerful but like a double-edged sword, it comes with significant consequences.

I had to admit that I would need to warn people that using my abilities consumes a lot of energy, making it hard to overuse, no matter how much I wanted to keep that information hidden.

Therefore, even knowing my ability would be quite effective against the Gluttony Witch, I planned to avoid stepping into the frontlines if I could help it.

If we could defeat the Gluttony Witch as per the plan, that would be the best outcome.

It’s going well according to plan! If we keep this up, we can win!

But even in that moment, while we were pushing the Gluttony Witch back according to the plan, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of anxiety that lingered in a corner of my heart.

It was because the opponent was none other than ‘that’ Gluttony Witch.

Although it was just text back then, so much had changed, yet…

I had witnessed the despair that Yoon Si-woo and Sylvia felt, unable to confront it no matter how hard they tried, and the end of the world that came by force.

That’s why, even when everyone was filled with hope that they could defeat the Gluttony Witch, I couldn’t help but feel anxious, thinking that the Gluttony Witch wouldn’t fall so easily.

“That damned witch dares to use the teacher’s abilities…!!!”

Unfortunately for us, that anxiety became reality.

Just when everyone thought they had pushed the witch into a corner, the Gluttony Witch used a power we had never seen before, turning the unfavorable situation to her advantage.

Damn it, they’re coming!! Block them for now!!

If you don’t want to die, get a grip!!!

It seemed that the witch had summoned a horde of phantoms from the black liquid she spewed, likely using Eve’s abilities.

This resulted in an overwhelming reversal of our previously favorable forces, causing the people to panic and fall into chaos.

However, as the chaotic situation unfolded, I sensed a calmness rising within me.

My once-turmoil mind had solidified, now fixed in one direction.

Not long ago, I had heard a message from a flame that wouldn’t extinguish.

It was advice that if I continued to burn myself out like that, I too would eventually extinguish.

And I had responded to that advice like this.

That’s what I wished for.

If burning myself could protect everyone in the end, I wouldn’t care.

From that moment, I had been prepared, thinking that someday I might have to do just that.

And just now, I realized.

That ‘someday’ is now.

“…This is the time.”

Once my mind was made up, the tremors ceased.

There was no place for hesitation in my heart, which was already resolved to burn everything.

Did Yoon Si-woo notice this change in my heart?


He asked me as he fought alongside me, protecting those around us.

You’re planning to do something, aren’t you?

As I nodded, he said without asking further.

If you’re going to do something, let’s do it together. I’ll help you.

Upon hearing his words of support, I replied.

Fool, that’s not it. I’m here to help you.

“……Okay, I got it. I’ll leave it to you guys. I’m counting on you.”

So Yoon Si-woo and I requested a change in the operation from the commander, Martina, and she agreed to our request.

And with that, she handed us the sacred relics reserved for the second meteor, allowing her and the Magic Corps to break free from the binding of spell preparation.

“With this, we won’t have to see our allies die trying to protect us anymore!! Magic Corps! Do what you’re best at!! Sweep away the enemies!!”

Everyone, attack!!!

At Martina’s command, the magicians who had to watch our allies dying finally vented their previously pent-up frustration and unleashed a barrage of magic upon the attacking enemies.


The sound of explosions rang out.

While it certainly didn’t match the power of a meteor, the barrage unleashed simultaneously by numerous magicians was enough to scatter the enemy ranks in front of our allies.


What? Didn’t we say the magicians couldn’t fight because of the plan?!

As the magic sent the enemies flying, a brief lull in the battle emerged, and I could hear the astonished voices of the heroes fighting on the front lines.

It was only natural for them to be flustered.

According to the original plan, support from the magicians was not supposed to happen.

The eyes of the heroes, filled with confusion and surprise, turned toward where the magicians were, and amidst their bewilderment, Martina’s voice, amplified by magic, rang out.

The situation has changed unexpectedly! Therefore, we are changing the operation!!

She announced the change and pointed at Yoon Si-woo and me.

The modified plan is a special assault! These two are going to take down the Gluttony Witch! Therefore, everyone else will clear the way for them to get to the witch!!

With that shout, the gazes of numerous people turned toward us.

You’re changing the plan now…? Is that really okay?

More importantly, is it even possible for those two to take down that monster?

Worry and distrust were evident in those gazes.

Given that it was an unplanned operation change, it was only natural for them to feel anxious.

And considering how strong the enemy was, it was understandable that they didn’t trust us.

But regardless of those glances, there was someone stepping forward.

…Yoon Si-woo.

It was Yoon Si-woo.

He didn’t say a word to those who were anxious and distrustful.

…A ray of light to illuminate the thick darkness.

After stepping forward, he softly murmured,

He drew his sword, shining brilliantly gold,

And swung it wide toward the enemies.


The golden light swept across the land, creating a gaping path through the midst of the enemy forces blocking the path to the witch.

Yoon Si-woo moved forward in silence, following the path he had created.

That action, and that back of his.

Oftentimes, it could be a better answer than any words.

I saw one by one the anxiety and distrust wash away from the eyes of the people following Yoon Si-woo.

If the heroes in the story existed, they would surely look like that.

As I followed Yoon Si-woo’s back, immersed in that thought,

“Let’s go!!”

“We’re helping Yoon Si-woo and Scarlet!!”

A group of people rushed out right behind us.

Seeing that group, Yoon Si-woo and I couldn’t help but feel a little surprised while sharing a laugh.

“You guys….”

The ones who charged out were students who had taken classes together at the Academy.

Among the heroes gathered here, they were the youngest.

While a handful of them were strong, overall, they were among the weakest, yet they were the first to rush forward.

It was simple:

I’m not going to leave everything to you guys!!

Yeah…!! Since our friends need help, we can’t just stand by!!

The reason was just that we, their friends, needed help.

For such a simple reason, they stepped forward, trembling, to support us.

So, even while feeling anxious and still afraid, they darted out faster than any other heroes.

Ugh, these guys are strong…!!

Everyone, take care not to overdo it!! If it gets too tough, fight together!!

Desperately trying to help us, they began to clash with the enemy that was gradually emerging.

Among them were exceptional kids like Dwayne, scattering magic and slaughtering enemies with dazzling talent.

There was also Florene, overpowering a giant targeting the little ones in a one-on-one struggle.

Or Marin, who quickly froze the beastmen rushing toward them when she realized binding the witch’s feet was meaningless.

But most of these kids belonged to the weaker side compared to regular heroes of their age.

Yet the sight of these children mustering their courage to fight,

You guys!! Aren’t you ashamed to be adults? The kids are fighting, believing in those two!

Right!! We can’t fall behind either! Let’s go! Clear the way!!

Stimulated the watching heroes.

All the heroes dashed toward the battlefield with one heart and one mind.

We were still outnumbered.

But the morale of the heroes, boosted and united in courage, soared even higher than before.

This uplift in morale revealed its effects immediately on the battlefield.

If we can’t break through, it’s the end!! Attack!!

Push through!!!!

They didn’t yield.

No, rather they pushed back.

The heroes, who started pouring everything they had into it, began breaking down the wall formed by the enemy forces.

Notable among them were the powerful captains like Martina and Lucas, who shone brilliantly.

Thanks to the support from our reliable allies, who were exterminating dozens or even hundreds of enemies with a single magic or attack, Yoon Si-woo and I could gradually approach the witch without doing anything.

But that wasn’t the only side that had extraordinary strength.


Could that be?!!

“It must be the breath…!! We have to stop it!!!”

A dragon floating in the sky began to gather flames in its mouth with a tremendous roar.

It was a clear warning of impending danger.

As if she were trying to stop the attack before it happened, Martina hurriedly conjured a massive fireball and shot it toward the dragon.

Ugh, even after being hit by that?

However, even after being hit directly by that magic, the dragon hardly flinched, huffing once and continuing to gather its strength.

I had read somewhere.

That a dragon’s scales are harder than steel, and its breath can melt mountains.

Before the witch appeared, dragons were undeniably referred to as the strongest creatures on earth.

And as that breath that could allegedly melt mountains was just about to be unleashed toward the heroes,

I stole a glance at the dragon and murmured, setting my worries aside.

…It’s fast. That guy.

Just like when I fought Beatrice, Yoon Si-woo had leaped up beside the dragon’s head, raising his sword high.

The dragon’s eye turned toward Yoon Si-woo floating next to it.

I noticed a faint sneer blossoming in that eye.

It must be confidence in its scales, which it deemed harder than steel.

But there was one fact that the dragon didn’t know.

I muttered toward the unaware dragon.

What? Dragons were the strongest race until the witch appeared?

…That guy nearly defeated the witch alone.

In the next moment, Yoon Si-woo’s pitch-black sword severed the dragon’s head in mid-air.



Dragon Slay.

As if it had been a feat worthy of becoming the protagonist of a story long ago, the surrounding heroes looked at Yoon Si-woo, who landed effortlessly after performing such a feat, with astonished eyes and gasped in admiration.

However, despite the admiration from the heroes, Yoon Si-woo maintained an indifferent demeanor as if this were nothing.

It was as if he were saying to them, “Don’t worry, I’m strong enough to handle this, so trust me with your future.”

The world feels reliable, really…

If I were a girl, I would have confessed just now…

People became excited about Yoon Si-woo’s demeanor for a moment.

This is unbelievable….

Is this real…?

However, soon after that, a stunned expression washed over their faces.

New dragons that looked strikingly similar to the one Yoon Si-woo had just taken down began to appear, preparing to unleash their breaths again.

Seeing those dragons, Yoon Si-woo gripped his sword once more.

Yoon Si-woo, put away your sword.

I said that as I grabbed his wrist to stop him from charging in to confront the dragons.

Yoon Si-woo made a face as if to say that if he didn’t take action, who else would deal with them.

I told you earlier. I’m here to help you.

I said that to Yoon Si-woo and turned my gaze back to the dragons preparing to release their breaths above.

The illusions were dark but felt so lifelike they could easily be mistaken for real creatures.

They were things that had resistance even against Sylvia’s abilities,

…Ultimately, what makes up those guys is magic.

I said this and ignited a fire.

A flame amplified by the power of the sacred relics, burning even more intensely than usual.

The flames rose high into the sky,


And soon, the dragons caught in those flames began to fall with screams.

There was no way that a power capable of burning the ability to reject Beatrice’s interference wouldn’t be able to burn the illusions created from magic.

I silently murmured, directing my gaze toward Yoon Si-woo, who wore a look of astonishment.

Follow me. I’ll clear out the lackeys.

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