Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

The Fall of Accatran

(Correction from the last chapter, Alexandra is 100 METERS tall, not feet. A little bit bigger than Godzilla)


As I watch this behemoth yell with its arms spread wide open in a boastful manner, I notice Godzilla's anxiety start to grow. Compared to the other things he's been fighting, this one is by far the most dangerous. I'd wager that this titan is around the same level of godzilla, just a little bit stronger. Godzilla roars at Alexandra, challenging the steel behemoth.

Alexandra's arms open up with a loud hydraulic hiss, echoing out across the battlefield. Roaring machinery resounds from the arms as thick metal sheets unfurl from the titans left arm, forming up into a gigantic kite shield, with a lion's head coat-of-arms painted on it. From the right arm, a long, sharp blade extends, replacing the titan's hand.

The bulky titan stands with its shield forward, and with the tip of its blade pointing out towards godzilla. Godzilla roars out once more, causing the ground beneath him to tremble. He suddenly begins to accelerate, going down low to gain more speed. The titan lumbers forward, fighting against its own weight. The two leave craters in the dirt where they stood, which are quickly occupied as if they were trenches. The two giants meet with a thud, as Alexandra bashes Godzilla with her shield, and Godzilla claws into the metal plating of the shield, each causing significant damage. The sound of steel being scraped off in a shrill screech rings out, causing soldiers to flinch in pain. Godzilla recovers quickly from the blow,grabbing the edge of the shield and attempting to pull it down. This is met by the titan slashing upwards with its blade, causing a long, shallow cut across Godzilla's chest. Blood splatters out, painting the black and grey landscape of no-man's-land red, creating a hell-like landscape.

Using the opportunity that the slash gave him, Godzilla swings around, smacking the shield away with his tail. The titan stumbles to the side, nearly falling over, but rights itself. However, before it can completely recover, he continues his swing, clawing into the side of the titan, causing sparks and fuel to rain down onto the ground, the sparks causing the fuel to ignite as it leaks. Liquid fire rains down on the soldiers of the Imperium as they charge forth to meet my forces in combat. Radioactive blood rains down on my forces, causing them to look as though the demons of chaos were coming to reap the souls of the Imperium.

Alexandra slashes down as Duke Atraitus' voice echoes across the battlefield,


This slash cuts deep into Godzilla's left shoulder, causing him to roar out in pain and step backwards, on top of several friendly soldiers. His spines suddenly light up blue as he opens his mouth. A weak beam of blue energy shoots from his mouth, slamming into the shield of the titan.

The shield quickly glows red hot, and begins to cook the air around it. However, its hull is strong, and doesn't warp easily. With a metallic grunt, Alexandra pushes back against Godzilla's beam. As he wasn't able to fully charge up the beam, he isn't able to hold it for long, soon finding the superheated metal slamming into his scaly face. His scales bubble from the heat, while the titans sword stabs into his chest, causing him to roar out in pain. He pushes back against the metal, digging his claws into the shield and taking a step forward, pushes the titan back a step. However, it's clear that the Mechanicus had no plans on making this titan face anything equal in size.

As Godzilla pushes it, the titan begins to lose its footing. The charging guardsmen behind it scramble to attempt to get out of the way of its feet. Godzilla pushes the shield off his face and begins charging up a shot as he pushes the titan back.


Suddenly, a blue ring forms around his mouth. A small ball of blue energy appears in the center of his mouth. His eyes begin to glow blue, and blue veins glow from underneath his skin, illuminating the cloudy battlefield. A flash suddenly blinds all nearby as the supercharged atomic breath cuts through the titan. The thin beam of energy glows white hot and brighter than the sun. As it slams into the titan, it melts the metal of the beast. The shield turns into more of a slice of swiss cheese than a useful shield. The beam continues through, slamming into the head of the titan, and Duke Atraitus. The beam continues on, Cutting through the spire at the center of the hive city of Accatran. The top of the spire, which cuts into the sky, nearly piercing the atmosphere of the planet, falls. Flames begin to overtake the outer part of the spire as it rips through the atmosphere. It lands in the hive city with the force of a weak nuclear weapon. Dust kicks up all across the battlefield, making the already difficult defense damn near impossible. The only source of light in the battlefield is the flashes from the muzzles of guns, and explosions from rockets slamming into the ground.

Above the smoke, Godzilla stands in front of the titan, bloodied and burned. He looks at the titan with a smirk, seeing the steel beast standing there, limp. He turns around, hitting it with his tail. This causes the titan to slowly fall backwards, onto the defensive line of the Accatran defenders. As it slams into the ground, more dust is kicked up. Its oil and fuel leaks out onto the battlefield, creating a sticky, flammable mess all across the human lines. As the oil leaks out, a rocket screams across the battlefield like a bat out of hell. It slams into the ground, exploding. And lighting up the oil.

Slowly, but surely, my forces begin to take over the city. Angels and Valkyries take down the titans as they appear, and the orbital forces slam into the defenses of the city even harder. The city falls, and its inhabitants are slaughtered. Including a secret gathering of Nurgle cultists. Honestly, seeing the standard of living in the Imperium, I feel like I'm doing the people a favor. People live in constant fear, people are turned into computers because of the Imperium's irrational fear of AI. People are skinned alive for not believing in the Emperor despite the Emperor himself hating religion. People turn themselves into the authorities, believing that their belief has faltered, only to be tortured to death, or burned. Guardsmen fight with zealous bravery, willingly dying for a god that hates their worship.

Everything is grim. There is no hope…

And I fucking love it!


AN: Yes!, I'm back! Upload will be sporadic for now, but you'll find out soon why! Thank you guys for being so patient for me!

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