Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat

Chapter 312

Chapter: 312

The Holy Sword, the Twist.

Yoon Si-woo murmured softly.

Then, the scene began to change, focusing on Yoon Si-woo, who was holding the sword.

And people witnessed it.

At first glance, the sword, which seemed almost holy in its pure white hue, and the boy, who was also cloaked in that same whiteness.

Like ink spreading on a white canvas, it turned black, darker and darker.

It was becoming pitch black, which allowed no other color.

No, those observing could feel that describing it as “stained” would not be appropriate.

Because, for Yoon Si-woo, for the sword in his hand, this was its original form—rather than being stained, it was reclaiming its essence.

And so, Yoon Si-woo shed the pure white façade he had wrapped around himself to conceal his identity, revealing his true self to everyone.

“What is this…?”

“Eh…? Uh…?”

The reactions of those who saw Yoon Si-woo’s changed appearance, excluding me who already knew, were all remarkably similar.

Shock, confusion, disarray.

Most of those here were heroes trained not to be surprised by ordinary events, yet their expressions clearly showed their turmoil.

However, it was unavoidable.

After all, the figure of Yoon Si-woo, now shrouded in a foreboding black aura, was


A sight that would undeniably evoke the name of a witch for anyone.

Could it be that Yoon Si-woo had tricked them all along?

Certainly, everyone who saw that sight must have thought something along those lines.

Except for me and Teacher Eve, witches had always been enemies of humanity.

And so, the people looked even more bewildered.

How could it be that Yoon Si-woo, who had saved the city multiple times, was now in such a guise?

Slowly, I felt the air around us start to shift.

Unbeknownst to Yoon Si-woo, people were beginning to assume battle stances one by one.

Though they wished to deny it in their hearts, everyone was considering the worst-case scenario.

And so, everyone was ready to attack immediately should Yoon Si-woo exhibit any suspicious actions—it was a truly tense situation.

In that grim atmosphere, while I was pondering whether I should risk defending him, Yoon Si-woo spoke first.

“Hahaha… I told you not to be too surprised. Everyone, relax. I’ll explain everything from now on.”

Holding his sword loosely and spreading his hands to show he meant no harm, Yoon Si-woo jested.

As his demeanor remained unchanged from a moment earlier when we were sharing stories, I felt the tension slowly start to dissipate among the people.

Maybe due to the trust Yoon Si-woo had built up over time, it seemed they were shifting to a mood of wanting to at least hear him out, and Ms. Martina, with a weary face, directed a question at him.

“Yoon Si-woo, what exactly is that appearance? You need to explain clearly.”

“Of course. Hmm, how should I start explaining this…”

Nodding at Ms. Martina’s statement, Yoon Si-woo appeared to contemplate how to articulate this before beginning.

“To put it simply, it’s this: I too have been hiding my identity, like Scarlet.”

“…So you’re saying you were a witch hiding your identity like Scarlet?”

“Well, to be precise, that’s not quite it. It would be strange for me to be a witch when I’m a guy, right?”

As I remained silent, just listening, I nearly burst into laughter at Yoon Si-woo’s words.

Though I barely managed to suppress it due to the serious atmosphere.

Wow, it’s funny because it’s strange that being a guy would make it odd to be a witch.

Right, it indeed seems unusual for a guy to be a witch.

While my internal laughter was sparked by that peculiar notion, I suddenly realized something and shifted to a serious expression.

…Wait? Is it strange for me to be a witch since I’m a guy?

Hold on, then what about me…?

Do I really have to call myself a witch, or should I label myself as a wizard?

As I found myself lost in profound contemplation about my own identity, I noticed Yoon Si-woo continuing to speak to the group.

“If I had to say, I’d say I’m somewhat witch-like. I borrow the powers of a witch.”

“You borrow the powers of a witch…?”

“The witch isn’t me; it’s this sword.”

As Yoon Si-woo pointed to the sword lying next to him, people’s gazes quickly shifted to the sword engendered in dark energy.

In that moment, a voice, brimming with indignation, came forth from the sword.

“Hah, to reveal one’s identity in this way. Si-woo, one can’t help but admire your style.”

“Huh, the sword just spoke?!”

“Surprised, are you? Have you never seen a talking sword? Anyway, I should introduce myself. My name is Lucifel, a being commonly referred to as the Witch of Pride by you all.”

“The Witch of Pride? This sword…?”

The shock of a talking sword, coupled with the identity it revealed moments later, left the people in awe.

However, upon hearing what Lucifel—the sword—had said, a few began to look curious, questioning what seemed out of place.

“…The Witch of Pride, isn’t she the one who attacked the city before and was killed?”

I could understand why they were puzzled.

The public believed the Witch of Pride was a figure named Frieda, who had previously invaded the city and had been defeated by Yoon Si-woo.

I recall almost being killed by her when she tore off my limbs… If we were to fight now, I think I could win.

As I was lost in those thoughts, Lucifel scoffed at the group, saying,

“Ah, are you talking about that fake witch? If that idiot thought she was the Witch of Pride, then Si-woo and I certainly handled her.”

“…So, you mean Yoon Si-woo utilized that incident to conceal his identity? Wait, but I remember the first one to make it known was…”

Upon hearing that inquiry, Yoon Si-woo grinned and replied.

“Yes, Teacher Eve came forth to help make it known. She knew my identity. At the time, I thought it was just her turning a blind eye since I was only a student… but in retrospect, maybe she helped because she was in a similar situation. She knew how hard it is to live among people bearing an unspoken secret.”

As he said that, Yoon Si-woo smiled wistfully.

I suddenly recalled the moment when Teacher Eve revealed she was a witch while recounting past events before. Yoon Si-woo’s expression had initially shown great surprise before transforming into one of realization.

Afterward, when he learned Teacher Eve had passed away, his sorrow was surely due to that shared understanding.

Teacher Eve had been the only person to support both me and Yoon Si-woo while knowing everything about us—our unique ally.

“…So it was, regarding the teacher.”

Moreover, she was our closest ally as well.

With the existence of a witch who lived until her last moment for humanity, it was far easier for people to accept those like us.

In fact, the moment Teacher Eve’s name was mentioned, the gazes of the people had softened significantly.

If someone like her was willing to help, they would perhaps think there was nothing wrong with Yoon Si-woo either.

With that in mind, Ms. Martina gazed at Yoon Si-woo and Lucifel, now appearing far less antagonistic.

“…Yoon Si-woo, if that’s the case, then should we conclude that the Witch of Pride isn’t necessarily a bad witch, just like Scarlet and Teacher Eve?”

“Absolutely. Although I’ve had to keep it under wraps, Lucifel, she’s like family to me. She’ll never harm anyone.”

As Yoon Si-woo replied, Lucifel chimed in with a slightly amused voice.

“Humph, if I had intended to harm you, I’d have already severed most of your heads here. However, as long as Si-woo lacks that desire, I promise I won’t either. Though I am a witch, for now, I am merely his sword.”

Such a haughty proclamation that if she had any ill intent, most of them here would already be dead.

Yet perhaps feeling it wasn’t entirely untrue, Ms. Martina chuckled softly.

“…Haha, that might be true. Alright, I understand. Yoon Si-woo, and the Witch of Pride, Lucifel. I’ll believe that you’re not our enemies. My goodness… I can hardly believe there are so many witches around us.”

As Ms. Martina spoke, laughter erupted around the room in agreement.

Perhaps due to the trust established so far, everyone seemed easily inclined to trust Yoon Si-woo.

“By the way, does that mean we’ve gained one more witch on our side?”

“If that’s the case, then we should consider that a boon. It’s like adding a solid ally.”

People appeared to welcome the increase in their ranks with a witch.

While I felt a bit proud that my efforts could somehow contribute to this situation, Yoon Si-woo subtly raised his hand, ready to speak.

“…Um, I have something I want to say.”

As the crowd turned to Yoon Si-woo, he spoke with a somewhat resolute expression.

“Like I said, I’ve been living with Lucifel since I was young, so I knew there were good witches among them. That’s precisely why I could be confident about helping Scarlet. So, I hope there won’t be any strange comments about that.”

Upon hearing that, I sighed internally, resigned, recognizing he had indeed revealed his identity due to that.

I’d found it alright, but he seemed to be taking it a bit too far.

While I was losing myself in such thoughts, suddenly, people burst into laughter at what Yoon Si-woo had just declared.

“Uwahaha! I get it, I get it! So that’s why you suddenly revealed your identity!”

“Wow… Knowing your intentions makes it all the more reassuring. Hey, Scarlet. What do you think?”

For some unknown reason, people began laughing and looking at me.

What’s with this? Why are they all staring at me suddenly?

I don’t know, but it seems like they’re curious about my reaction to Yoon Si-woo’s declaration?

If that was the case, then since he had stepped up for me, wouldn’t it be proper to at least express gratitude? So I flashed a smile toward Yoon Si-woo.

“U-umm… thanks?”

“Yoon Si-woo, Scarlet said thank you!”

As I said that, everyone wore sly smiles and looked at Yoon Si-woo.

Then Yoon Si-woo, for some reason, flushed red and shouted at the others.

“What’s with you all! Why are you looking at me like that… ugh! That’s enough. I’ve explained everything I needed to, and I’m tired now, so please leave…”

“What? After doing that, you’re embarrassed now? What a funny guy you are.”

“Please go…!”

“Ugh… yeah, yeah. We’ll take our leave.”

Suddenly feeling fatigued, Yoon Si-woo displayed irritation and thus drove the guests who had come to the mansion away.

Even though it was a sudden dismissal, people left the mansion with faint smiles.

Anyway, once everyone had departed and only the original members remained, Silvia and I re-entered Yoon Si-woo’s room.

Yoon Si-woo had once again sealed his powers and returned to his pure white mode.

Silvia shot a slightly resentful glance at Yoon Si-woo before murmuring in disappointment, “…Sigh, really. Do you know how surprised I was? I’m a little upset. You both hid that from me.”

“Sorry, it couldn’t be helped. It was a secret related to witches, so it was hard to disclose.”

“I understand that, but…”

As I apologized and responded, Silvia seemed to acknowledge that there were no options left, and she said that with an understanding tone.

Anyway, I was just as surprised as Silvia that Yoon Si-woo had unexpectedly revealed his identity to everyone.

I never expected that guy would reveal his identity in such a situation.

As that thought lingered, I glanced at Yoon Si-woo, still feeling a bit astonished.

“I was surprised too. I didn’t think you’d suddenly do that.”

“Haha… sorry. It just happened that way.”

Yoon Si-woo, awkwardly apologizing with a chuckle, made me shake my head.

I didn’t want an apology; I was genuinely worried about him.

“No need to apologize. More importantly, are you really okay? You’ve worked so hard to keep that hidden.”

“Well, I couldn’t keep hiding it forever. Besides, considering your situation and Teacher Eve’s, I thought there wouldn’t be a significant problem to reveal it. And it turns out people accepted it. It feels refreshing now that I’ve disclosed it.”

Yoon Si-woo expressed that it genuinely felt refreshing.

I could see that he meant it.

I understood how much Yoon Si-woo had struggled with that secret all this time.

Reflecting on how he felt he wouldn’t be understood in the original work, it was indeed fortunate for him to reveal himself to everyone confidently now.

Thinking of that, I felt genuinely pleased that I could be of any help to Yoon Si-woo.

Yet, was it just me?

That guy seemed to express that refreshing sentiment while also looking somewhat displeased.

“Your expression doesn’t look particularly relieved for someone saying they feel refreshed; is something wrong?”

At my probing regarding his unusual demeanor, Yoon Si-woo shrugged his shoulders slightly and muttered shyly.

“Ah, well… I feel a bit disappointed too…”

“Disappointed? What for?”

“…Originally, it was a secret just between you and me. You once said that knowing each other’s secrets made us secret friends… But now everyone knows, and that feels somewhat…”

Yoon Si-woo spoke in a voice that genuinely appeared disappointed.

Upon hearing that, I couldn’t help but burst into laughter, feeling incredulous.

“Pfft… What? You’re feeling that way over such a thing?”


I suddenly wrapped my arm around Yoon Si-woo’s shoulder.

Yoon Si-woo, stunned enough to redden, was seemingly taken aback, but I didn’t mind and pulled him closer.

Then, smiling at Yoon Si-woo sitting right next to me, I said,

“Don’t be disappointed. It’s not like our closeness depends on secrets, right?”

You and I are close enough to share our shoulders without needing secrets.

So, there’s no reason to feel disappointed.

At those words, Yoon Si-woo responded,

“…Yeah, I suppose that’s true.”

His expression now radiated a bright smile, no longer showing any hint of disappointment.

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