Above the Seven Towers

z7Chapter 109: Broken space

“Maybe, but none of them has reached a point where no one can contend. No matter how powerful a saint is, two saints can restrain him. Even if such a society is not perfect, it is much better than a world with only one god. “Xiao Chen said seriously.

“You will never know where the battle between these little gods will take the world. See, before I wake up, what kind of continent have you been made of by you? War, the endlessness War. How many humans you care about have died on it? “Said the **** of nature. The cage of the forging tower has become smaller and smaller. As a god, he can do very little. The **** of nature let go of Xiao Chen, sitting cross-legged opposite him floating in the air. I do n’t know if I want to maintain some dignity at the last moment.

Xiao Chen no longer had the influx of divine power on him. He floated across from the **** of nature, and a sense of soreness spread from his body. He said: “I can’t change people’s nature. All I can do is to give Humans on this planet provide possibilities. Possibilities towards the world I imagine. ”

“The world you imagine?” The God of Nature frowned.

“Well, in the world I imagine, humans will eventually extract the power of magic as a thing that everyone can use. Everyone is a mage, and everyone can benefit from magic. Magic is no longer The prop of personal heroism is the cornerstone of social development. “Xiao Chendao.

“This is just your imagination, the strong will not transfer his power.” The God of Nature sneered.

“Then let more people become strong.”

God ’s Word of Nature: “How much of the world will develop according to your imagination? In that world, the founders of each country have designed a set of things that they hope their ideas will be implemented, but in fact, what is not Will it deviate from the right track? ”

Xiao Chen smiled: “I wasn’t on track right now. I’m just a torch bearer, illuminating a road in the forest, but how to go is something for those behind me. This is no longer a question I should consider .

But one thing, I believe that there will always be some responsible people who will stand up in due course. Maybe they will succeed and let this civilization go through the difficulties, or maybe they will fail, and civilization will be unfortunately destroyed, but in my opinion, a civilization also has its own life cycle like a person.

As long as humanity still controls its own destiny, civilization will be reborn after it dies. The new civilization is like a new child, full of possibilities. In this cycle, the human world will gradually get better. This is what happened in another world and is happening.

But your **** is different. If you suppress the world and deprive people of their ability to resist, then people in this world will only sink slowly, and they will always be trapped in ignorance and ignorance. They will live for thousands of years, without change or goals. This is an insult to human beings. ”

“I didn’t expect that I actually lost in the hands of a fantasy idealist. Unfortunately, idealists often don’t live long.” The **** of nature shook his head and sighed.

“It’s long enough to get to this point.” Xiao Chen said firmly.

When the last crystal plate of the cage of the forging tower was closed, the **** of nature in the hall suddenly weakened, and the energy delivered from the phantom was nowhere to go, and began to spread in the space.

Lorenzo’s seal originally floated on the periphery of the polyhedron, and now it is printed toward the polyhedron cage. Each time a seal is put into the cage, the remaining divine power of the God of Nature will be reduced by one point. When all the seals fall on the cage, the space in the cage is completely isolated from the outside. No one can sense the breath of one person and one **** among the saints present.

Umeda controls the magic light ball produced by the source tower and sends the cage to the space fissure. The divine power in the hall was controlled by the shadowy instinct, hindering the departure of this cage, but the power erupted in the crystal of the source tower cut off these divine barriers.

The crystals of the Seven Pagodas surround the cage, maintaining its strength and rushing towards the gap that I do not know where to go.

Xiao Chen put his face on the crystal wall of the cage, and looked dimly at the blurry figures below. He saw them as if they were shouting and beckoning, but he could not hear their voices and could not connect them. spirit.


He just looked at Luo Ling’s memory in silence.

When the cage was about to cross the space door, the **** of nature said: “It seems that for a long time to come, this should be our company.”

Xiao Chen turned around to show a smile: “No.”

Then his body started to burn.

The God of Nature screamed in anger. He hurriedly mobilized the divine power to limit Xiao Chen’s body burning, but Xiao Chen was prepared early, and the magical power of his body was transformed into flames at the same time, burning himself cleanly in a blink of an eye.

The **** of nature reached out angrily and grabbed him, only a bunch of ashes in his hand.

And a sentence left to him by Xiao Chen rang out in his consciousness: “Since you like a person above you, please dominate this ball. Farewell!”

At this time, the space door just closed, and the cage fell into the turbulence of the space in the darkness …


Xiao Chen walked weakly against the wall on the streets of Barcelona. He only had a shirt on his head and no shoes on his feet. He had just escaped from the hotel he rented. Under the impact of energy, most of the hotel had become ruins. When the power transmission was about to end, Xiao Chen got rid of the immobile state and managed to escape from the building. At that time he had seen from the upper floor that a large number of policemen and firefighters were coming here. So he used his mental strength to escape from the backstreet climbing.

He avoided the attention of others along the way and ran to the florist’s position.

It was long surrounded by police, and there were journalists holding cameras and microphones shaking around.

The flower shop has been ruined by an explosion. The gate and the wall are all gone, and there can be seen that almost nothing survived the explosion, and there is no shadow of Luo Ling. Xiao Chen stood silently in the shadow of the corner for a long time, and did not leave until the sky was completely dark.

At this time a bottle of mineral water was stuffed into his hands. He looked sideways, it was an old man dressed up as a restaurant manager.

“I didn’t see the explosion, but Abdul they saw it. I heard that there was someone inside, is it your important person?” The old man asked.

“Yes. Nothing is more important than her.” Xiao Chen answered.

“I’m sorry. But you have been standing here for five hours.” The old man said, “What you need most now is to go back to take a shower and sleep. Then go to the police station to ask about the situation.”

Xiao Chen cried somehow, and he whimpered like a child: “I want to find a trace of her breath, but there is nothing here, nothing!”

The old man walked up to him, squatted down to look at his eyes, and pointed at his heart: “Here, she is here, you will find her. Believe me, this is the advice of a person coming over.”

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