Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat

Chapter 345

Chapter: 345

“Is it a flame that burns magic?”

“Yeah. I think I’ve been using it unconsciously until now, but I realized how to use it while we were fighting this time.”

“Indeed, so that’s what it was… The sacred relic that had been tainted by magic suddenly becoming purified was also due to Miss Scarlet’s power…”

After the dwarven sacred relic, The Eternal Furnace, which had been weakened due to magic, regained its strength through my ability to burn magic, I was left in a state of shock, unable to understand what had just happened. I explained my ability to those who were watching, astonished.

“Every time I use it, it takes a lot out of me, so I can’t use it frequently.”

“Oh, is that so? Were you pushing yourself earlier as well…?”

“Pfft, don’t worry. It wasn’t anything too overexerting.”

Of course, I brushed aside the details about the issues that arose in my body with increasing frequency as I used the ability. It was obvious that if Sylvia and the others found out that using my power came with such penalties, they would vehemently oppose its use.

“Anyway, in situations like now, it will definitely be a huge help.”

“…That’s true. Without Miss Scarlet’s power this time, the sacred relic we had found would have been meaningless. I’ll ask you for help when needed.”

This was also the reason I openly demonstrated how useful my ability could be to others. Now that they knew how valuable it was, in case they found themselves in need of my powers later, they would surely think of me at least once. That would justify my use of the ability.

Even if, later on, the penalties of my power were to be discovered by others.

I wanted to avoid a situation where I couldn’t use my strength when it mattered most.

It was at that moment that I thought so.

“…By the way, it’s a relief that the sacred relic has regained its power.”

Jessie, who had been showing a profoundly moved expression from the illusion displayed by the revitalized sacred relic, suddenly murmured as she pointed to the flames.

“What Miss Scarlet just mentioned, could it be that this flame has its own will…? Does that mean we can’t use this flame as we thought?”


Upon hearing her words, we were left dumbfounded, realizing the oversight we had never considered.

Yes, this sacred relic The Eternal Flame, right in front of us, possessed a will strong enough to think for itself.

In fact, it had a will so firm that it had been using its power for hundreds of years to protect this forge and the kingdom from magic.

“…This is going to be troublesome.”

“…That’s right.”

This was indeed a significant dilemma for us.

The fact that a sacred relic has its own will means we cannot freely utilize its power.

Especially since the very way we intended to use the relic was problematic to begin with.

We had planned to utilize the sacred relic as a consumable item, just as we did when we defeated the gluttony witch in the past.

If it were a sacred relic without any special will, like Tears of the Ocean, it would be one thing, but if the relic has a will, that would be impossible.

Unless the relic was willing to sacrifice itself for us.

To give a concrete example, similar to how Sylvia could communicate with The World Tree.

“I may have received permission from the Spirit of the Stars to use the World Tree in that way if absolutely necessary. But since we aren’t dwarves, there’s no reason for this flame to do the same for us…”

Of course, that possibility existed because the World Tree had been infinitely cooperative with the elves.

As Sylvia said, we aren’t dwarves, and there’s no reason for the flame in front of us to willingly sacrifice itself for us.

“So, what do we do…?”

Thanks to that realization, we found ourselves in a truly difficult situation.

Certainly, given the circumstances, we could potentially seek ways to extract its power forcibly, but….

It seemed all of us wore expressions that suggested we were reluctant to consider that route, likely due to our moral compasses as heroes.

Then, it appears there was only one option left.

“Honestly, we have no choice but to be upfront and ask. I’ll explain our situation and ask for help.”

At my declaration of wanting to take the straightforward approach, Sylvia looked at me skeptically.

“…Do you think the flame will agree to sacrifice itself for us?”

“What can we do? There’s no other choice. We just have to sincerely plead.”

I then addressed the flickering flame before me.

“Hey, could you listen to us for a moment? We’re in a really difficult situation right now.”

When I said that, the flame danced as if to say it would listen, and I began to share our story.

The looming danger of the gluttony witch, who would soon awaken from her seal.

I detailed our efforts to gather sacred relics to prevent that witch from wreaking havoc.

And after finishing my tale, I lowered my head sincerely and made my request.

“If we can’t stop the gluttony witch, surely the world will perish. But to stop her, we definitely need your help and sacrifice. I know it’s shameless, but it’s the only way for us. Please, help us.”

After hearing my plea, the flame crackled quietly for a while, before rising softly.

It was as if it was contemplating my request.

And after some time had passed, I at last heard a voice from beyond the sound of the flame crackling.

It was a voice that sounded like a cheerful, innocent boy.

“…Hey, are you the one who defeated the being that wrecked this place?”

“Uh… yeah.”

It was the voice of The Eternal Flame.

As I dazedly nodded in response to the question I heard, the flame murmured back as if satisfied.

“I see. I thought I was mistaken at first since you have a similar aura to the being that destroyed this place… Yes, I understand. You’re similar yet different from that being.”

Perhaps due to sensing the magic emanating from me, the flame muttered as if perplexed before asking.

“You said you need my help to stop the gluttony witch?”


“That means I have to sacrifice myself in order to achieve that.”


Having this direct communication made me feel guilty for needing to make such a request, so I kept my head down. Then, the flame spoke again.

“Alright. I will do it.”


“I said I’ll do it.”

It was such a straightforward answer that I found myself doubting if I had heard correctly.

“…Is that really okay?”

It was indeed the response I had been hoping for.

But honestly, I couldn’t quite understand it either.

To be willing to sacrifice itself so easily.

So, I asked the flame if it was truly alright, to which it replied:

“You helped me too. You punished the being that troubled my friends. That’s the repayment.”

“But if you help us, you will….”

As I said that, the flame spoke with a playful tone, almost like a mischievous child.

“Ehe, the truth is I have another reason for helping you.”

“…Another reason?”

“Why, if you can’t stop that gluttony witch, then the world will perish. And that means this place, which I’ve diligently protected with my friends, will also come to an end. I don’t want this place I shared with my friends to be destroyed. That’s why I’m helping you.”

The flame, which had been speaking playfully, suddenly spoke to me in a serious tone.

“Listen, I’ll help you, but you must promise me one thing. If I vanish, it’s your turn to protect this place. Got it?”

With that heartfelt request, I slowly nodded and answered.

“…Yeah, I will definitely do that. I won’t let anyone destroy this place.”

Having received the flame’s consent, I conveyed the good news to everyone.

“Everyone, The Eternal Flame said it would help us!”


“Yeah, now all we have to do is take the sacred relic back to the city.”

“Uh, wait a minute. How are we supposed to move that relic? It’s just a flame, right? We can’t exactly take that heavy furnace away…”

Sylvia stared at the flames flickering inside the furnace, pondering how we would transport it.

And just as she thought that,



The flames burst out of the furnace all at once.

Right where I was standing.

Seeing me engulfed in flames, everyone gasped in shock and screamed, but I wasn’t surprised.

Because I knew this was just the flame’s playful prank.

The flames that enveloped my body raged for a moment before gradually reducing in size as if melting into my being, finally settling atop my shoulder with a puff.

The playful flame resting on my shoulder chuckled mischievously.

“See, now there’s nothing to worry about.”

“…Don’t worry about the transportation of the flame.”

“Ah, ahaha… yeah…”

Those who witnessed this moment looked a bit stunned for a moment but soon began preparing to return to the city.

As I was preparing to head back, the flame whispered to me in a small voice from my shoulder.

“…You know, there’s actually one more reason I decided to help you.”

“…Yeah? What is it?”

I tilted my head in confusion, and the flame replied.

“It’s because you’re a flame.”


“It’s because you, like me, burn yourself to protect something. That’s why I’m helping you, because you’re like me.”


In a small voice, the flame spoke to me.

“Listen. Everyone calls me The Eternal Flame, but there is no eternal flame in this world. You’re the same way.”


“If you keep burning yourself like that, you too will eventually extinguish.”

With that warning that sounded more like advice,

I smiled gently and replied.

“That’s what I wish for.”

If I could burn myself to protect everyone in the end.

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