Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat

Chapter 337

Chapter: 337

No matter how powerful a flame I could conjure, it was impossible to win against Beatrice’s overwhelming ability.

Thus, I made a pact with Lucy to borrow the power of the ultimate ability, All-Cutting, and grasped the black magic sword that was spewing out malevolent energy.


The moment I held the sword, an incredible sense of alienation surged through my arm, sending shockwaves through my body.

It was a chilling and painful sensation, as if something harmful was trying to destroy my body.

Feeling bewildered by this unexpected sensation, I gazed at Lucy, who seemed to have anticipated this reaction.

[Looking at your expression, it seems you didn’t think about the side effects of using my ability at all. You can’t just casually use another witch’s power. Although it’s called magic, the nature of the energies possessed by each witch is completely different. Using magic that isn’t yours is like trying to force a key that doesn’t fit into a lock. Even though witches have some level of resistance to different types of magic, if you try to use them directly like this, you will inevitably suffer.]

With her explanation, I finally understood why I was feeling such pain.

In simple terms, it was like receiving a blood transfusion of type B while I was type A, or trying to run a gasoline car on diesel.

Naturally, my body wouldn’t hold up well under such circumstances.

[If you try to use it, your body will break down like those addicted to magic.]

I could feel Lucy’s energy flowing into my body, gradually damaging it in real time.

It felt like my body was rotting and my cells were collapsing, tormenting me with excruciating pain.


“…But is that all there is?”

I asked Lucy without a hint of concern.

Was that really the only issue?

[…Yes. That’s all.]

“…Then, ugh… that’s fine…”

[It should be so. You are strong enough to regenerate even while burning in flames, so you can endure the side effects of using my power to some extent. That’s why I thought you would be capable of borrowing my strength.]

After nodding in response to her answer, Lucy spoke once more.

It was a truth that couldn’t be denied.

To face Beatrice, Lucy’s ability was essential.

If the breakdown of my body and the accompanying pain were the unavoidable price to pay for using Lucy’s power, then it was something I had to endure.

Moreover, as Lucy said, I had a sturdy enough body to withstand this level of side effects.

While my body might break down, I had a regeneration ability that could be considered quite impressive.

The intense pain I felt was simply something I had to grit my teeth and endure.

With that thought in mind, I clenched my teeth and tightly gripped the sword.

“…What’s this, Eva? Are you actually planning to take me on with that?”

As I held the sword, I heard Beatrice’s voice in my ear.

When I looked in the direction it came from, I saw Beatrice had landed gracefully, her feet firmly planted on the ground.

She stared at me with an expression of utter disdain, as if to say, “Do you really think you can defeat me with that?”

She was probably genuinely thinking that way.

If she was serious about fighting me, she wouldn’t be standing on the ground like that.

I glared at Beatrice and quietly asked Lucy,

“…What do you think my chances of winning against her are?”

[…Do you really want me to be honest with you?]


[Considering the possibility, it would be incredibly unlikely.]

It was a hopeless answer, but I didn’t show any signs of distress.

I was already well aware of that.

She was the one opponent Si-woo couldn’t defeat even when he gave it his all.

How could I, borrowing Lucy’s power, suddenly win against such an opponent?

However, knowing there was almost no chance didn’t mean I would choose not to fight.

That was simply impossible for me.

Right now, the future of Si-woo, and everyone else, depended on my hands.

With no place left to retreat, all I could do was confront the impossible.

In response, Lucy smiled softly and murmured to me.

[Hehe, that’s the spirit. Then, let’s fight together.]

With Lucy’s murmurs echoing in my mind, I made sure to transfer Si-woo to safety right before I charged at Beatrice.

Suddenly, I felt an ominous sensation enveloping my entire body.

I sensed an unseen attack closing in on me, and with all my strength, I swung the sword toward the threat before me.


At the first clash, I was sent tumbling backward, unable to exert any power at all, howling in agony.

I hadn’t managed to properly cut through Beatrice’s abilities.

[Your swing was clumsy. If you don’t cut through her ability properly, you’ll be knocked back like just now.]

Lucy’s power of All-Cutting had the advantage over Beatrice’s abilities.

But that was only true if I managed a proper cut.

If I couldn’t manage a proper cut, Lucy’s ability would remain dormant.

I bit my lip in frustration.

Though I had trained for combat experience, wielding a sword was a first for me, preventing me from utilizing Lucy’s powers effectively.

However, Lucy continued to guide me.

[Your grip was wrong. Don’t press both hands together; keep a slight gap between them to properly convey strength. And to cut… right, think of it like imitating Si-woo’s swing.]


Lucy was a remarkable swordsmanship teacher, transforming someone as inept as I into a fighter capable of acting like a human in an instant compared to the sword master Si-woo.

I visualized Si-woo’s sword movements in my mind as I took Lucy’s advice.

Like this… or was it more like this?

There’s an expression that even a dog that studies for three years can recite poetry.

I may not have had three years, but I had plenty of opportunities to observe Si-woo wielding his sword during our fights.

I’d witnessed him risk his life, fighting for me and everyone else time and again.

I would mimic that.

In doing so,


“…! Got it…”

[Not bad. From what I can see, your vision is quite good. And you have a talent for handling your body. After all, martial arts ultimately lead back to their origins. If you’re following a good example, it’s only natural you can achieve this much.]

As I mimicked the swordsmanship of Si-woo, I was able to cut through Beatrice’s attacks.

It wasn’t just luck; I started to grasp the technique.

However, as I swung my sword repeatedly against Beatrice’s abilities, one thing became evident.

Si-woo’s swordsmanship was incredibly hard to replicate.

“Gah, this is tough!”

[Did you think it would be easy? A swordsman must always pour their spirit into every swing. While you are subconsciously trying to imitate Si-woo’s technique, your lack of training and experience leaves you feeling like trying to wring water from a dry cloth. Still, grit your teeth and hang in there.]

It was exhausting to the point that every swing left me with a newfound respect for Si-woo.

That guy had done this arduous task with such ease.

And thinking about the struggles and efforts he must have endured to reach that level, I couldn’t help but feel motivated.

Yet, just that level of determination wouldn’t be enough to take down Beatrice.

“…You’re quite persistent, aren’t you?”

As Beatrice watched me fend off her attacks one after another, she muttered in a bored tone just before the ground below her started to vanish in an instant.

She had decided to get serious against my opposition.

Her ability, devouring everything around us, was now heading straight toward me.

I swung the sword to cut through the approaching barrier, trying to slip past, but that wasn’t the main issue.

“There’s no place to stand…!”

The ground had vanished, overtaken by Beatrice’s powers.

A divine ability that would erase even the very ground we stood on wouldn’t grant a flying creature like me any chance to get closer.

While Si-woo might have created a foothold using his abilities, I had no such power, leaving me defenseless as I fell into the gaping pit below.


“Ugh, thanks, Ari…”

Even though I could not fly, I still had a companion who could.

Grateful for Ari’s swift rescue, who had flown in to catch me just as I began to fall after moving Si-woo to safety, I glared at Beatrice afterward.

True, I lacked the ability to engage her in combat while airborne, unlike Si-woo, but as long as I had Ari’s help, I could still fight Beatrice.

I refused to give up, mounting Ari and charging up towards the floating Beatrice in the sky.

Yet, again,


That charge abruptly ended as I was met with an overwhelming blow descending from above.

[Oh dear, I guess this level of improvisation is the limit after all…]

Beatrice’s abilities had grown stronger without restraint.

Even on Ari’s back, my body was inherently less stable compared to standing on solid ground.

In addition to that, my still-developing sword skills, unlike Si-woo’s, rendered me unable to battle Beatrice while airborne.

“Ugh, ah!!”

“…Eva, do you still not understand? No matter what you do, you’ll never defeat me. Not unless some miracle occurs.”

Despite launching multiple charges toward her, both Ari and I were continuously knocked back, unable to find our footing.

The overwhelming gap between us and the total lack of prospects was painfully clear.

It was a stark truth that, as Beatrice had said, I couldn’t defeat her without some extraordinary event happening.

Yet, if I gave up now, it would all be over.

I couldn’t afford to quit, so I gritted my teeth and charged at Beatrice again.

“…Is this where it ends? You’re no different from the others.”

Then, looking down at me now with some weariness, Beatrice murmured.


Simultaneously, a crushing pressure bore down from above me.

I raised my sword in spite of it, attempting to resist, but this was on an entirely different level than before.

Beatrice’s attacks pushed down relentlessly, not just knocking me back, but outright crushing me.

It was as if she had never put forth her full effort until now.

Through this overwhelming force, I was driven down into a pit created by Beatrice’s powers.

But that wasn’t the end.

“Ugh, haah—!!!”


Without mercy, Beatrice continued to expand her ability as if she intended to squash me like an ant.

As the area she controlled expanded, Ari and I were forcibly pushed farther down into the ground.

We were buried deeper and deeper, as if we were being crushed in a press.

Yet, Beatrice’s ability had no limits in terms of how far down it pushed.

Once we reached the bottom, the ground itself would be erased, forcing us further downward.

Amidst this, screams escaped me as I felt every breath of air within my lungs being crushed out.

My bones creaked horrifically, and blood erupted from every orifice of my body.

Ah, was I really going to die down here?

Just as that thought crossed my mind—just before losing consciousness—I suddenly felt the pressure on my body release.

And then, I began to drop.

Below the earth, a pitch-black abyss stretched endlessly, with no end in sight.

It was like the entrance to the underworld, a gaping maw manifesting despair, and we could only fall into that void.


As I plunged downward, I heard Ari’s weak whimpering in my ears.

Even though I was reduced to a ragged state, Ari—who, despite being larger than me and trying hard to protect me—had almost lost all her body and looked like she was about to perish as her flames flickered out.

I murmured towards Ari, who now looked so wretched.

I’m sorry, Ari… I made you suffer because of my shortcomings.

In response, Ari shook her head as if to deny it.

Ari then asked me softly,

…So, are you going to give up just like this?

Upon hearing Ari’s question, I assessed our state.

My body was in no condition to wield the sword properly.

Ari had shrunk so much that she could barely carry me, let alone fly.

Here, there was no hope of winning against Beatrice, or even flying up to confront her.

In such a despairing situation, one where I could see no possibility—

Yet, still, my life clung on.

Tears streamed from my eyes as I answered Ari.

I can’t give up. As long as I’m breathing, I cannot give up.

And with that, Ari told me,

Then please, use my power.


With those words, Ari unleashed her last ounce of strength, transforming into a brilliant flame.

I felt a part of that flame engulf me, healing my wounds.

The remaining flames aggregated at my back and took shape.

It was wings made of fire.

While they were too small to compare to Ari’s, they were certainly large enough to lift my body.

I asked the wings,

Are you here to help me?

In response, the flaming wings spread wide, answering my question with a flurry.

With that single flap, my falling body came to a halt.

With another flap, I soared upward, taking flight.

…Thank you, Ari.

I looked up and expressed my gratitude to Ari, who had allowed me not to give up until the very end.

I gazed at Beatrice, who was looking down at me from above, fixating on her.

Could I ever give up after watching?

After watching Si-woo, Teacher Eve, and countless other heroes fighting to protect people until the very end, refusing to give up.

After observing their relentless spirit, how could I just surrender and come to a halt?

“…Seriously, this is getting tiresome.”

As I cut through an incoming attack, I recalled a special lesson I’d had long ago.

Looking back, this had been the truth all along.

My only true advantage was being tenacious and never giving up.

So I would not stop until I reached my goal.

I would not falter or crumble; I couldn’t give up as long as there was still fuel to burn.

“Looks like I have no choice.”

Fending off yet another incoming attack, I cemented one thought in my mind.

I will protect them.

Regardless of what happens to me, I will protect them, just as they all did for me.

“If you still don’t understand, let me make it clear for you. In this world, some things are simply unavoidable.”

With that singular thought, I flew up towards Beatrice.

As I soared, Beatrice’s power tried to block my path.


I attempted to cut through it, but this time, I couldn’t manage it.

The reasons for my failure were more than plenty.

My body had already surpassed its limits; my skills fell short compared to Si-woo’s.

But that would not serve as a reason for me to stop.


So I continued to forge ahead.

“Ugh, Aaaah—!!!!”

I yelled out as I faced upwards.

And then,

“What the…?”

Something extraordinary occurred.

I couldn’t cut through Beatrice’s powers.

However, the flames that overflowed from my body wrapped around the sword.

“What on earth… the flames….”

They burned away Beatrice’s powers as soon as they made contact.

Even I, who was witnessing this unfold, was utterly baffled by the phenomenon, while Beatrice herself could scarcely hide her surprise.

“…Wait, are you saying a miracle has just occurred out of nowhere?”

But I didn’t care how this happened.

More precisely, I couldn’t afford to mind it.


All my consciousness was focused on one thing.


In my vision turned completely white, I saw Beatrice’s shocked expression.

I witnessed her astonished attacks turning to flames before vanishing into thin air.

“…Hah, is that so.”

And when I regained my senses,

“…I am.”

Before my eyes stood Beatrice, sporting a somewhat satisfied expression.

“Congratulations, Eva.”

She looked down at me, and in her chest,

You have won.

My sword plunged into her.

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